1,587 research outputs found

    Overview of MV-HEVC prediction structures for light field video

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    Light field video is a promising technology for delivering the required six-degrees-of-freedom for natural content in virtual reality. Already existing multi-view coding (MVC) and multi-view plus depth (MVD) formats, such as MV-HEVC and 3D-HEVC, are the most conventional light field video coding solutions since they can compress video sequences captured simultaneously from multiple camera angles. 3D-HEVC treats a single view as a video sequence and the other sub-aperture views as gray-scale disparity (depth) maps. On the other hand, MV-HEVC treats each view as a separate video sequence, which allows the use of motion compensated algorithms similar to HEVC. While MV-HEVC and 3D-HEVC provide similar results, MV-HEVC does not require any disparity maps to be readily available, and it has a more straightforward implementation since it only uses syntax elements rather than additional prediction tools for inter-view prediction. However, there are many degrees of freedom in choosing an appropriate structure and it is currently still unknown which one is optimal for a given set of application requirements. In this work, various prediction structures for MV-HEVC are implemented and tested. The findings reveal the trade-off between compression gains, distortion and random access capabilities in MVHEVC light field video coding. The results give an overview of the most optimal solutions developed in the context of this work, and prediction structure algorithms proposed in state-of-the-art literature. This overview provides a useful benchmark for future development of light field video coding solutions

    Random access prediction structures for light field video coding with MV-HEVC

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    Computational imaging and light field technology promise to deliver the required six-degrees-of-freedom for natural scenes in virtual reality. Already existing extensions of standardized video coding formats, such as multi-view coding and multi-view plus depth, are the most conventional light field video coding solutions at the moment. The latest multi-view coding format, which is a direct extension of the high efficiency video coding (HEVC) standard, is called multi-view HEVC (or MV-HEVC). MV-HEVC treats each light field view as a separate video sequence, and uses syntax elements similar to standard HEVC for exploiting redundancies between neighboring views. To achieve this, inter-view and temporal prediction schemes are deployed with the aim to find the most optimal trade-off between coding performance and reconstruction quality. The number of possible prediction structures is unlimited and many of them are proposed in the literature. Although some of them are efficient in terms of compression ratio, they complicate random access due to the dependencies on previously decoded pixels or frames. Random access is an important feature in video delivery, and a crucial requirement in multi-view video coding. In this work, we propose and compare different prediction structures for coding light field video using MV-HEVC with a focus on both compression efficiency and random accessibility. Experiments on three different short-baseline light field video sequences show the trade-off between bit-rate and distortion, as well as the average number of decoded views/frames, necessary for displaying any random frame at any time instance. The findings of this work indicate the most appropriate prediction structure depending on the available bandwidth and the required degree of random access

    Cubic-panorama image dataset analysis for storage and transmission

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    Computational Modeling of Human Dorsal Pathway for Motion Processing

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    Reliable motion estimation in videos is of crucial importance for background iden- tification, object tracking, action recognition, event analysis, self-navigation, etc. Re- constructing the motion field in the 2D image plane is very challenging, due to variations in image quality, scene geometry, lighting condition, and most importantly, camera jit- tering. Traditional optical flow models assume consistent image brightness and smooth motion field, which are violated by unstable illumination and motion discontinuities that are common in real world videos. To recognize observer (or camera) motion robustly in complex, realistic scenarios, we propose a biologically-inspired motion estimation system to overcome issues posed by real world videos. The bottom-up model is inspired from the infrastructure as well as functionalities of human dorsal pathway, and the hierarchical processing stream can be divided into three stages: 1) spatio-temporal processing for local motion, 2) recogni- tion for global motion patterns (camera motion), and 3) preemptive estimation of object motion. To extract effective and meaningful motion features, we apply a series of steer- able, spatio-temporal filters to detect local motion at different speeds and directions, in a way that\u27s selective of motion velocity. The intermediate response maps are cal- ibrated and combined to estimate dense motion fields in local regions, and then, local motions along two orthogonal axes are aggregated for recognizing planar, radial and circular patterns of global motion. We evaluate the model with an extensive, realistic video database that collected by hand with a mobile device (iPad) and the video content varies in scene geometry, lighting condition, view perspective and depth. We achieved high quality result and demonstrated that this bottom-up model is capable of extracting high-level semantic knowledge regarding self motion in realistic scenes. Once the global motion is known, we segment objects from moving backgrounds by compensating for camera motion. For videos captured with non-stationary cam- eras, we consider global motion as a combination of camera motion (background) and object motion (foreground). To estimate foreground motion, we exploit corollary dis- charge mechanism of biological systems and estimate motion preemptively. Since back- ground motions for each pixel are collectively introduced by camera movements, we apply spatial-temporal averaging to estimate the background motion at pixel level, and the initial estimation of foreground motion is derived by comparing global motion and background motion at multiple spatial levels. The real frame signals are compared with those derived by forward predictions, refining estimations for object motion. This mo- tion detection system is applied to detect objects with cluttered, moving backgrounds and is proved to be efficient in locating independently moving, non-rigid regions. The core contribution of this thesis is the invention of a robust motion estimation system for complicated real world videos, with challenges by real sensor noise, complex natural scenes, variations in illumination and depth, and motion discontinuities. The overall system demonstrates biological plausibility and holds great potential for other applications, such as camera motion removal, heading estimation, obstacle avoidance, route planning, and vision-based navigational assistance, etc

