99,430 research outputs found

    A Unified Framework of Constrained Regression

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    Generalized additive models (GAMs) play an important role in modeling and understanding complex relationships in modern applied statistics. They allow for flexible, data-driven estimation of covariate effects. Yet researchers often have a priori knowledge of certain effects, which might be monotonic or periodic (cyclic) or should fulfill boundary conditions. We propose a unified framework to incorporate these constraints for both univariate and bivariate effect estimates and for varying coefficients. As the framework is based on component-wise boosting methods, variables can be selected intrinsically, and effects can be estimated for a wide range of different distributional assumptions. Bootstrap confidence intervals for the effect estimates are derived to assess the models. We present three case studies from environmental sciences to illustrate the proposed seamless modeling framework. All discussed constrained effect estimates are implemented in the comprehensive R package mboost for model-based boosting.Comment: This is a preliminary version of the manuscript. The final publication is available at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11222-014-9520-

    Dealing with Label Switching in Mixture Models Under Genuine Multimodality

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    The fitting of finite mixture models is an ill-defined estimation problem as completely different parameterizations can induce similar mixture distributions. This leads to multiple modes in the likelihood which is a problem for frequentist maximum likelihood estimation, and complicates statistical inference of Markov chain Monte Carlo draws in Bayesian estimation. For the analysis of the posterior density of these draws a suitable separation into different modes is desirable. In addition, a unique labelling of the component specific estimates is necessary to solve the label switching problem. This paper presents and compares two approaches to achieve these goals: relabelling under multimodality and constrained clustering. The algorithmic details are discussed and their application is demonstrated on artificial and real-world data

    Sequential Monte Carlo EM for multivariate probit models

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    Multivariate probit models (MPM) have the appealing feature of capturing some of the dependence structure between the components of multidimensional binary responses. The key for the dependence modelling is the covariance matrix of an underlying latent multivariate Gaussian. Most approaches to MLE in multivariate probit regression rely on MCEM algorithms to avoid computationally intensive evaluations of multivariate normal orthant probabilities. As an alternative to the much used Gibbs sampler a new SMC sampler for truncated multivariate normals is proposed. The algorithm proceeds in two stages where samples are first drawn from truncated multivariate Student tt distributions and then further evolved towards a Gaussian. The sampler is then embedded in a MCEM algorithm. The sequential nature of SMC methods can be exploited to design a fully sequential version of the EM, where the samples are simply updated from one iteration to the next rather than resampled from scratch. Recycling the samples in this manner significantly reduces the computational cost. An alternative view of the standard conditional maximisation step provides the basis for an iterative procedure to fully perform the maximisation needed in the EM algorithm. The identifiability of MPM is also thoroughly discussed. In particular, the likelihood invariance can be embedded in the EM algorithm to ensure that constrained and unconstrained maximisation are equivalent. A simple iterative procedure is then derived for either maximisation which takes effectively no computational time. The method is validated by applying it to the widely analysed Six Cities dataset and on a higher dimensional simulated example. Previous approaches to the Six Cities overly restrict the parameter space but, by considering the correct invariance, the maximum likelihood is quite naturally improved when treating the full unrestricted model.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures. In press, Computational Statistics & Data Analysi

    A General Framework for Fast Stagewise Algorithms

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    Forward stagewise regression follows a very simple strategy for constructing a sequence of sparse regression estimates: it starts with all coefficients equal to zero, and iteratively updates the coefficient (by a small amount ϵ\epsilon) of the variable that achieves the maximal absolute inner product with the current residual. This procedure has an interesting connection to the lasso: under some conditions, it is known that the sequence of forward stagewise estimates exactly coincides with the lasso path, as the step size ϵ\epsilon goes to zero. Furthermore, essentially the same equivalence holds outside of least squares regression, with the minimization of a differentiable convex loss function subject to an 1\ell_1 norm constraint (the stagewise algorithm now updates the coefficient corresponding to the maximal absolute component of the gradient). Even when they do not match their 1\ell_1-constrained analogues, stagewise estimates provide a useful approximation, and are computationally appealing. Their success in sparse modeling motivates the question: can a simple, effective strategy like forward stagewise be applied more broadly in other regularization settings, beyond the 1\ell_1 norm and sparsity? The current paper is an attempt to do just this. We present a general framework for stagewise estimation, which yields fast algorithms for problems such as group-structured learning, matrix completion, image denoising, and more.Comment: 56 pages, 15 figure

    Distributed Regression in Sensor Networks: Training Distributively with Alternating Projections

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have attracted considerable attention in recent years and motivate a host of new challenges for distributed signal processing. The problem of distributed or decentralized estimation has often been considered in the context of parametric models. However, the success of parametric methods is limited by the appropriateness of the strong statistical assumptions made by the models. In this paper, a more flexible nonparametric model for distributed regression is considered that is applicable in a variety of WSN applications including field estimation. Here, starting with the standard regularized kernel least-squares estimator, a message-passing algorithm for distributed estimation in WSNs is derived. The algorithm can be viewed as an instantiation of the successive orthogonal projection (SOP) algorithm. Various practical aspects of the algorithm are discussed and several numerical simulations validate the potential of the approach.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures and Implementations XV, San Diego, CA, July 31 - August 4, 200

    On the maximum bias functions of MM-estimates and constrained M-estimates of regression

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    We derive the maximum bias functions of the MM-estimates and the constrained M-estimates or CM-estimates of regression and compare them to the maximum bias functions of the S-estimates and the τ\tau-estimates of regression. In these comparisons, the CM-estimates tend to exhibit the most favorable bias-robustness properties. Also, under the Gaussian model, it is shown how one can construct a CM-estimate which has a smaller maximum bias function than a given S-estimate, that is, the resulting CM-estimate dominates the S-estimate in terms of maxbias and, at the same time, is considerably more efficient.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053606000000975 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Automatic Differentiation Variational Inference

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    Probabilistic modeling is iterative. A scientist posits a simple model, fits it to her data, refines it according to her analysis, and repeats. However, fitting complex models to large data is a bottleneck in this process. Deriving algorithms for new models can be both mathematically and computationally challenging, which makes it difficult to efficiently cycle through the steps. To this end, we develop automatic differentiation variational inference (ADVI). Using our method, the scientist only provides a probabilistic model and a dataset, nothing else. ADVI automatically derives an efficient variational inference algorithm, freeing the scientist to refine and explore many models. ADVI supports a broad class of models-no conjugacy assumptions are required. We study ADVI across ten different models and apply it to a dataset with millions of observations. ADVI is integrated into Stan, a probabilistic programming system; it is available for immediate use