2,345 research outputs found

    A Reference-Free Lossless Compression Algorithm for DNA Sequences Using a Competitive Prediction of Two Classes of Weighted Models

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    The development of efficient data compressors for DNA sequences is crucial not only for reducing the storage and the bandwidth for transmission, but also for analysis purposes. In particular, the development of improved compression models directly influences the outcome of anthropological and biomedical compression-based methods. In this paper, we describe a new lossless compressor with improved compression capabilities for DNA sequences representing different domains and kingdoms. The reference-free method uses a competitive prediction model to estimate, for each symbol, the best class of models to be used before applying arithmetic encoding. There are two classes of models: weighted context models (including substitutional tolerant context models) and weighted stochastic repeat models. Both classes of models use specific sub-programs to handle inverted repeats efficiently. The results show that the proposed method attains a higher compression ratio than state-of-the-art approaches, on a balanced and diverse benchmark, using a competitive level of computational resources. An efficient implementation of the method is publicly available, under the GPLv3 license.Peer reviewe

    Modelos de compressão e ferramentas para dados ómicos

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    The ever-increasing growth of the development of high-throughput sequencing technologies and as a consequence, generation of a huge volume of data, has revolutionized biological research and discovery. Motivated by that, we investigate in this thesis the methods which are capable of providing an efficient representation of omics data in compressed or encrypted manner, and then, we employ them to analyze omics data. First and foremost, we describe a number of measures for the purpose of quantifying information in and between omics sequences. Then, we present finite-context models (FCMs), substitution-tolerant Markov models (STMMs) and a combination of the two, which are specialized in modeling biological data, in order for data compression and analysis. To ease the storage of the aforementioned data deluge, we design two lossless data compressors for genomic and one for proteomic data. The methods work on the basis of (a) a combination of FCMs and STMMs or (b) the mentioned combination along with repeat models and a competitive prediction model. Tested on various synthetic and real data showed their outperformance over the previously proposed methods in terms of compression ratio. Privacy of genomic data is a topic that has been recently focused by developments in the field of personalized medicine. We propose a tool that is able to represent genomic data in a securely encrypted fashion, and at the same time, is able to compact FASTA and FASTQ sequences by a factor of three. It employs AES encryption accompanied by a shuffling mechanism for improving the data security. The results show it is faster than general-purpose and special-purpose algorithms. Compression techniques can be employed for analysis of omics data. Having this in mind, we investigate the identification of unique regions in a species with respect to close species, that can give us an insight into evolutionary traits. For this purpose, we design two alignment-free tools that can accurately find and visualize distinct regions among two collections of DNA or protein sequences. Tested on modern humans with respect to Neanderthals, we found a number of absent regions in Neanderthals that may express new functionalities associated with evolution of modern humans. Finally, we investigate the identification of genomic rearrangements, that have important roles in genetic disorders and cancer, by employing a compression technique. For this purpose, we design a tool that is able to accurately localize and visualize small- and large-scale rearrangements between two genomic sequences. The results of applying the proposed tool on several synthetic and real data conformed to the results partially reported by wet laboratory approaches, e.g., FISH analysis.O crescente crescimento do desenvolvimento de tecnologias de sequenciamento de alto rendimento e, como consequência, a geração de um enorme volume de dados, revolucionou a pesquisa e descoberta biológica. Motivados por isso, nesta tese investigamos os métodos que fornecem uma representação eficiente de dados ómicros de maneira compactada ou criptografada e, posteriormente, os usamos para análise. Em primeiro lugar, descrevemos uma série de medidas com o objetivo de quantificar informação em e entre sequencias ómicas. Em seguida, apresentamos modelos de contexto finito (FCMs), modelos de Markov tolerantes a substituição (STMMs) e uma combinação dos dois, especializados na modelagem de dados biológicos, para compactação e análise de dados. Para facilitar o armazenamento do dilúvio de dados acima mencionado, desenvolvemos dois compressores de dados sem perda para dados genómicos e um para dados proteómicos. Os métodos funcionam com base em (a) uma combinação de FCMs e STMMs ou (b) na combinação mencionada, juntamente com modelos de repetição e um modelo de previsão competitiva. Testados em vários dados sintéticos e reais mostraram a sua eficiência sobre os métodos do estado-de-arte em termos de taxa de compressão. A privacidade dos dados genómicos é um tópico recentemente focado nos desenvolvimentos do campo da medicina personalizada. Propomos uma ferramenta capaz de representar dados genómicos de maneira criptografada com segurança e, ao mesmo tempo, compactando as sequencias FASTA e FASTQ para um fator de três. Emprega criptografia AES acompanhada de um mecanismo de embaralhamento para melhorar a segurança dos dados. Os resultados mostram que ´e mais rápido que os algoritmos de uso geral e específico. As técnicas de compressão podem ser exploradas para análise de dados ómicos. Tendo isso em mente, investigamos a identificação de regiões únicas em uma espécie em relação a espécies próximas, que nos podem dar uma visão das características evolutivas. Para esse fim, desenvolvemos duas ferramentas livres de alinhamento que podem encontrar e visualizar com precisão regiões distintas entre duas coleções de sequências de DNA ou proteínas. Testados em humanos modernos em relação a neandertais, encontrámos várias regiões ausentes nos neandertais que podem expressar novas funcionalidades associadas à evolução dos humanos modernos. Por último, investigamos a identificação de rearranjos genómicos, que têm papéis importantes em desordens genéticas e cancro, empregando uma técnica de compressão. Para esse fim, desenvolvemos uma ferramenta capaz de localizar e visualizar com precisão os rearranjos em pequena e grande escala entre duas sequências genómicas. Os resultados da aplicação da ferramenta proposta, em vários dados sintéticos e reais, estão em conformidade com os resultados parcialmente relatados por abordagens laboratoriais, por exemplo, análise FISH.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Informátic

