95,052 research outputs found

    Applying pi-Calculus to Practice: An Example of a Unified Security Mechanism

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    The Pi-calculus has been developed to reason about behavioural equivalence. Different notions of equivalence are defined in terms of process interactions, as well as the context of processes. There are various extensions of the Pi-calculus, such as the SPI calculus, which has primitives to facilitate security protocol design. Another area of computer security is access control research, which includes problems of access control models, policies and access control mechanism. The design of a unified framework for access control requires that all policies are supported and different access control models are instantiated correctly. In this paper we will utilise the Pi calculus to reason about access control policies and mechanism. An equivalence of different policy implementations, as well as access control mechanism will be shown. Finally some experiences regarding the use of Pi-calculus are presented

    A Visually-Enhanced Approach to Multivariate Calculus Facilitated by a Computer Algebra System

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    This study investigated the effects of a visually-enhanced approached to the teaching of selected multivariate calculus concepts on students’ mathematical understanding and visualization. The sample size consisted of 65 undergraduate students from Miami Dade College, a large Hispanic Serving Institution in the Southeast. A pretest – posttest, nonequivalent group design was used. CAS dynamic worksheets containing visualizations and geometric representations were created using a computer algebra system and embedded as part of the lecture in the experimental group. Instructor-developed instruments were used to measure students’ prerequisite knowledge for multivariate calculus, and students’ mathematical understanding of selected concepts. Furthermore, Yoon (2011)’s Revised PSVT: R was used to measure students’ spatial ability. Results from the statistical tests supported the hypothesis that enhancing the visual/geometric aspects of selected multivariate calculus concepts have a positive effect on students’ mathematical understanding and spatial ability

    Fabular: regression formulas as probabilistic programming

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    Regression formulas are a domain-specific language adopted by several R packages for describing an important and useful class of statistical models: hierarchical linear regressions. Formulas are succinct, expressive, and clearly popular, so are they a useful addition to probabilistic programming languages? And what do they mean? We propose a core calculus of hierarchical linear regression, in which regression coefficients are themselves defined by nested regressions (unlike in R). We explain how our calculus captures the essence of the formula DSL found in R. We describe the design and implementation of Fabular, a version of the Tabular schema-driven probabilistic programming language, enriched with formulas based on our regression calculus. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first formal description of the core ideas of R's formula notation, the first development of a calculus of regression formulas, and the first demonstration of the benefits of composing regression formulas and latent variables in a probabilistic programming language.Adam Ścibior received travel support from the DARPA PPAML programme. Marcin Szymczak was supported by Microsoft Research through its PhD Scholarship Programme.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the Association of Computer Machinery via http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2837614.283765

    Scalar and Vectorial mu-calculus with Atoms

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    We study an extension of modal μ\mu-calculus to sets with atoms and we study its basic properties. Model checking is decidable on orbit-finite structures, and a correspondence to parity games holds. On the other hand, satisfiability becomes undecidable. We also show expressive limitations of atom-enriched μ\mu-calculi, and explain how their expressive power depends on the structure of atoms used, and on the choice between basic or vectorial syntax

    Formally based semi-automatic implementation of an open security protocol

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    International audienceThis paper presents an experiment in which an implementation of the client side of the SSH Transport Layer Protocol (SSH-TLP) was semi-automatically derived according to a model-driven development paradigm that leverages formal methods in order to obtain high correctness assurance. The approach used in the experiment starts with the formalization of the protocol at an abstract level. This model is then formally proved to fulfill the desired secrecy and authentication properties by using the ProVerif prover. Finally, a sound Java implementation is semi-automatically derived from the verified model using an enhanced version of the Spi2Java framework. The resulting implementation correctly interoperates with third party servers, and its execution time is comparable with that of other manually developed Java SSH-TLP client implementations. This case study demonstrates that the adopted model-driven approach is viable even for a real security protocol, despite the complexity of the models needed in order to achieve an interoperable implementation

    An Experiment in Interoperable Cryptographic Protocol Implementation Using Automatic Code Generation

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    Spi2Java is a tool that enables semi-automatic generation of cryptographic protocol implementations, starting from verified formal models. This paper shows how the last version of spi2Java has been enhanced in order to enable interoperability of the generated implementations. The new features that have been added to spi2Java are reported here. A case study on the SSH transport layer protocol, along with some experiments and measures on the generated code, is also provided. The case study shows, with facts, that reliable and interoperable implementations of standard security protocols can indeed be obtained by using a code generation tool like spi2Jav

    Model checking probabilistic and stochastic extensions of the pi-calculus

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    We present an implementation of model checking for probabilistic and stochastic extensions of the pi-calculus, a process algebra which supports modelling of concurrency and mobility. Formal verification techniques for such extensions have clear applications in several domains, including mobile ad-hoc network protocols, probabilistic security protocols and biological pathways. Despite this, no implementation of automated verification exists. Building upon the pi-calculus model checker MMC, we first show an automated procedure for constructing the underlying semantic model of a probabilistic or stochastic pi-calculus process. This can then be verified using existing probabilistic model checkers such as PRISM. Secondly, we demonstrate how for processes of a specific structure a more efficient, compositional approach is applicable, which uses our extension of MMC on each parallel component of the system and then translates the results into a high-level modular description for the PRISM tool. The feasibility of our techniques is demonstrated through a number of case studies from the pi-calculus literature

    Logical Specification and Analysis of Fault Tolerant Systems through Partial Model Checking

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    This paper presents a framework for a logical characterisation of fault tolerance and its formal analysis based on partial model checking techniques. The framework requires a fault tolerant system to be modelled using a formal calculus, here the CCS process algebra. To this aim we propose a uniform modelling scheme in which to specify a formal model of the system, its failing behaviour and possibly its fault-recovering procedures. Once a formal model is provided into our scheme, fault tolerance - with respect to a given property - can be formalized as an equational µ-calculus formula. This formula expresses in a logic formalism, all the fault scenarios satisfying that fault tolerance property. Such a characterisation understands the analysis of fault tolerance as a form of analysis of open systems and thank to partial model checking strategies, it can be made independent on any particular fault assumption. Moreover this logical characterisation makes possible the fault-tolerance verification problem be expressed as a general µ-calculus validation problem, for solving which many theorem proof techniques and tools are available. We present several analysis methods showing the flexibility of our approach