335 research outputs found

    Constraint-based Analysis of Substructures of Metabolic Networks

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    Constraint-based methods (CBMs) are promising tools for the analysis of metabolic networks, as they do not require detailed knowledge of the biochemical reactions. Some of these methods only need information about the stoichiometric coefficients of the reactions and their reversibility types, i.e., constraints for steady-state conditions. Nevertheless, CBMs have their own limitations. For example, these methods may be sensitive to missing information in the models. Additionally, they may be slow for the analysis of genome-scale metabolic models. As a result, some studies prefer to consider substructures of networks, instead of complete models. Some other studies have focused on better implementations of the CBMs. In Chapter 2, the sensitivity of flux coupling analysis (FCA) to missing reactions is studied. Genome-scale metabolic reconstructions are comprehensive, yet incomplete, models of real-world metabolic networks. While FCA has proved an appropriate method for analyzing metabolic relationships and for detecting functionally related reactions in such models, little is known about the impact of missing reactions on the accuracy of FCA. Note that having missing reactions is equivalent to deleting reactions, or to deleting columns from the stoichiometric matrix. Based on an alternative characterization of flux coupling relations using elementary flux modes, we study the changes that flux coupling relations may undergo due to missing reactions. In particular, we show that two uncoupled reactions in a metabolic network may be detected as directionally, partially or fully coupled in an incomplete version of the same network. Even a single missing reaction can cause significant changes in flux coupling relations. In case of two consecutive E. coli genome-scale networks, many fully-coupled reaction pairs in the incomplete network become directionally coupled or even uncoupled in the more complete reconstruction. In this context, we found gene expression correlation values being significantly higher for the pairs that remained fully coupled than for the uncoupled or directionally coupled pairs. Our study clearly suggests that FCA results are indeed sensitive to missing reactions. Since the currently available genome-scale metabolic models are incomplete, we advise to use FCA results with care. In Chapter 3, a different, but related problem is considered. Due to the large size of genome-scale metabolic networks, some studies suggest to analyze subsystems, instead of original genome-scale models. Note that analysis of a subsystem is equivalent to deletion of some rows from the stoichiometric matrix, or identically, assuming some internal metabolites to be external. We show mathematically that analysis of a subsystem instead of the original model can lead the flux coupling relations to undergo certain changes. In particular, a pair of (fully, partially or directionally) coupled reactions may be detected as uncoupled in the chosen subsystem. Interestingly, this behavior is the opposite of the flux coupling changes that may happen due to the existence of missing reactions, or equivalently, deletion of reactions. We also show that analysis of organelle subsystems has relatively little influence on the results of FCA, and therefore, many of these subsystems may be studied independent of the rest of the network. In Chapter 4, we introduce a rapid FCA method, which is appropriate for genome-scale networks. Previously, several approaches for FCA have been proposed in the literature, namely flux coupling finder algorithm, FCA based on minimal metabolic behaviors, and FCA based on elementary flux patterns. To the best of our knowledge none of these methods are available as a freely available software. Here, we introduce a new FCA algorithm FFCA (Feasibility-based Flux Coupling Analysis). This method is based on checking the feasibility of a system of linear inequalities. We show on a set of benchmarks that for genome-scale networks FFCA is faster than other existing FCA methods. Using FFCA, flux coupling analysis of genome-scale networks of S. cerevisiae and E. coli can be performed in a few hours on a normal PC. A corresponding software tool is freely available for non-commercial use. In Chapter 5, we introduce a new concept which can be useful in the analysis of fluxes in network substructures. Analysis of elementary modes (EMs) is proven to be a powerful CBM in the study of metabolic networks. However, enumeration of EMs is a hard computational task. Additionally, due to their large numbers, one cannot simply use them as an input for subsequent analyses. One possibility is to restrict the analysis to a subset of interesting reactions, rather than the whole network. However, analysis of an isolated subnetwork can result in finding incorrect EMs, i.e. the ones which are not part of any steady-state flux distribution in the original network. The ideal set of vectors to describe the usage of reactions in a subnetwork would be the set of all EMs projected onto the subset of interesting reactions. Recently, the concept of “elementary flux patterns” (EFPs) has been proposed. Each EFP is a subset of the support (i.e. non-zero elements) of at least one EM. In the present work, we introduce the concept of ProCEMs (Projected Cone Elementary Modes). The ProCEM set can be computed by projecting the flux cone onto the lower-dimensional subspace and enumerating the extreme rays of the projected cone. In contrast to EFPs, ProCEMs are not merely a set of reactions, but from the mathematical point of view they are projected EMs. We additionally prove that the set of EFPs is included in the set of ProCEM supports. Finally, ProCEMs and EFPs are compared in the study of substructures in biological networks

