549 research outputs found

    PyCUDA and PyOpenCL: A Scripting-Based Approach to GPU Run-Time Code Generation

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    High-performance computing has recently seen a surge of interest in heterogeneous systems, with an emphasis on modern Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). These devices offer tremendous potential for performance and efficiency in important large-scale applications of computational science. However, exploiting this potential can be challenging, as one must adapt to the specialized and rapidly evolving computing environment currently exhibited by GPUs. One way of addressing this challenge is to embrace better techniques and develop tools tailored to their needs. This article presents one simple technique, GPU run-time code generation (RTCG), along with PyCUDA and PyOpenCL, two open-source toolkits that support this technique. In introducing PyCUDA and PyOpenCL, this article proposes the combination of a dynamic, high-level scripting language with the massive performance of a GPU as a compelling two-tiered computing platform, potentially offering significant performance and productivity advantages over conventional single-tier, static systems. The concept of RTCG is simple and easily implemented using existing, robust infrastructure. Nonetheless it is powerful enough to support (and encourage) the creation of custom application-specific tools by its users. The premise of the paper is illustrated by a wide range of examples where the technique has been applied with considerable success.Comment: Submitted to Parallel Computing, Elsevie

    An empirical evaluation of High-Level Synthesis languages and tools for database acceleration

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    High Level Synthesis (HLS) languages and tools are emerging as the most promising technique to make FPGAs more accessible to software developers. Nevertheless, picking the most suitable HLS for a certain class of algorithms depends on requirements such as area and throughput, as well as on programmer experience. In this paper, we explore the different trade-offs present when using a representative set of HLS tools in the context of Database Management Systems (DBMS) acceleration. More specifically, we conduct an empirical analysis of four representative frameworks (Bluespec SystemVerilog, Altera OpenCL, LegUp and Chisel) that we utilize to accelerate commonly-used database algorithms such as sorting, the median operator, and hash joins. Through our implementation experience and empirical results for database acceleration, we conclude that the selection of the most suitable HLS depends on a set of orthogonal characteristics, which we highlight for each HLS framework.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    PIPS Is not (just) Polyhedral Software Adding GPU Code Generation in PIPS

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    6 pagesInternational audienceParallel and heterogeneous computing are growing in audience thanks to the increased performance brought by ubiquitous manycores and GPUs. However, available programming models, like OPENCL or CUDA, are far from being straightforward to use. As a consequence, several automated or semi-automated approaches have been proposed to automatically generate hardware-level codes from high-level sequential sources. Polyhedral models are becoming more popular because of their combination of expressiveness, compactness, and accurate abstraction of the data-parallel behaviour of programs. These models provide automatic or semi-automatic parallelization and code transformation capabilities that target such modern parallel architectures. PIPS is a quarter-century old source-to-source transformation framework that initially targeted parallel machines but then evolved to include other targets. PIPS uses abstract interpretation on an integer polyhedral lattice to represent program code, allowing linear relation analysis on integer variables in an interprocedural way. The same representation is used for the dependence test and the convex array region analysis. The polyhedral model is also more classically used to schedule code from linear constraints. In this paper, we illustrate the features of this compiler infrastructure on an hypothetical input code, demonstrating the combination of polyhedral and non polyhedral transformations. PIPS interprocedural polyhedral analyses are used to generate data transfers and are combined with non-polyhedral transformations to achieve efficient CUDA code generation

    Decoupling algorithms from schedules for easy optimization of image processing pipelines

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    Using existing programming tools, writing high-performance image processing code requires sacrificing readability, portability, and modularity. We argue that this is a consequence of conflating what computations define the algorithm, with decisions about storage and the order of computation. We refer to these latter two concerns as the schedule, including choices of tiling, fusion, recomputation vs. storage, vectorization, and parallelism. We propose a representation for feed-forward imaging pipelines that separates the algorithm from its schedule, enabling high-performance without sacrificing code clarity. This decoupling simplifies the algorithm specification: images and intermediate buffers become functions over an infinite integer domain, with no explicit storage or boundary conditions. Imaging pipelines are compositions of functions. Programmers separately specify scheduling strategies for the various functions composing the algorithm, which allows them to efficiently explore different optimizations without changing the algorithmic code. We demonstrate the power of this representation by expressing a range of recent image processing applications in an embedded domain specific language called Halide, and compiling them for ARM, x86, and GPUs. Our compiler targets SIMD units, multiple cores, and complex memory hierarchies. We demonstrate that it can handle algorithms such as a camera raw pipeline, the bilateral grid, fast local Laplacian filtering, and image segmentation. The algorithms expressed in our language are both shorter and faster than state-of-the-art implementations.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 0964004)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 0964218)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 0832997)United States. Dept. of Energy (Award DE-SC0005288)Cognex CorporationAdobe System

