7 research outputs found

    An efficient hardware logarithm generator with modified quasi-symmetrical approach for digital signal processing

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    This paper presents a low-error, low-area FPGA-based hardware logarithm generator for digital signal processing systems which require high-speed, real time logarithm operations. The proposed logarithm generator employs the modified quasi-symmetrical approach for an efficient hardware implementation. The error analysis and implementation results are also presented and discussed. The achieved results show that the proposed approach can reduce the approximation error and hardware area compared with traditional methods

    Efficient architectures and implementation of arithmetic functions approximation based stochastic computing

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    Stochastic computing (SC) has emerged as a potential alternative to binary computing for a number of low-power embedded systems, DSP, neural networks and communications applications. In this paper, a new method, associated architectures and implementations of complex arithmetic functions, such as exponential, sigmoid and hyperbolic tangent functions are presented. Our approach is based on a combination of piecewise linear (PWL) approximation as well as a polynomial interpolation based (Lagrange interpolation) methods. The proposed method aims at reducing the number of binary to stochastic converters. This is the most power sensitive module in an SC system. The hardware implementation for each complex arithmetic function is then derived using the 65nm CMOS technology node. In terms of accuracy, the proposed approach outperforms other well-known methods by 2 times on average. The power consumption of the implementations based on our method is decreased on average by 40 % comparing to other previous solutions. Additionally, the hardware complexity of our proposed method is also improved (40 % on average) while the critical path of the proposed method is slightly increased by 2.5% on average when comparing to other methods

    Digital Signal Processing and Machine Learning System Design using Stochastic Logic

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. July 2017. Major: Electrical/Computer Engineering. Advisor: Keshab Parhi. 1 computer file (PDF); xxii, 172 pages.Digital signal processing (DSP) and machine learning systems play a crucial role in the fields of big data and artificial intelligence. The hardware design of these systems is extremely critical to meet stringent application requirements such as extremely small size, low power consumption, and high reliability. Following the path of Moore's Law, the density and performance of hardware systems are dramatically improved at an exponential pace. The increase in the number of transistors on a chip, which plays the main role in improvement in the density of circuit design, causes rapid increase in circuit complexity. Therefore, low area consumption is one of the key challenges for IC design, especially for portable devices. Another important challenge for hardware design is reliability. A chip fabricated using nanoscale complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technologies will be prone to errors caused by fluctuations in threshold voltage, supply voltage, doping levels, aging, timing errors and soft errors. Design of nanoscale failure-resistant systems is currently of significant interest, especially as the technology scales below 10 nm. Stochastic Computing (SC) is a novel approach to address these challenges in system and circuit design. This dissertation considers the design of digital signal processing and machine learning systems in stochastic logic. The stochastic implementations of finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) filters based on various lattice structures are presented. The implementations of complex functions such as trigonometric, exponential, and sigmoid, are derived based on truncated versions of their Maclaurin series expansions. We also present stochastic computation of polynomials using stochastic subtractors and factorization. The machine learning systems including artificial neural network (ANN) and support vector machine (SVM) in stochastic logic are also presented. First, we propose novel implementations for linear-phase FIR filters in stochastic logic. The proposed design is based on lattice structures. Compared to direct-form linear-phase FIR filters, linear-phase lattice filters