75 research outputs found

    Stochastische Analyse und lernbasierte Algorithmen zur Ressourcenbereitstellung in optischen Netzwerken

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    The unprecedented growth in Internet traffic has driven the innovations in provisioning of optical resources as per the need of bandwidth demands such that the resource utilization and spectrum efficiency could be maximized. With the advent of the next generation flexible optical transponders and switches, the flexible-grid-based elastic optical network (EON) is foreseen as an alternative to the widely deployed fixed-grid-based wavelength division multiplexing networks. At the same time, the flexible resource provisioning also raises new challenges for EONs. One such challenge is the spectrum fragmentation. As network traffic varies over time, spectrum gets fragmented due to the setting up and tearing down of non-uniform bandwidth requests over aligned (i.e., continuous) and adjacent (i.e., contiguous) spectrum slices, which leads to a non-optimal spectrum allocation, and generally results in higher blocking probability and lower spectrum utilization in EONs. To address this issue, the allocation and reallocation of optical resources are required to be modeled accurately, and managed efficiently and intelligently. The modeling of routing and spectrum allocation in EONs with the spectrum contiguity and spectrum continuity constraints is well-investigated, but existing models do not consider the fragmentation issue resulted by these constraints and non-uniform bandwidth demands. This thesis addresses this issue and considers both the constraints to computing exact blocking probabilities in EONs with and without spectrum conversion, and with spectrum reallocation (known as defragmentation) for the first time using the Markovian approach. As the exact network models are not scalable with respect to the network size and capacity, this thesis proposes load-independent and load-dependent approximate models to compute approximate blocking probabilities in EONs. Results show that the connection blocking due to fragmentation can be reduced by using a spectrum conversion or a defragmentation approach, but it can not be eliminated in a mesh network topology. This thesis also deals with the important network resource provisioning task in EONs. To this end, it first presents algorithmic solutions to efficiently allocate and reallocate spectrum resources using the fragmentation factor along spectral, time, and spatial dimensions. Furthermore, this thesis highlights the role of machine learning techniques in alleviating issues in static provisioning of optical resources, and presents two use-cases: handling time-varying traffic in optical data center networks, and reducing energy consumption and allocating spectrum proportionately to traffic classes in fiber-wireless networks.Die flexible Nutzung des Spektrums bringt in Elastischen Optischen Netze (EON) neue Herausforderungen mit sich, z.B., die Fragmentierung des Spektrums. Die Fragmentierung entsteht dadurch, dass die Netzwerkverkehrslast sich im Laufe der Zeit ändert und so wird das Spektrum aufgrund des Verbindungsaufbaus und -abbaus fragmentiert. Das für eine Verbindung notwendige Spektrum wird durch aufeinander folgende (kontinuierliche) und benachbarte (zusammenhängende) Spektrumsabschnitte (Slots) gebildet. Dies führt nach den zahlreichen Reservierungen und Freisetzungen des Spektrums zu einer nicht optimalen Zuordnung, die in einer höheren Blockierungs-wahrscheinlichkeit der neuen Verbindungsanfragen und einer geringeren Auslastung von EONs resultiert. Um dieses Problem zu lösen, müssen die Zuweisung und Neuzuordnung des Spektrums in EONs genau modelliert und effizient sowie intelligent verwaltet werden. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Fragmentierungsproblem und berücksichtigt dabei die beiden Einschränkungen: Kontiguität und Kontinuität. Unter diesen Annahmen wurden analytische Modelle zur Berechnung einer exakten Blockierungswahrscheinlichkeit in EONs mit und ohne Spektrumskonvertierung erarbeitet. Außerdem umfasst diese Arbeit eine Analyse der Blockierungswahrscheinlichkeit im Falle einer Neuzuordnung des Sprektrums (Defragmentierung). Diese Blockierungsanalyse wird zum ersten Mal mit Hilfe der Markov-Modelle durchgeführt. Da die exakten analytischen Modelle hinsichtlich der Netzwerkgröße und -kapazität nicht skalierbar sind, werden in dieser Dissertation verkehrslastunabhängige und verkehrslastabhängige Approximationsmodelle vorgestellt. Diese Modelle bieten eine Näherung der Blockierungswahrscheinlichkeiten in EONs. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Blockierungswahrscheinlichkeit einer Verbindung aufgrund von einer Fragmentierung des Spektrums durch die Verwendung einer Spektrumkonvertierung oder eines Defragmentierungsverfahrens verringert werden kann. Eine effiziente Bereitstellung der optischen Netzwerkressourcen ist eine wichtige Aufgabe von EONs. Deswegen befasst sich diese Arbeit mit algorithmischen Lösungen, die Spektrumressource mithilfe des Fragmentierungsfaktors von Spektral-, Zeit- und räumlichen Dimension effizient zuweisen und neu zuordnen. Darüber hinaus wird die Rolle des maschinellen Lernens (ML) für eine verbesserte Bereitstellung der optischen Ressourcen untersucht und das ML basierte Verfahren mit der statischen Ressourcenzuweisung verglichen. Dabei werden zwei Anwendungsbeispiele vorgestellt und analysiert: der Umgang mit einer zeitveränderlichen Verkehrslast in optischen Rechenzentrumsnetzen, und eine Verringerung des Energieverbrauchs und die Zuweisung des Spektrums proportional zu Verkehrsklassen in kombinierten Glasfaser-Funknetzwerken

