3 research outputs found

    Genetic algorithm based feature selection combined with dual classification for the automated detection of proliferative diabetic retinopathy

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    Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) is a condition that carries a high risk of severe visual impairment. The hallmark of PDR is the growth of abnormal new vessels. In this paper, an automated method for the detection of new vessels from retinal images is presented. This method is based on a dual classification approach. Two vessel segmentation approaches are applied to create two separate binary vessel map which each hold vital information. Local morphology features are measured from each binary vessel map to produce two separate 4-D feature vectors. Independent classification is performed for each feature vector using a support vector machine (SVM) classifier. The system then combines these individual outcomes to produce a final decision. This is followed by the creation of additional features to generate 21-D feature vectors, which feed into a genetic algorithm based feature selection approach with the objective of finding feature subsets that improve the performance of the classification. Sensitivity and specificity results using a dataset of 60 images are 0.9138 and 0.9600, respectively, on a per patch basis and 1.000 and 0.975, respectively, on a per image basis

    Psychiatric Case Record

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    Bipolar Disorder-Mania: Patient was apparently normal one-month back, Then all of a sudden he developed sleep disturbances –mainly difficult in initiation of sleep. He also started abusing his family members for unwanted things. Subsequently, he started talking excessively and irritable. Sometimes he sings film songs and dances. He used to say that God Supreme exists in himself and so he has all the powers of Almighty. With that superior power he says that he can solve all the problems in this world. He also says that he has invented herbs to keep people young. For the past one week, he talks excessively without having an hour of sleep & wanders here and there & found excessively smoking. He becomes excessively spiritual and goes to near by villages for offering prayers to God. He takes only a little food everyday and he is very much keen in personal cleanliness. Paranoid Schizophrenia: She was apparently normal 8 months back, then she developed sleep disturbances in the form of difficult in falling asleep. She was found talking & smiling to herself at night & day with mirror gazing. She started saying that her neighbour & relatives are planning to kill herself by poisoning. In this context she had frequent quarrels with them and she refused to take food prepared by her mother in law. She left the home at night without informing any one and started wandering in the road side near her home. She was complaining that she hears voices as if her neighbour & relatives were talking about her among themselves She was not doing house hold activities for past 6 months and she was not taking care of her child. Her personal hygiene was very much deteriorated slowly as she used to take bath & brush, only if she was asked to do so. She started abusing & assaulting the strangers and family members. Generalised Anxiety Disorder: Six months back he was apparently normal. He is working as a system analyst in a private bank . He had once, made a mistake in his bank work for which he was given charges by his employer, followed this event he becomes very tense and afraid whenever his boss called him. He is very cautious that he should not commit any mistakes. Even though he is not doing so, he fears that he may commit some mistake in his work. At that moment he develops palpitation, giddiness, breathlessness, excessive sweating over palms and soles. Slowly these symptoms present through out the day even when he was not in his office, and he could not control his fearfulness. For the past 6 months he didn’t sleep well. His sleep is disturbed by bad dreams. Recurrent Depressive Disorder: Patient was apparently alright 2 months back. Then she developed sleep disturbances particularly early morning awakening, she use to wake up by 3.00 am and use to brood about herself and started crying. She was not doing her domestic work as before, as she felt excess tiredness and use to take frequent rests. She developed poor communication. She had lost her interest in pleasurable activities and was not interested in watching TV, and attending family gatherings. She stayed aloof most of the time & calm, quiet and withdrawn. She was expressing her helplessness and hopelessness about the future. She started to have decline in maintaining self care. 15 days back, she frequently expressed suicidal ideas and she had attempted suicide by hanging herself and was rescued by neighbours. 5 days back, she started talking in an irrelevant manner. She was smiling to self. She was assaulting her family members. She was suspicious that her neighbour had done black magic on her and also saying that people are talking about her. She reported hearing the voice of her neighbour scolding and threatening her. Organic Brain Syndrome – Dementia: Ten months back he was apparently alright. Then his relatives noticed himself frequently misplaces things inside his home. Then he started behaving aggressively. He was beating his wife without reason. He was roaming here and there, running out of home and wandering aimlessly. He was not able to come back home when he goes out. He was brought back to home by his relatives. Slowly he developed fearfulness and tremulousness while he was staying alone. He also started saying that his family members & neighbours were talking about himself, in this context he would make frequent quarrels with them. He also started hearing voices of known male voices abusing himself in third person. He sleeps for few hour only. He is passing urine and motion inside the house. He is asking about his brother and mother-in-law who were expired long back. He behaves abnormally such as pouring water in the plate while eating. And his relatives found the symptoms were worsened by evening. All these symptoms started insidiously, increased in severity through time and attained the present state. No history of loss of appetite / crying spells / suicidal tendencies / convulsions / fever / head injury