175,058 research outputs found

    A Trichotomy for Regular Trail Queries

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    Regular path queries (RPQs) are an essential component of graph query languages. Such queries consider a regular expression r and a directed edge-labeled graph G and search for paths in G for which the sequence of labels is in the language of r. In order to avoid having to consider infinitely many paths, some database engines restrict such paths to be trails, that is, they only consider paths without repeated edges. In this paper we consider the evaluation problem for RPQs under trail semantics, in the case where the expression is fixed. We show that, in this setting, there exists a trichotomy. More precisely, the complexity of RPQ evaluation divides the regular languages into the finite languages, the class T_tract (for which the problem is tractable), and the rest. Interestingly, the tractable class in the trichotomy is larger than for the trichotomy for simple paths, discovered by Bagan et al. [Bagan et al., 2013]. In addition to this trichotomy result, we also study characterizations of the tractable class, its expressivity, the recognition problem, closure properties, and show how the decision problem can be extended to the enumeration problem, which is relevant to practice

    From Normal Functors to Logarithmic Space Queries

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    We introduce a new approach to implicit complexity in linear logic, inspired by functional database query languages and using recent developments in effective denotational semantics of polymorphism. We give the first sub-polynomial upper bound in a type system with impredicative polymorphism; adding restrictions on quantifiers yields a characterization of logarithmic space, for which extensional completeness is established via descriptive complexity

    On the Complexity of Query Result Diversification

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    Query result diversification is a bi-criteria optimization problem for ranking query results. Given a database D, a query Q and a positive integer k, it is to find a set of k tuples from Q(D) such that the tuples are as relevant as possible to the query, and at the same time, as diverse as possible to each other. Subsets of Q(D) are ranked by an objective function defined in terms of relevance and diversity. Query result diversification has found a variety of applications in databases, information retrieval and operations research. This paper studies the complexity of result diversification for relational queries. We identify three problems in connection with query result diversification, to determine whether there exists a set of k tuples that is ranked above a bound with respect to relevance and diversity, to assess the rank of a given k-element set, and to count how many k-element sets are ranked above a given bound. We study these problems for a variety of query languages and for three objective functions. We establish the upper and lower bounds of these problems, all matching, for both combined complexity and data complexity. We also investigate several special settings of these problems, identifying tractable cases. 1

    Separability by Short Subsequences and Subwords

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    The separability problem for regular languages asks, given two regular languages I and E, whether there exists a language S that separates the two, that is, includes I but contains nothing from E. Typically, S comes from a simple, less expressive class of languages than I and E. In general, a simple separator SS can be seen as an approximation of I or as an explanation of how I and E are different. In a database context, separators can be used for explaining the result of regular path queries or for finding explanations for the difference between paths in a graph database, that is, how paths from given nodes u_1 to v_1 are different from those from u_2 to v_2. We study the complexity of separability of regular languages by combinations of subsequences or subwords of a given length k. The rationale is that the parameter k can be used to influence the size and simplicity of the separator. The emphasis of our study is on tracing the tractability of the problem

    Flattening an object algebra to provide performance

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    Algebraic transformation and optimization techniques have been the method of choice in relational query execution, but applying them in object-oriented (OO) DBMSs is difficult due to the complexity of OO query languages. This paper demonstrates that the problem can be simplified by mapping an OO data model to the binary relational model implemented by Monet, a state-of-the-art database kernel. We present a generic mapping scheme to flatten data models and study the case of straightforward OO model. We show how flattening enabled us to implement a query algebra, using only a very limited set of simple operations. The required primitives and query execution strategies are discussed, and their performance is evaluated on the 1-GByte TPC-D (Transaction-processing Performance Council's Benchmark D), showing that our divide-and-conquer approach yields excellent result

    The Impact of Active Domain Predicates on Guarded Existential Rules

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    It is realistic to assume that a database management system provides access to the active domain via built-in relations. Therefore, databases that include designated predicates that hold the active domain, which we call product databases, form a natural notion that deserves our attention. An important issue then is to look at the consequences of product databases for the expressiveness and complexity of central existential rule languages. We focus on guarded-based existential rules, and we investigate the impact of product databases on their expressive power and complexity. We show that the queries expressed via (frontier-)guarded rules gain in expressiveness, and in fact, they have the same expressive power as Datalog. On the other hand, there is no impact on the expressiveness of the queries specified via weakly-(frontier-)guarded rules since they are powerful enough to explicitly compute the predicates needed to access the active domain. We also observe that there is no impact on the complexity of the query languages in question

    Complexity of Inconsistency-Tolerant Query Answering in Datalog+/- under Cardinality-Based Repairs

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    Querying inconsistent ontological knowledge bases is an important problem in practice, for which several inconsistency-tolerant semantics have been proposed. In these semantics, the input database is erroneous, and a repair is a maximally consistent database subset. Different notions of maximality (such as subset and cardinality maximality) have been considered. In this paper, we give a precise picture of the computational complexity of inconsistency-tolerant query answering in a wide range of Datalog+/– languages under the cardinality-based versions of three prominent repair semantic