    Management of Spectral Resources in Elastic Optical Networks

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    Recent developments in the area of mobile technologies, data center networks, cloud computing and social networks have triggered the growth of a wide range of network applications. The data rate of these applications also vary from a few megabits per second (Mbps) to several Gigabits per second (Gbps), thereby increasing the burden on the Inter- net. To support this growth in Internet data traffic, one foremost solution is to utilize the advancements in optical networks. With technology such as wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks, bandwidth upto 100 Gbps can be exploited from the optical fiber in an energy efficient manner. However, WDM networks are not efficient when the traffic demands vary frequently. Elastic Optical Networks (EONs) or Spectrum Sliced Elastic Optical Path Networks (SLICE) or Flex-Grid has been recently proposed as a long-term solution to handle the ever-increasing data traffic and the diverse demand range. EONs provide abundant bandwidth by managing the spectrum resources as fine-granular orthogonal sub-carriers that makes it suitable to accommodate varying traffic demands. However, the Routing and Spectrum Allocation (RSA) algorithm in EONs has to follow additional constraints while allocating sub-carriers to demands. These constraints increase the complexity of RSA in EONs and also, make EONs prone to the fragmentation of spectral resources, thereby decreasing the spectral efficiency. The major objective of this dissertation is to study the problem of spectrum allocation in EONs under various network conditions. With this objective, this dissertation presents the author\u27s study and research on multiple aspects of spectrum allocation in EONs: how to allocate sub-carriers to the traffic demands, how to accommodate traffic demands that varies with time, how to minimize the fragmentation of spectral resources and how to efficiently integrate the predictability of user demands for spectrum assignment. Another important contribution of this dissertation is the application of EONs as one of the substrate technologies for network virtualization


