20 research outputs found


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    Generasi yang lahir pada awal tahun 2000an yakni generasi-Z, merupakan generasi yang lahir di saat perkembangannya teknologi sedemikian pesatnya serta awal munculnya dan berkembangannya media sosial yang menjadi kegandrungan semua generasi. Secara psikologi keadaan ini membentuk generasi-Z ini memiliki kepribadian, kejiwaan dan karakter khasnya yang berbeda dengan generasi-generasi sebelumnya yang tidak memiliki setting lingkungan postmodern tersebut. Hal tersebut tentu tidak mungkin mendidik mereka dengan metode pendidikan yang sama dengan media pendidikan konvensional. Media sosial telah menarik minat banyak orang karena menyenangkan, berkat media sosial, orang mudah untuk berbagi ide, foto, video dengan dunia pada umumnya. Bagi generasi-Z dunia mereka telah menjadi dua alam dunia, yakni dunia nyata dan dunia maya, dunia maya merekatelah tersetting sama dengan dunia nyata, di sana mereka bermain, bercanda, belajar,berkumpul, kedaan ini yang kadang membuat porsi dunia maya mereka jauh besardari dunia nyata. Dengan porsi dunia maya yang begitu besar, para pendidikmendidik generasi-Z terkesan hanya mendidik di alam dunia nyata mereka,sedangkan di alam dunia maya, generasi-Z berselancar sendiri tanpa adapendampingan. Permasalahannya sosial media tidak akan bisa di hindari di erapostmodern, sehingga jika pendidik beranggapan negatif terhadap media sosial danterus melarang siswanya untuk bersosial media maka akan semakin sendiriangenerasi-Z di dunia maya, karena mereka diam-diam akan tetap menjelajah duniamaya meskipun dilarang. Dia antara pilihan bijak, para pendidik ikut masuk ke alamdunia maya menemani dan membimbing generasi-Z serta kesempatan ini juga bisadimanfaatkan untuk mendidik agama islam mereka. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini,bagaimana penggunaan media sosial sebagai media pembelajaran agama Islam padagenerasi-Z. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik analisisdeskriptif dengan kajian kepustakaan (library research). Hasil penelitian inimengungkapkan bahwa media sosial merupakan media pembelajaran agama Islamyang relavan dalam mendididk generasi-Z. Pemanfaan media sosial sebagi mediapembelajaran dan pengwasan peserta didik adalah langkah yang tepat mengingatgenrasi-Z ini notabenennya sangat akrab dengan sosial media, bahkan porsi duniamaya mereka terkadang lebih besar daripada porsi dunia nyata mereka

    Training air traffic controllers through digital mobile applications versus traditional methods

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    Safety-critical industries, such as air traffic control, are highly regulated, with rigorous processes and procedures to ensure that safety remains of paramount importance despite the business environment. Training personnel in safety-critical industries is therefore typically a lengthy and expensive process. Gamification and the emphasis on fun, entertainment, progression and retention of concepts has been shown to deliver strong engagement amongst learners but remains at odds with training for safety-critical industries. This paper explores the impact of gamified digital applications versus more traditional training methods for the training of air traffic controllers (ATCs) and other roles relating to air traffic services. We explore the impact of the user experience on engagement and learning retention through the testing of two digital mobile applications, Location Indicators (LI) and The Aircraft Control Positions Operator (ACPO) Starter Pack. These prototypes examine how air traffic control training could be improved by digital applications. In an industry where the rate at which trainees can be trained is projected to fall short of the demand for staff to work in the air traffic industry (BBC, 2018) this project examines potential opportunities for changing established training methods. Each application presented key learning areas for trainees in the air traffic control industry and offers an alternative to the equivalent training currently used. The prototypes were designed to provide a succinct user experience that sat alongside gamified elements to improve engagement. These were then evaluated to determine whether they were effective in potential trainee learning

    Gamification of Authoring Interactive E-Books for Children: The Q-Tales Ecosystem

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    The e-book industry is reshaping the norm of traditional book publishing and most publishing houses are concentrating their efforts in digital, in order to satisfy new market needs and capture significant market share. Currently, one of out of five e-books sold, are children-related and overall, the e-book industry is projected to be valued at $18.9 billion by 2018. Nevertheless, the increased market penetration of independent writers accompanied with continuous technological improvements leads to new challenges for the stakeholders involved, as a growing number of individuals with limited resources attempt to compete against traditional publishing houses. The Q-Tales ecosystem aims to support the community of creative professionals, experts and parents co-create new (or transform existing) children literature into high quality interactive e-books. At this new disruptive approach of self-publishing, the gamification paradigm was employed, creating game-like experiences, to motivate professionals participate in the process and adopt it. The present study focuses on the gamification aspect of Q-Tales as means to drive engagement with the entire ecosystem and promote its appropriate use, enhancing the overall goal of creating interactive children e- books. The gamification design of the Q-Tales distributed system for collaborative authoring of interactive e-books for children is presented and discussed as a case study of gamification of electronic services. More specifically, game elements, such as points, leaderboards, badges, missions and feedback were infused in the architectural units of the platform, in correspondence to the overall development of the Q-Tales Gamification Framework

