20 research outputs found

    Study the effect of juice of two variety of pomegranate on decreasing plasma LDL cholesterol

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    AbstractPomegranate juice (PJ) was indeed shown recently to posses impressive antioxidative properties .the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of pomegranate juice on plasma LDL .C decreasing in hypercholestolemia patients. In this investigation, patients were divided in three groups with twenty patients for each group .the treatments were including: 1-using tabrizy variety of pomegranate juice 2- black variety of pomegranate juice 3- drug (lovstatin).the levels of blood LDL.C in different exprements, before and after consumption of treatments were achieved respectively:1- LDL: [b (150/50±10/758), a (130/92±10/758)],LDL: [b (138/33±13/64), a (111/58±13/30)] 3- [b (158/25±10/759), a (130/50±10/758)] and LDL: 2- Respectively. Results were analyzed by compare means statistic test. The data indicated that LDL.analysis of results were revealed that patients LDL.C in three groups, after consumption showed a significant decrease at p<0.01.the consumption of group one and two were compared with group three, there was no difference between group one and two with group three. As with the drug, the two groups were effective on LDL.C decreasing

    Effect of pomegranate juice consumption on biochemical parameters and complete blood count

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    Pomegranate has been used therapeutically for centuries. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of pomegranate juice (PJ) supplementation on complete blood count (CBC), glucose, blood lipids and C‑reactive protein (CRP) in healthy subjects. A total of 5 males and 5 females (aged 31.8±6.6 years, weighing 66.2±12.9 kg) were randomly assigned into one of two groups and either consumed 500 ml PJ/day or no PJ for 14 days. Blood samples were obtained from participants prior to and following the experimental period. PJ consumption resulted in a significant increase in red blood cell count (P<0.05), hemoglobin levels (P<0.001) and hematocrit levels (P<0.05). Other CBC parameters, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, high‑density lipoprotein, low‑density lipoprotein and CRP levels did not significantly change following PJ consumption. These results indicate that PJ intake for a short period of time may result in increased erythropoiesis or decreased degradation without any significant alterations in factors associated with metabolic health and inflammation in healthy individuals

    Protective effect of Punica granatum peel extract against gastric mucosal erosions induced by ethanol in experimental rabbit models

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    The present study was designed to detect the gastroprotective effect of ethanolic (96%) extract of Punica granatum peel, besides investigation of its activity as hepatoprotective and nephroprotective agent. 1 ml of 80% ethanol/rabbit was given as a single oral dose for induction of gastric erosions and hepato-renal changes in both induction (ethanol group) and treatment groups at the 16 th day of experiment (i.e. following 15 days of daily treatment with pomegranate peel extract).These effects were assessed by examination of some biochemical tests including; blood glucose, triglycerides, renal function test (urea, creatinine), and liver function test (ALT, GGT), in addition to the evaluation of the histopathological changes of the stomach samples. Animals pretreated with Punica granatum peel ethanolic extract at a dose of 200 mg/kg/day orally for 15 days showed significant reduction in blood glucose, urea, creatinine, ALT, and GGT where as blood TG was not affected in comparison with the ethanol group (P ≤ 0.05).On the other hand, microscopic examination of stomach samples of the treatment group revealed regenerated gastric ulcer and lesions, and the distorted superficial gland in the mucosa are regenerated when compared with those observed on the samples of the ethanol 80% group.In conclusion, the obtained data demonstrate that pomegranate peel ethanolic extract is a potent gastroprotective agent and suppresses ethanol 80%-induced gastric damage in rabbits

    Biochemical role of pomegranate molasses in modulation and treatment of hyperlipidemia associated with hyperglycemia

