243 research outputs found

    Parallelizing Deadlock Resolution in Symbolic Synthesis of Distributed Programs

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    Previous work has shown that there are two major complexity barriers in the synthesis of fault-tolerant distributed programs: (1) generation of fault-span, the set of states reachable in the presence of faults, and (2) resolving deadlock states, from where the program has no outgoing transitions. Of these, the former closely resembles with model checking and, hence, techniques for efficient verification are directly applicable to it. Hence, we focus on expediting the latter with the use of multi-core technology. We present two approaches for parallelization by considering different design choices. The first approach is based on the computation of equivalence classes of program transitions (called group computation) that are needed due to the issue of distribution (i.e., inability of processes to atomically read and write all program variables). We show that in most cases the speedup of this approach is close to the ideal speedup and in some cases it is superlinear. The second approach uses traditional technique of partitioning deadlock states among multiple threads. However, our experiments show that the speedup for this approach is small. Consequently, our analysis demonstrates that a simple approach of parallelizing the group computation is likely to be the effective method for using multi-core computing in the context of deadlock resolution

    Emerging trends proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics: TPHOLs 2004

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    technical reportThis volume constitutes the proceedings of the Emerging Trends track of the 17th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs 2004) held September 14-17, 2004 in Park City, Utah, USA. The TPHOLs conference covers all aspects of theorem proving in higher order logics as well as related topics in theorem proving and verification. There were 42 papers submitted to TPHOLs 2004 in the full research cate- gory, each of which was refereed by at least 3 reviewers selected by the program committee. Of these submissions, 21 were accepted for presentation at the con- ference and publication in volume 3223 of Springer?s Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. In keeping with longstanding tradition, TPHOLs 2004 also offered a venue for the presentation of work in progress, where researchers invite discussion by means of a brief introductory talk and then discuss their work at a poster session. The work-in-progress papers are held in this volume, which is published as a 2004 technical report of the School of Computing at the University of Utah

    On the Limits and Practice of Automatically Designing Self-Stabilization

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    A protocol is said to be self-stabilizing when the distributed system executing it is guaranteed to recover from any fault that does not cause permanent damage. Designing such protocols is hard since they must recover from all possible states, therefore we investigate how feasible it is to synthesize them automatically. We show that synthesizing stabilization on a fixed topology is NP-complete in the number of system states. When a solution is found, we further show that verifying its correctness on a general topology (with any number of processes) is undecidable, even for very simple unidirectional rings. Despite these negative results, we develop an algorithm to synthesize a self-stabilizing protocol given its desired topology, legitimate states, and behavior. By analogy to shadow puppetry, where a puppeteer may design a complex puppet to cast a desired shadow, a protocol may need to be designed in a complex way that does not even resemble its specification. Our shadow/puppet synthesis algorithm addresses this concern and, using a complete backtracking search, has automatically designed 4 new self-stabilizing protocols with minimal process space requirements: 2-state maximal matching on bidirectional rings, 5-state token passing on unidirectional rings, 3-state token passing on bidirectional chains, and 4-state orientation on daisy chains


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    Systems ought to behave reasonably even in circumstances that are not anticipated in their specifications. We propose a definition of robustness for liveness specifications which prescribes, for any number of environment assumptions that are violated, a minimal number of system guarantees that must still be fulfilled. This notion of robustness can be formulated and realized using a Generalized Reactivity formula. We present an algorithm for synthesizing robust systems from such formulas. For the important special case of Generalized Reactivity formulas of rank 1, our algorithm improves the complexity of [PPS06] for large specifications with a small number of assumptions and guarantees

    Product Development Process for Small Unmanned Aerial Systems

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    The DoD has recognized the need for persistent Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) over the last two decades. Recent developments with commercial drones have changed the market structure; there is now a thriving and extensive market base for drone based remote sensing. This research provides system engineering methods to support the DoD use of this burgeoning market to meet operational ISR needs. The three contributions of this research are: a process to support Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (SUAS) design, tools to support the design process, and tools to support risk assessment and reduction for both design and operations. The process and tools are presented via an exemplar design for an ISR SUAS mission. The exemplar design flows from user needs through to an allocated baseline with an assessment of system reliability based on a compilation of commercial component reliability and failure modes

    Formal Verification and Fault Mitigation for Small Avionics Platforms using Programmable Logic