    Compression of next-generation sequencing reads aided by highly efficient de novo assembly

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    We present Quip, a lossless compression algorithm for next-generation sequencing data in the FASTQ and SAM/BAM formats. In addition to implementing reference-based compression, we have developed, to our knowledge, the first assembly-based compressor, using a novel de novo assembly algorithm. A probabilistic data structure is used to dramatically reduce the memory required by traditional de Bruijn graph assemblers, allowing millions of reads to be assembled very efficiently. Read sequences are then stored as positions within the assembled contigs. This is combined with statistical compression of read identifiers, quality scores, alignment information, and sequences, effectively collapsing very large datasets to less than 15% of their original size with no loss of information. Availability: Quip is freely available under the BSD license from http://cs.washington.edu/homes/dcjones/quip

    A Reference-Free Algorithm for Computational Normalization of Shotgun Sequencing Data

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    Deep shotgun sequencing and analysis of genomes, transcriptomes, amplified single-cell genomes, and metagenomes has enabled investigation of a wide range of organisms and ecosystems. However, sampling variation in short-read data sets and high sequencing error rates of modern sequencers present many new computational challenges in data interpretation. These challenges have led to the development of new classes of mapping tools and {\em de novo} assemblers. These algorithms are challenged by the continued improvement in sequencing throughput. We here describe digital normalization, a single-pass computational algorithm that systematizes coverage in shotgun sequencing data sets, thereby decreasing sampling variation, discarding redundant data, and removing the majority of errors. Digital normalization substantially reduces the size of shotgun data sets and decreases the memory and time requirements for {\em de novo} sequence assembly, all without significantly impacting content of the generated contigs. We apply digital normalization to the assembly of microbial genomic data, amplified single-cell genomic data, and transcriptomic data. Our implementation is freely available for use and modification

    MetaCRAM: an integrated pipeline for metagenomic taxonomy identification and compression