require twice the number of multipliers but the same number of adders. The hardware complexities of stochastic implementations of linear-phase FIR filters for direct-form and lattice structures are comparable. We propose stochastic implementation of IIR filters using lattice structures where the states are orthogonal and uncorrelated. We present stochastic IIR filters using basic, normalized and modified lattice structures. Simulation results demonstrate high signal-to-error ratio and fault tolerance in these structures. Furthermore, hardware synthesis results show that these filter structures require lower hardware area and power compared to two's complement realizations. Second, We present stochastic logic implementations of complex arithmetic functions based on truncated versions of their Maclaurin series expansions. It is shown that a polynomial can be implemented using multiple levels of NAND gates based on Horner's rule, if the coefficients are alternately positive and negative and their magnitudes are monotonically decreasing. Truncated Maclaurin series expansions of arithmetic functions are used to generate polynomials which satisfy these constraints. The input and output in these functions are represented by unipolar representation. For a polynomial that does not satisfy these constraints, it still can be implemented based on Horner's rule if each factor of the polynomial satisfies these constraints. format conversion is proposed for arithmetic functions with input and output represented in different formats, such as cosπx\text{cos}\,\pi x given x[0,1]x\in[0,1] and sigmoid(x)\text{sigmoid(x)} given x[1,1]x\in[-1,1]. Polynomials are transformed to equivalent forms that naturally exploit format conversions. The proposed stochastic logic circuits outperform the well-known Bernstein polynomial based and finite-state-machine (FSM) based implementations. Furthermore, the hardware complexity and the critical path of the proposed implementations are less than the Bernstein polynomial based and FSM based implementations for most cases. Third, we address subtraction and polynomial computations using unipolar stochastic logic. It is shown that stochastic computation of polynomials can be implemented by using a stochastic subtractor and factorization. Two approaches are proposed to compute subtraction in stochastic unipolar representation. In the first approach, the subtraction operation is approximated by cascading multi-levels of OR and AND gates. The accuracy of the approximation is improved with the increase in the number of stages. In the second approach, the stochastic subtraction is implemented using a multiplexer and a stochastic divider. We propose stochastic computation of polynomials using factorization. Stochastic implementations of first-order and second-order factors are presented for different locations of polynomial roots. From experimental results, it is shown that the proposed stochastic logic circuits require less hardware complexity than the previous stochastic polynomial implementation using Bernstein polynomials. Finally, this thesis presents novel architectures for machine learning based classifiers using stochastic logic. Three types of classifiers are considered. These include: linear support vector machine (SVM), artificial neural network (ANN) and radial basis function (RBF) SVM. These architectures are validated using seizure prediction from electroencephalogram (EEG) as an application example. To improve the accuracy of proposed stochastic classifiers, an approach of data-oriented linear transform for input data is proposed for EEG signal classification using linear SVM classifiers. Simulation results in terms of the classification accuracy are presented for the proposed stochastic computing and the traditional binary implementations based datasets from two patients. It is shown that accuracies of the proposed stochastic linear SVM are improved by 3.88\% and 85.49\% for datasets from patient-1 and patient-2, respectively, by using the proposed linear-transform for input data. Compared to conventional binary implementation, the accuracy of the proposed stochastic ANN is improved by 5.89\% for the datasets from patient-1. For patient-2, the accuracy of the proposed stochastic ANN is improved by 7.49\% by using the proposed linear-transform for input data. Additionally, compared to the traditional binary linear SVM and ANN, the hardware complexity, power consumption and critical path of the proposed stochastic implementations are reduced significantly