    Minimal cut sets in a metabolic network are elementary modes in a dual network

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    Motivation: Elementary modes (EMs) and minimal cut sets (MCSs) provide important techniques for metabolic network modeling. Whereas EMs describe minimal subnetworks that can function in steady state, MCSs are sets of reactions whose removal will disable certain network functions. Effective algorithms were developed for EM computation while calculation of MCSs is typically addressed by indirect methods requiring the computation of EMs as initial step. Results: In this contribution, we provide a method that determines MCSs directly without calculating the EMs. We introduce a duality framework for metabolic networks where the enumeration of MCSs in the original network is reduced to identifying the EMs in a dual network. As a further extension, we propose a generalization of MCSs in metabolic networks by allowing the combination of inhomogeneous constraints on reaction rates. This framework provides a promising tool to open the concept of EMs and MCSs to a wider class of applications. Contact: [email protected]; [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin

    Reduction, Projection, and Simplification of Metabolic Networks

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    Systems biology is an interdisciplinary field of research that combines mathematics, computer science, and engineering in order to analyse biological processes. It has become more and more important in the last two decades, in particular because of successful applications for human health and biotechnology. It aims at simulating biological systems as mathematical models to support time- and cost-intensive research in laboratories. To do so, researchers create formalisms, algorithms, and techniques which can be widely used. One technique to obtain data describing biological entities is genome sequencing. Using modern high-throughput sequencing, increasing knowledge is gained about genomes which can then be used in order to reconstruct metabolic processes and networks of the organisms. Success does not come for free and data gathered with modern techniques is often too large to be analysed by hand. Therefore, methods which extract relevant information from data are in great demand. In this thesis, we introduce different methods which reduce given data in metabolic networks in a meaningful way. We present a technique which computes minimal metabolic subnetworks which are still able to satisfy predefined functionalities. We also develop a method to compute minimum sets of elementary flux modes which compose the network, where the size is significantly reduced compared to the whole set of elementary flux modes. Furthermore, we provide procedures that reduce the number of variables in a given problem in order to accelerate (already existing) algorithms by using information given by the data. Moreover, we develop a novel procedure to compute minimal cut sets on a projected network. This enables us to compute minimal cut sets of larger cardinality than before and to analyse larger networks. This projection of metabolic networks also gives rise to other applications such as computing minimal metabolic behaviours. Even though we apply and suit our methods to real metabolic systems, this thesis is focused on the mathematical methods. In order to create and prove the new techniques we make use of (mixed integer) linear optimisation, polyhedral cones, linear algebra, and oriented matroids

    Exploiting the pathway structure of metabolism to reveal high-order epistasis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Biological robustness results from redundant pathways that achieve an essential objective, e.g. the production of biomass. As a consequence, the biological roles of many genes can only be revealed through multiple knockouts that identify a <it>set </it>of genes as essential for a given function. The identification of such "epistatic" essential relationships between network components is critical for the understanding and eventual manipulation of robust systems-level phenotypes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We introduce and apply a network-based approach for genome-scale metabolic knockout design. We apply this method to uncover over 11,000 minimal knockouts for biomass production in an <it>in silico </it>genome-scale model of <it>E. coli</it>. A large majority of these "essential sets" contain 5 or more reactions, and thus represent complex epistatic relationships between components of the <it>E. coli </it>metabolic network.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The complex minimal biomass knockouts discovered with our approach illuminate robust essential systems-level roles for reactions in the <it>E. coli </it>metabolic network. Unlike previous approaches, our method yields results regarding high-order epistatic relationships and is applicable at the genome-scale.</p

