2,730 research outputs found

    Machine Learning and Its Application to Reacting Flows

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    This open access book introduces and explains machine learning (ML) algorithms and techniques developed for statistical inferences on a complex process or system and their applications to simulations of chemically reacting turbulent flows. These two fields, ML and turbulent combustion, have large body of work and knowledge on their own, and this book brings them together and explain the complexities and challenges involved in applying ML techniques to simulate and study reacting flows. This is important as to the world’s total primary energy supply (TPES), since more than 90% of this supply is through combustion technologies and the non-negligible effects of combustion on environment. Although alternative technologies based on renewable energies are coming up, their shares for the TPES is are less than 5% currently and one needs a complete paradigm shift to replace combustion sources. Whether this is practical or not is entirely a different question, and an answer to this question depends on the respondent. However, a pragmatic analysis suggests that the combustion share to TPES is likely to be more than 70% even by 2070. Hence, it will be prudent to take advantage of ML techniques to improve combustion sciences and technologies so that efficient and “greener” combustion systems that are friendlier to the environment can be designed. The book covers the current state of the art in these two topics and outlines the challenges involved, merits and drawbacks of using ML for turbulent combustion simulations including avenues which can be explored to overcome the challenges. The required mathematical equations and backgrounds are discussed with ample references for readers to find further detail if they wish. This book is unique since there is not any book with similar coverage of topics, ranging from big data analysis and machine learning algorithm to their applications for combustion science and system design for energy generation

    Machine Learning and Its Application to Reacting Flows

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    This open access book introduces and explains machine learning (ML) algorithms and techniques developed for statistical inferences on a complex process or system and their applications to simulations of chemically reacting turbulent flows. These two fields, ML and turbulent combustion, have large body of work and knowledge on their own, and this book brings them together and explain the complexities and challenges involved in applying ML techniques to simulate and study reacting flows. This is important as to the world’s total primary energy supply (TPES), since more than 90% of this supply is through combustion technologies and the non-negligible effects of combustion on environment. Although alternative technologies based on renewable energies are coming up, their shares for the TPES is are less than 5% currently and one needs a complete paradigm shift to replace combustion sources. Whether this is practical or not is entirely a different question, and an answer to this question depends on the respondent. However, a pragmatic analysis suggests that the combustion share to TPES is likely to be more than 70% even by 2070. Hence, it will be prudent to take advantage of ML techniques to improve combustion sciences and technologies so that efficient and “greener” combustion systems that are friendlier to the environment can be designed. The book covers the current state of the art in these two topics and outlines the challenges involved, merits and drawbacks of using ML for turbulent combustion simulations including avenues which can be explored to overcome the challenges. The required mathematical equations and backgrounds are discussed with ample references for readers to find further detail if they wish. This book is unique since there is not any book with similar coverage of topics, ranging from big data analysis and machine learning algorithm to their applications for combustion science and system design for energy generation

    NASA SBIR abstracts of 1991 phase 1 projects

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    The objectives of 301 projects placed under contract by the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are described. These projects were selected competitively from among proposals submitted to NASA in response to the 1991 SBIR Program Solicitation. The basic document consists of edited, non-proprietary abstracts of the winning proposals submitted by small businesses. The abstracts are presented under the 15 technical topics within which Phase 1 proposals were solicited. Each project was assigned a sequential identifying number from 001 to 301, in order of its appearance in the body of the report. Appendixes to provide additional information about the SBIR program and permit cross-reference of the 1991 Phase 1 projects by company name, location by state, principal investigator, NASA Field Center responsible for management of each project, and NASA contract number are included

    Small business innovation research. Abstracts of 1988 phase 1 awards

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    Non-proprietary proposal abstracts of Phase 1 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) projects supported by NASA are presented. Projects in the fields of aeronautical propulsion, aerodynamics, acoustics, aircraft systems, materials and structures, teleoperators and robots, computer sciences, information systems, data processing, spacecraft propulsion, bioastronautics, satellite communication, and space processing are covered

