105 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable video coding: a stream programming approach to the specification of new video coding standards

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    International audienceCurrent video coding standards, and their reference implementations, are architected as large monolithic and sequential algorithms, in spite of the considerable overlap of functionality between standards, and the fact that they are frequently implemented on highly parallel computing platforms. The former leads to unnecessary complexity in the standardization process, while the latter implies that implementations have to be rebuilt from the ground up to reflect the parallel nature of the target. The upcoming Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC) standard currently developed at MPEG attempts to address these issues by building a framework that supports the construction of video standards as libraries of coding tools. These libraries can be incrementally updated and extended, and the tools in them can be aggregated to form complete codecs using a streaming (or dataflow) programming model, which preserves the inherent parallelism of the coding algorithm. This paper presents the RVC framework and its underlying data flow programming model, along with the tool support and initial results

    MPEG-4 natural video coding - An overview

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    This paper describes the MPEG-4 standard, as defined in ISO/IEC 14496-2. The MPEG-4 visual standard is developed to provide users a new level of interaction with visual contents. It provides technologies to view, access and manipulate objects rather than pixels, with great error robustness at a large range of bit-rates. Application areas range from digital television, streaming video, to mobile multimedia and games. The MPEG-4 natural video standard consists of a collection of tools that support these application areas. The standard provides tools for shape coding, motion estimation and compensation, texture coding, error resilience, sprite coding and scalability. Conformance points in the form of object types, profiles and levels, provide the basis for interoperability. Shape coding can be performed in binary mode, where the shape of each object is described by a binary mask, or in gray scale mode, where the shape is described in a form similar to an alpha channel, allowing transparency, and reducing aliasing. Motion compensation is block based, with appropriate modifications for object boundaries. The block size can be 16Ă—16, or 8Ă—8, with half pixel resolution. MPEG-4 also provides a mode for overlapped motion compensation. Texture coding is based in 8Ă—8 DCT, with appropriate modifications for object boundary blocks. Coefficient prediction is possible to improve coding efficiency. Static textures can be encoded using a wavelet transform. Error resilience is provided by resynchronization markers, data partitioning, header extension codes, and reversible variable length codes. Scalability is provided for both spatial and temporal resolution enhancement. MPEG-4 provides scalability on an object basis, with the restriction that the object shape has to be rectangular. MPEG-4 conformance points are defined at the Simple Profile, the Core Profile, and the Main Profile. Simple Profile and Core Profiles address typical scene sizes of QCIF and CIF size, with bit-rates of 64, 128, 384 and 2 Mbit/s. Main Profile addresses a typical scene sizes of CIF, ITU-R 601 and HD, with bit-rates at 2, 15 and 38.4 Mbit/s

    A DSP based SVC IP STB using open SVC decoder

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    International audienceIn this paper, a implementation of a DSP-based IP set-top box (IP-STB) to decode CIF sequences compliant with the new Scalable Video Coding standard (14496-10 Amd 3) using Open SVC Decoder (OSD) is presented. The OSD software, designed for the PC environment, has been integrated into a previously developed IP-STB prototype. About 15 CIF frames per second can be decoded with the IP-STB

    Open SVC decoder: a flexible SVC library

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    International audienceThis paper describes the Open SVC Decoder project, an open source library which implements the Scalable Video Coding (SVC) standard, the latest standardized by the Joint Video Team (JVT). This library has been integrated into open source players The Core Pocket Media Player (TCPMP) and mplayer, in order to be deployed over different platforms with different operating systems