    Computation of elementary modes: a unifying framework and the new binary approach

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    BACKGROUND: Metabolic pathway analysis has been recognized as a central approach to the structural analysis of metabolic networks. The concept of elementary (flux) modes provides a rigorous formalism to describe and assess pathways and has proven to be valuable for many applications. However, computing elementary modes is a hard computational task. In recent years we assisted in a multiplication of algorithms dedicated to it. We require a summarizing point of view and a continued improvement of the current methods. RESULTS: We show that computing the set of elementary modes is equivalent to computing the set of extreme rays of a convex cone. This standard mathematical representation provides a unified framework that encompasses the most prominent algorithmic methods that compute elementary modes and allows a clear comparison between them. Taking lessons from this benchmark, we here introduce a new method, the binary approach, which computes the elementary modes as binary patterns of participating reactions from which the respective stoichiometric coefficients can be computed in a post-processing step. We implemented the binary approach in FluxAnalyzer 5.1, a software that is free for academics. The binary approach decreases the memory demand up to 96% without loss of speed giving the most efficient method available for computing elementary modes to date. CONCLUSIONS: The equivalence between elementary modes and extreme ray computations offers opportunities for employing tools from polyhedral computation for metabolic pathway analysis. The new binary approach introduced herein was derived from this general theoretical framework and facilitates the computation of elementary modes in considerably larger networks

    Interval and Possibilistic Methods for Constraint-Based Metabolic Models

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    This thesis is devoted to the study and application of constraint-based metabolic models. The objective was to find simple ways to handle the difficulties that arise in practice due to uncertainty (knowledge is incomplete, there is a lack of measurable variables, and those available are imprecise). With this purpose, tools have been developed to model, analyse, estimate and predict the metabolic behaviour of cells. The document is structured in three parts. First, related literature is revised and summarised. This results in a unified perspective of several methodologies that use constraint-based representations of the cell metabolism. Three outstanding methods are discussed in detail, network-based pathways analysis (NPA), metabolic flux analysis (MFA), and flux balance analysis (FBA). Four types of metabolic pathways are also compared to clarify the subtle differences among them. The second part is devoted to interval methods for constraint-based models. The first contribution is an interval approach to traditional MFA, particularly useful to estimate the metabolic fluxes under data scarcity (FS-MFA). These estimates provide insight on the internal state of cells, which determines the behaviour they exhibit at given conditions. The second contribution is a procedure for monitoring the metabolic fluxes during a cultivation process that uses FS-MFA to handle uncertainty. The third part of the document addresses the use of possibility theory. The main contribution is a possibilistic framework to (a) evaluate model and measurements consistency, and (b) perform flux estimations (Poss-MFA). It combines flexibility on the assumptions and computational efficiency. Poss-MFA is also applied to monitoring fluxes and metabolite concentrations during a cultivation, information of great use for fault-detection and control of industrial processes. Afterwards, the FBA problem is addressed.Llaneras Estrada, F. (2011). Interval and Possibilistic Methods for Constraint-Based Metabolic Models [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/10528Palanci

    Advances in Computational Strain Design with Minimal Cut Sets

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    Extracting information from biological networks

