232 research outputs found

    Investigation into biological and biomimetic transmembrane systems

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    Membranes are essential components of living organisms, which serve as effective barriers that separate distinct chemical environments on either side of the membrane. Chemists have designed biological and synthetic systems to functionalise membrane-embedded systems for a variety of applications such as sensing, sequencing, reaction mechanistic studies, and therapeutics. The continuous interest in functionalising membranes, combined with incomplete understanding of the underlying factors determining their mechanisms inspired the investigations undertaken in this work. This Thesis employs both experimental and computational methods to explore two distinct applications for sequencing and therapeutics, respectively. (1) Engineered biological nanopores have found great success in DNA sequencing. The Bayley group previously reported a molecular hopper, which makes sub-nanometer steps by thiol-disulfide interchange along a track with cysteine footholds within a protein nanopore. In Chapter 2, the hopping rate was optimized with a view towards rapid enzymeless biopolymer characterization during translocation within nanopores. I first used a nanopore approach to systematically profile the reactivity of individual cysteine footholds along an engineered protein track at the single-molecule level. Using this approach, I calculated the pKa of cysteine thiols and the pH-independent rate constants for the reaction between thiolates and a disulfide molecule. This reactivity profile guided site-specific mutagenesis. Together with the optimization of experimental conditions, the overall stepping rate of a DNA cargo along a five-cysteine track was accelerated. This work extends the practical application of this enzymeless system as a sequencing method for biopolymers beyond DNA. (2) Synthetic anion transporters have attracted significant attention as promising therapeutics for ion channel diseases. In Chapter 3, I use computational modelling to investigate the chloride binding and transmembrane transport mechanisms of E-/Z-switchable synthetic transporters. Using a model system,I developed a workflow to construct full energy profiles for the transmembrane transport process. These results revealed the importance of pre-organization of the Z-isomer and the balance between the energy barrier of transport and the solubility of the transporter. Additionally, in Chapter 4, I present a predictive machine-learning (ML) approach for estimating the chloride transport activity of a variety of synthetic chloride transporters. The ML models, employing both classification and regression frameworks, exhibited remarkable performance across a diverse range of systems. Moreover, they offered insights crucial for future design efforts, e.g., identifying key structural features and experimental conditions that influence the observed transport activity. Overall, this work bridges biological and molecular design, computational modelling and data-driven approaches to advance the development of two applications to functionalise membranes for sequencing and therapeutics. It provides interpretable molecular models as well as structure-activity relationships that will aid hypothesis generation and contribute to synthetic advances in both fields

    Developments in Transduction, Connectivity and AI/Machine Learning for Point-of-Care Testing

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    We review some emerging trends in transduction, connectivity and data analytics for Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) of infectious and non-communicable diseases. The patient need for POCT is described along with developments in portable diagnostics, specifically in respect of Lab-on-chip and microfluidic systems. We describe some novel electrochemical and photonic systems and the use of mobile phones in terms of hardware components and device connectivity for POCT. Developments in data analytics that are applicable for POCT are described with an overview of data structures and recent AI/Machine learning trends. The most important methodologies of machine learning, including deep learning methods, are summarised. The potential value of trends within POCT systems for clinical diagnostics within Lower Middle Income Countries (LMICs) and the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) are highlighted

