10 research outputs found

    Spreadsheet solution of basic axial force problems of strength of materials

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    In this work, we present a spreadsheet developed for some particular problems of Strength of Materials. This paper is focused on the study of axial force systems, some statically determinate, such as trusses, and some statically indeterminate, such as a load-carrying rigid member supported by a pinned connection and by two axial bars. Starting with simple calculations for a particular problem, students develop the spreadsheet with more advanced calculations. The examples have been modelled on Microsoft Excel software. The aim is that, at the end of the course, students have developed a collection of such spreadsheets. This methodology contributes to enhancing the motivation in the study of the subject, which is the main learning objective.Juliá Sanchis, E.; Segura Alcaraz, JG.; Gadea Borrell, JM. (2010). Spreadsheet solution of basic axial force problems of strength of materials. Spreadsheets in Education. 4(1):1-11. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/62606S1114

    Spreadsheet Solution of Basic Axial Force Problems of Strength of Materials

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    In this work, we present a spreadsheet developed for some particular problems of Strength of Materials. This paper is focused on the study of axial force systems, some statically determinate, such as trusses, and some statically indeterminate, such as a load-carrying rigid member supported by a pinned connection and by two axial bars. Starting with simple calculations for a particular problem, students develop the spreadsheet with more advanced calculations. The examples have been modelled on Microsoft Excel software. The aim is that, at the end of the course, students have developed a collection of such spreadsheets. This methodology contributes to enhancing the motivation in the study of the subject, which is the main learning objective

    Model Pembelajaran Kimia Fisika Berbasis Simulasi Dinamika Molekul

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    Fisika statistik merupakan bidang ilmu alam yang sangat penting dipahami oleh para mahasiswa fisika dan kimia. Bidang kajian fisika statistik termasuk bidang yang abstrak dan sulit dipahami sehingga memerlukan kemampuan analisis matematis yang tinggi. Pada penelitian ini telah dikembangkan sebuah model pembelajaran kimia - fisika berbasis simulasi dinamika molekul sehingga para mahasiswa yang memerlukan konsep-konsep fisika statistik dapat dipelajari dengan baik. Dengan simulasi dinamika molekul ini para mahasiswa dapat memahami perilaku sistem dalam berbagai jenis ensambel secara praktis dan efektif. Berbagai eksperimen yang seharusnya dilakukan dalam laboratorium, namun melalui model pembelajaran ini, kita dapat melakukan simulasi secara mandiri melalui tampilan di layar komputer sehingga dapat membantu pemahaman mahasiswa dengan lebih baik

    An application of an optimization tool to solve problems of mechanics of materials

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    This paper presents a study about using computational tools applied to a particular problem of Mechanics of Materials. Our purpose is, on one hand, to solve a structural problem in order to teach the application of an optimization tool, such as Excel Solver, by means of the calculation of the minimum weight in a shaft. On the other hand, we present an active learning methodology based on the creation of spreadsheets that contributes to enhancing the motivation of students. Since the evaluation of the subject takes into account the activity of creating the spreadsheets, the academic results have improved considerably.Juliá Sanchis, E.; Segura Alcaraz, JG.; Gadea Borrell, JM.; Masiá Vañó, J. (2011). An application of an optimization tool to solve problems of mechanics of materials. Spreadsheets in Education. 5(1):1-10. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/57511S1105

    Web-Based Simulation on Physics Learning to Enhance Digital Literacy Skill of High School Students

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    The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Web-Based Simulation (WBS) on Physics learning to enhance digital literacy skills of Grade XI students in high school. The level of digital literacy skills of the students in the experiment and control group before and after they study using WBS learning and none was determined respectively. The comparison of their levels before and after the study was done to determine the effectiveness of the WBS learning. The participants of this study were 49 students of science class, with 14-16 age. The research design in this study were descriptive-comparison and pretest-posttest experimental design. Data analysis using Anova mixed design with significant 5%. The result of this study are level of students' digital literacy skill before learning process is generally very low; but after the treatment these skill was comparatively increased. In addition, there was a significant difference in the level of digital literacy skill of the classes where the WBS learning is the more effective than direct learning to enhance students’ digital literacy skill

    The impact of online learning: mechanical engineering education perspectives

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    An emerging issue in both the mechanical engineering field and almost all other study disciplines is online learning. Many universities have changed their teaching strategies and are investing heavily in the online presentation of coursework without much investment dealing with lecturers. The migration from a traditional learning technique to online learning has grown rapidly over time. However, the problem is whether all students are ready for the transition from traditional face to face learning to online learning. This research explores the impact of an online learning approach within the mechanical engineering context. The focus of this study was to identify the improvement in the satisfaction, performance and self-confidence of the mechanical students in learning the Mechanical Engineering Design module using the online method. There are four stages involved in this research work. The first stage was problem discovery involving review of related literature and a preliminary study conducted to investigate the student experiences and teacher perceptions on the existing learning techniques for the mechanical design process. This preliminary study also aimed to identify the difficulties and problems faced by students that have resulted in the suggestion of a learning approach using computer technology. The second stage involved the designing and developing of a new prototype web-based learning system. A System Development Life Cycle model (SDLC) was applied comprising four phases of a concept, design, coding and testing. The third stage was the implementation and data collection. A main study was conducted with 160 mechanical engineering students from three different levels of study at one of the universities in Brunei Darussalam. Finally, the fourth stage was data analysis using SPSS statistical software. Based on the main findings, a significant difference was found between the experienced and inexperienced students in terms of their learning satisfaction in using online learning. Significant differences were also identified in terms of time taken between the experienced and inexperienced students when using traditional and online techniques of learning to solve the simple task. Additionally, the findings also indicated that there were significant differences among the experienced and inexperienced students in terms of marks performance in solving complex tasks using the online web-based learning system. The study has shown that the online learning approach is expected to be useful as an additional learning tool to the existing traditional learning technique, particularly in the context of engineering education

