35 research outputs found

    Complexity and Unsolvability Properties of Nilpotency

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    A nonassociative algebra is nilpotent if there is some n such that the product of any n elements, no matter how they are associated, is zero. Several related, but more general, notions are left nilpotency, solvability, local nilpotency, and nillity. First the complexity of several decision problems for these properties is examined. In finite-dimensional algebras over a finite field it is shown that solvability and nilpotency can be decided in polynomial time. Over Q, nilpotency can be decided in polynomial time, while the algorithm for testing solvability uses a polynomial number of arithmetic operations, but is not polynomial time. Also presented is a polynomial time probabilistic algorithm for deciding left nillity. Then a problem involving algebras given by generators and relations is considered and shown to be NP-complete. Finally, a relation between local left nilpotency and a set of natural numbers that is 1-complete for the class Π2\Pi_{2} in the arithmetic hierarchy of recursion theory is demonstrated

    Recent advances in algorithmic problems for semigroups

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    In this article we survey recent progress in the algorithmic theory of matrix semigroups. The main objective in this area of study is to construct algorithms that decide various properties of finitely generated subsemigroups of an infinite group GG, often represented as a matrix group. Such problems might not be decidable in general. In fact, they gave rise to some of the earliest undecidability results in algorithmic theory. However, the situation changes when the group GG satisfies additional constraints. In this survey, we give an overview of the decidability and the complexity of several algorithmic problems in the cases where GG is a low-dimensional matrix group, or a group with additional structures such as commutativity, nilpotency and solvability.Comment: survey article for SIGLOG New


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    The theory of Engel groups plays an important role in group theory since they are closely related to the Burnside problems. In this survey we consider several classical and novel algorithmic problems for Engel groups and propose several open problems. We study these problems with a view towards applications to cryptog- raphy

    TC^0 Circuits for Algorithmic Problems in Nilpotent Groups

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    Recently, Macdonald et. al. showed that many algorithmic problems for finitely generated nilpotent groups including computation of normal forms, the subgroup membership problem, the conjugacy problem, and computation of subgroup presentations can be done in LOGSPACE. Here we follow their approach and show that all these problems are complete for the uniform circuit class TC^0 - uniformly for all r-generated nilpotent groups of class at most c for fixed r and c. Moreover, if we allow a certain binary representation of the inputs, then the word problem and computation of normal forms is still in uniform TC^0, while all the other problems we examine are shown to be TC^0-Turing reducible to the problem of computing greatest common divisors and expressing them as linear combinations

    Probabilistic cellular automata, invariant measures, and perfect sampling

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    A probabilistic cellular automaton (PCA) can be viewed as a Markov chain. The cells are updated synchronously and independently, according to a distribution depending on a finite neighborhood. We investigate the ergodicity of this Markov chain. A classical cellular automaton is a particular case of PCA. For a 1-dimensional cellular automaton, we prove that ergodicity is equivalent to nilpotency, and is therefore undecidable. We then propose an efficient perfect sampling algorithm for the invariant measure of an ergodic PCA. Our algorithm does not assume any monotonicity property of the local rule. It is based on a bounding process which is shown to be also a PCA. Last, we focus on the PCA Majority, whose asymptotic behavior is unknown, and perform numerical experiments using the perfect sampling procedure

    The Complexity of Knapsack Problems in Wreath Products

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    We prove new complexity results for computational problems in certain wreath products of groups and (as an application) for free solvable group. For a finitely generated group we study the so-called power word problem (does a given expression u1k1…udkdu_1^{k_1} \ldots u_d^{k_d}, where u1,…,udu_1, \ldots, u_d are words over the group generators and k1,…,kdk_1, \ldots, k_d are binary encoded integers, evaluate to the group identity?) and knapsack problem (does a given equation u1x1…udxd=vu_1^{x_1} \ldots u_d^{x_d} = v, where u1,…,ud,vu_1, \ldots, u_d,v are words over the group generators and x1,…,xdx_1,\ldots,x_d are variables, has a solution in the natural numbers). We prove that the power word problem for wreath products of the form G≀ZG \wr \mathbb{Z} with GG nilpotent and iterated wreath products of free abelian groups belongs to TC0\mathsf{TC}^0. As an application of the latter, the power word problem for free solvable groups is in TC0\mathsf{TC}^0. On the other hand we show that for wreath products G≀ZG \wr \mathbb{Z}, where GG is a so called uniformly strongly efficiently non-solvable group (which form a large subclass of non-solvable groups), the power word problem is coNP\mathsf{coNP}-hard. For the knapsack problem we show NP\mathsf{NP}-completeness for iterated wreath products of free abelian groups and hence free solvable groups. Moreover, the knapsack problem for every wreath product G≀ZG \wr \mathbb{Z}, where GG is uniformly efficiently non-solvable, is Σp2\Sigma^2_p-hard