    Transglutaminase, nutrition and human health

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    Conoscenze preesistenti: Le transglutaminasi (TGase) sono una classe di enzimi ampiamente diffusa tra gli organismi procarioti ed eucarioti. Gli enzimi di questa famiglia catalizzano modifiche post-traduzionali in molte proteine attraverso reazioni di trasferimento dell’acile, reazioni di deaminazione e di crosslinking (polimerizzazione) tra residui peptidici di lisina (accettore di acile) e glutammina (donatore di acile) intra- o inter-catena proteica. A causa della sua facilità di espressione e di purificazione, l’unica TGase ampiamente usata per le applicazioni industriali è la TGase microbica estratta da Streptomyces mobaraensis (MTGase). Oggigiorno la MTGase è disponibile in commercio ed è ampiamente usata nell’industria dei biopolimeri, in cosmetica, per applicazioni cliniche, nell’industria tessile della lana e soprattutto nell’industria alimentare. La sua abilità di catalizzare legami crociati in molti substrati proteici differenti è sempre più usata non solo per la produzione di salsicce, prosciutti e formaggi ma, molto recentemente, anche per la detossificazione della farina, come possibile terapia alternativa alla dieta senza glutine. Ne consegue che oggigiorno le applicazioni industriali della MTGase stiano aumentando, coinvolgendo sempre più settori e producendo una ricerca scientifica su questo argomento sempre più fervente, allo scopo di tentare di rispondere a specifiche esigenze industriali, come l’implementazione di sistemi di purificazione della MTGase più efficienti, la ricerca di fonti alternative di transglutaminasi microbica, e di fonti sicure di enzimi ricombinanti. Scopo del progetto di dottorato: lo scopo principale del progetto è l’identificazione di nuove forme di transglutaminasi microbica che possano diventare un’alternativa a quella attualmente in uso. È stata eseguita un’analisi approfondita delle sequenze note allo scopo di ottenere una classificazione delle TGase microbiche attraverso la loro similarità a forme note. Per selezionare le migliori candidate che possano essere forme attive in appropriate condizioni, le sequenze selezionate sono state soggette di modellamento molecolare e simulazioni molecolari. Per testare l’attività enzimatica, sono stati effettuati dei saggi sperimentali su una nuova forma trovata ed un’ulteriore nuova forma è stata espressa. Risultati: il presente lavoro propone in primo luogo un’analisi, ad oggi assente, dell’ampio panorama delle transglutaminasi microbiche, sviluppando la prima classificazione delle TGase microbiche basata sulle loro caratteristiche di sequenza e sulle loro specifiche strutture secondarie predette. Al fine di classificare ed analizzare le caratteristiche strutturali di tutte le sequenze annotate come aventi un TGase core, sono state utilizzate tecniche computazionali che coinvolgono analisi di sequenza, studi comparativi, costruzione di alberi filogenetici, modellamento per omologia e simulazioni di dinamica molecolare. Tramite questo approccio, è stata effettuata una classificazione preliminare di queste sequenze dividendole in cinque gruppi principali. Ogni gruppo è stato studiato dal punto di vista delle sequenze per analizzare la presenza di motifs specifici. Per tre di questi cinque gruppi, sono state studiate anche le strutture secondarie e, da questa analisi, sono state rilevate caratteristiche specifiche per ogni gruppo. Inoltre, due nuove forme di TGase microbica (mTGase) sono state studiate in dettaglio: K. albida mTGase e l’ipotetica mTGase da SaNDy (organismo non rivelato per possibilità di brevetto). Per la prima, in comparazione con la MTGase, sono state effettuate analisi della tasca relativa al sito attivo e simulazioni di dinamica molecolare. Per la seconda, invece, sono state utilizzate tecniche sperimentali per purificare l’ipotetico enzima al fine di testarne l’attività su substrati alimentari. Saggi sperimentali su entrambe le proteine sono ancora in corso, al fine di trovare le migliori condizioni di attività enzimatica e i migliori substrati di reazione. Le simulazioni di dinamica molecolare eseguite sulla mTGase di K. albida hanno suggerito alcune spiegazioni alla maggiore specificità di questo enzima rispetto alla MTGase, dimostrata sperimentalmente da Steffan e colleghi, ed alcune indicazioni per variare le condizioni di attività usate per testarla. Inoltre, l’analisi dei substrati ha permesso di trovare nuovi possibili substrati, sui quali l’enzima potrebbe essere impiegato ai fini della riduzione delle allergenicità. D’altro canto, l’enzima estratto da SaNDy, mostrando una più alta somiglianza con la MTGase, potrebbe essere meno selettivo della mTGase da K. albida nei confronti di specifici substrati, pertanto potrebbe essere possibile una sua applicazione anche su substrati gliadinici, tuttavia, per provare ciò, sono necessari ulteriori esperimenti. Note: il presente lavoro di dottorato è stato principalmente svolto presso il Laboratorio di Bioinformatica del CNR di Avellino sotto la supervisione del Dr. Facchiano, tuttavia, tutte le simulazioni di dinamica molecolare sono state eseguite presso il Dipartimento di Biochimica dell’Università di Zurigo, nel laboratorio di biologia strutturale e computazionale sotto la supervisione del Prof. A. Caflisch e del suo gruppo di ricerca (periodo di formazione all’estero obbligatorio). I saggi di attività sperimentale sul substrato gliadinico sono stati effettuati dal laboratorio di spettrometria di massa CeSMA-ProBio presso il CNR di Avellino; e l’ipotetica mTGase da SaNDy è stata invece clonata, espressa e purificata durante la collaborazione con il laboratorio di Molecular Sensing presso il CNR of Avellino.Background: transglutaminases (TGase) are a class of enzymes widely spread in eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms. Enzymes of this family catalyze post-translational modifications in many proteins by acyl transfer reactions, deamidation and crosslinking (polymerisation) between protein intra- or inter-chain glutamine (acyl donor) and lysine (acyl acceptor) peptide residues. Due to its facility of expression and purification, the only TGase enzyme widely used for industrial applications is the microbial TGase extracted from Streptomyces mobaraensis (MTGase). Nowadays the MTGase is commercially available and widely used in biopolymers industry, in cosmetics, in clinical applications, in wool textiles, and above all in the food processing industry. Its ability to catalyze crosslinks on many different protein substrates is increasingly used not only for sausage, ham and cheese production but, very recently, also for flour detoxification, as a possible alternative therapy to the gluten free diet. It follows that nowadays the industrial applications of MTGase have increased, covering more and more fields producing a very active scientific research about this topic aimed at attempt to meet specific industrial needs, as the implementation of more efficient system for MTGase production, the research of alternative sources of microbial TGase, and safe source of recombinant enzymes. Aims of the doctorate project: the main aim of the project is the identification of novel forms of microbial TGases that could become an alternative to that in use. A depth screening of known sequences has been performed, with the aim of obtaining a classification of microbial TGases for their similarity to known forms. To select the best candidates to be active forms under appropriate conditions, molecular modelling and molecular simulations have been performed on selected sequences. To test the enzymatic activity, experimental assays have been performed with a novel form, and another novel form has been expressed. Results: the present work proposes at first an analysis, lacking so far, of the wide microbial transglutaminase world, developing the first classification of the microbial TGase based on their sequence features and their specific predicted secondary structures. In order to classify and analyze the structural features of all the sequences annotated as having a TGase core computational techniques involving sequence analyses, comparative studies, building of phylogenetic trees, homology models and molecular dynamic simulations have been used. From this approach, a preliminary classification of these sequences was done by dividing them in five main groups. Each group has been investigated from the sequence point of view to analyze the presence of specific motifs. For three of this five groups, also the secondary structures have been investigated and, from this analysis, features specific for each group have been detected. Moreover, two novel forms of microbial TGase (mTGase) have been investigated in the detail: K. albida mTGase and the hypothetical mTGase from SaNDy (organism not disclosed for patent opportunity). Molecular dynamics simulations and active site pocket analyses have been performed for the first, in comparison with MTGase. For the second, instead, experimental technique has been used to purify the hypothetical enzyme in order to test it on food related substrates. Experimental assays on both the proteins are still ongoing, to find the best enzymatic activity conditions and the best substrates of reaction. The molecular dynamic simulations performed on K. albida mTGase have suggested some explanations to the higher specificity of this enzyme than MTGase, experimentally demonstrated by Steffen et colleague, and several indications to change the activity conditions used to test it. Moreover, the substrates screening has allowed to find novel possible substrates, on which this enzyme could be employed for the allergenicity reduction. On the other hand, the enzyme extracted from SaNDy, showing a higher similarity with MTGase, could be less selective than K. albida mTGase for specific substrates, so it could be possible its application also on the gliadin substrate, but to prove it further experiments are necessary. Note: the present PhD work has been mainly performed in the Bioinformatics Laboratory at the CNR of Avellino under Dr. Facchiano’s supervision, however all the MD simulations have been performed at the Biochemistry Department of the University of Zurich, in the computational and structural biology laboratory under the supervision of Prof. A. Caflisch and his research group (compulsory abroad training period). Experimental activity assays on gliadin substrate have been performed by the spectrometry mass CeSMA-ProBio lab at the CNR of Avellino; and the hypothetical mTGase from SaNDy was instead cloned, expressed and purified in collaboration with the Laboratory for Molecular Sensing at the CNR of Avellino