    Effects of Computer Simulation and Animation (CSA) on Students’ Problem Solving in Engineering Dynamics: What and How

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    The application of Computer Simulation and Animation (CSA) in the instruction of engineering dynamics has shown a significant growth in the recent years. The two foremost methods to evaluate the effectiveness of CSA tools, including student feedback and surveys and measuring student change in performance, suggest that CSA modules improve student learning in engineering dynamics. However, neither method fully demonstrates the quality of students’ cognitive changes. This study examined the quality of effects of application of CSA modules on student learning and problem solving in particle dynamics. It also compared CSA modules with textbook-style problem-solving regarding the changes they cause in students’ cognitive process. A qualitative methodology was adopted to design and implement a study to explore the changes in participants’ learning and problem-solving behavior caused by using a CSA module. Collected data were coded and analyzed using the categories of cognitive process based on the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. An analysis of the results revealed that the most significant effects were observed in understanding, analyzing, and evaluating. The high frequency of “inference” behavior after working with modules indicated a significant increase in participants’ understanding activity after working with computer modules. Comparing behavior changes of computer-simulation group students with those who worked with a textbook-style example demonstrated that the CSA modules ignited more analytical behavior among students than did textbook-style examples. This study illustrated that improvement in learning due to the application of CSA is not limited to conceptual understanding; CSA modules enhance students’ skills in applying, organizing, and evaluating as well. The interactive characteristics of CSA play a major role in stimulating students’ analytical reasoning and critical thinking in engineering dynamics


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    Engineering Education experiences turbulent changes, both from government pressures and from industry demands on readdressing the requirements of graduate capability. Despite vast amounts of engineering literature discussing ‘change’ within the field, engineering curricula still maintains its predominant pedagogic model of dissemination to students as it did in previous decades. Technology Enhanced Learning in education has created new and flexible options in the delivery and assessment of teaching and learning, but uptake is limited and approached with caution within Engineering Education. This mixed methods research introduces an inclusive and innovative approach to Engineering Education assessment techniques utilising an integrated blended learning strategy to the implementation of Technology Enhanced Learning within engineering curriculums. The research explores and assesses the effectiveness of Technology Enhanced Learning and educational pedagogies within Engineering Education frameworks to enhance and develop student learning, digital literacy and employability. Preliminary research positioned the research, utilising observation and interview techniques to baseline current pedagogic practices in undergraduate Engineering Education against current literature. An alternative method of video assessment was implemented and embedded following a two year cycle of action research within a cohort of two undergraduate engineering modules. A prototype ‘toolkit’ was created using Xerte Online Toolkits (XOT) to facilitate student learning and support for the assessment. Additional techniques inside the cycles gained further qualitative and quantitative data via a survey and focus groups. Student learning and assessment results showed significant improvement following the introduction of this approach and validated the transferability of this technique into other educational disciplines. An industry based survey validated chosen research methods and provided a comparison of viewpoints on key issues surrounding Engineering Education against existing stakeholders. The research introduces a new innovative approach to Engineering Education utilising Technology Enhanced Learning, validated through positive industry feedback and student academic achievement and satisfaction. Significant improvements on student employability and engineering ‘soft skills’ are evidenced

    Pasifika Tertiary Students' Use of Information and Communication Technologies

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are pervasive in our daily lives. In New Zealand tertiary education institutions, the adoption of ICT is widespread. Meanwhile, Pasifika students’ participation in tertiary education has been increasing. Yet, for this group of students, academic success has been a concern to successive governments, tertiary institutions, and Pasifika peoples. ICT may offer an opportunity to improve Pasifika students’ academic achievement. The study is premised on the belief that positive learning experiences will lead to improved academic outcomes. Consequently, the study explored ways of using ICT to enhance Pasifika students’ learning experiences. Adopting an interpretivist approach, the case study investigated the ICT skills and the use of ICT for learning enhancements of a group of Pasifika students at a New Zealand institute of technology. Over a period of eighteen months, data was gathered through talanoa, participant observation, and the researcher’s reflective journal. The three method approach enabled data triangulation. Data analysis adhered to the theoretical propositions of the study. Among the key findings, is the disturbing realization that Pasifika students’ ICT skill levels were not at the level assumed by the institution. The main uses of ICT by the Pasifika students in this study were for personal communication and entertainment. The students’ use of ICT for educational purposes was limited due to the mismatch of their ICT skills and those required by the institution. Inadvertently, this has further disadvantaged the students’ learning experiences. The study concludes by offering an ICT skills development framework for use with Pasifika students. Moreover, the study proposes a number of recommendations for practice, policy, and further research