31,617 research outputs found

    Automatic covariate selection in logistic models for chest pain diagnosis: A new approach

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    A newly established method for optimizing logistic models via a minorization-majorization procedure is applied to the problem of diagnosing acute coronary syndromes (ACS). The method provides a principled approach to the selection of covariates which would otherwise require the use of a suboptimal method owing to the size of the covariate set. A strategy for building models is proposed and two models optimized for performance and for simplicity are derived via ten-fold cross-validation. These models confirm that a relatively small set of covariates including clinical and electrocardiographic features can be used successfully in this task. The performance of the models is comparable with previously published models using less principled selection methods. The models prove to be portable when tested on data gathered from three other sites. Whilst diagnostic accuracy and calibration diminishes slightly for these new settings, it remains satisfactory overall. The prospect of building predictive models that are as simple as possible for a required level of performance is valuable if data-driven decision aids are to gain wide acceptance in the clinical situation owing to the need to minimize the time taken to gather and enter data at the bedside

    Artificial Science – a simulation test-bed for studying the social processes of science

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    it is likely that there are many different social processes occurring in different parts of science and at different times, and that these processes will impact upon the nature, quality and quantity of the knowledge that is produced in a multitude of ways and to different extents. It seems clear to me that sometimes the social processes act to increase the reliability of knowledge (such as when there is a tradition of independently reproducing experiments) but sometimes does the opposite (when a closed clique act to perpetuate itself by reducing opportunity for criticism). Simulation can perform a valuable role here by providing and refining possible linkages between the kinds of social processes and its results in terms of knowledge. Earlier simulations of this sort include Gilbert et al. in [10]. The simulation described herein aims to progress this work with a more structural and descriptive approach, that relates what is done by individuals and journals and what collectively results in terms of the overall process

    Dynamic low-level context for the detection of mild traumatic brain injury.

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    Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) appears as low contrast lesions in magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Standard automated detection approaches cannot detect the subtle changes caused by the lesions. The use of context has become integral for the detection of low contrast objects in images. Context is any information that can be used for object detection but is not directly due to the physical appearance of an object in an image. In this paper, new low-level static and dynamic context features are proposed and integrated into a discriminative voxel-level classifier to improve the detection of mTBI lesions. Visual features, including multiple texture measures, are used to give an initial estimate of a lesion. From the initial estimate novel proximity and directional distance, contextual features are calculated and used as features for another classifier. This feature takes advantage of spatial information given by the initial lesion estimate using only the visual features. Dynamic context is captured by the proposed posterior marginal edge distance context feature, which measures the distance from a hard estimate of the lesion at a previous time point. The approach is validated on a temporal mTBI rat model dataset and shown to have improved dice score and convergence compared to other state-of-the-art approaches. Analysis of feature importance and versatility of the approach on other datasets are also provided

    Reliability-Informed Beat Tracking of Musical Signals

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    Abstract—A new probabilistic framework for beat tracking of musical audio is presented. The method estimates the time between consecutive beat events and exploits both beat and non-beat information by explicitly modeling non-beat states. In addition to the beat times, a measure of the expected accuracy of the estimated beats is provided. The quality of the observations used for beat tracking is measured and the reliability of the beats is automatically calculated. A k-nearest neighbor regression algorithm is proposed to predict the accuracy of the beat estimates. The performance of the beat tracking system is statistically evaluated using a database of 222 musical signals of various genres. We show that modeling non-beat states leads to a significant increase in performance. In addition, a large experiment where the parameters of the model are automatically learned has been completed. Results show that simple approximations for the parameters of the model can be used. Furthermore, the performance of the system is compared with existing algorithms. Finally, a new perspective for beat tracking evaluation is presented. We show how reliability information can be successfully used to increase the mean performance of the proposed algorithm and discuss how far automatic beat tracking is from human tapping. Index Terms—Beat-tracking, beat quality, beat-tracking reliability, k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) regression, music signal processing. I