703 research outputs found

    Optimal Testing for Planted Satisfiability Problems

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    We study the problem of detecting planted solutions in a random satisfiability formula. Adopting the formalism of hypothesis testing in statistical analysis, we describe the minimax optimal rates of detection. Our analysis relies on the study of the number of satisfying assignments, for which we prove new results. We also address algorithmic issues, and give a computationally efficient test with optimal statistical performance. This result is compared to an average-case hypothesis on the hardness of refuting satisfiability of random formulas

    Spectral Detection on Sparse Hypergraphs

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    We consider the problem of the assignment of nodes into communities from a set of hyperedges, where every hyperedge is a noisy observation of the community assignment of the adjacent nodes. We focus in particular on the sparse regime where the number of edges is of the same order as the number of vertices. We propose a spectral method based on a generalization of the non-backtracking Hashimoto matrix into hypergraphs. We analyze its performance on a planted generative model and compare it with other spectral methods and with Bayesian belief propagation (which was conjectured to be asymptotically optimal for this model). We conclude that the proposed spectral method detects communities whenever belief propagation does, while having the important advantages to be simpler, entirely nonparametric, and to be able to learn the rule according to which the hyperedges were generated without prior information.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Asymptotic Mutual Information for the Two-Groups Stochastic Block Model

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    We develop an information-theoretic view of the stochastic block model, a popular statistical model for the large-scale structure of complex networks. A graph GG from such a model is generated by first assigning vertex labels at random from a finite alphabet, and then connecting vertices with edge probabilities depending on the labels of the endpoints. In the case of the symmetric two-group model, we establish an explicit `single-letter' characterization of the per-vertex mutual information between the vertex labels and the graph. The explicit expression of the mutual information is intimately related to estimation-theoretic quantities, and --in particular-- reveals a phase transition at the critical point for community detection. Below the critical point the per-vertex mutual information is asymptotically the same as if edges were independent. Correspondingly, no algorithm can estimate the partition better than random guessing. Conversely, above the threshold, the per-vertex mutual information is strictly smaller than the independent-edges upper bound. In this regime there exists a procedure that estimates the vertex labels better than random guessing.Comment: 41 pages, 3 pdf figure

    Phase transitions in factor graph models

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    Local convergence of random graph colorings

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    Let G=G(n,m)G=G(n,m) be a random graph whose average degree d=2m/nd=2m/n is below the kk-colorability threshold. If we sample a kk-coloring σ\sigma of GG uniformly at random, what can we say about the correlations between the colors assigned to vertices that are far apart? According to a prediction from statistical physics, for average degrees below the so-called {\em condensation threshold} dc(k)d_c(k), the colors assigned to far away vertices are asymptotically independent [Krzakala et al.: Proc. National Academy of Sciences 2007]. We prove this conjecture for kk exceeding a certain constant k0k_0. More generally, we investigate the joint distribution of the kk-colorings that σ\sigma induces locally on the bounded-depth neighborhoods of any fixed number of vertices. In addition, we point out an implication on the reconstruction problem

    Strong replica symmetry in high-dimensional optimal Bayesian inference

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    We consider generic optimal Bayesian inference, namely, models of signal reconstruction where the posterior distribution and all hyperparameters are known. Under a standard assumption on the concentration of the free energy, we show how replica symmetry in the strong sense of concentration of all multioverlaps can be established as a consequence of the Franz-de Sanctis identities; the identities themselves in the current setting are obtained via a novel perturbation coming from exponentially distributed "side-observations" of the signal. Concentration of multioverlaps means that asymptotically the posterior distribution has a particularly simple structure encoded by a random probability measure (or, in the case of binary signal, a non-random probability measure). We believe that such strong control of the model should be key in the study of inference problems with underlying sparse graphical structure (error correcting codes, block models, etc) and, in particular, in the rigorous derivation of replica symmetric formulas for the free energy and mutual information in this context