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    Diabetes, when uncontrolled, causes dyslipidemia often followed by atherogenic abnormalities. The present study was aimed to determine the effect of Pomegranate molasses in diabetes-induced dyslipidemia. Diabetes in male rats induced by streptozotocin which showed increase in the treatment by Pomegranate molasses significantly reduced the elevated blood glucose and lipid profile levels. Thus, our study demonstrates that the consumption of Pomegranate molasses as a potential efficient natural therapeutic against induced type I diabetes accompanied with hyperlipidimic rats. Thirty two waster male rats divided into four equal groups of 8 rats. Group Ι (Control group): received no drugs, Group Π (Pomegranate molasses (PM) group): received (500 mg /kg body weight/day) orally for 21 days. Group IIΙ (Streptozotocin (STZ) group): received intramuscular injection once by STZ (40 mg/kg body weight). Group VΙ :( Streptozotocin+ Pomegranate molasses (STZ+ PM)): received intramuscular injection once by STZ (40 mg/kg body weight) and after 3 days received orally PM (500 mg /kg body weight/day) daily. Treatment in groups for 21 days after diabetes induction blood. Blood samples and pancreatic tissue were collected at 22th day from treatment of PM. The obtained results showed that, rats treated with STZ showed a significant increase in glucose concentration with significant decrease in insulin level and G6PD activity. A significant increase in cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL with significant decrease in HDL levels. Also showed significant increase in MDA level and significant decrease in CAT, GPx, SOD activities and GSH level, where the liver enzymes ALT, AST significantly increased. Urea and creatinine (Kidney function) levels showed no significant changes. Animal's body weight was significantly decreased through experimental period. Histological studies of pancreatic tissue showed atrophy and pancreatic tissue damage in island of Langerhans cells. The data obtained shows that PM is potential antidiabeteic natural products and antihyperlipidemic associated with diabetes

    اثر دريافت آب انار بر پروفايل چربی در بيماران مبتلا به کبد چرب غير الکلی

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    زمينه و هدف: با توجه به نقش استرس اکسيداتيو در ايجاد کبد چرب غير الکلی و کاهش آنتی اکسيدان های سرم در اين بيماران، مطالعه حاضر با هدف بررسی اثر دريافت آب انار به همراه رژيم کاهش وزن، در اين بيماران انجام گرفت. روش کار: در اين کارآزمايی نيمه تجربی (IRCT: 201102232709N17)، 35 بيمار داوطلب با تشخيص کبد چرب غير الکلی انتخاب شدند. براي هر فرد در ابتدای مطالعه رژيم کاهش وزن تنظيم گرديد. به مدت 3 ماه 1 ليوان آب انار (250 ميلی ليتر) جايگزين 2 واحد ميوه مورد نياز افراد شد. دريافت های غذايی، فعاليت فيزيکی، شاخص های تن سنجی، غلظت ليپيدهای سرم و آنزيم های کبدی در ابتدا و انتهای مطالعه اندازه گيری شد. آناليز آماری با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS شماره 19 و آزمون های paired t testو Wilcoxon انجام شد. يافته‌ها: از بين 35 فردی که وارد پژوهش شدند، 33 نفر (9 زن و 24 مرد) مطالعه را به پايان رساندند. در پايان مطالعه کاهش معنی دار در وزن و نمايه توده بدن بيماران مشاهده گرديد. دريافتآب انار به همراه رژيم غذايی منجر به کاهش معنی دار در آنزيم هاي کبدی و افزايش معنی دار در غلظت HDL-C (01/0p=) گرديد. ساير متغير های پروفايل چربی تغيير معنی دار نداشت. نتيجه‌گيری: نتايج اين مطالعه نشان داد که دريافت آب انار به همراه رژيم غذايی کاهش وزن مي تواند در بهبود وضعيت اين بيماران و کاهش خطر بيماری های قلبی-عروقی در آنها موثر باشد

    Herbal Medicine in Diabetes Mellitus: Effectiveness of Punica Granatum Peel Powder in Prediabetics , Diabetics and Complicated Diabetics.

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a common worldwide chronic metabolic disorder. Heredity and obesity are well known risk factors for diabetes. DM is one of  the earliest described health problems, nevertheless it is still incurable disease. Patients with DM have to be kept on regular insulin or oral hypoglycemic drugs(OHD), for adequate glycemic control. These medications have its own side effects including hematological disorders. These side effects besides the complications of DM itself influence patient's quality of life. The introduction of safe, tolerable and comparatively cheap natural remedies in management of DM will solve this problem.  Punica Granatum peel powder (PGPP) is a natural remedy obtained with grinding dried pomegranate peel. Ingestion of a teaspoonful of PGPP before meals was found to have a strong hypoglycemic effect on both normal and diabetic animals and humans. This article reviewed  meticulousely the role of PGPP in management of pre-diabetics,  diabetics and complicated diabetics. Keywords: Herbal Medicine, Diabetes Mellitus, Punica granatum, pre-diabetics

