7 research outputs found

    Confluence Competition 2018

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    We report on the 2018 edition of the Confluence Competition, a competition of software tools that aim to (dis)prove confluence and related properties of rewrite systems automatically

    Transforming non textually aligned SPMD programs into textually aligned SPMD programs by using rewriting rules

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    International audienceThe problem of analyzing parallel programs that access shared memory and use barrier synchronization is known to be hard to study. For a special case of those programs with minimal SPMD (Single Program Multiple Data) constructs, a formal definition of textually aligned barriers with an operational semantics has been proposed in previous work. Then, the textual alignement of the synchronization barriers that is defined prevents deadlocks. However, the textual alignement property is not verified by all SPMD programs. We propose a set of transformation rules using rewriting techniques which allows to turn a non-textually aligned program to be textually aligned. So, we can benefit of a simple static analysis for deadlock detection. We show that the rewrite rules form a terminating confluent system and we prove that the transformation rules preserve the semantics of the programs

    A Fast Decision Procedure For Uniqueness of Normal Forms w.r.t. Conversion of Shallow Term Rewriting Systems

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    Uniqueness of normal forms w.r.t. conversion (UNC) of term rewriting systems (TRSs) guarantees that there are no distinct convertible normal forms. It was recently shown that the UNC property of TRSs is decidable for shallow TRSs (Radcliffe et al., 2010). The existing procedure mainly consists of testing whether there exists a counterexample in a finite set of candidates; however, the procedure suffers a bottleneck of having a sheer number of such candidates. In this paper, we propose a new procedure which consists of checking a smaller number of such candidates and enumerating such candidates more efficiently. Correctness of the proposed procedure is proved and its complexity is analyzed. Furthermore, these two procedures have been implemented and it is experimentally confirmed that the proposed procedure runs much faster than the existing procedure

    Confluence Competition 2019

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    The Confluence Competition (CoCo)4 is an annual competition of software tools that aim to prove or disprove confluence and related (undecidable) properties of a variety of rewrite formalisms automatically. Initiated in 2012, CoCo runs live in a single slot at a conference or workshop and is executed on the crosscommunity competition platform StarExec [20]. For each category, 100 suitable problems are randomly selected from the online database of confluence problems (COPS). Participating tools must answer YES or NO within 60 seconds, followed by a justification that is understandable by a human expert; any other output signals that the tool could not determine the status of the problem. CoCo 2019 features new categories on commutation, infeasibility problems, and confluence of string rewrite systems. Confluence provides a general notion of determinism and has been conceived as one of the central properties of rewriting. A rewrite system R is a set of directed equations, so called rewrite rules, which induces a rewrite relation →R on terms. We provide a simple exampl

    TOOLympics 2019: An Overview of Competitions in Formal Methods

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    Evaluation of scientific contributions can be done in many different ways. For the various research communities working on the verification of systems (software, hardware, or the underlying involved mechanisms), it is important to bring together the community and to compare the state of the art, in order to identify progress of and new challenges in the research area. Competitions are a suitable way to do that. The first verification competition was created in 1992 (SAT competition), shortly followed by the CASC competition in 1996. Since the year 2000, the number of dedicated verification competitions is steadily increasing. Many of these events now happen regularly, gathering researchers that would like to understand how well their research prototypes work in practice. Scientific results have to be reproducible, and powerful computers are becoming cheaper and cheaper, thus, these competitions are becoming an important means for advancing research in verification technology. TOOLympics 2019 is an event to celebrate the achievements of the various competitions, and to understand their commonalities and differences. This volume is dedicated to the presentation of the 16 competitions that joined TOOLympics as part of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the TACAS conference

    Probabilistic program analysis

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