76,314 research outputs found

    Conditional Reactive Systems

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    We lift the notion of nested application conditions from graph transformation systems to the general categorical setting of reactive systems as defined by Leifer and Milner. This serves two purposes: first, we enrich the formalism of reactive systems by adding application conditions for rules; second, it turns out that some constructions for graph transformation systems (such as computing weakest preconditions and strongest postconditions and showing local confluence by means of critical pair analysis) can be done very elegantly in the more general setting

    Conditional Bisimilarity for Reactive Systems

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    Conditional Bisimilarity for Reactive Systems

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    Reactive systems \`a la Leifer and Milner, an abstract categorical framework for rewriting, provide a suitable framework for deriving bisimulation congruences. This is done by synthesizing interactions with the environment in order to obtain a compositional semantics. We enrich the notion of reactive systems by conditions on two levels: first, as in earlier work, we consider rules enriched with application conditions and second, we investigate the notion of conditional bisimilarity. Conditional bisimilarity allows us to say that two system states are bisimilar provided that the environment satisfies a given condition. We present several equivalent definitions of conditional bisimilarity, including one that is useful for concrete proofs and that employs an up-to-context technique, and we compare with related behavioural equivalences. We instantiate reactive systems in order to obtain DPO graph rewriting and consider a case study in this setting

    Jaynes' MaxEnt, Steady State Flow Systems and the Maximum Entropy Production Principle

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    Jaynes' maximum entropy (MaxEnt) principle was recently used to give a conditional, local derivation of the ``maximum entropy production'' (MEP) principle, which states that a flow system with fixed flow(s) or gradient(s) will converge to a steady state of maximum production of thermodynamic entropy (R.K. Niven, Phys. Rev. E, in press). The analysis provides a steady state analog of the MaxEnt formulation of equilibrium thermodynamics, applicable to many complex flow systems at steady state. The present study examines the classification of physical systems, with emphasis on the choice of constraints in MaxEnt. The discussion clarifies the distinction between equilibrium, fluid flow, source/sink, flow/reactive and other systems, leading into an appraisal of the application of MaxEnt to steady state flow and reactive systems.Comment: 6 pages; paper for MaxEnt0

    Conditional Bisimilarity for Reactive Systems

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    Reactive systems \`a la Leifer and Milner, an abstract categorical framework for rewriting, provide a suitable framework for deriving bisimulation congruences. This is done by synthesizing interactions with the environment in order to obtain a compositional semantics. We enrich the notion of reactive systems by conditions on two levels: first, as in earlier work, we consider rules enriched with application conditions and second, we investigate the notion of conditional bisimilarity. Conditional bisimilarity allows us to say that two system states are bisimilar provided that the environment satisfies a given condition. We present several equivalent definitions of conditional bisimilarity, including one that is useful for concrete proofs and that employs an up-to-context technique, and we compare with related behavioural equivalences. We consider examples based on DPO graph rewriting, an instantiation of reactive systems

    Abstract Diagnosis for Timed Concurrent Constraint programs

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    The Timed Concurrent Constraint Language (tccp in short) is a concurrent logic language based on the simple but powerful concurrent constraint paradigm of Saraswat. In this paradigm, the notion of store-as-value is replaced by the notion of store-as-constraint, which introduces some differences w.r.t. other approaches to concurrency. In this paper, we provide a general framework for the debugging of tccp programs. To this end, we first present a new compact, bottom-up semantics for the language that is well suited for debugging and verification purposes in the context of reactive systems. We also provide an abstract semantics that allows us to effectively implement debugging algorithms based on abstract interpretation. Given a tccp program and a behavior specification, our debugging approach automatically detects whether the program satisfies the specification. This differs from other semiautomatic approaches to debugging and avoids the need to provide symptoms in advance. We show the efficacy of our approach by introducing two illustrative examples. We choose a specific abstract domain and show how we can detect that a program is erroneous.Comment: 16 page

    Supporting group maintenance through prognostics-enhanced dynamic dependability prediction

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    Condition-based maintenance strategies adapt maintenance planning through the integration of online condition monitoring of assets. The accuracy and cost-effectiveness of these strategies can be improved by integrating prognostics predictions and grouping maintenance actions respectively. In complex industrial systems, however, effective condition-based maintenance is intricate. Such systems are comprised of repairable assets which can fail in different ways, with various effects, and typically governed by dynamics which include time-dependent and conditional events. In this context, system reliability prediction is complex and effective maintenance planning is virtually impossible prior to system deployment and hard even in the case of condition-based maintenance. Addressing these issues, this paper presents an online system maintenance method that takes into account the system dynamics. The method employs an online predictive diagnosis algorithm to distinguish between critical and non-critical assets. A prognostics-updated method for predicting the system health is then employed to yield well-informed, more accurate, condition-based suggestions for the maintenance of critical assets and for the group-based reactive repair of non-critical assets. The cost-effectiveness of the approach is discussed in a case study from the power industry

    Complex Actions for Event Processing

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    Automatic reactions triggered by complex events have been deployed with great success in particular domains, among others, in algorithmic trading, the automatic reaction to realtime analysis of marked data. However, to date, reactions in complex event processing systems are often still limited to mere modifications of internal databases or are realized by means similar to remote procedure calls. In this paper, we argue that expressive complex actions with support for composite work ows and integration of so called external actions are desirable for a wide range of real-world applications among other emergency management. This article investigates the particularities of external actions needed in emergency management, which are initiated inside the event processing system but which are actually executed by external actuators, and discuss the implications of these particularities on composite actions. Based on these observations, we propose versatile complex actions with temporal dependencies and a seamless integration of complex events and external actions. This article also investigates how the proposed integrated approach towards complex events and complex actions can be evaluated based on simple reactive rules. Finally, it is shown how complex actions can be deployed for a complex event processing system devoted to emergency management
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