7 research outputs found

    Prospective Analysis of the Mobile Health Information Systems in China

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    With the rapidly growing economy in the past few decades, people of China (mainland) are now enjoying increasingly more economic benefits than ever before. Of many growing technologies, mobile devices, especially cell phones, have been gaining popularity throughout the country. According to the latest statistics in 2007, more than one third of Chinese have cell phones. In addition to the basic uses of voice communication, cell phones have many other promising applications. Particularly, as a pervasive technology, mobile devices offer a great opportunity to deliver health information directly to people with an affordable cost. This paper analyzes the potential of mobile health information systems in China. This prospective analysis will be conducted from four important perspectives: technology, market demand, business model, and government policy

    A Communication Choreography for Discrete Step MultiAgent Social Simulations

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    Considerable research has been done on agent communications, yet in discrete step social agent simulations there is no standardized work done to facilitate reactive agent-to-agent communication. We propose an agent-to-agent interaction framework that preserves the integrity of the communication process in an artificial society in a \u27time-stepped\u27 discrete event simulator. We introduce the modeling language called Agent Choreography Description Language (ACDL) in order to model the communication. It serves in describing the common and collaborative observable behaviour of multiple agents that need to interact in a peer to peer manner to achieve some goal. ACDL further adopts the parallel and interaction activities to model proper communication in an artificial society. The ACDL communication framework is implemented and tested in REPAST. It employs a communication manager to generate and execute ACDL specification according to agent\u27s communication needs

    Arquitecturas de hardware para um veículo eléctrico

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    XML security in XML data integrity, authentication, and confidentiality

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    The widely application of XML has increasingly required high security. XML security confronts some challenges that are strong relating to its features. XML data integrity needs to protect element location information and contextreferential meaning as well as data content integrity under fine-grained security situations. XML data authentication must satisfy a signing process under a dependent and independent multi-signature generation scenario. When several different sections are encrypted within the XML data, it cannot query the encrypted contents without decrypting the encrypted portions. The technologies relating to XML security demand further development. This thesis aims to improve XML security relative technologies, and make them more practicable and secure. A novel revocation information validation approach for X.509 certificate is proposed based on the XML digital signature technology. This approach reduces the complexity of XKMS or PKI systems because it eliminates the requirement for additional revocation checking from XKMS or CA. The communication burden between server and client could be alleviated. The thesis presents the context-referential integrity for XML data. An integrity solution for XML data is also proposed based on the concatenated hash function. The integrity model proposed not only ensures XML data content integrity, but also protects the structure integrity and elements’ context relationship within an XML data. If this model is integrated into XML signature technology, the signature cannot be copied to another document still keeping valid. A new series-parallel XML multi-signature scheme is proposed. The presented scheme is a mixed order specified XML multi-signature scheme according to a dependent and independent signing process. Using presented XML data integrity-checking pool to provide integrity-checking for decomposed XML data, it makes signing XPath expression practicable, rather than signing XML data itself. A new labeling scheme for encrypted XML data is presented to improve the efficiency of index information maintenance which is applied to support encrypted XML data query processing. The proposed labelling scheme makes maintenance index information more efficient, and it is easy to update XML data with decreasing the number of affected nodes to the lowest. In order to protect structural information for encrypted XML data, the encrypted nodes are removed from original XML data, and structural information is hidden. A case study is carried out to demonstrate how the proposed XML security relative approaches and schemes can be applied to satisfy fine-grained XML security in calibration certificate management.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Petrinet-based Validation of Railway Signalling and Safety Systems

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    Die Entwicklung der Informatik und der Automatisierung ist (und war schon immer) Quelle stets neuer und effizienterer Lösungen, aber auch neuer Komplexität; sie macht eine dauerhafte, wirtschaftliche Gestaltung und Überprüfung der Sicherheit der Anlagen und der Verkehrssysteme nur noch schwieriger. Die Echtzeitinformatik ist heutzutage in die Systeme integriert, die das Leben von Menschen verwalten. Es stellt sich heraus, dass die derzeitigen Methoden und Normen nicht immer den Anforderungen nach Verfügbarkeit und nach Sicherheit entsprechen. Es sind so systematische Fehler der Software zu befürchten. Die vorliegende Arbeit besteht darin, eine Konzeptions- und Überprüfungsmethode zu definieren und zu instrumentalisieren. Sie zeigt, dass es möglich ist, formale Überprüfungsmethoden auf industrielle Steuerungen anzuwenden. Die Eisenbahnsteuerungen werden besonders behandelt. Die vorgeschlagene Methode beruht auf mehreren Konzeptionsideen: - so weit wie möglich das berufliche Umfeld berücksichtigen, die Sicherheitseigenschaften und die Funktionsanforderungen identifizieren - die Funktionssoftware und die Grundsoftware (Verwaltung des physikalischen Materials und Interpretation der fachspezifischen Aufgaben) unterscheiden - die Funktionen in Form von Automaten in AEFD-Sprache schreiben. Diese Sprache erlaubt eine Formulierung von Petrinetzen und eine deterministische Interpretation. Unter diesen Bedingungen ist es möglich, eine formelle Überprüfung einer Eisenbahnsteuerung, z.B. eines Stellwerks, zu verwirklichen. Die Hauptidee besteht in der Entwicklung eines industriellen Sicherheitsautomaten, der sich wie eine abstrakte Maschine verhält, damit dieser später formal validiert werden kann. Das Hilfsprogramm für die Formulierung der funktionellen Graphen ist für Fachleute bestimmt, die nicht über besondere Informatikkenntnisse verfügen. Die Petrinetze sind eine Konzeptualisierungssprache. Diese Netze, die in der AEFD Sprache formuliert sind, werden als interpretierbare Spezifikationen benützt. Die Sicherheitseigenschaften und die Anforderungen sind auch auf dieselbe Art formuliert. Die vorgeschlagene Methode erlaubt es unter diesen Bedingungen, einen formalen Beweis der Funktionen des Systems durchzuführen.The development of computer science and that of the automatisation were and are still source new more and more efficient resolutions, but are also sources of new complicacy returning even more difficult lasting and economic comprehension, valuation, safety of functioning of equipment and systems of transport. The real time computer science is now present in systems managing human lives. It appears now that methods and actual norms do not always allow to answer wait in availability and in security. So systematic errors of software are to fear. The work consisted in defining and instrumenting a new method of comprehension and validation. The work shows that it is possible to apply a method of formal validation to industrial automatisms. The case of rail automatisms is more particularly treated. The proposed method rests on several actions of comprehension: - hold the biggest count of context job, to identify the ownership of security and the postulates of functioning; - differentiate functional software and basic software (management of the equipment and interpretation of functional functions); - specify functions in form of automat written in language AEFD. This language allows a writing of Petri nets and a determinist and interpretable way. In these conditions it is possible to accomplish a formal validation of a rail automatism, a interlocking system or level crossing system for instance. The main idea consists in developing an industrial safety automatism which acts as an abstracted machine (a real time interpreted competitive automat with constraint) to allow a subsequent formal validation. The writing of functional graphs contacts persons having a signalling competence without any special knowledge in computer science. Petri nets are a language of conceptualization. We used these networks, written in the AEFD language, as language of deterministic and interpretable specifications. The safety properties and the functioning postulates are written in the same way. The proposed method allows in these conditions to accomplish a formal proof of the signalling functionalities realized by the computerized system