1,320 research outputs found

    Structural changes in the interbank market across the financial crisis from multiple core-periphery analysis

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    Interbank markets are often characterised in terms of a core-periphery network structure, with a highly interconnected core of banks holding the market together, and a periphery of banks connected mostly to the core but not internally. This paradigm has recently been challenged for short time scales, where interbank markets seem better characterised by a bipartite structure with more core-periphery connections than inside the core. Using a novel core-periphery detection method on the eMID interbank market, we enrich this picture by showing that the network is actually characterised by multiple core-periphery pairs. Moreover, a transition from core-periphery to bipartite structures occurs by shortening the temporal scale of data aggregation. We further show how the global financial crisis transformed the market, in terms of composition, multiplicity and internal organisation of core-periphery pairs. By unveiling such a fine-grained organisation and transformation of the interbank market, our method can find important applications in the understanding of how distress can propagate over financial networks.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Centrality metrics and localization in core-periphery networks

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    Two concepts of centrality have been defined in complex networks. The first considers the centrality of a node and many different metrics for it has been defined (e.g. eigenvector centrality, PageRank, non-backtracking centrality, etc). The second is related to a large scale organization of the network, the core-periphery structure, composed by a dense core plus an outlying and loosely-connected periphery. In this paper we investigate the relation between these two concepts. We consider networks generated via the Stochastic Block Model, or its degree corrected version, with a strong core-periphery structure and we investigate the centrality properties of the core nodes and the ability of several centrality metrics to identify them. We find that the three measures with the best performance are marginals obtained with belief propagation, PageRank, and degree centrality, while non-backtracking and eigenvector centrality (or MINRES}, showed to be equivalent to the latter in the large network limit) perform worse in the investigated networks.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Detecting Core-Periphery Structures by Surprise

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    Detecting the presence of mesoscale structures in complex networks is of primary importance. This is especially true for financial networks, whose structural organization deeply affects their resilience to events like default cascades, shocks propagation, etc. Several methods have been proposed, so far, to detect communities, i.e. groups of nodes whose connectivity is significantly large. Communities, however do not represent the only kind of mesoscale structures characterizing real-world networks: other examples are provided by bow-tie structures, core-periphery structures and bipartite structures. Here we propose a novel method to detect statistically-signifcant bimodular structures, i.e. either bipartite or core-periphery ones. It is based on a modification of the surprise, recently proposed for detecting communities. Our variant allows for bimodular nodes partitions to be revealed, by letting links to be placed either 1) within the core part and between the core and the periphery parts or 2) just between the (empty) layers of a bipartite network. From a technical point of view, this is achieved by employing a multinomial hypergeometric distribution instead of the traditional (binomial) hypergeometric one; as in the latter case, this allows a p-value to be assigned to any given (bi)partition of the nodes. To illustrate the performance of our method, we report the results of its application to several real-world networks, including social, economic and financial ones.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures. Python code freely available at https://github.com/jeroenvldj/bimodular_surpris

    The organization of the interbank network and how ECB unconventional measures affected the e-MID overnight market

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    The topological properties of interbank networks have been discussed widely in the literature mainly because of their relevance for systemic risk. Here we propose to use the Stochastic Block Model to investigate and perform a model selection among several possible two block organizations of the network: these include bipartite, core-periphery, and modular structures. We apply our method to the e-MID interbank market in the period 2010-2014 and we show that in normal conditions the most likely network organization is a bipartite structure. In exceptional conditions, such as after LTRO, one of the most important unconventional measures by ECB at the beginning of 2012, the most likely structure becomes a random one and only in 2014 the e-MID market went back to a normal bipartite organization. By investigating the strategy of individual banks, we explore possible explanations and we show that the disappearance of many lending banks and the strategy switch of a very small set of banks from borrower to lender is likely at the origin of this structural change.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figure

    Interbank tiering and money center banks

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    Interbank markets are tiered rather than flat, in the sense that many banks do not lend to each other directly but through money center banks which act as intermediaries. This paper captures the notion of tiering by designing a core-periphery model and develops a procedure for fitting an empirical network to this model. We find strong evidence of tiering for the German banking system, using bilateral interbank exposures among 1,800 banks. Moreover, bank-specific features, such as bank size, help explain how banks position themselves in the interbank market, suggesting that models with heterogenous banks could help shed light on how financial networks are formed.Interbank market

    Interbank tiering and money center banks

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    This paper provides evidence that interbank markets are tiered rather than flat, in the sense that most banks do not lend to each other directly but through money center banks acting as intermediaries. We capture the concept of tiering by developing a core-periphery model, and devise a procedure for tting the model to real-world networks. Using Bundesbank data on bilateral interbank exposures among 1800 banks, we find strong evidence of tiering in the German banking system. Econometrically, bank-specific features, such as balance sheet size, predict how banks position themselves in the interbank market. This link provides a promising avenue for understanding the formation of financial networks.Interbank market ; Banks and banking, Central - Germany

    Three essays on how social context shapes engagement online

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    Understanding online user engagement is a key challenge for social platforms that support the communal creation or transfer of knowledge and information. Engagement is not only a function of individual attributes but also the result of the social context that derives from platform choices. This dissertation presents several empirical examples of how social context shapes online engagement in social platforms such as social media or online communities. In the first chapter, I investigate how the social network structure influences Twitter users’ information sharing behavior. I reconcile contradictory theories of the diversity of information sharing on social media using data representative of the whole population of Twitter users. In the second chapter, I investigate how online community size impacts users’ platform engagement. By conducting a randomized field experiment on edX, I show a causal influence of community size on individual user’s knowledge-sharing behavior, retention and performance. In the third chapter, I examine how social learning impacts out-group users’ engagement in an online learning community in terms of language and culture. I broaden the scope of my research in this last chapter by studying a context that has received little attention in the platform engagement literature. I use an interdisciplinary multi-method approach in my research that includes social network analysis, randomized field experiment, and econometrics. This dissertation involves a combination of these methods to understand user-behavior in the social platform and introduce interventions to maximize the benefit for digital platform and users alike
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