    Understanding the Structural and Functional Importance of Early Folding Residues in Protein Structures

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    Proteins adopt three-dimensional structures which serve as a starting point to understand protein function and their evolutionary ancestry. It is unclear how proteins fold in vivo and how this process can be recreated in silico in order to predict protein structure from sequence. Contact maps are a possibility to describe whether two residues are in spatial proximity and structures can be derived from this simplified representation. Coevolution or supervised machine learning techniques can compute contact maps from sequence: however, these approaches only predict sparse subsets of the actual contact map. It is shown that the composition of these subsets substantially influences the achievable reconstruction quality because most information in a contact map is redundant. No strategy was proposed which identifies unique contacts for which no redundant backup exists. The StructureDistiller algorithm quantifies the structural relevance of individual contacts and identifies crucial contacts in protein structures. It is demonstrated that using this information the reconstruction performance on a sparse subset of a contact map is increased by 0.4 A, which constitutes a substantial performance gain. The set of the most relevant contacts in a map is also more resilient to false positively predicted contacts: up to 6% of false positives are compensated before reconstruction quality matches a naive selection of contacts without any false positive contacts. This information is invaluable for the training to new structure prediction methods and provides insights into how robustness and information content of contact maps can be improved. In literature, the relevance of two types of residues for in vivo folding has been described. Early folding residues initiate the folding process, whereas highly stable residues prevent spontaneous unfolding events. The structural relevance score proposed by this thesis is employed to characterize both types of residues. Early folding residues form pivotal secondary structure elements, but their structural relevance is average. In contrast, highly stable residues exhibit significantly increased structural relevance. This implies that residues crucial for the folding process are not relevant for structural integrity and vice versa. The position of early folding residues is preserved over the course of evolution as demonstrated for two ancient regions shared by all aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. One arrangement of folding initiation sites resembles an ancient and widely distributed structural packing motif and captures how reverberations of the earliest periods of life can still be observed in contemporary protein structures

    The compositional and evolutionary logic of metabolism

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    Metabolism displays striking and robust regularities in the forms of modularity and hierarchy, whose composition may be compactly described. This renders metabolic architecture comprehensible as a system, and suggests the order in which layers of that system emerged. Metabolism also serves as the foundation in other hierarchies, at least up to cellular integration including bioenergetics and molecular replication, and trophic ecology. The recapitulation of patterns first seen in metabolism, in these higher levels, suggests metabolism as a source of causation or constraint on many forms of organization in the biosphere. We identify as modules widely reused subsets of chemicals, reactions, or functions, each with a conserved internal structure. At the small molecule substrate level, module boundaries are generally associated with the most complex reaction mechanisms and the most conserved enzymes. Cofactors form a structurally and functionally distinctive control layer over the small-molecule substrate. Complex cofactors are often used at module boundaries of the substrate level, while simpler ones participate in widely used reactions. Cofactor functions thus act as "keys" that incorporate classes of organic reactions within biochemistry. The same modules that organize the compositional diversity of metabolism are argued to have governed long-term evolution. Early evolution of core metabolism, especially carbon-fixation, appears to have required few innovations among a small number of conserved modules, to produce adaptations to simple biogeochemical changes of environment. We demonstrate these features of metabolism at several levels of hierarchy, beginning with the small-molecule substrate and network architecture, continuing with cofactors and key conserved reactions, and culminating in the aggregation of multiple diverse physical and biochemical processes in cells.Comment: 56 pages, 28 figure

    Mechanistic behaviour and molecular interactions of heat shock protein 47 (HSP47)