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    Background: Metagenomics is a genomics research discipline devoted to the study of microbial communities in environmental samples and human and animal organs and tissues. Sequenced metagenomic samples usually comprise reads from a large number of different bacterial communities and hence tend to result in large file sizes, typically ranging between 1–10 GB. This leads to challenges in analyzing, transferring and storing metagenomic data. In order to overcome these data processing issues, we introduce MetaCRAM, the first de novo, parallelized software suite specialized for FASTA and FASTQ format metagenomic read processing and lossless compression. Results: MetaCRAM integrates algorithms for taxonomy identification and assembly, and introduces parallel execution methods; furthermore, it enables genome reference selection and CRAM based compression. MetaCRAM also uses novel reference-based compression methods designed through extensive studies of integer compression techniques and through fitting of empirical distributions of metagenomic read-reference positions. MetaCRAM is a lossless method compatible with standard CRAM formats, and it allows for fast selection of relevant files in the compressed domain via maintenance of taxonomy information. The performance of MetaCRAM as a stand-alone compression platform was evaluated on various metagenomic samples from the NCBI Sequence Read Archive, suggesting 2- to 4-fold compression ratio improvements compared to gzip. On average, the compressed file sizes were 2-13 percent of the original raw metagenomic file sizes. Conclusions: We described the first architecture for reference-based, lossless compression of metagenomic data. The compression scheme proposed offers significantly improved compression ratios as compared to off-the-shelf methods such as zip programs. Furthermore, it enables running different components in parallel and it provides the user with taxonomic and assembly information generated during execution of the compression pipeline. Availability: The MetaCRAM software is freely available at http://web.engr.illinois.edu/~mkim158/metacram.html. The website also contains a README file and other relevant instructions for running the code. Note that to run the code one needs a minimum of 16 GB of RAM. In addition, virtual box is set up on a 4GB RAM machine for users to run a simple demonstration

    Compressão eficiente de sequências biológicas usando uma rede neuronal

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    Background: The increasing production of genomic data has led to an intensified need for models that can cope efficiently with the lossless compression of biosequences. Important applications include long-term storage and compression-based data analysis. In the literature, only a few recent articles propose the use of neural networks for biosequence compression. However, they fall short when compared with specific DNA compression tools, such as GeCo2. This limitation is due to the absence of models specifically designed for DNA sequences. In this work, we combine the power of neural networks with specific DNA and amino acids models. For this purpose, we created GeCo3 and AC2, two new biosequence compressors. Both use a neural network for mixing the opinions of multiple specific models. Findings: We benchmark GeCo3 as a reference-free DNA compressor in five datasets, including a balanced and comprehensive dataset of DNA sequences, the Y-chromosome and human mitogenome, two compilations of archaeal and virus genomes, four whole genomes, and two collections of FASTQ data of a human virome and ancient DNA. GeCo3 achieves a solid improvement in compression over the previous version (GeCo2) of 2:4%, 7:1%, 6:1%, 5:8%, and 6:0%, respectively. As a reference-based DNA compressor, we benchmark GeCo3 in four datasets constituted by the pairwise compression of the chromosomes of the genomes of several primates. GeCo3 improves the compression in 12:4%, 11:7%, 10:8% and 10:1% over the state-of-the-art. The cost of this compression improvement is some additional computational time (1:7_ to 3:0_ slower than GeCo2). The RAM is constant, and the tool scales efficiently, independently from the sequence size. Overall, these values outperform the state-of-the-art. For AC2 the improvements and costs over AC are similar, which allows the tool to also outperform the state-of-the-art. Conclusions: The GeCo3 and AC2 are biosequence compressors with a neural network mixing approach, that provides additional gains over top specific biocompressors. The proposed mixing method is portable, requiring only the probabilities of the models as inputs, providing easy adaptation to other data compressors or compression-based data analysis tools. GeCo3 and AC2 are released under GPLv3 and are available for free download at https://github.com/cobilab/geco3 and https://github.com/cobilab/ac2.Contexto: O aumento da produção de dados genómicos levou a uma maior necessidade de modelos que possam lidar de forma eficiente com a compressão sem perdas de biosequências. Aplicações importantes incluem armazenamento de longo prazo e análise de dados baseada em compressão. Na literatura, apenas alguns artigos recentes propõem o uso de uma rede neuronal para compressão de biosequências. No entanto, os resultados ficam aquém quando comparados com ferramentas de compressão de ADN específicas, como o GeCo2. Essa limitação deve-se à ausência de modelos específicos para sequências de ADN. Neste trabalho, combinamos o poder de uma rede neuronal com modelos específicos de ADN e aminoácidos. Para isso, criámos o GeCo3 e o AC2, dois novos compressores de biosequências. Ambos usam uma rede neuronal para combinar as opiniões de vários modelos específicos. Resultados: Comparamos o GeCo3 como um compressor de ADN sem referência em cinco conjuntos de dados, incluindo um conjunto de dados balanceado de sequências de ADN, o cromossoma Y e o mitogenoma humano, duas compilações de genomas de arqueas e vírus, quatro genomas inteiros e duas coleções de dados FASTQ de um viroma humano e ADN antigo. O GeCo3 atinge uma melhoria sólida na compressão em relação à versão anterior (GeCo2) de 2,4%, 7,1%, 6,1%, 5,8% e 6,0%, respectivamente. Como um compressor de ADN baseado em referência, comparamos o GeCo3 em quatro conjuntos de dados constituídos pela compressão aos pares dos cromossomas dos genomas de vários primatas. O GeCo3 melhora a compressão em 12,4%, 11,7%, 10,8% e 10,1% em relação ao estado da arte. O custo desta melhoria de compressão é algum tempo computacional adicional (1,7 _ a 3,0 _ mais lento do que GeCo2). A RAM é constante e a ferramenta escala de forma eficiente, independentemente do tamanho da sequência. De forma geral, os rácios de compressão superam o estado da arte. Para o AC2, as melhorias e custos em relação ao AC são semelhantes, o que permite que a ferramenta também supere o estado da arte. Conclusões: O GeCo3 e o AC2 são compressores de sequências biológicas com uma abordagem de mistura baseada numa rede neuronal, que fornece ganhos adicionais em relação aos biocompressores específicos de topo. O método de mistura proposto é portátil, exigindo apenas as probabilidades dos modelos como entradas, proporcionando uma fácil adaptação a outros compressores de dados ou ferramentas de análise baseadas em compressão. O GeCo3 e o AC2 são distribuídos sob GPLv3 e estão disponíveis para download gratuito em https://github.com/ cobilab/geco3 e https://github.com/cobilab/ac2.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Distributed hybrid-indexing of compressed pan-genomes for scalable and fast sequence alignment