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mathematics, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 175-194).Systems biology, the study of biological systems in a holistic manner, has been catalyzed by a dramatic improvement in experimental techniques, coupled with a constantly increasing availability of biological data. The representation and analysis of this heterogeneous data is facilitated by the powerful abstraction of biological networks. This thesis examines several types of these networks and looks in detail at the kind of information their analysis can yield. The first part discusses protein interaction networks. We introduce a new algorithm for the pairwise alignment of these networks. We show that these alignments can provide important clues to the function of proteins as well as insights into the evolutionary history of the species under examination. The second part discusses regulatory networks. We present an approach for validating putative drug targets based on the information contained in these networks. We show how this approach can also be used to discover drug targets. The third part discusses metabolic networks. We provide new insights into the structure of constraint-based models of cell metabolism and describe a methodology for performing a complete analysis of a metabolic network. We also present an implementation of this methodology and discuss its application to a variety of problems related to the metabolism of bacteria. The final part describes an application of our methodology to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the pathogen responsible for almost 2 million deaths around the world every year. We introduce a method for reconciling metabolic network reconstructions and apply it to merge the two published networks for tuberculosis. We analyze the merged network and show how it can be refined based on available experimental data to improve its predictive power. We conclude with a list of potential drug targets.by Leonid Alexandrovich Chindelevitch.Ph.D

    Elementary approaches to microbial growth rate maximisation

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    This thesis, called Elementary approaches to microbial growth rate maximisation, reports on a theoretical search for principles underlying single cell growth, in particular for microbial species that are selected for fast growth rates. First, the optimally growing cell is characterised in terms of its elementary modes. We prove an extremum principle: a cell that maximises a metabolic rate uses few Elementary Flux Modes (EFMs, the minimal pathways that support steady-state metabolism). The number of active EFMs is bounded by the number of growth-limiting constraints. Later, this extremum principle is extended in a theory that explicitly accounts for self-fabrication. For this, we had to define the elementary modes that underlie balanced self-fabrication: minimal self-supporting sets of expressed enzymes that we call Elementary Growth Modes (EGMs). It turns out that many of the results for EFMs can be extended to their more general self-fabrication analogue. Where the above extremum principles tell us that few elementary modes are used by a rate-maximising cell, it does not tell us how the cell can find them. Therefore, we also search for an elementary adaptation method. It turns out that stochastic phenotype switching with growth rate dependent switching rates provides an adaptation mechanism that is often competitive with more conventional regulatory-circuitry based mechanisms. The derived theory is applied in two ways. First, the extremum principles are used to review the mathematical fundaments of all optimisation-based explanations of overflow metabolism. Second, a computational tool is presented that enumerates Elementary Conversion Modes. These elementary modes can be computed for larger networks than EFMs and EGMs, and still provide an overview of the metabolic capabilities of an organism

    Analysis of Biochemical Reaction Networks using Tropical and Polyhedral Geometry Methods

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    The field of systems biology makes an attempt to realise various biological functions and processes as the emergent properties of the underlying biochemical network model. The area of computational systems biology deals with the computational methods to compute such properties. In this context, the thesis primarily discusses novel computational methods to compute the emergent properties as well as to recognize the essence in complex network models. The computational methods described in the thesis are based on the computer algebra techniques, namely tropical geometry and extreme currents. Tropical geometry is based on ideas of dominance of monomials appearing in a system of differential equations, which are often used to describe the dynamics of the network model. In such differential equation based models, tropical geometry deals with identification of the metastable regimes, defined as low dimensional regions of the phase space close to which the dynamics is much slower compared to the rest of the phase space. The application of such properties in model reduction and symbolic dynamics are demonstrated in the network models obtained from a public database namely Biomodels. Extreme currents are limiting edges of the convex polyhedrons describing the admissible fluxes in biochemical networks, which are helpful to decompose a biochemical network into a set of irreducible pathways. The pathways are shown to be associated with given clinical outcomes thereby providing some mechanistic insights associated with the clinical phenotypes. Similar to the tropical geometry, the method based on extreme currents is evaluated on the network models derived from a public database namely KEGG. Therefore, this thesis makes an attempt to explain the emergent properties of the network model by determining extreme currents or metastable regimes. Additionally, their applicability in the real world network models are discussed
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