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    As commercial and personal unmanned aircraft gain popularity and begin to account for more traffic in the sky, the reliability and integrity of their flight controllers becomes increasingly important. As these aircraft get larger and start operating over longer distances and at higher altitude they will start to interact with other controlled air traffic and the risk of a failure in the control system becomes much more severe. As any engineer who has investigated any space bound technology will know, digital systems do not always behave exactly as they are supposed to. This can be attributed to the effects of high energy particles in the atmosphere that can deposit energy randomly throughout a digital circuit. These single event effects are capable of producing transient logic levels and altering the state of registers in a circuit, corrupting data and possibly leading to a failure of the flight controller. These effects become more common as altitude increases, as well as with the increase of registers in a digital system. High integrity flight controllers also require more development effort to show that they meet the required standard. Formal methods can be used to verify digital systems and prove that they meet certain specifications. For traditional software systems that perform many tasks on shared computational resources, formal methods can be quite difficult if not impossible to implement. The use of discrete logic controllers in the form of FPGAs greatly simplifies multitasking by removing the need for shared resources. This simplicity allows formal methods to be applied during the development of the flight control algorithms & device drivers. In this thesis we propose and demonstrate a flight controller implemented entirely within an FPGA to investigate the differences and difficulties when compared with traditional CPU software implementations. We go further to provide examples of formal verifications of specific parts of the flight control firmware to demonstrate the ease with which this can be achieved. We also make efforts to protect the flight controller from the effects of radiation at higher altitudes using both passive hardware design and active register transfer level algorithms

    Proceedings of the Sixth NASA Langley Formal Methods (LFM) Workshop

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    Today's verification techniques are hard-pressed to scale with the ever-increasing complexity of safety critical systems. Within the field of aeronautics alone, we find the need for verification of algorithms for separation assurance, air traffic control, auto-pilot, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), adaptive avionics, automated decision authority, and much more. Recent advances in formal methods have made verifying more of these problems realistic. Thus we need to continually re-assess what we can solve now and identify the next barriers to overcome. Only through an exchange of ideas between theoreticians and practitioners from academia to industry can we extend formal methods for the verification of ever more challenging problem domains. This volume contains the extended abstracts of the talks presented at LFM 2008: The Sixth NASA Langley Formal Methods Workshop held on April 30 - May 2, 2008 in Newport News, Virginia, USA. The topics of interest that were listed in the call for abstracts were: advances in formal verification techniques; formal models of distributed computing; planning and scheduling; automated air traffic management; fault tolerance; hybrid systems/hybrid automata; embedded systems; safety critical applications; safety cases; accident/safety analysis

    Trade-Offs Under Pressure: Heuristics and Observations Of Teams Resolving Internet Service Outages

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    The increasing complexity of software applications and architectures in Internet services challenge the reasoning of operators tasked with diagnosing and resolving outages and degradations as they arise. Although a growing body of literature focuses on how failures can be prevented through more robust and fault-tolerant design of these systems, a dearth of research explores the cognitive challenges engineers face when those preventative designs fail and they are left to think and react to scenarios that hadn’t been imagined. This study explores what heuristics or rules-of-thumb engineers employ when faced with an outage or degradation scenario in a business-critical Internet service. A case study approach was used, focusing on an actual outage of functionality during a high period of buying activity on a popular online marketplace. Heuristics and other tacit knowledge were identified, and provide a promising avenue for both training and future interface design opportunities. Three diagnostic heuristics were identified as being in use: a) initially look for correlation between the behaviour and any recent changes made in the software, b) upon finding no correlation with a software change, widen the search to any potential contributors imagined, and c) when choosing a diagnostic direction, reduce it by focusing on the one that most easily comes to mind, either because symptoms match those of a difficult-to-diagnose event in the past, or those of any recent events. A fourth heuristic is coordinative in nature: when making changes to software in an effort to mitigate the untoward effects or to resolve the issue completely, rely on peer review of the changes more than automated testing (if at all.

    NASA SBIR abstracts of 1991 phase 1 projects

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    The objectives of 301 projects placed under contract by the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are described. These projects were selected competitively from among proposals submitted to NASA in response to the 1991 SBIR Program Solicitation. The basic document consists of edited, non-proprietary abstracts of the winning proposals submitted by small businesses. The abstracts are presented under the 15 technical topics within which Phase 1 proposals were solicited. Each project was assigned a sequential identifying number from 001 to 301, in order of its appearance in the body of the report. Appendixes to provide additional information about the SBIR program and permit cross-reference of the 1991 Phase 1 projects by company name, location by state, principal investigator, NASA Field Center responsible for management of each project, and NASA contract number are included
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