333 research outputs found

    Composite Learning Control With Application to Inverted Pendulums

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    Composite adaptive control (CAC) that integrates direct and indirect adaptive control techniques can achieve smaller tracking errors and faster parameter convergence compared with direct and indirect adaptive control techniques. However, the condition of persistent excitation (PE) still has to be satisfied to guarantee parameter convergence in CAC. This paper proposes a novel model reference composite learning control (MRCLC) strategy for a class of affine nonlinear systems with parametric uncertainties to guarantee parameter convergence without the PE condition. In the composite learning, an integral during a moving-time window is utilized to construct a prediction error, a linear filter is applied to alleviate the derivation of plant states, and both the tracking error and the prediction error are applied to update parametric estimates. It is proven that the closed-loop system achieves global exponential-like stability under interval excitation rather than PE of regression functions. The effectiveness of the proposed MRCLC has been verified by the application to an inverted pendulum control problem.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, conference submissio

    A two-wheeled machine with a handling mechanism in two different directions

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    Despite the fact that there are various configurations of self-balanced two-wheeled machines (TWMs), the workspace of such systems is restricted by their current configurations and designs. In this work, the dynamic analysis of a novel configuration of TWMs is introduced that enables handling a payload attached to the intermediate body (IB) in two mutually perpendicular directions. This configuration will enlarge the workspace of the vehicle and increase its flexibility in material handling, objects assembly and similar industrial and service robot applications. The proposed configuration gains advantages of the design of serial arms while occupying a minimum space which is unique feature of TWMs. The proposed machine has five degrees of freedoms (DOFs) that can be useful for industrial applications such as pick and place, material handling and packaging. This machine will provide an advantage over other TWMs in terms of the wider workspace and the increased flexibility in service and industrial applications. Furthermore, the proposed design will add additional challenge of controlling the system to compensate for the change of the location of the COM due to performing tasks of handling in multiple directions

    Friction compensation in the swing-up control of viscously damped underactuated robotics

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    A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering in the Control Research Group School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Johannesburg, 2017In this research, we observed a torque-related limitation in the swing-up control of underactuated mechanical systems which had been integrated with viscous damping in the unactuated joint. The objective of this research project was thus to develop a practical work-around solution to this limitation. The nth order underactuated robotic system is represented in this research as a collection of compounded pendulums with n-1 actuators placed at each joint with the exception of the first joint. This system is referred to as the PAn-1 robot (Passive first joint, followed by n-1 Active joints), with the Acrobot (PA1 robot) and the PAA robot (or PA2 robot) being among the most well-known examples. A number of friction models exist in literature, which include, and are not exclusive to, the Coulomb and the Stribeck effect models, but the viscous damping model was selected for this research since it is more extensively covered in existing literature. The effectiveness of swing-up control using Lyapunov’s direct method when applied on the undamped PAn-1 robot has been vigorously demonstrated in existing literature, but there is no literature that discusses the swing-up control of viscously damped systems. We show, however, that the application of satisfactory swing-up control using Lyapunov’s direct method is constrained to underactuated systems that are either undamped or actively damped (viscous damping integrated into the actuated joints only). The violation of this constraint results in the derivation of a torque expression that cannot be solved for (invertibility problem, for systems described by n > 2) or a torque expression which contains a conditional singularity (singularity problem, for systems with n = 2). This constraint is formally summarised as the matched damping condition, and highlights a clear limitation in the Lyapunov-related swing-up control of underactuated mechanical systems. This condition has significant implications on the practical realisation of the swing-up control of underactuated mechanical systems, which justifies the investigation into the possibility of a work-around. We thus show that the limitation highlighted by the matched damping condition can be overcome through the implementation of the partial feedback linearisation (PFL) technique. Two key contributions are generated from this research as a result, which iii include the gain selection criterion (for Traditional Collocated PFL), and the convergence algorithm (for noncollocated PFL). The gain selection criterion is an analytical solution that is composed of a set of inequalities that map out a geometric region of appropriate gains in the swing-up gain space. Selecting a gain combination within this region will ensure that the fully-pendent equilibrium point (FPEP) is unstable, which is a necessary condition for swing-up control when the system is initialised near the FPEP. The convergence algorithm is an experimental solution that, once executed, will provide information about the distal pendulum’s angular initial condition that is required to swing-up a robot with a particular angular initial condition for the proximal pendulum, along with the minimum gain that is required to execute the swing-up control in this particular configuration. Significant future contributions on this topic may result from the inclusion of more complex friction models. Additionally, the degree of actuation of the system may be reduced through the implementation of energy storing components, such as torsional springs, at the joint. In summary, we present two contributions in the form of the gain selection criterion and the convergence algorithm which accommodate the circumnavigation of the limitation formalised as the matched damping condition. This condition pertains to the Lyapunov-related swing-up control of underactuated mechanical systems that have been integrated with viscous damping in the unactuated joint.CK201

    Model-free robust decentralised control of multi-input-multi-output nonlinear interconnected dynamic systems

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    This study presents a generalised framework for model-free robust decentralised control (MFRDC) of interconnected MIMO dynamic systems, with the goal of significantly reducing complexity in model-based design. A model-free robust sliding mode control, by Lyapunov differential inequality, is presented to achieve simultaneous nonlinear, dynamic, interaction/coupling inversion/cancellation (NDII) for such MIMO systems, which treats the plant/process as a total uncertainty from input to output. The U-control platform is presented, to integrate separately independently designed NDII and an invariant controller (IC) into a complete double loop control system. The associated robust stability and other properties are analysed to provide reference for applications. Two simulated tracking control tests are presented for functionally numerical demonstration, validation of the analytical results and illustration of the transparent procedure for general expansion/applications. These are: a coupled inverted pendulum and a two-input and two-output (TITO) non-affine nonlinear dynamic plant

    Position and Trajectory Tracking Control for the Ball and Plate System using Mixed Sensitivity Problem

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    This paper presents the position and trajectory tracking control scheme for the ball and plate system (BPS) using the double feedback loop structure (a loop within a loop) for effective control of the system. The inner loop was designed using linear algebraic method by solving a set of Diophantine equations. The outer inner loop was designed using   sensitivity approach. Simulation results showed that the plate was stabilized at 0.3546 seconds, and the ball was able to settle at 1.7087 seconds, when given a circular trajectory of radius 0.4 m with an angular frequency of 1.57 rad/sec, with a trajectory tracking error of 0.0095 m, which shows that the controllers have adaptability, strong robustness and control performance for the ball and plate system.           