    Evaluation of anti bacterial activity of punica granatum peels extracts, on growth of gram-positive bacteria isolated from clinical samples

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    Thirty samples were collected from patients (10-45) years old, suffered from tonsillitis,pharyngitis, infected wounds, acne &amp; Bronchitis. Gram &ndash;positive bacteria were isolated from these samples, and diagnosed, of which, Staphylococcus aureus ( 50%) and Staphylococcus epidermidis (16.66%), Streptococcus pyogenes (13.34%), Streptococcus pneumoniae (10%) and Micrococcus spp (10%). Alcoholic and water extracts of the punica granatum(Pomegranate) peels as well as the dried powders were prepared, the effect of these extracts were studied against these isolates. The antimicrobial susceptibility tests of the extracts were determined by Kirby- Bauer method and the MICs were determined. The antibacterial activity of punica granatum(Pomegranate) peels was determined. The alcoholic extract showed more potent inhibitory effect on the isolates than water extract, and the best effect was on the growth of Staphylococcus epidermidis followed by Staphylococcus aureus , Micrococcus spp, Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus pneumoniae. The zone of inhibition was (17- 23mm) for alcoholic extract and( 12-23mm) for watery extract. The antibacterial activity of pomegranate peels extracts should make it useful for treatment of wounds, skin infections, tonsillitis and pharyngitis caused by the above bacteria

    Safety assessments of Thai Pomegranate Seed Oil in Ovariectomized Rats

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    Background: The present study was conducted to evaluate the protective role of pomegranate juice alone or in combination with propolis extract against isoproterenol (ISO) induced myocardial infarction in rats. Material and Methods: Male Wister albino rats (n=60) weighing 220-280 g were divided into six groups each group contain ten rats; group I: negative control fed standard diet. Group (II-VI): Rats were injected subcutaneously with isoproterenol (150 mg/kg) for 3 days. Group III: Rats were given pomegranate juice 1ml /rat / day. Group IV: Rats were given propolis extract (50 mg/kg BW). Group V: Rats were given pomegranate juice + propolis extract. Group VI: Rats were given glyceronitrate (2.6mg/kg.bw/day). Results: The ISO-induced myocardial infarction in untreated rats has indicated by significant (p < 0.001) elevation of cardiac marker enzymes such as aspartate aminotransferase (AST), Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), creatine kinase (CK), and cardiac troponin I (CnI ) when compared with control group. Rats treated with pomegranate juice and propolis extracts showed highly significant (

    Potencial farmacológico de Punica granatum. Aplicaciones terapéuticas.

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    Antecedentes: El descubrimiento del papel antioxidante de los principios activos (compuestos polifenólicos) del fruto del granado (Punica granatum) ha dado lugar a un incremento exponencial del número de investigaciones realizadas en este sentido en los últimos años. Objetivo: Revisión bibliográfica de los artículos publicados en el periodo 2000-2016 donde se estudie el potencial terapéutico de la granada mediante ensayos clínicos realizados en una serie de patologías, y el efecto del metabolismo de los principios activos de la granada en urolitinas sobre los resultados obtenidos. Métodos: Se ha empleado el sistema de búsqueda de artículos científicos Pubmed. Resultados: A nivel de enfermedades metabólicas y cardiovasculares, se confirman los efectos beneficiosos del consumo de la granada sobre los factores de riesgo del síndrome metabólico. A nivel de cáncer colorrectal, los resultados son interesantes aunque insuficientes. A nivel de cáncer de próstata, los resultados aconsejan la realización de nuevos ensayos donde se estudie el potencial terapéutico de las urolitinas en pacientes con esta patología. Conclusión: Los resultados apuntan a que la granada podría ser muy beneficiosa en el tratamiento y prevención de una serie de patologías, lo que aconseja una continuación de las investigaciones en este campo. Así mismo, se debe profundizar en la relación entre el metabotipo, los efectos beneficiosos encontrados y los perfiles plasmáticos de urolitinas, principales metabolitos de los taninos gálicos presentes en Punica granatum