637 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable Real-Time Middleware for Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems with Aperiodic Events

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    Different distributed cyber-physical systems must handle aperiodic and periodic events with diverse requirements. While existing real-time middleware such as Real-Time CORBA has shown promise as a platform for distributed systems with time constraints, it lacks flexible configuration mechanisms needed to manage end-to-end timing easily for a wide range of different cyber-physical systems with both aperiodic and periodic events. The primary contribution of this work is the design, implementation and performance evaluation of the first configurable component middleware services for admission control and load balancing of aperiodic and periodic event handling in distributed cyber-physical systems. Empirical results demonstrate the need for, and the effectiveness of, our configurable component middleware approach in supporting different applications with aperiodic and periodic events, and providing a flexible software platform for distributed cyber-physical systems with end-to-end timing constraints

    Event Monitoring Based On Web Services for Heterogeneous Event Sources

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    This article discusses event monitoring options for heterogeneous event sources as they are given in nowadays heterogeneous distributed information systems. It follows the central assumption, that a fully generic event monitoring solution cannot provide complete support for event monitoring; instead, event source specific semantics such as certain event types or support for certain event monitoring techniques have to be taken into account. Following from this, the core result of the work presented here is the extension of a configurable event monitoring (Web) service for a variety of event sources. A service approach allows us to trade genericity for the exploitation of source specific characteristics. It thus delivers results for the areas of SOA, Web services, CEP and EDA

    Configurable Component Middleware for Distributed Real-Time Systems with Aperiodic and Periodic Tasks

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    Many distributed real-time applications must handle mixed periodic and aperiodic tasks with diverse requirements. However, existing middleware lacks flexible configuration mechanisms needed to manage end-to-end timing easily for a wide range of different applications with both periodic and aperiodic tasks. The primary contribution of this work is the design, implementation and performance evaluation of the first configurable component middleware services for admission control and load balancing of aperiodic and periodic tasks in distributed real-time systems. Empirical results demonstrate the need for and effectiveness of our configurable component middleware approach in supporting different applications with periodic and aperiodic tasks

    An architecture and execution environment for component integration rules

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    The Integration Rules (IRules) project at Arizona State University (http://www.eas.asu.edu/~irules) is developing a declarative event-based approach to component integration. Integration rules are based on the concept of active database rules, providing an active approach for specifying event- driven activity in a distributed environment. The IRules project consists of a knowledge model that specifies the IRules Definition Language and an execution model that supports integration rule execution. This research focuses on the execution model and the architectural design parts of the IRules project. The main objective of this research is to develop a distributed execution environment for using integration rules in the integration of black-box components. In particular, this research will investigate the design of an architecture that supports the IRules semantic framework, the development of an execution model for rule and transaction processing, and the design of a rule processing algorithm for coordinating the execution of integration rules. This research will combine the distributed computing framework of Jini, the asynchronous event notification mechanism of the Java Message Service (JMS), and the distributed blocking access functionality of JavaSpaces to support active rule processing in a distributed environment. The limitations of the underlying Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) component model pose transaction processing challenges for the integration process. This research will develop a suitable transaction model and processing logic to overcome the limitations of the underlying EJB component model. Furthermore, the architectural design will allow an easy extension of the system to accommodate other component models. This research is expected to contribute to nested rule and transaction processing for active rules that have not been previously addressed in distributed rule processing environments. The development of the IRules execution environment will also contribute to the use of distributed rule- based techniques for eventdriven component integration

    Customizing Component Middleware for Distributed Real-Time Systems with Aperiodic and Periodic Tasks

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    Many distributed real-time applications must handle mixed aperiodic and periodic tasks with diverse requirements. However, existing middleware lacks flexible configuration mechanisms needed to manage end-to-end timing easily for a wide range of different applications with both aperiodic and periodic tasks. The primary contribution of this work is the design, implementation and performance evaluation of the first configurable component middleware services for admission control and load balancing of aperiodic and periodic tasks in distributed real-time systems. Empirical results demonstrate the need for, and the effectiveness of, our configurable component middleware approach in supporting different applications with aperiodic and periodic tasks