    Milli-RIO: Ego-Motion Estimation with Low-Cost Millimetre-Wave Radar

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    Robust indoor ego-motion estimation has attracted significant interest in the last decades due to the fast-growing demand for location-based services in indoor environments. Among various solutions, frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) radar sensors in millimeter-wave (MMWave) spectrum are gaining more prominence due to their intrinsic advantages such as penetration capability and high accuracy. Single-chip low-cost MMWave radar as an emerging technology provides an alternative and complementary solution for robust ego-motion estimation, making it feasible in resource-constrained platforms thanks to low-power consumption and easy system integration. In this paper, we introduce Milli-RIO, an MMWave radar-based solution making use of a single-chip low-cost radar and inertial measurement unit sensor to estimate six-degrees-of-freedom ego-motion of a moving radar. Detailed quantitative and qualitative evaluations prove that the proposed method achieves precisions on the order of few centimeters for indoor localization tasks.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Sensors, 9page

    Learning, Moving, And Predicting With Global Motion Representations

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    In order to effectively respond to and influence the world they inhabit, animals and other intelligent agents must understand and predict the state of the world and its dynamics. An agent that can characterize how the world moves is better equipped to engage it. Current methods of motion computation rely on local representations of motion (such as optical flow) or simple, rigid global representations (such as camera motion). These methods are useful, but they are difficult to estimate reliably and limited in their applicability to real-world settings, where agents frequently must reason about complex, highly nonrigid motion over long time horizons. In this dissertation, I present methods developed with the goal of building more flexible and powerful notions of motion needed by agents facing the challenges of a dynamic, nonrigid world. This work is organized around a view of motion as a global phenomenon that is not adequately addressed by local or low-level descriptions, but that is best understood when analyzed at the level of whole images and scenes. I develop methods to: (i) robustly estimate camera motion from noisy optical flow estimates by exploiting the global, statistical relationship between the optical flow field and camera motion under projective geometry; (ii) learn representations of visual motion directly from unlabeled image sequences using learning rules derived from a formulation of image transformation in terms of its group properties; (iii) predict future frames of a video by learning a joint representation of the instantaneous state of the visual world and its motion, using a view of motion as transformations of world state. I situate this work in the broader context of ongoing computational and biological investigations into the problem of estimating motion for intelligent perception and action