    Seminario sullo Standard MPEG-4: utilizzo ed aspetti implementativi

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    Una delle tecnologie chiave che hanno permesso il grande sviluppo della televisione digitale è la compressione video. La tecnologia di codifica video nota come MPEG-2, sviluppata nei primi anni novanta, è diventata lo standard di trasmissione DTV (Digital TV) sia satellitare sia terrestre in quasi tutti i paesi del mondo. Da allora la velocità dei microprocessori e le capacità di memoria dei dispositivi hardware per la codifica e la decodifica sono migliorate significativamente rendendo possibile lo sviluppo e l’implementazione di algoritmi di codifica innovativi in grado di abbattere significativamente i limiti di compressione dello standard MPEG-2. Tali innovazioni, sfociate nel 2003 nello standard MPEG-4 AVC (Advanced Video Coding), non hanno permesso di mantenere la compatibilità all’indietro con l’MPEG-2, e questo ha inizialmente costituito un limite alla loro introduzione nei sistemi di trasmissione DTV. Tuttavia, negli ultimi anni la codifica MPEG-4 AVC si è diffusa rapidamente, è stata adottata dal progetto DVB, recentemente dall’ATSC, ed è lo standard di codifica nell’IPTV. L’obiettivo di questo seminario, che si articola in due giornate, è quello di presentare lo standard di codifica MPEG-4 AVC con particolare attenzione agli aspetti implementativi del livello di codifica video.2008-11-18Sardegna Ricerche, Edificio 2, Località Piscinamanna 09010 Pula (CA) - ItaliaSeminario sullo Standard MPEG-4: utilizzo ed aspetti implementativ

    MPEG Reconfigurable Video Coding

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    WOS - ISBN: 978-1-4419-6344-4The currentmonolithic and lengthy scheme behind the standardization and the design of new video coding standards is becoming inappropriate to satisfy the dynamism and changing needs of the video coding community. Such a scheme and specification formalism do not enable designers to exploit the clear commonalities between the different codecs, neither at the level of the specification nor at the level of the implementation. Such a problem is one of the main reasons for the typical long time interval elapsing between the time a new idea is validated until it is implemented in consumer products as part of a worldwide standard. The analysis of this problem originated a new standard initiative within the ISO/IEC MPEG committee, called Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC). The main idea is to develop a video coding standard that overcomes many shortcomings of the current standardization and specification process by updating and progressively incrementing a modular library of components. As the name implies, flexibility and reconfigurability are new attractive features of the RVC standard. The RVC framework is based on the usage of a new actor/dataflow oriented language called CAL for the specification of the standard library and the instantiation of the RVC decoder model. CAL dataflow models expose the intrinsic concurrency of the algorithms by employing the notions of actor programming and dataflow. This chapter gives an overview of the concepts and technologies building the standard RVC framework and the non standard tools supporting the RVC model from the instantiation and simulation of the CAL model to the software and/or hardware code synthesis

    An extended H.264 CODEC for stereoscopic video coding

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    We propose an extension to the H.264 video coding standard, which is capable of efficiently coding stereoscopic video sequences. In contrast to previous techniques, the proposed Stereoscopic Video CODEC uses a single modified H.264 encoder and a single modified H.264 decoder in its design. The left (reference) and right (predicted) sequences are fed alternatively to the encoder. The modified H.264 encoder uses a Decoded Picture Buffer Store (DPBS) in addition to the regular DPB of the original H.264 encoder. An effective buffer management strategy between DPBS and DPB is used so that the left sequence frames are coded only based on its previously coded frames while the right frames are coded based on previously coded frames from both left and right sequences. We show that the proposed CODEC has the capability of exploiting worldline correlation present in stereo video sequences, in addition to the exploitation of joint spatialtemporal- binocular correlation. Further we show that the coded bit stream fully conforms to a standard H.264 bit-stream and a standard H.264 decoder will be able to effectively decode the left video stream ignoring the right. We provide experimental results on two popular test stereoscopic video sequences to prove the efficiency of the proposed CODEC

    LLVM-based and scalable MPEG-RVC decoder

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    WOSInternational audienceMPEG reconfigurable video coding (RVC) is a new platform-independent specification methodology chosen by the MPEG community for describing coding standards. This methodology aims at producing abstract decoder models (ADMs) of MPEG decoders as programs described in a dataflow language namely "RVC-CAL Actor Language" (RVC-CAL). RVC-CAL naturally expresses potential parallelism between tasks of an application, which makes an ADM description suitable for implementation to a wide variety of platforms, from uniprocessor systems to FPGAs. MPEG RVC eases the development process of decoders by building decoders at a library-component level instead of using monolithic algorithms, and by providing a library of coding tools standardized in MPEG. This paper presents new mechanisms based on the low level virtual machine that allow the conception of a decoder able to dynamically instantiate several RVC decoder descriptions. This decoder, unlike static decoders generated by RVC tools, keeps de facto the features of an RVC description namely portability, scalability and reconfigurability

    On the design of multimedia architectures : proceedings of a one-day workshop, Eindhoven, December 18, 2003

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    On the design of multimedia architectures : proceedings of a one-day workshop, Eindhoven, December 18, 2003

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