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    In elastic optical networks (EONs), a major obstacle to using the spectrum resources efficiently is spectrum fragmentation. Much of the research activities in EONs focuses on finding defragmentation methods which remove the spectrum fragmentation. Among the defragmentation methods presented in the literature, hitless defragmentation has been introduced as an approach to limit the spectrum fragmentation in elastic optical networks without traffic disruption. It facilitates the accommodation of new request by creating large spectrum blocks, as it moves active lightpaths (retuning) to fill in gaps left in the spectrum by expired ones. Nevertheless, hitless defragmentation witnesses limitations for gradual retuning with the conventionally used first fit allocation. The first fit allocation stacks all lightpaths to the lower end of the spectrum. This leads to a large number of lightpaths that need to be retuned and are subject to interfere with each other\u27s retuning. This thesis presents two schemes, which are based on hitless defragmentation, to increase the admissible traffic in EONs. Firstly, a route partitioning scheme for hitless defragmentation in default EONs is presented. The proposed scheme uses route partitioning with the first-last fit allocation to increase the possibilities of lightpath retuning by avoiding the retuning interference among lightpaths. The first-last fit allocation is used to set a bipartition with one partition allocated with the first fit and the second with the last fit. Lightpaths that are allocated on different partitions cannot interfere with each other. Thus the route partitioning avoids the interferences among lightpaths when retuning. The route partitioning problem is defined as an optimization problem to minimize the total interferences. Secondly, this thesis presents a defragmentation scheme using path exchanging in 1+1 path protected EONs. For 1+1 path protection, conventional defragmentation approaches consider designated primary and backup paths. This exposes the spectrum to fragmentations induced by the primary lightpaths, which are not to be disturbed in order to achieve hitless defragmentation. The presented path exchanging scheme exchanges the path function of the 1+1 protection with the primary toggling to the backup state while the backup becomes the primary. This allows both lightpaths to be reallocated during the defragmentation process while they work as backup, offering hitless defragmentation. Considering path exchanging, a static spectrum reallocation optimization problem that minimizes the spectrum fragmentation while limiting the number of path exchanging and reallocation operations is defined. For each of the presented schemes, after the problem is defined as an optimization problem, it is then formulated as an integer linear programming problem (ILP). A decision version of each defined problem is proven NP-complete. A heuristic algorithm is then introduced for large networks, where the ILP used to represent the problem is not tractable. The simulation results show that the proposed schemes outperform the conventional ones and improve the total admissible traffic.電気通信大学201


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    In elastic optical networks (EONs), a major obstacle to using the spectrum resources efficiently is spectrum fragmentation. Much of the research activities in EONs focuses on finding defragmentation methods which remove the spectrum fragmentation. Among the defragmentation methods presented in the literature, hitless defragmentation has been introduced as an approach to limit the spectrum fragmentation in elastic optical networks without traffic disruption. It facilitates the accommodation of new request by creating large spectrum blocks, as it moves active lightpaths (retuning) to fill in gaps left in the spectrum by expired ones. Nevertheless, hitless defragmentation witnesses limitations for gradual retuning with the conventionally used first fit allocation. The first fit allocation stacks all lightpaths to the lower end of the spectrum. This leads to a large number of lightpaths that need to be retuned and are subject to interfere with each other\u27s retuning. This thesis presents two schemes, which are based on hitless defragmentation, to increase the admissible traffic in EONs. Firstly, a route partitioning scheme for hitless defragmentation in default EONs is presented. The proposed scheme uses route partitioning with the first-last fit allocation to increase the possibilities of lightpath retuning by avoiding the retuning interference among lightpaths. The first-last fit allocation is used to set a bipartition with one partition allocated with the first fit and the second with the last fit. Lightpaths that are allocated on different partitions cannot interfere with each other. Thus the route partitioning avoids the interferences among lightpaths when retuning. The route partitioning problem is defined as an optimization problem to minimize the total interferences. Secondly, this thesis presents a defragmentation scheme using path exchanging in 1+1 path protected EONs. For 1+1 path protection, conventional defragmentation approaches consider designated primary and backup paths. This exposes the spectrum to fragmentations induced by the primary lightpaths, which are not to be disturbed in order to achieve hitless defragmentation. The presented path exchanging scheme exchanges the path function of the 1+1 protection with the primary toggling to the backup state while the backup becomes the primary. This allows both lightpaths to be reallocated during the defragmentation process while they work as backup, offering hitless defragmentation. Considering path exchanging, a static spectrum reallocation optimization problem that minimizes the spectrum fragmentation while limiting the number of path exchanging and reallocation operations is defined. For each of the presented schemes, after the problem is defined as an optimization problem, it is then formulated as an integer linear programming problem (ILP). A decision version of each defined problem is proven NP-complete. A heuristic algorithm is then introduced for large networks, where the ILP used to represent the problem is not tractable. The simulation results show that the proposed schemes outperform the conventional ones and improve the total admissible traffic.電気通信大学201

