11 research outputs found

    Computing Kazhdan--Lusztig cells for unequal parameters

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    Following Lusztig, we consider a Coxeter group WW together with a weight function LL. This gives rise to the pre-order relation ≤L\leq_{L} and the corresponding partition of WW into left cells. We introduce an equivalence relation on weight functions such that, in particular, ≤L\leq_{L} is constant on equivalent classes. We shall work this out explicitly for WW of type F4F_4 and check that several of Lusztig's conjectures concerning left cells with unequal parameters hold in this case, even for those parameters which do not admit a geometric interpretation. The proofs involve some explicit computations using {\sf CHEVIE}

    Conjectures about certain parabolic Kazhdan--Lusztig polynomials

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    Irreducibility results for parabolic induction of representations of the general linear group over a local non-archimedean field can be formulated in terms of Kazhdan--Lusztig polynomials of type AA. Spurred by these results and some computer calculations, we conjecture that certain alternating sums of Kazhdan--Lusztig polynomials known as parabolic Kazhdan--Lusztig polynomials satisfy properties analogous to those of the ordinary ones.Comment: final versio

    Infrared Computations of Defect Schur Indices

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    We conjecture a formula for the Schur index of N=2 four-dimensional theories in the presence of boundary conditions and/or line defects, in terms of the low-energy effective Seiberg-Witten description of the system together with massive BPS excitations. We test our proposal in a variety of examples for SU(2) gauge theories, either conformal or asymptotically free. We use the conjecture to compute these defect-enriched Schur indices for theories which lack a Lagrangian description, such as Argyres-Douglas theories. We demonstrate in various examples that line defect indices can be expressed as sums of characters of the associated two-dimensional chiral algebra and that for Argyres-Douglas theories the line defect OPE reduces in the index to the Verlinde algebra.Comment: 63 pages + appendices, 15 figures. v2 published version, references added, representations of SO(8) Kac-Moody discusse

    Leading Coefficients of Kazhdan--Lusztig Polynomials in Type DD

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    Kazhdan--Lusztig polynomials arise in the context of Hecke algebras associated to Coxeter groups. The computation of these polynomials is very difficult for examples of even moderate rank. In type AA it is known that the leading coefficient, ÎĽ(x,w)\mu(x,w) of a Kazhdan--Lusztig polynomial Px,wP_{x,w} is either 0 or 1 when xx is fully commutative and ww is arbitrary. In type DD Coxeter groups there are certain "bad" elements that make ÎĽ\mu-value computation difficult. The Robinson--Schensted correspondence between the symmetric group and pairs of standard Young tableaux gives rise to a way to compute cells of Coxeter groups of type AA. A lesser known correspondence exists for signed permutations and pairs of so-called domino tableaux, which allows us to compute cells in Coxeter groups of types BB and DD. I will use this correspondence in type DD to compute ÎĽ\mu-values involving bad elements. I will conclude by showing that ÎĽ(x,w)\mu(x,w) is 0 or 1 when xx is fully commutative in type DD.Comment: Author's Ph.D. Thesis (2013) directed by R.M. Green at the University of Colorado Boulder. 68 page

    Computing Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials for arbitrary Coxeter groups

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    this paper, we shall present an algorithm which, for any Coxeter group W , constructs directly from the Coxeter matrix (m s;t ) and a word a = (s 1 ; : : : ; s p ) in the generators, the interval [e; y] in the Bruhat ordering, where y = s 1 : : : s p is the element of W represented by a, together with the (partially de ned) left and right actions of all the generators on [e; y], without any prior implementation of the group operations. This provides us with exactly the data we need to compute P x;z for all x z y using the recursion formula of Kazhdan and Lusztig. The algorithm is based on the analysis of the structure of Bruhat intervals and some other Bruhat-like posets in [9]; the essential ingredient in its correctness proof is a remarkable theorem due to Matthew Dyer in his thesis [10], which we shall recall in section