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    This project involves the study of heat shock protein 47 (HSP47), which is a molecular chaperone crucial for collagen biosynthesis. It exhibits a high degree of sequence homology with members of the serine protease inhibitor (serpin) superfamily, though HSP47 does not possess the inhibitory activity. It is a single-substrate chaperone, and binds only to collagen. ‘Knock-out’ of the hsp47 gene impairs the secretion of correctly folded collagen triple helix molecules leading to embryonic lethality in mice. Thus the aim of this project was to elucidate the specific mechanism that governs the binding to and release from collagen at the molecular level, known as the ‘pH-switch mechanism’. Emphasis is given on histidine (His) residues as the HSP47-collagen dissociation pH is similar to the pKa of the imidazole side chain of His residues. Site directed mutagenesis was used to mutate surface His residues, based on a mouse HSP47 homology model. The effects of the mutations on the behaviour of HSP47 were then assessed by collagen binding assays and structural analyses with circular dichroism (CD). All mutants were found to have good solubility and retain their binding ability to collagen like wild-type HSP47 in batch assay, but perturbed behaviour was seen in column experiment. Mutation of His residue at position 191 (H191) causes the shift in the collagen dissociation pH, while mutation of H197 and/or 198 disrupt the specific HSP47-collagen interaction. H191, 197 and 198 are predicted to be located in the region near the C-terminus of strand 3 of β-sheet A (s3A) in the homology model, a region specifically known as the ‘breach cluster’ in serpin nomenclature. The extent of conformational rearrangement of this region was further investigated by means of intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy using a series of single tryptophan (Trp) mutants. Results from analyses performed on the mutants did not contradict the observation seen in His mutational work, as Trp residues in the ‘breach’ cluster are likely to be located in the dynamic region of HSP47 pH-triggered conformational change. In conclusion, this study establishes the importance of His residues in the ‘breach cluster’ to HSP47 pH-switch behaviour. Finally, a model for HSP47 pH-switch mechanism was proposed from data obtained via mutagenesis experiments. The model is hoped to assist future research into HSP47 cellular behaviour and will also be of great use in therapeutic applications involving the molecular chaperone

    Unraveling molecular mechanisms regulating leaf growth under drought: it's all about timing

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    2013 TSU Undergraduate Research Program

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    Plant-parasitic nematodes: from genomics to functional analysis of parasitism genes

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    Nematodes (roundworms) belong to the largest phylum on earth. The numerous species inhabit practically all ecological niches, including plants. Plant-parasitic species live on plant roots, causing substantial damage to the plant and hampering its development. As such, they cause gigantic economical losses in crop production. We used a molecular approach to analyze the plant-parasitic nematode Radopholus similis by generating expressed sequence tags (ESTs). The most striking discovery was tags corresponding to aWolbachia-like endosymbiont, which was subsequently located in the ovaria of R. similis. Numerous tags corresponding to parasitism genes with potential roles in, amongst other things, host localisation, detoxification, cell wall modification, and even putative host transcriptional reprogramming were identified. In addition, a tool to explore all available nematode EST data is presented in this study. The ‘nematode EST exploration tool’ (NEXT) (http://zion.ugent.be/joachim/next) extends the usefulness by extracting and storing temporal and spatial information of all publicly available nematode EST libraries. Some members of the transthyretin-like gene family of R. similis were characterized. All stages except developing embryos express the analyzed genes, and expression is localized to the ventral nerve cord and tissues surrounding the vulva. Predicted secondary structure is suggestive of a binding capacity with a yet unknown ligand. Further, the annotation of the complete mitochondrial (mt) genome of R. similis is reported. The mt genome has the expected gene content, but shows many aberrant features such as: a considerably smaller 16S rRNA with reduced structures, two large repeat regions, the lack of stop codons on many genes and a unique codon reassignment UAA:Stop to UAA:Tyrosine. The aberrant features in the mt genome could be related to this codon reassignment, but results are ambiguous and require further research. A last part of the study reports on the response of the plant on nematode infection. Signaling of two plant hormones involved in plant defense is measured during early phases of parasitism. In addition, the role of flavonoid compounds produced by the plant is analyzed by infection tests on several mutants
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