18 research outputs found

    Centrosymmetric Matrices in the Sinc Collocation Method for Sturm-Liouville Problems

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    Recently, we used the Sinc collocation method with the double exponential transformation to compute eigenvalues for singular Sturm-Liouville problems. In this work, we show that the computation complexity of the eigenvalues of such a differential eigenvalue problem can be considerably reduced when its operator commutes with the parity operator. In this case, the matrices resulting from the Sinc collocation method are centrosymmetric. Utilizing well known properties of centrosymmetric matrices, we transform the problem of solving one large eigensystem into solving two smaller eigensystems. We show that only 1/(N+1) of all components need to be computed and stored in order to obtain all eigenvalues, where (2N+1) corresponds to the dimension of the eigensystem. We applied our result to the Schr\"odinger equation with the anharmonic potential and the numerical results section clearly illustrates the substantial gain in efficiency and accuracy when using the proposed algorithm.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Minimization problems for certain structured matrices

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    For given Z,BCn×kZ,B\in \mathbb{ C}^{n\times k}, the problem of finding ACn×nA\in \mathbb{C}^{n\times n}, in some prescribed class W{\cal W}, that minimizes AZB\|AZ-B\| (Frobenius norm) has been considered by different authors for distinct classes W{\cal W}. Here, we study this minimization problem for two other classes which include the symmetric Hamiltonian, symmetric skew-Hamiltonian, real orthogonal symplectic and unitary conjugate symplectic matrices. We also consider (as others have done for other classes W{\cal W}) the problem of minimizing AA~\|A-\tilde{A}\| where A~\tilde{A} is given and AA is a solution of the previous problem. The key idea of our contribution is the reduction of each one of the above minimization problems to two independent subproblems in orthogonal subspaces of Cn×n\mathbb{C}^{n\times n}. This is possible due to the special structures under consideration. We have developed MATLAB codes and present the numerical results of some tests.National Natural Science Foundation of China, no. 11371075

    Prior Information in Inverse Boundary Problems

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    Structured Eigenvalue Problems

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    Most eigenvalue problems arising in practice are known to be structured. Structure is often introduced by discretization and linearization techniques but may also be a consequence of properties induced by the original problem. Preserving this structure can help preserve physically relevant symmetries in the eigenvalues of the matrix and may improve the accuracy and efficiency of an eigenvalue computation. The purpose of this brief survey is to highlight these facts for some common matrix structures. This includes a treatment of rather general concepts such as structured condition numbers and backward errors as well as an overview of algorithms and applications for several matrix classes including symmetric, skew-symmetric, persymmetric, block cyclic, Hamiltonian, symplectic and orthogonal matrices


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    広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(経済学)Doctor of Economicsdoctora

    Locality and Exceptional Points in Pseudo-Hermitian Physics

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    Pseudo-Hermitian operators generalize the concept of Hermiticity. Included in this class of operators are the quasi-Hermitian operators, which define a generalization of quantum theory with real-valued measurement outcomes and unitary time evolution. This thesis is devoted to the study of locality in quasi-Hermitian theory, the symmetries and conserved quantities associated with non-Hermitian operators, and the perturbative features of pseudo-Hermitian matrices. An implicit assumption of the tensor product model of locality is that the inner product factorizes with the tensor product. Quasi-Hermitian quantum theory generalizes the tensor product model by modifying the Born rule via a metric operator with nontrivial Schmidt rank. Local observable algebras and expectation values are examined in chapter 5. Observable algebras of two one-dimensional fermionic quasi-Hermitian chains are explicitly constructed. Notably, there can be spatial subsystems with no nontrivial observables. Despite devising a new framework for local quantum theory, I show that expectation values of local quasi-Hermitian observables can be equivalently computed as expectation values of Hermitian observables. Thus, quasi-Hermitian theories do not increase the values of nonlocal games set by Hermitian theories. Furthermore, Bell's inequality violations in quasi-Hermitian theories never exceed the Tsirelson bound of Hermitian quantum theory. A perturbative feature present in pseudo-Hermitian curves which has no Hermitian counterpart is the exceptional point, a branch point in the set of eigenvalues. An original finding presented in section 2.6.3 is a correspondence between cusp singularities of algebraic curves and higher-order exceptional points. Eigensystems of one-dimensional lattice models admit closed-form expressions that can be used to explore the new features of non-Hermitian physics. One-dimensional lattice models with a pair of non Hermitian defect potentials with balanced gain and loss, Δ±iγ, are investigated in chapter 3. Conserved quantities and positive-definite metric operators are examined. When the defects are nearest neighbour, the entire spectrum simultaneously becomes complex when γ increases beyond a second-order exceptional point. When the defects are at the edges of the chain and the hopping amplitudes are 2-periodic, as in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain, the PT-phase transition is dictated by the topological phase of the system. In the thermodynamic limit, PT-symmetry spontaneously breaks in the topologically non-trivial phase due to the presence of edge states. Chiral symmetry and representation theory are utilized in chapter 4 to derive large classes of pseudo-Hermitian operators with closed-form intertwining operators. These intertwining operators include positive-definite metric operators in the quasi-Hermitian case. The PT-phase transition is explicitly determined in a special case

    Iterative Solvers for Large, Dense Matrices

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    Stochastic Interpolation (SI) uses a continuous, centrally symmetric probability distribution function to interpolate a given set of data points, and splits the interpolation operator into a discrete deconvolution followed by a discrete convolution of the data. The method is particularly effective for large data sets, as it does not suffer from the problem of oversampling, where too many data points cause the interpolating function to oscillate wildly. Rather, the interpolation improves every time more data points are added. The method relies on the inversion of relatively large, dense matrices to solve Annx = b for x. Based on the probability distribution function chosen, the matrix Ann may have specific properties that make the problem of solving for x tractable. The iterative Shulz Jones Mayer (SJM) method relies on an initial guess, which is iterated to approximate A�1 nn . We present initial guesses that are guaranteed to converge quadratically for several classes of matrices, including diagonally and tri-diagonally dominant matrices and the structured matrices we encounter in the implementation of SI. We improve the method, creating the Polynomial Shulz Jones Mayer method, and take advantage of the more efficient matrix operations possible for Toeplitz matrices. We calculate error bounds and use those to improve the method’s accuracy, resulting in a method requiring O(nlogn) operations that returns x with double precision. The use of SI and PSJM is illustrated in interpolating functions and images in grey scale and color