246 research outputs found

    The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Promoting the Cultural Heritage Tourism: A Case Study of Portugal

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Driven Marketing, specialization in Digital Marketing and AnalyticsThis research is the result of an exploratory and descriptive investigation that focuses on analyzing 21 social media profiles of entities related to the cultural and heritage tourism sectors in Portugal. The purpose is to gather concrete data and observe the most successful social media marketing strategies employed by these entities. The research aims to address two main research questions: “How can social media marketing contribute to the building and strengthening of Portuguese Cultural Heritage and Tourism?” and “How can marketers incorporate virtual reality into a marketing strategy in the cultural tourism and heritage sectors and derive value from it?”. Therefore, the intention is to explore how social media platforms can be leveraged to promote and attract visitors to Portuguese cultural heritage sites and tourism destinations. By analyzing the social media profiles of relevant entities, the research seeks to identify effective strategies that contribute to the overall promotion and enhancement of Portugal's cultural heritage and tourism offerings. The research also aims to investigate how virtual reality can be integrated into marketing strategies within the cultural tourism and heritage sectors. Virtual reality has the potential to provide immersive and interactive experiences, allowing potential visitors to engage with cultural and heritage sites virtually. The study seeks to explore how marketers can harness virtual reality technologies to create valuable and engaging content that entices visitors and enhances their overall experience. By examining the social media profiles and activities of these entities, the research aims to provide insights into successful social media marketing practices, as well as explore the potential of virtual reality in marketing strategies for cultural tourism and heritage sectors. The findings of this research can help tourism organizations understand the impact of consumers' behavior and preferences and guide them in making informed decisions about their marketing and promotional efforts

    Limitations and possibilities of digital restoration techniques using generative AI tools: Reconstituting Antoine François Callet’s Achilles dragging hector’s body past the walls of troy

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    Digital restoration offers new avenues for conserving historical artworks, yet presents unique challenges. This research delves into the balance between traditional restoration methods and the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools, using Antoine François Callet’s portrayal of Achilles Dragging Hector’s Body Past the Walls of Troy as a case study. The application of Easy Diffusion and Stable Diffusion 2.1 technologies provides insights into AI-driven restoration methods such as inpainting and colorization. Results indicate that while AI can streamline the restoration process, repeated inpainting can compromise the painting’s color quality and detailed features. Furthermore, the AI approach occasionally introduces unintended visual discrepancies, especially with repeated application. With evolving restoration tools, adaptability remains crucial. Integrating both AI and traditional techniques seems promising, though it is essential to maintain the artwork’s inherent authenticity. This study offers valuable perspectives for art historians, conservators, and AI developers, enriching discussions about the potential and pitfalls of AI in art restoration

    Anticipating Obsolescence

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    Institutions in charge of the preservation of immersive media are struggling to keep up with the technological developments and as there are no international guidelines, they are forced to define their own strategies. It is inevitable that immersive media will become obsolete, which increases the importance of documentation as the final remaining trace of an artwork. Tate Modern and NISV have collaborated in the creation of the ‘Preserving Immersive Media Knowledge Base’ (PIMKB), to centralize their knowledge regarding the preservation of immersive media. This study aims to contribute to the PIMKB by recommending implementations on how it can support institutions in defining sustainable documentation strategies for immersive media. Based on a review of five esteemed documentation strategies and interviews with professionals and artists, Annet Dekker’s three phase framework – process, presentation, recreation – was tested to the documentation of two case studies. The sample of case studies was selected for their extensive available documentation. Analysis of the documentation strategies resulted in a synthesis divided into the categories: tool, documentation phase, characteristics and institutional aim. The synthesis was used to make recommendations into the documentation strategy of the case studies proposing a complementing strategy to the existing documentation to achieve a holistic approach. From the results, it was suggested that the PIMKB should take Dekker’s framework as a procedural structure, to demonstrate the various characteristics and iterations of an artwork. This allows for a holistic understanding of an artwork’s behavior and artistic intent for future recreation or for conservators to make weighed decisions in the future. Further research could complement these findings by exploring how this could function from an institutional perspective, looking more specifically at the affordances of the archive and information systems

    Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts. EVA 2019 Florence

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    The Publication is following the yearly Editions of EVA FLORENCE. The State of Art is presented regarding the Application of Technologies (in particular of digital type) to Cultural Heritage. The more recent results of the Researches in the considered Area are presented. Information Technologies of interest for Culture Heritage are presented: multimedia systems, data-bases, data protection, access to digital content, Virtual Galleries. Particular reference is reserved to digital images (Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts), regarding Cultural Institutions (Museums, Libraries, Palace - Monuments, Archaeological Sites). The International Conference includes the following Sessions: Strategic Issues; New Science and Culture Developments & Applications; New Technical Developments & Applications; Cultural Activities – Real and Virtual Galleries and Related Initiatives, Access to the Culture Information. One Workshop regards Innovation and Enterprise. The more recent results of the Researches at national and international level are reported in the Area of Technologies and Culture Heritage, also with experimental demonstrations of developed Activities

    Integrating art and AI: Evaluating the educational impact of AI tools in digital art history learning

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    This study delves into the burgeoning intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and art history education, an area that has been relatively unexplored. The research focuses on how AI art generators impact learning outcomes in art history for both undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in Ancient Art courses, covering eras from ancient Mesopotamia to the fall of Rome. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, the study analyzes AI-generated artworks, reflective essays, and survey responses to assess how these generative tools influence students’ comprehension, engagement, and creative interpretation of historical artworks. The study reveals that the use of AI tools in art history not only enhances students’ understanding of artistic concepts but also fosters a deeper, more nuanced appreciation of art from the periods studied. The findings indicate that engaging with AI tools promotes critical thinking and creativity, which are crucial competencies in the study of art history. Survey data further suggest that the integration of AI in art history positively influences students’ perceptions of the discipline, aligning well with contemporary digital trends. One of the significant outcomes of the study is the varied experiences of students with AI tools. While some faced challenges with the technology, particularly in accurately capturing complex artwork details and crafting effective prompts, others found success in using AI to generate detailed and creative interpretations of historical pieces. These experiences underscore the potential of AI as a valuable pedagogical tool in art history and humanities education, offering novel insights into teaching methodologies

    Augmented and Virtual Reality to Enhance the Didactical Experience of Technological Heritage Museums

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    [EN] The way that the new generations approach cultural contents changed dramatically. The audiovisual language substituted traditional media. Museums face now an important challenge to survive as cultural referents in this new paradigm: the introduction of new audiovisual languages in their exhibitions and the provision of attractive online content. The work presents a case study of the use of augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR) in a technological heritage museum, with a double approach: on the one hand the development of AR to enhance the real visit to the museum; and on the other, the provision of VR to ease online visits to the museum for those that do not want to or cannot visit it. The results show that young visitors massively appreciate the use of these technologies. Using AR contents also contributes to the preservation of the original artifacts without damage. Furthermore, multimedia content provides some contextual information, improving the learning experience. Regarding the VR application, it is thought as a complement to the AR experience. It was developed as a virtual reproduction of the museum visit that can be experienced from any location, thus contributing to a higher diffusion of the museum contents.This research was funded by Generalitat Valenciana Conselleria de Educacion, Investigacion, Cultura y Deporte, grant number EXP. 2018/618-V, Exp. 2019/0699, CUMUBI/2020/46/7, CUMUBI/2021/46/12, CUMUBI/2022/46/75.Bachiller Martin, MC.; Monzó Ferrer, JM.; Rey, B. (2023). Augmented and Virtual Reality to Enhance the Didactical Experience of Technological Heritage Museums. Applied Sciences. 13(6):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/app1306353911713

    Archaeology and Audience Development digital strategies: a research conducted with the team of Archeologia e Calcolatori

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    An internship at the CNR-ISMA was the starting point for the Master’s Graduation thesis ‘Audience Development in Archaeology: Strategies Based on Digital Innovation’ (Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi). The three-month internship was linked to several different educational initiatives carried out by the Institute. A series of activities was designed expressly: namely, analysis of the database of the scholarly journal ‘Archeologia e Calcolatori’, with a special focus on the articles related to data dissemination and education in archaeology, as well as Virtual Reality and multimedia projects; field observation of Audience Development initiatives in archaeology through on-site multimedia projects, presented in the cultural itinerary for the Virtual Museum of Archaeological Computing (Virtual Journey at ‘Domus Romane di Palazzo Valentini’); and finally focus-group interviews both with high-school students, taking part to the Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro (ASL) program, and with expert scholars