    Large Scale 3D Mapping of Indoor Environments Using a Handheld RGBD Camera

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    The goal of this research is to investigate the problem of reconstructing a 3D representation of an environment, of arbitrary size, using a handheld color and depth (RGBD) sensor. The focus of this dissertation is to examine four of the underlying subproblems to this system: camera tracking, loop closure, data storage, and integration. First, a system for 3D reconstruction of large indoor planar environments with data captured from an RGBD sensor mounted on a mobile robotic platform is presented. An algorithm for constructing nearly drift-free 3D occupancy grids of large indoor environments in an online manner is also presented. This approach combines data from an odometry sensor with output from a visual registration algorithm, and it enforces a Manhattan world constraint by utilizing factor graphs to produce an accurate online estimate of the trajectory of the mobile robotic platform. Through several experiments in environments with varying sizes and construction it is shown that this method reduces rotational and translational drift significantly without performing any loop closing techniques. In addition the advantages and limitations of an octree data structure representation of a 3D environment is examined. Second, the problem of sensor tracking, specifically the use of the KinectFusion algorithm to align two subsequent point clouds generated by an RGBD sensor, is studied. A method to overcome a significant limitation of the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm used in KinectFusion is proposed, namely, its sole reliance upon geometric information. The proposed method uses both geometric and color information in a direct manner that uses all the data in order to accurately estimate camera pose. Data association is performed by computing a warp between the two color images associated with two RGBD point clouds using the Lucas-Kanade algorithm. A subsequent step then estimates the transformation between the point clouds using either a point-to-point or point-to-plane error metric. Scenarios in which each of these metrics fails are described, and a normal covariance test for automatically selecting between them is proposed. Together, Lucas-Kanade data association (LKDA) along with covariance testing enables robust camera tracking through areas of low geometrical features, while at the same time retaining accuracy in environments in which the existing ICP technique succeeds. Experimental results on several publicly available datasets demonstrate the improved performance both qualitatively and quantitatively. Third, the choice of state space in the context of performing loop closure is revisited. Although a relative state space has been discounted by previous authors, it is shown that such a state space is actually extremely powerful, able to achieve recognizable results after just one iteration. The power behind the technique is that changing the orientation of one node is able to affect other nodes. At the same time, the approach --- which is referred to as Pose Optimization using a Relative State Space (POReSS) --- is fast because, like the more popular incremental state space, the Jacobian never needs to be explicitly computed. Furthermore, it is shown that while POReSS is able to quickly compute a solution near the global optimum, it is not precise enough to perform the fine adjustments necessary to achieve acceptable results. As a result, a method to augment POReSS with a fast variant of Gauss-Seidel --- which is referred to as Graph-Seidel --- on a global state space to allow the solution to settle closer to the global minimum is proposed. Through a set of experiments, it is shown that this combination of POReSS and Graph-Seidel is not only faster but achieves a lower residual than other non-linear algebra techniques. Moreover, unlike the linear algebra-based techniques, it is shown that this approach scales to very large graphs. In addition to revisiting the idea of using a relative state space, the benefits of only optimizing the rotational components of a trajectory in order to perform loop closing is examined (rPOReSS). Finally, an incremental implementation of the rotational optimization is proposed (irPOReSS)

    Plenoptic Signal Processing for Robust Vision in Field Robotics

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    This thesis proposes the use of plenoptic cameras for improving the robustness and simplicity of machine vision in field robotics applications. Dust, rain, fog, snow, murky water and insufficient light can cause even the most sophisticated vision systems to fail. Plenoptic cameras offer an appealing alternative to conventional imagery by gathering significantly more light over a wider depth of field, and capturing a rich 4D light field structure that encodes textural and geometric information. The key contributions of this work lie in exploring the properties of plenoptic signals and developing algorithms for exploiting them. It lays the groundwork for the deployment of plenoptic cameras in field robotics by establishing a decoding, calibration and rectification scheme appropriate to compact, lenslet-based devices. Next, the frequency-domain shape of plenoptic signals is elaborated and exploited by constructing a filter which focuses over a wide depth of field rather than at a single depth. This filter is shown to reject noise, improving contrast in low light and through attenuating media, while mitigating occluders such as snow, rain and underwater particulate matter. Next, a closed-form generalization of optical flow is presented which directly estimates camera motion from first-order derivatives. An elegant adaptation of this "plenoptic flow" to lenslet-based imagery is demonstrated, as well as a simple, additive method for rendering novel views. Finally, the isolation of dynamic elements from a static background is considered, a task complicated by the non-uniform apparent motion caused by a mobile camera. Two elegant closed-form solutions are presented dealing with monocular time-series and light field image pairs. This work emphasizes non-iterative, noise-tolerant, closed-form, linear methods with predictable and constant runtimes, making them suitable for real-time embedded implementation in field robotics applications