13 research outputs found

    Recommendations on the work with authentic video materials in foreign language teaching

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    Video is one of the most appreciated language teaching materials and well-liked by both teachers and learners. It brings variety and flexibility to the language classroom, gives a wide range of communicative situations, makes meaning clearer by providing visual clues (environment, dress, posture, gesture, facial expression, etc.) and communicates with viewers on an emotional as well as a cognitive level. Authentic video motivates learning interest and enthusiasm, improves students’ language skills, and enhances comprehension and discussion. This paper discusses benefits, drawbacks, criteria for video selection and strategies to work with video. The authors give examples of exercises that can be used at foreign language classes

    Peran artificial intelegent terhadap peningkatan kreativitas siswa dengan menerapkan Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) menjadi semakin luas dan tidak terkecuali di dunia pendidikan. AI dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membantu meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran dan mengembangkan potensi siswa, termasuk dalam bidang kreativitas. Salah satu pendekatan yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan menerapkan Proyek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5) yang berbasis AI. Para siswa di sekolah SMA Tunas Harapan Jakarta, belum ada yang menggunakan aplikasi untuk Program Peran Artificial Intelligence (AI) terhadap peningkatan kreativitas siswa. Diperlukan suatu kegiatan berupa Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dalam memberikan penyelesaian dalam permasalahan terutama bagaimana proses metakognitif scaffolding siswa SMA dalam memecahkan masalah integral dengan menggunakan aplikasi photomath pada E-Learning AI. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memahami secara mendalam bagaimana proses metakognitif siswa SMA dalam memecahkan masalah integral dengan menggunakan aplikasi photomath pada melalui E-Learning AI. Aplikasi photomath sebagai alat bantu yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan metakognitif siswa dalam memecahkan masalah integral dalam membantu siswa mengembangkan keterampilan yang diperlukan dan bisa dikembangkan pada kurikulum sekolah

    “Hey Siri, how much do you know about me?”: Intelligent Virtual Assistants and the dilemma between commodity and privacy

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Marketing IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence has been gaining ground over time, and Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs) are no exception, as people realize that they can be using the time and effort spend on daily tasks, more efficiently, by trusting them to these technological auxiliaries. IVAs are being used by people all over the world to change channels, play songs, turn up the volume, reading text messages and emails, calling someone or even grocery shopping when something’s missing, among many other purposes. However, previous studies show that the concerns with data privacy from using these emerging technologies is growing, since in order to work, these AI assistants need constant access to the devices’ microphones, cameras or even locations. Faced with this dilemma, what weights the most on the scale: The users’ commodity, or their information’s privacy and security? In this research, we used PLS-SEM in order to analyze the barriers and drivers that people take into consideration when having to choose if they would use or not Intelligent Virtual Assistants, and what influences this decision, based on four variables: Familiarity, Trust, Satisfaction and Privacy. Our findings conclude that consumers decidedly value their commodity, having familiarity and satisfaction influencing positively the intentions of use, and having satisfaction being highly influenced by trust. At the same time, it also shows that privacy is an inhibitor to many consumers, affecting negatively the usage perception, as expected


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    Abstract Video is one of the most appreciated language teaching materials and well-liked by both teachers and learners. It brings variety and flexibility to the language classroom, gives a wide range of communicative situations, makes meaning clearer by providing visual clues (environment, dress, posture, gesture, facial expression, etc.) and communicates with viewers on an emotional as well as a cognitive level. Authentic video motivates learning interest and enthusiasm, improves students' language skills, and enhances comprehension and discussion. This paper discusses benefits, drawbacks, criteria for video selection and strategies to work with video. The authors give examples of exercises that can be used at foreign language classes

    Architecture for sharing video-projection resources

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    O vídeo-projetor é um recurso essencial para a grande maioria das atividades de ensino, organizacionais e outras, como é o caso das conferências. Os autores apresentam neste artigo a arquitetura para uma solução de baixo custo que visa dotar os recursos de vídeo-projeção, incluindo os mais antigos, de funcionalidades de administração e partilha, sem os conhecidos problemas de conetividade que resultam da existência de diversos tipos de conetores, diferentes protocolos de transmissão e configurações (frequência e definição) nem sempre compatíveis entre vídeo projetor e computador. Incompatibilidades que levam tempo a resolver e que muitas vezes colocam mesmo em questão a utilização dos recursos de vídeo-projeção. A arquitetura tem por base um Raspberry Pi e um conjunto de três aplicações que no seu conjunto tornam a utilização do sistema muito simples e intuitiva, e criam condições para promover novos paradigmas de trabalho e de ensino.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Holidays under the hegemony of hyper-connectivity: getting away, but unable to escape?

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    Holidays have been imagined as occasions of escape and liminal leisure. This conceptualisation requires re-evaluation as a consequence of the widespread adoption of portable communication devices (smartphones) and the use of Web 2.0 interactive platforms (social media). Studies suggest that the gratifications of contact with the ‘other’, and the 10 enjoyment of the licence associated with the liminal condition, are compromised by endemic contact with the domicile. An analysis draws on the work of Heidegger and Althusser, and is supported by insights from Foucault, Arendt and Lacan. It is argued that users are ‘enframed’ and subjected by their devices. This re-imagining is representative of an 15 evolving change in the human condition, of which the compromising of tourism-as-escape is but one manifestation

    Evaluasi Penerimaan Pengguna Sistem Informasi Kesehatan Pada Poliklinik Universitas Brawijaya Menggunakan Model Unified Theory Of Acceptamce And Use Of Technology (UTAUT)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana penerimaan pengguna sistem informasi kesehatan pada Poliklinik Universitas Brawijaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan model Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Penilitian ini dilakukan dengan menyebar kuesioner menggunakan sebanyak 34 data responden dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner pada pengguna sistem informasi kesehatan. Selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif. Hasil analisis deskriptif pada variabel performance expectancy masuk dalam kategori sangat tinggi (89,7%), effort expectancy masuk dalam kategori sangat tinggi (86,9%), social influence masuk dalam kategori tinggi (78,97%), sedangkan facilitating condition masuk dalam kategori sangat tinggi(80,29%). Berdasarkan nilai yang di dapat variabel social influence dan Facilitating conditions menjadi prioritas untuk diberikan rekomendasi perbaikan

    Interacción de equipos mixtos humano robot: aspectos psicológicos y factor humano en el manejo de vehículos aéreos no tripulados

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    En el presente estudio se analizan variables psicológicas, cognitivas y emocionales con el fin de saber el modo en que pueden afectar a una tarea de vuelo con Drones. También se aborda la influencia de la autonomía a la hora de llevar a cabo una misión de vuelo real mediante la colaboración entre piloto y copiloto. Para ello, se contó con dos grupos de estudios, uno inicial de 32 sujetos que llevaron a cabo pruebas en un simulador y otro compuesto por 20 sujetos (5 profesionales y 15 procedentes de la fase de simulación) que llevaron a cabo una prueba de vuelo real. Los resultados muestran como una componente formada por variables cognitivas y de personalidad es capaz de explicar el 52% de los resultados en la prueba de simulador