300 research outputs found


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    Large-scale mathematical models are very powerful tools in the efforts to provide more\ud information and more detailed information about the pollution levels, especially about pollution\ud levels which exceed certain critical values.. However, the model used must satisfy at\ud least two conditions: (i) it must be verified that the model results are reliable and (ii) it\ud should be possible to carry out different study by using the model. It is clear that comprehensive\ud studies about relationships between different input parameters and the model results\ud can only be carried out (a) if the numerical methods used in the model are sufficiently\ud fast and (b) if the code runs efficiently on the available high-speed computers.\ud Some results obtained recently by a new unified version of the Danish Eulerian Model will\ud be presented in this paper

    Parallel Computations with Large-scale Air Pollution Models

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    Large-scale mathematical models are very powerful tools in the efforts to provide more information and more detailed information about the pollution levels, especially about pollution levels which exceed certain critical values.. However, the model used must satisfy at least two conditions: (i) it must be verified that the model results are reliable and (ii) it should be possible to carry out different study by using the model. It is clear that comprehensive studies about relationships between different input parameters and the model results can only be carried out (a) if the numerical methods used in the model are sufficiently fast and (b) if the code runs efficiently on the available high-speed computers. Some results obtained recently by a new unified version of the Danish Eulerian Model will be presented in this paper.Великомасштабні математичні моделі – дуже потужний інструмент для одержання більш детальної інформації щодо рівнів забруднень. Проте використовувана модель повинна задовольнити принаймні двом умовам: (i) результати моделювання повинні бути надійними і (ii) повинна існувати можливість уточнення і вивчення різноманітних характеристик моделей. Всебічне вивчення відношень між різноманітними параметрами входу і результатами моделювання може бути виконане, якщо (a) чисельні методи, використовувані в моделі, достатньо швидкі та (b) програмне забезпечення на доступних швидкодіючих комп'ютерах достатньо ефективне. Подані результати рівнобіжної реалізації моделювання забруднення атмосфери, отримані в новій об'єднаній версії датської Ейлерової моделі.Крупномасштабные математические модели – очень мощный инструмент для получения более детальной информации относительно уровней загрязнений. Однако модель должна удовлетво- рить по крайней мере двум условиям: (i) результаты моделирования должны быть надежными и (ii) должна существовать возможность уточнения и изучения характеристик модели. Всестороннее изучение отношений между различными параметрами входа и результатами моделирования может быть выполнено, если (a) численные методы, используемые в модели, достаточно быстры и (b) программное обеспечение на доступных быстродействующих компь- ютерах достаточно эффективно. Представлены результаты параллельной реализации моделирования загрязнения атмосферы, полученные в новой объединенной версии датской Эйлеровой модели

    Improved modelling of atmospheric ammonia over Denmark using the coupled modelling system DAMOS

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    A local-scale Gaussian dispersion-deposition model (OML-DEP) has been coupled to a regional chemistry-transport model (DEHM with a resolution of approximately 6 km × 6 km over Denmark) in the Danish Ammonia Modelling System, DAMOS. Thereby, it has been possible to model the distribution of ammonia concentrations and depositions on a spatial resolution down to 400 m × 400 m for selected areas in Denmark. DAMOS has been validated against measured concentrations from the dense measuring network covering Denmark. Here measured data from 21 sites are included and the validation period covers 2–5 years within the period 2005–2009. A standard time series analysis (using statistic parameters like correlation and bias) shows that the coupled model system captures the measured time series better than the regional- scale model alone. However, our study also shows that about 50% of the modelled concentration level at a given location originates from non-local emission sources. The local-scale model covers a domain of 16 km × 16 km, and of the locally released ammonia (NH<sub>3</sub>) within this domain, our simulations at five sites show that 14–27% of the locally (within 16 km × 16 km) emitted NH<sub>3</sub> also deposits locally. These results underline the importance of including both high-resolution local-scale modelling of NH<sub>3</sub> as well as the regional-scale component described by the regional model. The DAMOS system can be used as a tool in environmental management in relation to assessments of total nitrogen load of sensitive nature areas in intense agricultural regions. However, high spatio-temporal resolution in input parameters like NH<sub>3</sub> emissions and land-use data is required

    A unified analytical solution of the steady-state atmospheric diffusion equation

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    A unified analytical solution of the steady-state atmospheric diffusion equation for a finite and semi-infinite/infinite media was developed using the classic integral transform technique (CITT) which is based on a systematized method of separation of variable. The solution was obtained considering an arbitrary mean wind velocity depending on the vertical coordinate (z) and a generalized separable functional form for the eddy diffusivities in terms of the longitudinal (x) and vertical coordinates (z). The examples described in this article show that the well known closed-form analytical solutions, available in the literature, for both finite and semi-infinite/infinite media are special cases of the present unified analytical solution. As an example of the strength of the developed methodology, the Copenhagen and Prairie Grass experiments were simulated (finite media with the mean wind speed and the turbulent diffusion coefficient described by different functional forms). The results indicate that the present solutions are in good agreement with those obtained using other analytical procedures, previously published in the literature. It is important to note that the eigenvalue problem is associated directly to the atmospheric diffusion equation making possible the development of the unified analytical solution and also resulting in the improvement of the convergence behavior in the series of the eigenfunction-expansion.Indisponível

    Impacts of climate change on air pollution levels in the Northern Hemisphere with special focus on Europe and the Arctic

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    International audienceThe response of a selected number of chemical species is inspected with respect to climate change. The coupled Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Model ECHAM4-OPYC3 is providing meteorological fields for the Chemical long-range Transport Model DEHM. Three selected decades (1990s, 2040s and 2090s) are inspected. The 1990s are used as a reference and validation period. In this decade an evaluation of the output from the DEHM model with ECHAM4-OPYC3 meteorology input data is carried out. The model results are tested against similar model simulations with MM5 meteorology and against observations from the EMEP monitoring sites in Europe. The test results from the validation period show that the overall statistics (e.g. mean values and standard deviations) are similar for the two simulations. However, as one would expect the model setup with climate input data fails to predict correctly the timing of the variability in the observations. The overall performance of the ECHAM4-OPYC3 setup as meteorological input to the DEHM model is shown to be acceptable according to the applied ranking method. It is concluded that running a chemical long-range transport model on data from a "free run" climate model is scientifically sound. From the model runs of the three decades, it is found that the overall trend detected in the evolution of the chemical species, is the same between the 1990 decade and the 2040 decade and between the 2040 decade and the 2090 decade, respectively. The dominating impacts from climate change on a large number of the chemical species are related to the predicted temperature increase. Throughout the 21th century the ECHAM4-OPYC3 projects a global mean temperature increase of 3 K with local maxima up to 11 K in the Arctic winter based on the IPCC A2 emission scenario. As a consequence of this temperature increase, the temperature dependent biogenic emission of isoprene is predicted to increase significantly over land by the DEHM model. This leads to an increase in the O3 production and together with an increase in water vapor to an increase in the number of free OH radicals. Furthermore this increase in the number of OH radicals contributes to a significant change in the typical life time of many species, since OH are participating in a large number of chemical reactions. It is e.g. found that more SO42? will be present in the future over the already polluted areas and this increase can be explained by an enhanced conversion of SO2 to SO42?

    Proceedings of Abstracts 12th International Conference on Air Quality Science and Application

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    © 2020 The Author(s). This an open access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Final Published versio