23 research outputs found

    Incentives for the adoption of e-government by Greek municipalities

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    Purpose: The research aims to identify the incentives that play an important role in the evolution of e-government in Greece at local scale and its actual development level. It also investigates the factors and the perceived barriers that affect the development of local egovernment in Greek Municipalities, as well as the benefits they derive from it. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research is based on a survey that was conducted through a questionnaire to all 325 Municipalities of the country and includes data from 109 Municipalities that participated in the quantitative approach. Findings: While e-government is spread at a relatively satisfactory level, it appears that only a few Municipalities are performing well. Results highlight also the two main incentives that motivate Municipalities to adopt e-government: The first is the improvement of the efficiency of information exchange with the external environment and the second is managing internal issues-relationships in conjunction with the existence of prominent IT departments. Amongst the main factors that affect e-government adoption by Local authorities, budgetary constraints stand out, while the lack of personnel specialized in Information Technologies is identified as common obstacle. Practical Implications: Findings suggest that an integrated approach to e-government is needed in order to enable organizations to minimize failures and to overcome barriers and counter risks. The capacity to align e-government applications with the increasing and evolving needs and requirements of the citizens is the key to optimizing the benefits of eGovernment at local scale. Originality/Value: There is no similar empirical research in the context of Greece; hence, it seems important to increase the knowledge about the drivers of e-government adoption, especially in the public sector at the local scale.peer-reviewe

    Identifying the elements for the construction of a theory on electronic governance

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    ICT and PseudoE-Governance Trap - A Case Study of “SMS Pandan” and “ULAS” in Surakarta City

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    The performance of E-governance represents the government’s usage of information technology for democratic community and nation building. This paper reports on a content analysis on the application of information technology to “SMS Pandan” and “ULAS” service by Surakarta City government to examine the extent of e-Governance in the Surakarta region.  The analysis is supplement with in-depth interviews with government officials and the community. The analysis used community based monitoring (CBM) framework to explain the effect of information and communication technology (ICT) use on the social accountability of government service and organization. The results show that procedural formality and patriarchical bureaucratic cultures triggered the emergence of ICT paradox and led to pathologies such depersonalization, buck passing, and atrophy of personal responsibility. This in turn has led to the emergence of a pseudo e-governance.

    Interrogating the Citizen-Centered Services and Development in Nigeria's Agricultural Sector Through E-Governance

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    The provision of citizen-centered services and development are critical indices in the measurement of performance of every government. In this era of Information Communication Technology (ICT), government businesses can be conducted through the electronic governance (EGOV) platform. E-governance involves the development, deployment and enforcement of the policies, laws and regulations necessary to support the functioning of a knowledge society as well as the transformation of internal and external public sector relationship through ICT in order to optimize government service delivery and citizen participations. Nigeria is being threatened by internal insecurity because of preponderance of its citizens who engage in vices like thuggery, insurgency, kidnapping, robbery, drug addiction due to lack of access to government services such as information, capital to start and grow businesses, amongst other essential needs for development. Also, corruption at the forefront of government hinders the transfer of funds from government to the citizen. Based on this premise, the Nigerian Ministry of Agriculture in 2012 adopted the use of ICT through the Growth Enhancement Support Scheme in releasing funds to local famers thereby cutting unnecessary bureaucracy and corruption that hindered the growth of the Agriculture sector in Nigeria. This study utilizes secondary data for the method of analyses by reviewing extant literature on the e-wallet scheme implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture in Nigeria, and in addition analyzed the extent to which the E-wallet scheme delivered citizen-centered services for national development in Nigeria. The findings show that e-governance enhanced the delivery of citizen-centered services and national development. Based on these findings, non-participatory government ministries are advised to take advantage of citizen-centered EGOV platforms to empower the nation

    Utilizing Philosophical Critical Realism and Actor Network Theory to Develop the Construct Internet

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    IS researchers utilize a variety of philosophical and cognitive positions to interpret the world and issues in the field of Information Systems. The paper suggests that without mediation, two opposing philosophical perspective positions at a meta level, such as positivism and realism, can result in IS researchers proposing incompatible models of given phenomenon at an applied level. The incompatibility of the models is further manifested when attempts are made to develop complex IS constructs such as the Internet which comprises of both the physical implementation and the contextual space it creates, from competing models instead of starting from an ontological examination. The paper utilizes the explanatory potential of Critical Realism as a philosophical foundation and Actor Network Theory (ANT) as a scaffold, by developing the Internet as a construct utilizing the three domains supported in Critical Realism being the real, actual and empirical, and illustrating how future work can build on such a construct by utilizing AN

    E-Government, A Tool for Service Delivery in Botswanas Local Authorities?

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    The Government of Botswana has spent billions of Pulas since the inception of egovernment project in 2012 The country is in pursuit of better service delivery as it owes it to the people However just like other countries New Public Management NPM brought in exciting reforms e-government included This paper wanted to find out challenges faced by local authorities when delivering services through the Information Communication Technology ICT This was a qualitative research which used secondary data sources The findings of the study showed that it is close to a decade since the inception of e-government yet there are still complaints on service delivery In this era e-government remains key in ensuring that there is good service delivery however challenges such as poor infrastructure mishandling of egovernment funds language barrier lack of trust lack of financial autonomy of local authorities continue to limit egovernments effectiveness in the local authoritie

    Implications of Internet Governance Issues for the end Users

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    Many of the utility service problems for the Internet cannot be solved by technical solutions when the causes are outside of the scope of technical explanation. For example, the consequences of management policies, economic requirements, proprietary rights and Governmental intervention. The result is that end-users experience inconsistent access to the largest global information system and regular disruptions to information services. It is also debatable if many of the “technical” and “engineering” causes cited for service disruption relate to technical issues or rather unresolved abstract layer problems such as social, political, legal and ethical concerns. In this paper, we define the problem context, perform theoretical analysis, and discuss possible ways to enhance the scope of internet governance that might benefit better information system services. The research contribution is a philosophical discussion of a problem domain that influences the utility value of large information systems

    An Object-oriented Workflow Modeling Schema Using Dataflow Analysis for Collaborative E-governance Platform

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    In the initial stage of transforming from government to governance for developing countries, collaborative e-governance platforms should be urgently established in different contexts. Though some platforms have been previously applied to various fields, researches on common basic functions analysis and across-organization business process modeling based on a suitable workflow modeling method for the platforms design and development are insufficient. Based on an explorative analysis of platform functions and their patterns, we propose a schema for e-governance platforms modeling according to an extended method of object-oriented workflow modeling using dataflow analysis. It covers a two-step process of top-level platform workflow modeling and function objection workflow modeling. In addition, a citizen appeal processing platform is taken as an example to illustrate the utility of the schema. The schema facilitates the contextualized collaborative e-governance platforms development with an operable method and reusable function workflow models

    Side Effects of National Immunization Program: E-Governance Support Toward Elders' Digital Inclusion

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    In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the European Union (EU) governments develop policies to regulate exclusive health protection actions that consider societal needs with the emphasis on elders. Given that the EU vaccination strategy uses a centralized ICT-based approach, there is little guidance on how seniors are included in national immunization programs (NIP). In this paper, we addressed a knowledge gap of the side effects of e-governance of NIP for the elderly. To fill this gap, we identified 40 side effects by analyzing online textual opinions (tweets, comments, articles) that express public perception regarding the results of the Polish NIP implementation to seniors' digital inclusion, categorized them into 8 categories and assign them to four e-governance functions. The main contribution of this paper is a better understanding of the digital divide and to provide guidelines for government policy improvement