    MOOK "Инженерия будущего" - система профессионального самоопределения учащихся

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    Мониторинг профессиональных умений, навыков и личностных компетенций учащихся в процессе онлайн обучения позволяет формировать в реальном времени управляющие воздействия на активизацию профессионального самоопределения школьников. Создается база данных потенциальных абитуриентов по направлениям профессиональной подготовки и выстраивается траектория профессионального развития личности

    A Serious Games Development Environment

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    Un ambiente per lo sviluppo di Serious Game

    L’impact du social media marketing sur l’intention d’achat des consommateurs marocains quant aux produits artisanaux : Revue de littérature et proposition d’un modèle conceptuel

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    Cet article offre une contribution théorique substantielle concernant les stratégies du marketing sur les médias sociaux et leur implémentation dans le contexte du comportement d'achat des consommateurs. À travers l'analyse approfondie de la littérature existante, nous mobilisons un cadre conceptuel afin d'acquérir une compréhension plus profonde des complexités du paysage des médias sociaux et de leur influence sur les intentions d'achat des consommateurs marocains, en mettant particulièrement l'accent sur les produits artisanaux. Nous présentons ainsi une version revue du modèle Stimulus-Organism-Response, adaptée à la plateforme Instagram. Ce modèle englobe des stimuli (S) tels que les publicités, les leaders d'opinion, ainsi que le contenu généré par les utilisateurs et les entreprises, tous évoquant des émotions positives (O). Ces émotions suscitent ensuite des intentions d'achat (R) chez les individus

    Critical success factors and benefits of social CRM implementation

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    The objective of the master thesis is to understand what are the critical factors that help to implement SCRM successfully, the benefits and impact to the organisation. Being successful is crucial because failure, the consequences to the revenue, profit and customer satisfaction can be disastrous. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with C-level managers, who directly connected to Social CRM (SCRM) projects and have already implemented or are about to implement SCRM within their organisation. The subjects were known large companies (start-ups and established organisations) worldwide from most of the sectors. With higher competition, fewer differentiated products, lower control over the customer, problems that can escalate fast, there are only a few moments, where organisations can differentiate during the customer journey. That means it is no longer possible to ignore customer requests. Organisations need to be where their customers are and they need to interact to avoid problem escalation. The best way to do it would be in Social Media as this is where most of the customers are. However, considering that already CRM implementation failure rate is very high – up to 70 percent (Woodcock, Green et al., 2011), it is unclear how to guarantee the success of SCRM implementation and what are the actual benefits that a company can expect. Would it be enough for the organisation just to implement a new tool to have better results or do organisations themselves need to adapt to succeed? Those are the main questions that this master thesis tries to answer.O objetivo desta Tese de Mestrado é o de entender quais são os fatores críticos que ajudam a implementar uma estratégia de social CRM (SCRM) com sucesso: Nomeadamente quais ã as vantagens e impacto para a organização. Ter êxito nesta implementação é fundamental dado que no caso de insucesso, as consequências para a receita e lucro da organização, bem como para a satisfação dos clientes, podem ser desastrosas. Foram levadas a cabo entrevistas semiestruturadas com gestores de topo, diretamente relacionados com projetos de SCRM e que já implementaram ou estão em vias de implementar SCRM na sua Organização. Os entrevistados são responsáveis de alto nível de grandes empresas internacionais de sectores diversificados ("startups" e organizações bem estabelecidas). Com concorrência crescente, menos produtos diferenciados, menos controle sobre o cliente e problemas que podem escalar rapidamente, há apenas alguns momentos onde as Organizações podem conseguir ser diferenciadoras durante a "viagem do cliente". Isso significa que já não é possível ignorar os pedidos e expectativas dos clientes. As Organizações precisam de interagir com os seus clientes onde eles estão para evitar a escalada dos. A melhor forma de o fazer é através do "Social Media", dado que é onde a maior parte dos clientes está. No entanto, considerando que a taxa de insucesso do CRM é bastante alta - até 70% (Woodcock, Green et al., 2011), acaba por ser pouco claro saber qual a melhor forma de garantir o sucesso da implementação do SCRM e quais são as vantagens reais que uma Empresa pode esperar. Seria suficiente para a organização implementar apenas uma nova ferramenta para ter melhores resultados ou precisam as próprias Organizações de se adaptar elas mesmas, para terem sucesso? Estas são as questões de fundo a que esta Tese de Mestrado tenta responde