    MobiPADS: a reflective middleware for context-aware mobile computing

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    distributed computing services that essentially abstract the underlying network services to a monolithic “black box. ” In a mobile operating environment, the fundamental assumption of middleware abstracting a unified distributed service for all types of applications operating over a static network infrastructure is no longer valid. In particular, mobile applications are not able to leverage the benefits of adaptive computing to optimize its computation based on current contextual situations. In this paper, we introduce the Mobile Platform for Actively Deployable Service (MobiPADS) system. MobiPADS is designed to support context-aware processing by providing an executing platform to enable active service deployment and reconfiguration of the service composition in response to environments of varying contexts. Unlike most mobile middleware, MobiPADS supports dynamic adaptation at both the middleware and application layers to provide flexible configuration of resources to optimize the operations of mobile applications. Within the MobiPADS system, services (known as mobilets) are configured as chained service objects to provide augmented services to the underlying mobile applications so as to alleviate the adverse conditions of a wireless environment. Index Terms—Middleware, mobile applications, mobile computing support services, mobile environments.

    Synthesizing Executable Simulations from Structural Models of Component-Based Systems

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    Experts in robotics systems have developed substantial software tools for simulation, execution, and hardware-in-the-loop testing. Unfortunately, many of these robotics-domain software infrastructures pose challenges for a robotics expert to use, unless that robotics expert is also familiar with middleware programming, and the integration of heterogeneous simulation tools. In this paper, we describe a novel modeling language designed to bridge these two domains in an intuitive visual representation. Using this metamodel-defined modeling language, we can design and build structural models of robotics systems, and synthesize experiments from these constructed models. The restrictions implicit (and explicit) in the visual language guide modelers to build only models that can be synthesized, a "correct by construction" approach. We discuss the impact of this language with a running example of an autonomous ground vehicle, and the hundreds of configuration parameters and several simulation tools that are necessary in order to simulate this complex example

    Roadmap Analysis of Protein-Protein Interactions. Master\u27s Thesis, August 2007

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    The ability to effectively model the interaction between proteins is an important and open problem. In molecular biology it is well accepted that from sequence arises form and from form arises function but relating structure to function remains a challenge. The function of a given protein is defined by its interactions. Likewise a malfunction or a change in protein-protein interactions is a hallmark of many diseases. Many researchers are studying the mechanisms of protein-protein interactions and one of the overarching goals of the community is to predict whether two proteins will bind, and if so what the final conformation will be. Attention is seldom paid to the association pathways that allow two proteins to bind. Evidence has shown that the information in the association pathways can play a vital role in understanding the interaction itself. This thesis presents a novel and scalable approach to computing association pathways between two proteins using the Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) framework. We will discuss the challenges in extending PRM to the domain of protein-protein interactions such as performing structural mappings in a reduced space of flexibility, and sampling high dimensional conformation spaces. We will present analysis of individual association pathways as well as methods for estimating collective properties of the energy landscape. Our results indicate that these methods can discriminate between true and false protein binding interfaces. Finally, we will present condensing methods such as pathway clustering and visualization using dimensionality reduction that can be be applied to create compact representations of the interaction space


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    The explosion in processing power of embedded systems has enabled distributed embedded networks to perform more complicated tasks. Middleware are sets of encapsulations of common and network/operating system-specific functionality into generic, reusable frameworks to manage such distributed networks. This thesis will survey and categorize popular middleware implementations into three adapted layers: host-infrastructure, distribution, and common services. This thesis will then apply a quantitative approach to grading and proposing a single middleware solution from all layers for two target platforms: CubeSats and autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). CubeSats are 10x10x10cm nanosatellites that are popular university-level space missions, and impose power and volume constraints. Autonomous UAVs are similarly-popular hobbyist-level vehicles that exhibit similar power and volume constraints. The MAVLink middleware from the host-infrastructure layer is proposed as the middleware to manage the distributed embedded networks powering these platforms in future projects. Finally, this thesis presents a performance analysis on MAVLink managing the ARM Cortex-M 32-bit processors that power the target platforms