    In-operation planning in flexgrid optical core networks

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    New generation applications, such as cloud computing or video distribution, can run in a telecom cloud infrastructure where the datacenters (DCs) of telecom operators are integrated in their networks thus, increasing connections' dynamicity and resulting in time-varying traffic capacities, which might also entail changes in the traffic direction along the day. As a result, a flexible optical technology able to dynamically set-up variable-capacity connections, such as flexgrid, is needed. Nonetheless, network dynamicity might entail network performance degradation thus, requiring re-optimizing the network while it is in operation. This thesis is devoted to devise new algorithms to solve in-operation network planning problems aiming at enhancing the performance of optical networks and at studying their feasibility in experimental environments. In-operation network planning requires from an architecture enabling the deployment of algorithms that must be solved in stringent times. That architecture can be based on a Path Computation Element (PCE) or a Software Defined Networks controller. In this thesis, we assume the former split in a front-end PCE, in charge of provisioning paths and handling network events, and a specialized planning tool in the form of a back-end PCE responsible for solving in-operation planning problems. After the architecture to support in-operation planning is assessed, we focus on studying the following applications: 1) Spectrum fragmentation is one of the most important problems in optical networks. To alleviate it to some extent without traffic disruption, we propose a hitless spectrum defragmentation strategy. 2) Each connection affected by a failure can be recovered using multiple paths to increase traffic restorability at the cost of poor resource utilization. We propose re-optimizing the network after repairing the failure to aggregate and reroute those connections to release spectral resources. 3) We study two approaches to provide multicast services: establishing a point-to-multipoint connections at the optical layer and using multi-purpose virtual network topologies (VNT) to serve both unicast and multicast connectivity requests. 4) The telecom cloud infrastructure, enables placing contents closer to the users. Based on it, we propose a hierarchical content distribution architecture where VNTs permanently interconnect core DCs and metro DCs periodically synchronize contents to the core DCs. 5) When the capacity of the optical backbone network becomes exhausted, we propose using a planning tool with access to inventory and operation databases to periodically decide the equipment and connectivity to be installed at the minimum cost reducing capacity overprovisioning. 6) In multi-domain multi-operator scenarios, a broker on top of the optical domains can provision multi-domain connections. We propose performing intra-domain spectrum defragmentation when no contiguous spectrum can be found for a new connection request. 7) Packet nodes belonging to a VNT can collect and send incoming traffic monitoring data to a big data repository. We propose using the collected data to predict next period traffic and to adapt the VNT to future conditions. The methodology followed in this thesis consists in proposing a problem statement and/or a mathematical formulation for the problems identified and then, devising algorithms for solving them. Those algorithms are simulated and then, they are experimentally assessed in real test-beds. This thesis demonstrates the feasibility of performing in-operation planning in optical networks, shows that it enhances the performance of the network and validates the feasibility of its deployment in real networks. It shall be mentioned that part of the work reported in this thesis has been done within the framework of several research projects, namely IDEALIST (FP7-ICT-2011-8) and GEANT (238875) funded by the EC and SYNERGY (TEC2014-59995-R) funded by the MINECO.Les aplicacions de nova generació, com ara el cloud computing o la distribució de vídeo, es poden executar a infraestructures de telecom cloud (TCI) on operadors integren els seus datacenters (DC) a les seves xarxes. Aquestes aplicacions fan que incrementi tant la dinamicitat de les connexions, com la variabilitat de les seves