33 research outputs found

    Multiple Conclusion Rules in Logics with the Disjunction Property

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    We prove that for the intermediate logics with the disjunction property any basis of admissible rules can be reduced to a basis of admissible m-rules (multiple-conclusion rules), and every basis of admissible m-rules can be reduced to a basis of admissible rules. These results can be generalized to a broad class of logics including positive logic and its extensions, Johansson logic, normal extensions of S4, n-transitive logics and intuitionistic modal logics

    Overflow rules and a weakening of structural completeness

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    A new proof of structural completeness Łukasiewicz's logics

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    The problem of structural completeness of the finite-valued Lukasiewicz's sentential calculi was investigated and solved in [4], [7], [6]. The present paper contains a new proof of all these results. I. Let (S; F1,...,Fn) be a propositional language. A matrix M = (|M |, |M |*; f1,...,fn) of this language is embeddable in a matrix N = (|N|, |N|*; gi,..., gn) (M C N) iff there exists a monomorphism h : M M N. The symbol N xM stands for the product of matrices and the structural consequence generated by M (cf. [1]) is denoted by M (Fragment tekstu)

    Studies on Church's calculus

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    An extended version of this abstract will appear in Reports on Mathematical Logic. 1. In Church's calculus we establish classes of equivalent formulas built from only one propositional variable p in order to obtain the theorem on existence exactly one Lindenbaum's extension for Church's system. Moreover, we construct a class of finitely axiomatizable systems between Church's and Grzegorczyk's systems and we consider the problem of structural completeness of Church's calculus reduced to formulas formed from the variable p (Fragment tekstu)

    On structural completeness of the infinite-valued Łukasiewicz's propositional calculus

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    This is an abstract of my paper “On structural Completeness of manyvalued logics” submitted to Studia Logica. I. In the paper the quasi-structural consequence generated by the infinite-valued Lukasiewicz's calculus (Ro»,A<») is examined. The notions of consequence operations Sb(X),Cn(R0,Sb(X)) and Cn(Ro*,X), where R0 = {r0} and R0* = {r0,r} (r0 is the modus ponens rule and r* is the substitution rule), are defined in [2]. Recall that a consequence Cn is quasi- structural (Cn e Sb — Struct) iff there exists a consequence Cn1 e Struct such that Cn = Cn1 Sb. The structural consequence generated by a matrix M is denoted by M, and the symbol E(M) stands for the set of all valid formulas in this matrix (E(M) = M(0)). For every matrix M we have (Fragment tekstu)

    The program-substitution in algorithmic logic and algorithmic logic with non-deterministic programs

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    This note presents a point of view upon the notions of programsubstitution which are the tools for proving properties of programs of algorithmic logics [5], [3] being sufficiently strong and universal to comprise almost all previously introduced theories of programming, and the so-called extended algorithmic logic [1], [2] and algorithmic logic with non- deterministic programs [4]. It appears that the mentioned substitution rule allows us to examine more deeply algorithmic properties of terms, formulas and programs. Besides the problem of Post-completeness and structural completeness of algorithmic logics strengthened additionally by the rule of substitution is raised (Fragment tekstu)

    A mind of a non-countable set of ideas

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    The paper is dedicated to the 80th birthday of the outstanding Russian logician A.V. Kuznetsov. It is addressing a history of the ideas and research conducted by him in non-classical and intermediate logics

    On structural completeness versus almost structural completeness problem : a discriminator varieties case study

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    We study the following problem: determine which almost structurally complete quasivarieties are structurally complete. We propose a general solution to this problem and then a solution in the semisimple case. As a consequence, we obtain a characterization of structurally complete discriminator varieties. An interesting corollary in logic follows: Let L be a propositional logic/deductive system in the language with formulas for verum, which is a theorem, and falsum, which is not a theorem. Assume also that L has an adequate semantics given by a discriminator variety. Then L is structurally complete if and only if it is maximal. All such logics/deductive systems are almost structurally complete.submittedVersionFil: Campercholi, Miguel Alejandro Carlos. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Stronkowski, Michal M. Warsaw University of Technology. Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences; Polonia.Fil: Vaggione, Diego José. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Matemática Pur