    Dynamics of thin liquid films over a spinning disk

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    Thin film dynamics over spinning disks is of central importance to a number of scientific research and industrial applications, such as heat/mass transfer, chemical reactions and chip devices. Although they have received a lot of attention in different applications, the key un- derlying dynamics governing the flow are not thoroughly understood, especially in terms of highly non-linear behaviour in free surface flows, in the presence of other physical forces or chemical reactions. The elucidation of the underlying mechanisms driving the flow is of utmost importance to both scientific research and industrial applications. In this research the dynamics of a thin film flowing over a rapidly spinning, horizontal disk, in presence of first-order chemical reactions is considered. A set of non-axisymmetric evolution equations for the film thickness, radial and azimuthal flow rates is derived using a boundary- layer (IBL) approximation in conjunction with the Karman-Polhausen approximation for the velocity distribution in the film. Numerical solutions of these highly nonlinear partial dif- ferential equations are obtained from finite difference scheme which reveals the formation of large-amplitude waves that travel from the disk inlet to its periphery. The equations with non- axisymmetric condition were investigated where elimination of azimuthal dependence presents different wave regimes across the disk radius, and three dimensional wave structures over the entire disk. Apart from hydrodynamics, the influence of these waves on the concentration and temperature profiles is analysed for a wide range of system parameters. It is shown that these waves lead to significant enhancement of the rates of heat and mass transfer, as well as chemical reaction due to the mixing associated with the flow. Additionally, due to the time-consuming implementation of the IBL model, the Neural Network (NN) technique is applied based on existing Finite Difference (FD) results, in order to predict the wave dynamics after initial times.The NN is trained on a dataset from various data points in space and time from IBL model, and then used to simulate the evolution of any wave characteristics of interest. Overall, the resulting NN model predicts the evolution of waves reasonably well when compared with the time-consuming finite difference scheme, and reduces the computation time significantly.Open Acces

    Efficient algorithms for simulation and analysis of many-body systems

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    This thesis introduces methods to efficiently generate and analyze time series data of many-body systems. While we have a strong focus on biomolecular processes, the presented methods can also be applied more generally. Due to limitations of microscope resolution in both space and time, biomolecular processes are especially hard to observe experimentally. Computer models offer an opportunity to work around these limitations. However, as these models are bound by computational effort, careful selection of the model as well as its efficient implementation play a fundamental role in their successful sampling and/or estimation. Especially for high levels of resolution, computer simulations can produce vast amounts of high-dimensional data and in general it is not straightforward to visualize, let alone to identify the relevant features and processes. To this end, we cover tools for projecting time series data onto important processes, finding over time geometrically stable features in observable space, and identifying governing dynamics. We introduce the novel software library deeptime with two main goals: (1) making methods which were developed in different communities (such as molecular dynamics and fluid dynamics) accessible to a broad user base by implementing them in a general-purpose way, and (2) providing an easy to install, extend, and maintain library by employing a high degree of modularity and introducing as few hard dependencies as possible. We demonstrate and compare the capabilities of the provided methods based on numerical examples. Subsequently, the particle-based reaction-diffusion simulation software package ReaDDy2 is introduced. It can simulate dynamics which are more complicated than what is usually analyzed with the methods available in deeptime. It is a significantly more efficient, feature-rich, flexible, and user-friendly version of its predecessor ReaDDy. As such, it enables---at the simulation model's resolution---the possibility to study larger systems and to cover longer timescales. In particular, ReaDDy2 is capable of modeling complex processes featuring particle crowding, space exclusion, association and dissociation events, dynamic formation and dissolution of particle geometries on a mesoscopic scale. The validity of the ReaDDy2 model is asserted by several numerical studies which are compared to analytically obtained results, simulations from other packages, or literature data. Finally, we present reactive SINDy, a method that can detect reaction networks from concentration curves of chemical species. It extends the SINDy method---contained in deeptime---by introducing coupling terms over a system of ordinary differential equations in an ansatz reaction space. As such, it transforms an ordinary linear regression problem to a linear tensor regression. The method employs a sparsity-promoting regularization which leads to especially simple and interpretable models. We show in biologically motivated example systems that the method is indeed capable of detecting the correct underlying reaction dynamics and that the sparsity regularization plays a key role in pruning otherwise spuriously detected reactions

    Physics-Informed Neural Networks for an optimal counterdiabatic quantum computation

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    We introduce a novel methodology that leverages the strength of Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) to address the counterdiabatic (CD) protocol in the optimization of quantum circuits comprised of systems with NQN_{Q} qubits. The primary objective is to utilize physics-inspired deep learning techniques to accurately solve the time evolution of the different physical observables within the quantum system. To accomplish this objective, we embed the necessary physical information into an underlying neural network to effectively tackle the problem. In particular, we impose the hermiticity condition on all physical observables and make use of the principle of least action, guaranteeing the acquisition of the most appropriate counterdiabatic terms based on the underlying physics. The proposed approach offers a dependable alternative to address the CD driving problem, free from the constraints typically encountered in previous methodologies relying on classical numerical approximations. Our method provides a general framework to obtain optimal results from the physical observables relevant to the problem, including the external parameterization in time known as scheduling function, the gauge potential or operator involving the non-adiabatic terms, as well as the temporal evolution of the energy levels of the system, among others. The main applications of this methodology have been the H2\mathrm{H_{2}} and LiH\mathrm{LiH} molecules, represented by a 2-qubit and 4-qubit systems employing the STO-3G basis. The presented results demonstrate the successful derivation of a desirable decomposition for the non-adiabatic terms, achieved through a linear combination utilizing Pauli operators. This attribute confers significant advantages to its practical implementation within quantum computing algorithms.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures, 1 algorithm, 1 tabl
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