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    Computational pan-genomics utilizes information from multiple individual genomes in large-scale comparative analysis. Genetic variation between case-controls, ethnic groups, or species can be discovered thoroughly using pan-genomes of such subpopulations. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data volumes are growing rapidly, making genomic data compression and indexing methods very important. Despite current space-efficient repetitive sequence compression and indexing methods, the deployed compression methods are often sequential, computationally time-consuming, and do not provide efficient sequence alignment performance on vast collections of genomes such as pan-genomes. For performing rapid analytics with the ever-growing genomics data, data compression and indexing methods have to exploit distributed and parallel computing more efficiently. Instead of strict genome data compression methods, we will focus on the efficient construction of a compressed index for pan-genomes. Compressed hybrid-index enables fast sequence alignments to several genomes at once while shrinking the index size significantly compared to traditional indexes. We propose a scalable distributed compressed hybrid-indexing method for large genomic data sets enabling pan-genome-based sequence search and read alignment capabilities. We show the scalability of our tool, DHPGIndex, by executing experiments in a distributed Apache Spark-based computing cluster comprising 448 cores distributed over 26 nodes. The experiments have been performed both with human and bacterial genomes. DHPGIndex built a BLAST index for n = 250 human pan-genome with an 870:1 compression ratio (CR) in 342 minutes and a Bowtie2 index with 157:1 CR in 397 minutes. For n = 1,000 human pan-genome, the BLAST index was built in 1520 minutes with 532:1 CR and the Bowtie2 index in 1938 minutes with 76:1 CR. Bowtie2 aligned 14.6 GB of paired-end reads to the compressed (n = 1,000) index in 31.7 minutes on a single node. Compressing n = 13,375,031 (488 GB) GenBank database to BLAST index resulted in CR of 62:1 in 575 minutes. BLASTing 189,864 Crispr-Cas9 gRNA target sequences (23 MB in total) to the compressed index of human pan-genome (n = 1,000) finished in 45 minutes on a single node. 30 MB mixed bacterial sequences were (n = 599) were blasted to the compressed index of 488 GB GenBank database (n = 13,375,031) in 26 minutes on 25 nodes. 78 MB mixed sequences (n = 4,167) were blasted to the compressed index of 18 GB E. coli sequence database (n = 745,409) in 5.4 minutes on a single node.Peer reviewe