57,705 research outputs found

    Histories of hating

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    This roundtable discussion presents a dialogue between digital culture scholars on the seemingly increased presence of hating and hate speech online. Revolving primarily around the recent #GamerGate campaign of intensely misogynistic discourse aimed at women in video games, the discussion suggests that the current moment for hate online needs to be situated historically. From the perspective of intersecting cultural histories of hate speech, discrimination, and networked communication, we interrogate the ontological specificity of online hating before going on to explore potential responses to the harmful consequences of hateful speech. Finally, a research agenda for furthering the historical understandings of contemporary online hating is suggested in order to address the urgent need for scholarly interventions into the exclusionary cultures of networked media

    Participatory women’s groups and counseling through home visits to improve child growth in rural eastern India: protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Childhood stunting (low height-for-age) is a marker of chronic undernutrition and predicts children’s subsequent physical and cognitive development. An estimated 52 million children in India are stunted. There is a broad consensus on determinants of child undernutrition and interventions to address it, but a lack of operational research testing strategies to increase the coverage of these interventions in high burden areas. Our study aims to assess the impact, costeffectiveness, and scalability of a community intervention involving a government-proposed community-based worker to improve growth in children under two

    ‘Hidden habitus’: a qualitative study of socio-ecological influences on drinking practices and social identity in mid-adolescence

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    This study explored mid-adolescents’ views and experiences of socio-ecological influences on their drinking practices in order to help inform the development of interventions to reduce alcohol-related risk. We conducted 31 in-depth interviews with young people aged 13–17 in North East England. Verbatim interview transcripts and field notes were coded systematically and analysed thematically, following the principles of constant comparison. We adopted Bourdieu’s idea of social game-playing and elements of his conceptual toolkit (particularly habitus, capital and field) during analysis. Analysis yielded three intersecting themes: (1) ‘drinking etiquette’: conveying taste and disgust; (2) ‘playing the drinking game’: demonstrating cultural competency; (3) ‘hidden habitus’—the role of alcohol marketing. Our work demonstrates that there is a nexus of influential factors which come together to help shape and reinforce mid-adolescents’ behaviour, norms and values in relation to alcohol consumption. Drinking practices are not just formed by friendships and family traditions, these are also subject to wider cultural shaping including by the alcohol industry which can encourage brand identification, and gear specific products to add ‘distinction’. However young people are not inactive players and they use aspects of capital and social games to help cement their identity and present themselves in particular ways which in turn are influenced by age, gender and social status. Guided by promising work in the tobacco field, interventions which focus on critical awareness of the framing of alcohol products by key stakeholders, such as policymakers, commercial industry and public health professionals, and by wider society may facilitate behaviour change among young people

    Mobile learning for delivering health professional education (protocol)

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    © 2015 The Cochrane Collaboration.This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: The objective of this review is to evaluate the effectiveness of mLearning educational interventions for delivering pre-registration and post-registration healthcare professional education. We will primarily assess the impact of these interventions on students knowledge, skills, professional attitudes and satisfaction

    Virtual Clinical Trials: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

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    Virtual clinical trials have entered the medical research landscape. Today’s clinical trials recruit subjects online, obtain informed consent online, send treatments such as medications or devices to the subjects’ homes, and require subjects to record their responses online. Virtual clinical trials could be a way to democratize clinical research and circumvent geographical limitations by allowing access to clinical research for people who live far from traditional medical research centers. But virtual clinical trials also depart dramatically from traditional medical research studies in ways that can harm individuals and the public at large. This article addresses the issues presented by virtual clinical trials with regard to: (1) recruitment methods; (2) informed consent; (3) confidentiality; (4) potential risks to the subjects; and (5) the safety and efficacy of treatments that are approved

    Rehabilitation and social behavior: Experiments in prison

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    Despite the economic and social significance of crime reduction and criminals’ rehabilitation, research evaluating the effects of incarceration on behavior is surprisingly scarce. We conduct an experiment with 105 prison inmates and complement it with administrative data in order to explore several aspects of their social behavior. We first perform a comprehensive analysis of behavior in three economic games, finding evidence of discrimination against a sample from outside prison. In addition, our regression analysis reveals that inmates generally become less pro-social towards this out-group the longer they remain incarcerated. Finally, we introduce and evaluate a priming intervention that asks inmates to reflect on their time spent in prison. This intervention has a very sizeable and significant impact, increasing pro-sociality towards the out-group. Hence, a simple, low-cost intervention of this sort can have desirable effects in promoting rehabilitation and integration into social and economic life after release

