14,525 research outputs found

    Cook Book

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    One dish meals, Casseroles -- Bread -- Desserts, pastries -- Vegetables & salads -- Jellies & pickles -- Candy -- Hints.https://openprairie.sdstate.edu/sd_cookbooks/1089/thumbnail.jp


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    In the analysis and the generalisation of the world and European experience achieved in the field of sustainable management development we start with the belief that the direct experience of those who have passed over all the stages of construction, implementation, function and certification of a sustainable management development system in their organization represent, for all those who are being interested, a highly valuable source of practical information. To this, we add the fact that in numerous countries, the implementation of the sustainable management development system has been proved successfully, not only due to the already gained financial benefits but also because of the credibility increases in obtaining bank loans, attracting investments and new beneficiaries. Therefore, at present, at the world level, we can see a companies preoccupations orrientation towards the implementation of the sustainable management developement systems.sustainable developement, sustainable developement management, systemic and processual approach, environment protection, ecology.


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    This study exmined the characteristics of Presiden Director and consistency in Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) action, wich in State Owned Enterprises known as Partnership and Comunity Development Program. The purpose  of  this  study  was  to  examine  the  influence  of  President  Director  Characterisics  on  the  quality  ofPartnership and Comunity Development Program. this study used the characteristic of President Director is, education, age, tenure, and experience. The sample of this study are state owned enterprises with the total population are 119 firms, based on the sampling criteria, the final sample of this study are 50 firms. Content analysis method was used to measure the quality of Partnership and Comunity Development Program. Data wasanalysed by SPSS program. Multiple linear regression model was used to test the hypothesis. The result shows that education, age, tenure, and experience have insignificant effect toward the quality of Partnership and Comunity Development Program. Future research could investigate other variables that could affect the quality of Partnership and Comunity Development Program

    Analysing the Potential of a Region to Cope with ASEAN Economic Comunity

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    Considering the establishment of Asean Economic Comunity is (i) the potential of lowering production expense in ASEAN cost 10-20 percent for goods consumption as an impact of economic integration; (ii) Raising competence of the region with standart implementation and International practic, intelectual property rights and competition. The purpose of this research is (i) to analyze the development of PDRB for 5(five) years (year 2010-2015) (ii) To analyze basic economis sector (superior) which can increase the effort of the region to compete in Asean Economic Comunity, (iii) To analyze potential economic sectors which is improved to suport economic development in Kupang City, and (iv) To find out to obstacles the government of Kupang City to cope with Asean Economic Comunity. Confronting to Asean Economic Comunity, the goverment of Kupang City make a program to incrase competition efforts to give some aid to all of businessmen, to improve the infrastructure, to raise the investation climate, and a program to increase human resource

    Case Mix, Costs, and Outcomes: Differences Between Faculty and Community Services in a University Hospital

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    In order to gain insight into the possible consequences of prospective payment for university hospitals, we studied 2,025 admissions to the faculty and community services of a university hospital, measuring differences in case mix, costs, and outcomes. The faculty service case mix was disproportionately weighted toward the more costly diagnoses, but even after adjustment for diagnosis-related groups (DRGs), costs were 11 percent higher on the faculty service. The differential was proportionately greater for diagnostic costs than for routine or treatment costs, and the differential was particularly large (70 percent) for patients with a predicted probability of death (DTHRISK) of .25 or greater.The in-hospital mortality rate was appreciably lower on the faculty service after adjustment for case mix and patient characteristics. The mortality differential between the two services was particularly large for patients in the high death risk category. Comparison of a matched sample of 51 pairs of admissions from the high death risk category confirmed the above results with respect to costs and in-hospital mortality, but follow-up revealed that the mortality rates were equal for the two services at nine months after discharge.

    Participatory approach to comunity health: Sustainable strategy from India

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    In social development and health sector, India’s performance is still lagging behind many Sub-Saharan African countries. There are also disparities between the urban and rural sectors and between privileged upper class and the socially disadvantaged groups. Widespread illiteracy, avoidable morbidity, premature mortality and deep-seated inequality of opportunity are still prevailing in India. India’s achievements in dealing with life expectancy, elementary education, nutritional well being, protection from illness, social security and consumption levels has been substantially and systematically out passed by many other developing countries. Compared to other countries, social sector expenditure is negligible in India, especially when compared it with UNDP recommended ratio. In the case of Indian state we can see that accelerated growth rate does not to have led to a corresponding change in living condition of rural poor. Here lies the importance of participatory mode of approach. The provision of social security cannot rely exclusively either on market forces or on the state initiative. There is an urgent need for participation in the distribution of social security measure. The move towards participatory growth calls for an integrated view of the process of economic expansion. The UN has defined community participation as ‘the creation of opportunity to enable all members of a community and the larger society to actively contribute to and influence the development process to share equitable the fruits of development’. This participatory mode of development views village community as the site for intervention. In this process it has to mediate through agencies working at that level. This is most commonly done through NGOs. In this broader context of Indian state’s commitment to liberalization, present paper attempts to study the participatory intervention of NGO in community health. For a detailed study, success story of AWARE - NGO working among the marginalized people in rural Andhra Pradesh is selected. The paper does not project NGO as viable alternative to fill the space vacated by state. But it only tries to establish that the objective of “Health for All” can be achieved only through community participation. The present paper is divided into 4 parts. The first part briefly outlines health sector performance and trends during the post reform era and its outcomes. The second part analyses the status of health sector in Andhra Pradesh, major indicators and initiatives. The third part in detail discusses the sustainable strategy of AWARE and its impact on health sector in rural Andhra. The final part contains major findings and concluding remarks.India; Community health; participatory development; Andhra Pradesh

    Community Gardening in New Hampshire from the Ground Up

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