1,328,816 research outputs found

    Flexible learning in computer science

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    This paper outlines the concept of Flexible Pedagogy and how it can assist in addressing some of the issues facing STEM disciplines in general, and Computer Science in particular. The paper considers what flexible pedagogy is and how technologies developed by Computer Science can enable flexibility. It then describes some of the issues facing STEM education, with a particular focus on Computer Science education in Higher Education. Finally, it considers how flexible approaches to teaching and learning are particularly pertinent to the issues faced in Computer Science and future opportunities

    Computer Science Student-Centered Instructional Continuum

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    The Computer-Science Student-Centered Instructional Continuum (CS-SCIC) is a new framework to support PreK-12 instructors in their lesson design. Educators are faced with choices when building lessons; there is a tension between direct instruction, constructivism and constructionism and difficulty in providing differentiated instruction. Theoretically aligned to Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development, CS-SCIC places research-based instructional strategies on a simple learning continuum. Teachers use the continuum to discuss, review and design learning events. Used internationally, initial qualitative feedback from teachers who attended pilot CS-SIC workshops was emphatically positive. Future work includes more feedback from academia and formal research, including pre and post-professional development workshop surveys

    Project-based Learning Practices in Computer Science Education

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    The EPCoS project (Effective Projectwork in Computer Science) is working to map the range of project-based learning practices in UK higher education and to generate insights into what characterizes the contexts in which particular techniques are effective. In assembling a body of authentic examples, EPCoS aims to provide a resource that enables extrapolation and synthesis of new techniques. To allow educators and researchers to mine this material, EPCoS is systematizing it within a template-based catalogue, augmented with indexing and abstracting devices. Moreover, EPCoS is examining the process by which practices are transferred between institutional contexts, with a view to identifying effective models of the transfer process. Three key elements of transfer are the identification of appropriate practices, the selection of a practice for a purpose, and the integration of a chosen practice into the existing culture. Structured resources and process models are essential tools for supporting responsiveness in the current climate of continual change: the rapid development of computer technology is demanding new range and flexibility in project work, and EPCoS's mapping of project-based teaching allows practitioners to respond to these changes. This is one context in which educational research into how projects work can generalize to professional practice

    Computer science in Dutch secondary education: independent or integrated?

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    Nowadays, in Dutch secondary education, computer science is integrated within school subjects. About ten years ago computer science was considered an independent subject, but in the mid-1980s this idea changed. In our study we investigated whether the objectives of teaching computer science as an independent subject are met when computer science is integrated within school subjects. The main problem was that there was no formal curriculum of computer science as an independent subject. Therefore we interviewed 13 experts in the field of computer science and then compared this formal curriculum with the operational (integrated) curriculum, which is still in the development stage. It appears that most of the components of the formal curriculum are being covered by the operational curriculum, and we therefore concluded that these curricula are equivalent, although there may be differences in the level of teaching. In our opinion the best approach to computer science is to combine the independent and the integrated approaches

    The Case for Improving U.S. Computer Science Education

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    Despite the growing use of computers and software in every facet of our economy, not until recently has computer science education begun to gain traction in American school systems. The current focus on improving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education in the U.S. school system has disregarded differences within STEM fields. Indeed, the most important STEM field for a modern economy is not only one that is not represented by its own initial in "STEM" but also the field with the fewest number of high school students taking its classes and by far has the most room for improvement—computer science

    Using Technology to Enhance Pre-Service Teacher Preparation

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    Use of the internet to deliver a portion of the content in an introductory science, education, and technology methods course for pre-service teachers provides an opportunity for a much needed introduction to basic computer literacy. A web page was developed for use in conjunction with the math, science, and technology educational methods courses at Brooklyn College. Students are introduced to this page as a group in the computer lab, and work in small groups with more experienced students serving as mentors to other students. The Brooklyn College Science Education Webpage is designed as a simple jump page with links to various resources for science education. It serves as a starting point to expose pre-service teachers to a wide range of resources available to them on the world wide web and in the real world. Students use their internet research skills in open-ended assignments throughout the semester. The web page continues to serve as a resource for students in the next courses in the math and science education sequence. The Brooklyn College Science Education Webpage helps education graduates to begin their teaching better prepared to use technology in the classroom

    Computer Science Education GEM

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    Do Robots Dream of Virtual Sheep: Rediscovering the "Karel the Robot" Paradigm for the "Plug&Play Generation"

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    We introduce ”C-Sheep”, an educational system designed to teach students the fundamentals of computer programming in a novel and exciting way. Recent studies suggest that computer science education is fast approaching a crisis - application numbers for degree courses in the area of computer programming are down, and potential candidates are put off the subject which they do not fully understand. We address this problem with our system by providing the visually rich virtual environment of ”The Meadow”, where the user writes programs to control the behaviour of a sheep using our ”CSheep” programming language. This combination of the ”Karel the Robot” paradigm with modern 3D computer graphics techniques, more commonly found in computer games, aims to help students to realise that computer programming can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience and intends to help educators with the teaching of computer science fundamentals. Our mini-language-like system for computer science education uses a state of the art rendering engine offering features more commonly found in entertainment systems. The scope of the mini-language is designed to fit in with the curriculum for the first term of an introductory computer program ming course (using the C programming language)

    Global Computer Science Education

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    As a Computing/ICT Head of Department in a large secondary comprehensive school in Birmingham England, crystal ball gazing was an exercise in which I had to be skilled. One of the things that I prided myself upon was my ability to predict new developments before they happened, and better still, begin implementing subtle changes so that when the crunch truly came, we were ready. So, when the then Secretary of State Michael Gove made a speech at the BETT Show in 2012 and said those words that would define and shape our future; that the Department for Education were to consult upon “withdrawing the existing National Curriculum Programme of Study for ICT from September” (http://bit.ly/gove12), it wasn’t a shock to me. The timescale surprised me, but then again, educational policy adjustment timescales often do

    Starting from scratch: experimenting with computer science in Flemish secondary education

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    In the Flemish secondary education curriculum, as in many countries and regions, computer science currently only gets an extremely limited coverage. Recently, in Flanders (and elsewhere), it has been proposed to change this, and try-outs are undertaken, both in and outside of schools. In this paper, we discuss some of those efforts, and in particular take a closer look at the preliminary results of one experiment involving different approaches to programming in grade 8. These experiments indicate that many students from secondary schools would welcome a more extensive treatment of computer science. Planning and implementing such a treatment, however, raises a number of issues, from which in this paper, we formulate a handful as calls for action for the computer science education research community