    A Modeling Approach based on UML/MARTE for GPU Architecture

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    Nowadays, the High Performance Computing is part of the context of embedded systems. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are more and more used in acceleration of the most part of algorithms and applications. Over the past years, not many efforts have been done to describe abstractions of applications in relation to their target architectures. Thus, when developers need to associate applications and GPUs, for example, they find difficulty and prefer using API for these architectures. This paper presents a metamodel extension for MARTE profile and a model for GPU architectures. The main goal is to specify the task and data allocation in the memory hierarchy of these architectures. The results show that this approach will help to generate code for GPUs based on model transformations using Model Driven Engineering (MDE).Comment: Symposium en Architectures nouvelles de machines (SympA'14) (2011

    GPGPU-Enabled Physics Based Deformed Model Simulation

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    Computer simulation techniques are widely adopted nowadays in many areas like manufacturing, engineering, graphics, animation, virtual reality and so on. However, the standard finite element based simulation is notorious for its expensive computation. To address this challenge, I present a GPU-based parallel implementation for simulating large elastic deformation. Classic modal analysis provides a set of orthonormal bases vectors, which span a spectral space encoding the dynamics of the elastic body. As each basis vector is orthogonal to each other, the computation is completely decoupled and can be well-fit into the modern GPGPU platform. We further explore the latest feature of NVIDIA CUDA so that the result of GPU computation can be directly used for upcoming rendering/visualization and a significant amount of overheads for transmitting data from client GPU and host CPU via the PCI-Express bus are avoided. Real-time simulation is made possible with this technique for many cases that otherwise is not possible

    High Performance Computing via High Level Synthesis

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    As more and more powerful integrated circuits are appearing on the market, more and more applications, with very different requirements and workloads, are making use of the available computing power. This thesis is in particular devoted to High Performance Computing applications, where those trends are carried to the extreme. In this domain, the primary aspects to be taken into consideration are (1) performance (by definition) and (2) energy consumption (since operational costs dominate over procurement costs). These requirements can be satisfied more easily by deploying heterogeneous platforms, which include CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs to provide a broad range of performance and energy-per-operation choices. In particular, as we will see, FPGAs clearly dominate both CPUs and GPUs in terms of energy, and can provide comparable performance. An important aspect of this trend is of course design technology, because these applications were traditionally programmed in high-level languages, while FPGAs required low-level RTL design. The OpenCL (Open Computing Language) developed by the Khronos group enables developers to program CPU, GPU and recently FPGAs using functionally portable (but sadly not performance portable) source code which creates new possibilities and challenges both for research and industry. FPGAs have been always used for mid-size designs and ASIC prototyping thanks to their energy efficient and flexible hardware architecture, but their usage requires hardware design knowledge and laborious design cycles. Several approaches are developed and deployed to address this issue and shorten the gap between software and hardware in FPGA design flow, in order to enable FPGAs to capture a larger portion of the hardware acceleration market in data centers. Moreover, FPGAs usage in data centers is growing already, regardless of and in addition to their use as computational accelerators, because they can be used as high performance, low power and secure switches inside data-centers. High-Level Synthesis (HLS) is the methodology that enables designers to map their applications on FPGAs (and ASICs). It synthesizes parallel hardware from a model originally written C-based programming languages .e.g. C/C++, SystemC and OpenCL. Design space exploration of the variety of implementations that can be obtained from this C model is possible through wide range of optimization techniques and directives, e.g. to pipeline loops and partition memories into multiple banks, which guide RTL generation toward application dependent hardware and benefit designers from flexible parallel architecture of FPGAs. Model Based Design (MBD) is a high-level and visual process used to generate implementations that solve mathematical problems through a varied set of IP-blocks. MBD enables developers with different expertise, e.g. control theory, embedded software development, and hardware design to share a common design framework and contribute to a shared design using the same tool. Simulink, developed by MATLAB, is a model based design tool for simulation and development of complex dynamical systems. Moreover, Simulink embedded code generators can produce verified C/C++ and HDL code from the graphical model. This code can be used to program micro-controllers and FPGAs. This PhD thesis work presents a study using automatic code generator of Simulink to target Xilinx FPGAs using both HDL and C/C++ code to demonstrate capabilities and challenges of high-level synthesis process. To do so, firstly, digital signal processing unit of a real-time radar application is developed using Simulink blocks. Secondly, generated C based model was used for high level synthesis process and finally the implementation cost of HLS is compared to traditional HDL synthesis using Xilinx tool chain. Alternative to model based design approach, this work also presents an analysis on FPGA programming via high-level synthesis techniques for computationally intensive algorithms and demonstrates the importance of HLS by comparing performance-per-watt of GPUs(NVIDIA) and FPGAs(Xilinx) manufactured in the same node running standard OpenCL benchmarks. We conclude that generation of high quality RTL from OpenCL model requires stronger hardware background with respect to the MBD approach, however, the availability of a fast and broad design space exploration ability and portability of the OpenCL code, e.g. to CPUs and GPUs, motivates FPGA industry leaders to provide users with OpenCL software development environment which promises FPGA programming in CPU/GPU-like fashion. Our experiments, through extensive design space exploration(DSE), suggest that FPGAs have higher performance-per-watt with respect to two high-end GPUs manufactured in the same technology(28 nm). Moreover, FPGAs with more available resources and using a more modern process (20 nm) can outperform the tested GPUs while consuming much less power at the cost of more expensive devices
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