    Challenges in Responsible Provision of Gambling: Questions of Efficacy, Effectiveness and Efficiency

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    This paper aims to explain why responsible provision of gambling is an important corporate social issue facing many gambling providers by examining its status with reference to three characteristic features of such issues proposed in the corporate social responsibility literature--expectational gaps, impacts and controversy (Wartick and Mahon, 1994). The existence of expectational gaps, impacts and controversy relating to contemporary gambling operations thus clarifies why gambling providers are under pressure to manage their gambling operations in a more socially responsible manner. A second aim is to clarify why resolving this issue has been difficult. Drawing on a second explanatory framework from the corporate social responsibility literature (Waddock and Mahon, 1991 ), the paper identifies three areas hindering the resolution of this issue between gambling providers and key stakeholders-lack of agreement over the facts (efficacy), lack of agreement over goals (effectiveness) and lack of agreement over the means to achieve these goals (efficiency). By examining these existing barriers, it is hoped that some pathways to the issue\u27s resolution may be illuminated. Examples from Australia underpin the discussion

    Use of Serious games in Treatment of Depression

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the concept of gamification as an alternative to treatment of Depression. The aim was to find out how serious games also known as Health games or Educational games are used in the treatment of depression globally. The study was implemented using a systematic literature review approach and eight selected articles were thematically analyzed. Sentences that answered the research question were highlighted then organized into themes. Two main themes deduced were Personalized patient support and self-help therapy. Under personalized patient support, the sub-themes included self-empowerment, Engagement and an adjunct to treatment of other illnesses. Self-help therapy entailed easy accessibility to treatment and privacy. The study established that serious games are a promising alternative to treatment of depression either solely or as an adjunct. However, more studies should be done in other parts of the world. So far, most of the studies have been done in Australia and New Zealand which is a very small portion to be fully relied on

    A Health game as an intervention to support tobacco-related health literacy among early adolescents