capacitats en el temps, arribant a canviar de direcció al llarg del dia. Llavors, cal disposar de tecnologies òptiques flexibles, tals com flexgrid, que suportin aquesta dinamicitat a les connexions. Aquesta dinamicitat pot degradar el rendiment de la xarxa, obligant a re-optimitzar-la mentre és en operació. Aquesta tesis està dedicada a idear nous algorismes per a resoldre problemes de planificació sobre xarxes en operació (in-operation network planning) per millorar el rendiment de les xarxes òptiques i a estudiar la seva factibilitat en entorns experimentals. Aquests problemes requereixen d’una arquitectura que permeti desplegar algorismes que donin solucions en temps restrictius. L’arquitectura pot estar basada en un Element de Computació de Rutes (PCE) o en un controlador de Xarxes Definides per Software. En aquesta tesis, assumim un PCE principal encarregat d’aprovisionar rutes i gestionar esdeveniments de la xarxa, i una eina de planificació especialitzada en forma de PCE de suport per resoldre problemes d’in-operation planning. Un cop validada l’arquitectura que dona suport a in-operation planning, estudiarem les següents aplicacions: 1) La fragmentació d’espectre és un dels principals problemes a les xarxes òptiques. Proposem reduir-la en certa mesura, fent servir una estratègia que no afecta al tràfic durant la desfragmentació. 2) Cada connexió afectada per una fallada pot ser recuperada fent servir múltiples rutes incrementant la restaurabilitat de la xarxa, tot i empitjorar-ne la utilització de recursos. Proposem re-optimitzar la xarxa després de reparar una fallada per agregar i re-enrutar aquestes connexions tractant d’alliberar recursos espectrals. 3) Estudiem dues solucions per aprovisionar serveis multicast: establir connexions punt-a-multipunt sobre la xarxa òptica i utilitzar Virtual Network Topologies (VNT) multi-propòsit per a servir peticions de connectivitat tant unicast com multicast. 4) La TCI permet mantenir els continguts a prop dels usuaris. Proposem una arquitectura jeràrquica de distribució de continguts basada en la TCI, on els DC principals s’interconnecten per mitjà de VNTs permanents i els DCs metropolitans periòdicament sincronitzen continguts amb els principals. 5) Quan la capacitat de la xarxa òptica s’exhaureix, proposem utilitzar una eina de planificació amb accés a bases de dades d’inventari i operacionals per decidir periòdicament l’equipament i connectivitats a instal·lar al mínim cost i reduir el sobre-aprovisionament de capacitat. 6) En entorns multi-domini multi-operador, un broker per sobre dels dominis òptics pot aprovisionar connexions multi-domini. Proposem aplicar desfragmentació d’espectre intra-domini quan no es pot trobar espectre contigu per a noves peticions de connexió. 7) Els nodes d’una VNT poden recollir i enviar informació de monitorització de tràfic entrant a un repositori de big data. Proposem utilitzar aquesta informació per adaptar la VNT per a futures condicions. La metodologia que hem seguit en aquesta tesis consisteix en formalitzar matemàticament els problemes un cop aquests son identificats i, després, idear algorismes per a resoldre’ls. Aquests algorismes son simulats i finalment validats experimentalment en entorns reals. Aquesta tesis demostra la factibilitat d’implementar mecanismes d’in-operation planning en xarxes òptiques, mostra els beneficis que aquests aporten i valida la seva aplicabilitat en xarxes reals. Part del treball presentat en aquesta tesis ha estat dut a terme en el marc dels projectes de recerca IDEALIST (FP7-ICT-2011-8) i GEANT (238875), finançats per la CE, i SYNERGY (TEC2014-59995-R), finançat per el MINECO.Postprint (published version

    A Programmable ROADM System for SDM/WDM Networks

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    This paper proposed and evaluated a programmable ROADM system for MCF-based SDM/WDM networks. The proposed ROADM system employing both bypass connection and Route-and-Select wavelength switching enables adaptable virtual topology in optical networks by dynamically configuring bypass connection cores. The simulation results confirmed this ROADM system could provide acceptable performance with an around 10–20% reduction in the total cost including the number of ports and WSSs by comparing with a fully flexible SDM/WDM ROADM system, which cannot be implemented due to the required extremely high-port-count WSSs