4,885 research outputs found

    Closing the circle : current state and perspectives of circular RNA databases

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    Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are covalently closed RNA molecules that have been linked to various diseases, including cancer. However, a precise function and working mechanism are lacking for the larger majority. Following many different experimental and computational approaches to identify circRNAs, multiple circRNA databases were developed as well. Unfortunately, there are several major issues with the current circRNA databases, which substantially hamper progression in the field. First, as the overlap in content is limited, a true reference set of circRNAs is lacking. This results from the low abundance and highly specific expression of circRNAs, and varying sequencing methods, data-analysis pipelines, and circRNA detection tools. A second major issue is the use of ambiguous nomenclature. Thus, redundant or even conflicting names for circRNAs across different databases contribute to the reproducibility crisis. Third, circRNA databases, in essence, rely on the position of the circRNA back-splice junction, whereas alternative splicing could result in circRNAs with different length and sequence. To uniquely identify a circRNA molecule, the full circular sequence is required. Fourth, circRNA databases annotate circRNAs' microRNA binding and protein-coding potential, but these annotations are generally based on presumed circRNA sequences. Finally, several databases are not regularly updated, contain incomplete data or suffer from connectivity issues. In this review, we present a comprehensive overview of the current circRNA databases and their content, features, and usability. In addition to discussing the current issues regarding circRNA databases, we come with important suggestions to streamline further research in this growing field

    Circular RNAs (circRNAs) in Health and Disease

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from MDPI via the DOI in this record.Splicing events do not always produce a linear transcript. Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are a class of RNA that are emerging as key new members of the gene regulatory milieu, which are produced by back-splicing events within genes. In circRNA formation, rather than being spliced in a linear fashion, exons can be circularised by use of the 3' acceptor splice site of an upstream exon, leading to the formation of a circular RNA species. circRNAs have been demonstrated across species and have the potential to present genetic information in new orientations distinct from their parent transcript. The importance of these RNA players in gene regulation and normal cellular homeostasis is now beginning to be recognised. They have several potential modes of action, from serving as sponges for micro RNAs and RNA binding proteins, to acting as transcriptional regulators. In accordance with an important role in the normal biology of the cell, perturbations of circRNA expression are now being reported in association with disease. Furthermore, the inherent stability of circRNAs conferred by their circular structure and exonuclease resistance, and their expression in blood and other peripheral tissues in association with endosomes and microvesicles, renders them excellent candidates as disease biomarkers. In this review, we explore the state of knowledge on this exciting class of transcripts in regulating gene expression and discuss their emerging role in health and disease.The Harries lab is funded by the Dunhill Medical Trust and Animal Free Research

    Principles for the post-GWAS functional characterisation of risk loci

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    Several challenges lie ahead in assigning functionality to susceptibility SNPs. For example, most effect sizes are small relative to effects seen in monogenic diseases, with per allele odds ratios usually ranging from 1.15 to 1.3. It is unclear whether current molecular biology methods have enough resolution to differentiate such small effects. Our objective here is therefore to provide a set of recommendations to optimize the allocation of effort and resources in order maximize the chances of elucidating the functional contribution of specific loci to the disease phenotype. It has been estimated that 88% of currently identified disease-associated SNP are intronic or intergenic. Thus, in this paper we will focus our attention on the analysis of non-coding variants and outline a hierarchical approach for post-GWAS functional studies

    Docker4Circ: A Framework for the Reproducible Characterization of circRNAs from RNA-Seq Data

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    Recent improvements in cost-effectiveness of high-throughput technologies has allowed RNA sequencing of total transcriptomes suitable for evaluating the expression and regulation of circRNAs, a relatively novel class of transcript isoforms with suggested roles in transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene expression regulation, as well as their possible use as biomarkers, due to their deregulation in various human diseases. A limited number of integrated workflows exists for prediction, characterization, and differential expression analysis of circRNAs, none of them complying with computational reproducibility requirements. We developed Docker4Circ for the complete analysis of circRNAs from RNA-Seq data. Docker4Circ runs a comprehensive analysis of circRNAs in human and model organisms, including: circRNAs prediction; classification and annotation using six public databases; back-splice sequence reconstruction; internal alternative splicing of circularizing exons; alignment-free circRNAs quantification from RNA-Seq reads; and differential expression analysis. Docker4Circ makes circRNAs analysis easier and more accessible thanks to: (i) its R interface; (ii) encapsulation of computational tasks into docker images; (iii) user-friendly Java GUI Interface availability; and (iv) no need of advanced bash scripting skills for correct use. Furthermore, Docker4Circ ensures a reproducible analysis since all its tasks are embedded into a docker image following the guidelines provided by Reproducible Bioinformatics Project

    The Nefarious Nexus of Noncoding RNAs in Cancer

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    The past decade has witnessed enormous progress, which has seen the noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) turn from the so called dark matter RNA to critical functional molecules, influencing most physiological processes in development and disease contexts. Many ncRNAs interact with each other and are part of networks that influence the cell transcriptome and proteome and consequently the outcome of biological processes. The regulatory circuits controlled by ncRNAs have become increasingly more relevant in cancer. Further understanding of these complex network interactions and how ncRNAs are regulated, is paving the way for the identification of better therapeutic strategies in cancer

    Transcriptome Analysis of Non‐Coding RNAs in Livestock Species: Elucidating the Ambiguity

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    The recent remarkable development of transcriptomics technologies, especially next generation sequencing technologies, allows deeper exploration of the hidden landscapes of complex traits and creates great opportunities to improve livestock productivity and welfare. Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), RNA molecules that are not translated into proteins, are key transcriptional regulators of health and production traits, thus, transcriptomics analyses of ncRNAs are important for a better understanding of the regulatory architecture of livestock phenotypes. In this chapter, we present an overview of common frameworks for generating and processing RNA sequence data to obtain ncRNA transcripts. Then, we review common approaches for analyzing ncRNA transcriptome data and present current state of the art methods for identification of ncRNAs and functional inference of identified ncRNAs, with emphasis on tools for livestock species. We also discuss future challenges and perspectives for ncRNA transcriptome data analysis in livestock species