    Computing Arithmetic Functions Using Stochastic Logic by Series Expansion

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    A Framework for Computing Discrete-Time Systems and Functions using DNA

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. July 2017. Major: Electrical/Computer Engineering. Advisors: Keshab Parhi, Marc Riedel. 1 computer file (PDF); xvii, 216 pages.Due to the recent advances in the field of synthetic biology, molecular computing has emerged as a non-conventional computing technology. A broad range of computational processes has been considered for molecular implementation. In this dissertation, we investigate the development of molecular systems for performing the following computations: signal processing, Markov chains, polynomials, and mathematical functions. First, we present a \textit{fully asynchronous} framework to design molecular signal processing algorithms. The framework maps each delay unit to two molecular types, i.e., first-type and second-type, and provides a 4-phase scheme to synchronize data flow for any multi-input/multi-output signal processing system. In the first phase, the input signal and values stored in all delay elements are consumed for computations. Results of computations are stored in the first-type molecules corresponding to the delay units and output variables. During the second phase, the values of the first-type molecules are transferred to the second-type molecules for the output variable. In the third phase, the concentrations of the first-type molecules are transferred to the second-type molecules associated with each delay element. Finally, in the fourth phase, the output molecules are collected. The method is illustrated by synthesizing a simple finite-impulse response (FIR) filter, an infinite-impulse response (IIR) filter, and an 8-point real-valued fast Fourier transform (FFT). The simulation results show that the proposed framework provides faster molecular signal processing systems compared to prior frameworks. We then present an overview of how continuous-time, discrete-time and digital signal processing systems can be implemented using molecular reactions. We also present molecular sensing systems where molecular reactions are used to implement analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and digital-to-analog converters (DACs). These converters can be used to design mixed-signal processing molecular systems. A complete example of the addition of two molecules using digital implementation is described where the concentrations of two molecules are converted to digital by two 3-bit ADCs, and the 4-bit output of the digital adder is converted to analog by a 4-bit DAC. Furthermore, we describe implementation of other forms of molecular computation. We propose an approach to implement any first-order Markov chain using molecular reactions in general and DNA in particular. The Markov chain consists of two parts: a set of states and state transition probabilities. Each state is modeled by a unique molecular type, referred to as a data molecule. Each state transition is modeled by a unique molecular type, referred to as a control molecule, and a unique molecular reaction. Each reaction consumes data molecules of one state and produces data molecules of another state. The concentrations of control molecules are initialized according to the probabilities of corresponding state transitions in the chain. The steady-state probability of the Markov chain is computed by the equilibrium concentration of data molecules. We demonstrate our method for the Gambler’s Ruin problem as an instance of the Markov chain process. We analyze the method according to both the stochastic chemical kinetics and the mass-action kinetics model. Additionally, we propose a novel {\em unipolar molecular encoding} approach to compute a certain class of polynomials. In this molecular encoding, each variable is represented using two molecular types: a \mbox{type-0} and a \mbox{type-1}. The value is the ratio of the concentration of type-1 molecules to the sum of the concentrations of \mbox{type-0} and \mbox{type-1} molecules. With the new encoding, CRNs can compute any set of polynomial functions subject only to the limitation that these polynomials can be expressed as linear combinations of Bernstein basis polynomials with positive coefficients less than or equal to 1. The proposed encoding naturally exploits the expansion of a power-form polynomial into a Bernstein polynomial. We present molecular encoders for converting any input in a standard representation to the fractional representation, as well as decoders for converting the computed output from the fractional to a standard representation. Lastly, we expand the unipolar molecular encoding for bipolar molecular encoding and propose simple molecular circuits that can compute multiplication and scaled addition. Using these circuits, we design molecular circuits to compute more complex mathematical functions such as exe^{-x}, sin(x)\sin (x), and sigmoid(x)(x). According to this approach, we implement a molecular perceptron as a simple artificial neural network

    New Views for Stochastic Computing: From Time-Encoding to Deterministic Processing

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation.July 2018. Major: Electrical/Computer Engineering. Advisor: David Lilja. 1 computer file (PDF); xi, 149 pages.Stochastic computing (SC), a paradigm first introduced in the 1960s, has received considerable attention in recent years as a potential paradigm for emerging technologies and ''post-CMOS'' computing. Logical computation is performed on random bitstreams where the signal value is encoded by the probability of obtaining a one versus a zero. This unconventional representation of data offers some intriguing advantages over conventional weighted binary. Implementing complex functions with simple hardware (e.g., multiplication using a single AND gate), tolerating soft errors (i.e., bit flips), and progressive precision are the primary advantages of SC. The obvious disadvantage, however, is latency. A stochastic representation is exponentially longer than conventional binary radix. Long latencies translate into high energy consumption, often higher than that of their binary counterpart. Generating bit streams is also costly. Factoring in the cost of the bit-stream generators, the overall hardware cost of an SC implementation is often comparable to a conventional binary implementation. This dissertation begins by proposing a highly unorthodox idea: performing computation with digital constructs on time-encoded analog signals. We introduce a new, energy-efficient, high-performance, and much less costly approach for SC using time-encoded pulse signals. We explore the design and implementation of arithmetic operations on time-encoded data and discuss the advantages, challenges, and potential applications. Experimental results on image processing applications show up to 99% performance speedup, 98% saving in energy dissipation, and 40% area reduction compared to prior stochastic implementations. We further introduce a low-cost approach for synthesizing sorting network circuits based on deterministic unary bit-streams. Synthesis results show more than 90% area and power savings compared to the costs of the conventional binary implementation. Time-based encoding of data is then exploited for fast and energy-efficient processing of data with the developed sorting circuits. Poor progressive precision is the main challenge with the recently developed deterministic methods of SC. We propose a high-quality down-sampling method which significantly improves the processing time and the energy consumption of these deterministic methods by pseudo-randomizing bitstreams. We also propose two novel deterministic methods of processing bitstreams by using low-discrepancy sequences. We further introduce a new advantage to SC paradigm-the skew tolerance of SC circuits. We exploit this advantage in developing polysynchronous clocking, a design strategy for optimizing the clock distribution network of SC systems. Finally, as the first study of its kind to the best of our knowledge, we rethink the memory system design for SC. We propose a seamless stochastic system, StochMem, which features analog memory to trade the energy and area overhead of data conversion for computation accuracy