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    The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the feasibility of a health game intervention supporting tobacco-related health literacy in 10 to 13-year-old early adolescents. The study had two phases. During the development phase, we explored the determinants of tobacco-related health literacy with a qualitative descriptive study with early adolescents (n=39, focus groups, data analyzed using thematic analysis). We also conducted a review of reviews (n=15, narrative synthesis) of existing evidence on health games among children and adolescents. Furthermore, we explored the views of (n=39, focus groups and n=83, online questionnaire, thematic analysis) and collected feedback from adolescents (n=10+44 questionnaires, statistical analysis) while producing a health game called Fume. In the second phase, we evaluated feasibility (demand, acceptability, short-term effectiveness) of Fume using validated instruments, questionnaires and by tracking its actual use. We conducted the study with 151 early adolescents using a single-blind, three-armed cluster randomized design. The McNemar, Fisher exact, and non-parametric tests were used to test differences within and between groups. The results gathered during the development phase suggest that supporting tobacco-related health literacy among early adolescents requires being aware of the multidimensional nature of the determining factors, and paying attention to the mediating role of the interpretation process of health messages. Based on existing literature health games hold potential among children and adolescents, but further research is needed. The adolescent participants pointed several aspects regarding the acceptability of Fume during its development process, including the game’s positive approach to tobacco non-use, and its high-quality graphics. The feasibility study with the game showed that, compared to a non-gamified website, there was a higher usage rate for Fume during the two-week study period (P ≀ 0.001 for all the values) as well as greater interest in Fume (P ≀ 0.001). The opinions of adolescents about the interventions did not differ in a statistically significant way. Favorable changes were found within the Fume group regarding positive (P=0.002) and negative (P=0.02) smoking outcome expectations and attitudes towards cigarette smoking (P=0.01). We did not find statistically significant differences in the changes of the theory-based determinants of tobacco-related health literacy between the Fume, website and control groups. The gathered results highlight several aspects of tobacco-related health literacy as well as of health games. Fume was found to be more feasible among early adolescents than the non-gamified website, but there is still room for improvement.Terveyspeli tupakkaan liittyvÀÀ terveydenlukutaitoa tukevana interventiona varhaisnuorilla TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kehittÀÀ ja arvioida terveyspeliĂ€ tupakkaan liittyvÀÀ terveydenlukutaitoa tukevana interventiona 10–13 -vuotiailla varhaisnuorilla. Tutkimus toteutettiin kaksivaiheisena. KehittĂ€misvaiheessa tarkastelimme varhaisnuorten (n=39, fokusryhmĂ€haastattelut) nĂ€kökulmasta tupakkaan liittyvÀÀ terveydenlukutaitoa mÀÀrittĂ€viĂ€ tekijöitĂ€ laadullisella kuvailevalla tutkimuksella. Koostimme yhteenvedon kirjallisuuskatsauksissa (n=15) esitetystĂ€ tutkimusnĂ€ytöstĂ€ koskien terveyspelejĂ€ lasten ja nuorten terveyden edistĂ€misen menetelmĂ€nĂ€. LisĂ€ksi tarkastelimme nuorten nĂ€kemyksiĂ€ (n=39, fokusryhmĂ€haastattelu ja n=83, kysely, temaattinen analyysi) ja kerĂ€simme nuorilta palautetta (n=10+44 kyselyt, tilastolliset analyysimenetelmĂ€t) terveyspelin nimeltĂ€ Fume kehitysprosessin aikana. Tutkimuksen toisessa vaiheessa arvioimme Fumen soveltuvuutta (kĂ€yttö, hyvĂ€ksyntĂ€, lyhytaikainen vaikuttavuus) terveysohjauksen menetelmĂ€nĂ€. Osatutkimus toteutettiin ryppĂ€ittĂ€in satunnaistetulla, kokeellisella tutkimusasetelmalla. TĂ€hĂ€n osatutkimukseen osallistui 151 varhaisnuorta. McNemar, FisherÂŽs exact ja ei-parametrisiĂ€ testejĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin ryhmien vĂ€listen ja sisĂ€isten erojen analysointiin. KehittĂ€misvaiheen tulosten perusteella tupakkaan liittyvĂ€n terveydenlukutaidon tukeminen edellyttÀÀ terveydenlukutaitoa mÀÀrittĂ€vien tekijöiden monimuotoisuuden ja terveysviestien tulkintaprosessin roolin huomioimista. Terveyspelit osoittautuivat aiemman kirjallisuuden perusteella potentiaalisiksi lapsilla ja nuorilla, mutta tutkimusta tarvitaan lisÀÀ. Nuorten nĂ€kemykset toivat esille, ettĂ€ Fumen kehittĂ€misessĂ€ huomiota tulee kiinnittÀÀ muun muassa tupakoimattomuuden positiivisten puolien korostamiseen ja korkealaatuisiin peligrafiikoihin. Soveltuvuustutkimuksessa kahden viikon ajanjaksona Fumen kĂ€yttö (P ≀ 0.001 kaikille arvioille) ja nuorten kiinnostus Fumea kohtaan (P ≀ 0.001) olivat suurempaa verrattuna eipelillistettyyn internetsivustoon. Varhaisnuorten mielipiteet interventioista eivĂ€t eronneet toisistaan tilastollisesti merkitsevĂ€sti. Havaitsimme myönteisiĂ€ muutoksia Fumea kĂ€yttĂ€neessĂ€ ryhmĂ€ssĂ€ seuraavissa muuttujissa: positiiviset (P=0.002) ja negatiiviset (P=0.02) savukkeisiin liittyvĂ€t mielikuvat ja asenteet savukkeiden polttamista kohtaan (P=0.01). Emme havainneet tilastollisesti merkitseviĂ€ eroja tapahtuneissa muutoksissa Fume-, internetsivusto- ja kontrolliryhmien vĂ€lillĂ€. Tutkimus tuotti uutta tietoa tupakkaan liittyvĂ€n terveydenlukutaidon tukemisesta ja terveyspeleistĂ€. Tutkimus osoitti, ettĂ€ Fume on soveltuvampi interventio varhaisnuorilla kuin ei-pelillistetty internetsivusto, mutta peli vaatii jatkokehitystĂ€
