43 research outputs found

    Survey of Network Protocols

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    IPv4 is the network protocols of the present Internet, which is characterized by the Internet  Engineering Task Force (IETF). Network protocols characterize guidelines, polices and traditions for communication between system devices. Every advanced protocol for computer organization utilizer a packet switching system to send and get the message. The protocols are intended to conquer the activities of any enemy that can lose the sent message, discretionarily change the fields of the sent message, and replay old messages. In the web, the colossal measure of information and the immense number of various protocols makes it perfect as a high-bandwidth speed vehicle for undercover communication. This article is an overview of the current methods for making the covert channels. Weadditionally gave a diagram of wide kinds of network protocol

    Design and prototype of a train-to-wayside communication architecture

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    Telecommunication has become very important in modern society and seems to be almost omnipresent, making daily life easier, more pleasant and connecting people everywhere. It does not only connect people, but also machines, enhancing the efficiency of automated tasks and monitoring automated processes. In this context the IBBT (Interdisciplinary Institute for BroadBand Technology) project TRACK (TRain Applications over an advanced Communication networK), sets the definition and prototyping of an end-to-end train-to-wayside communication architecture as one of the main research goals. The architecture provides networking capabilities for train monitoring, personnel applications and passenger Internet services. In the context of the project a prototype framework was developed to give a complete functioning demonstrator. Every aspect: tunneling and mobility, performance enhancements, and priority and quality of service were taken into consideration. In contrast to other research in this area, which has given mostly high-level overviews, TRACK resulted in a detailed architecture with all different elements present

    Requirements for Header Compression over MPLS

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    Aplicaci贸n de m茅todos de compresi贸n de cabeceras TCP/IP como optimizaci贸n de las comunicaciones m贸viles

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    El protocolo TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) est谩 implementado para actuar en redes fija s, donde las incidencias en la comunicaci贸n pueden interpreta rse como problemas de con ges ti贸n. En entornos m贸viles, en cambio, los problemas son debidos a una alta tasa de error en bit (BER); la utilizaci贸n del protocolo TCP en este tipo de entornos afecta negativamente a la efici encia de la transmisi贸n. En este art铆c ulo se presenta una soluci贸n pa ra optimizar la comunicaci贸n TCP: la compresi贸n de cabeceras; concretamente se expone la necesidad de un algoritmo especifico para comunicaciones m贸viles y se valora la propuesta de compresi贸n de cabeceras de la lETF .Peer Reviewe

    Aplicaci贸n de m茅todos de compresi贸n de cabeceras TCP/IP como optimizaci贸n de las comunicaciones m贸viles

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    El protocolo TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) est谩 implementado para actuar en redes fija s, donde las incidencias en la comunicaci贸n pueden interpreta rse como problemas de con ges ti贸n. En entornos m贸viles, en cambio, los problemas son debidos a una alta tasa de error en bit (BER); la utilizaci贸n del protocolo TCP en este tipo de entornos afecta negativamente a la efici encia de la transmisi贸n. En este art铆c ulo se presenta una soluci贸n pa ra optimizar la comunicaci贸n TCP: la compresi贸n de cabeceras; concretamente se expone la necesidad de un algoritmo especifico para comunicaciones m贸viles y se valora la propuesta de compresi贸n de cabeceras de la lETF .Peer Reviewe

    Rationale, Scenarios, and Profiles for the Application of the Internet Protocol Suite (IPS) in Space Operations

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    This greenbook captures some of the current, planned and possible future uses of the Internet Protocol (IP) as part of Space Operations. It attempts to describe how the Internet Protocol is used in specific scenarios. Of primary focus is low-earth-orbit space operations, which is referred to here as the design reference mission (DRM). This is because most of the program experience drawn upon derives from this type of mission. Application profiles are provided. This includes parameter settings programs have proposed for sending IP datagrams over CCSDS links, the minimal subsets and features of the IP protocol suite and applications expected for interoperability between projects, and the configuration, operations and maintenance of these IP functions. Of special interest is capturing the lessons learned from the Constellation Program in this area, since that program included a fairly ambitious use of the Internet Protocol

    Guidelines for Writers of RTP Payload Format Specifications

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    Measurement and Analysis of HTTP Traffic

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    Metodologia para o planejamento de capacidade de redes corporativas para implanta莽茫o de servi莽os VoIP

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    Este artigo apresenta uma metodologia para o planejamento de capacidade de redes corporativas para a implanta莽茫o de servi莽os VoIP. 脡 descrita a adapta莽茫o da metodologia de planejamento de redes telef么nicas convencionais para servi莽os VoIP e os resultados da sua aplica莽茫o em um estudo de casoThis paper presents an methodology to corporate networks capacity planning to VoIP services implementation. It describes a process of adapting conventional telephony network capacity planning to VoIP services and its use in a case study.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI