130 research outputs found

    Model Checking and Co-simulation of a Dynamic Task Dispatcher Circuit using CADP

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    International audienceThe complexity of multiprocessor architectures for mobile multi-media applications renders their validation challenging. In addition, to provide the necessary flexibility, a part of the functionality is realized by software. Thus, a formal model has to take into account both hardware and software. In this paper we report on the use of LOTOS NT and CADP for the formal modeling and analysis of the DTD (Dynamic Task Dispatcher), a complex hardware block of an industrial hardware architecture developed by STMicroelectronics. Using LOTOS NT facilitated exploration of alternative design choices and increased the confidence in the DTD, by, on the one hand, automatic analysis of formal models easily understood by the architect of the DTD, and, on the other hand, co-simulation of the formal model with the implementation used for synthesis

    Revisiting sequential composition in process calculi

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    International audienceThe article reviews the various ways sequential composition is defined in traditional process calculi, and shows that such definitions are not optimal, thus limiting the dissemination of concurrency theory ideas among computer scientists. An alternative approach is proposed, based on a symmetric binary operator and write-many variables. This approach, which generalizes traditional process calculi, has been used to define the new LNT language implemented in the CADP toolbox. Feedback gained from university lectures and real-life case studies shows a high acceptance by computer-science students and industry engineers

    Formal Modeling and Verification of GALS Systems Using GRL and CADP

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    The GALS (Globally Asynchronous, Locally Synchronous) paradigm is a prevalent approach to design distributed synchronous subsystems that communicate with each other asynchronously. The design of GALS systems is tedious and error-prone due to the complexity of architectures and high synchronous and asynchronous concurrency involved. This paper proposes a model-based approach to formally verify such systems. Specifications are written in GRL (GALS Representation Language), dedicated to model GALS systems with homogeneous syntax and formal semantics. We present a translation from GRL to LNT, a value-passing process algebra with imperative flavour. The translation is automated by means of the GRL2LNT tool, making possible the analysis of GRL specifications using the CADP toolbox. We illustrate our approach with an access management system for smart parking based on distributed software systems embedded in programmable logic controllers

    Formal Modeling and Verification of GALS Systems Using GRL and CADP

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    The GALS (Globally Asynchronous, Locally Synchronous) paradigm is a prevalent approach to design distributed synchronous subsystems that communicate with each other asynchronously. The design of GALS systems is tedious and error-prone due to the complexity of architectures and high synchronous and asynchronous concurrency involved. This paper proposes a model-based approach to formally verify such systems. Specifications are written in GRL (GALS Representation Language), dedicated to model GALS systems with homogeneous syntax and formal semantics. We present a translation from GRL to LNT, a value-passing process algebra with imperative flavour. The translation is automated by means of the GRL2LNT tool, making possible the analysis of GRL specifications using the CADP toolbox. We illustrate our approach with an access management system for smart parking based on distributed software systems embedded in programmable logic controllers

    On the Semantics of Communicating Hardware Processes and their Translation into LOTOS for the Verification of Asynchronous Circuits with CADP

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    International audienceHardware process calculi, such as CHP (Communicating Hardware Processes), Balsa, or Haste (formerly Tangram), are a natural approach for the description of asynchronous hardware architectures. These calculi are extensions of standard process calculi with particular synchronisation features implemented using handshake protocols. In this article, we first give a structural operational semantics for value-passing CHP. Compared to the existing semantics of CHP defined by translation into Petri nets, our semantics is general enough to handle value-passing CHP with communication channels open to the environment, and is also independent of any particular (2- or 4-phase) handshake protocol used for circuit implementation. We then describe the translation of CHP into the process calculus LOTOS (ISO standard 8807), in order to allow asynchronous hardware architectures expressed in CHP to be verified using the CADP verification toolbox for LOTOS. A translator from CHP to LOTOS has been implemented and successfully used for the compositional verification of two industrial case studies, namely an asynchronous implementation of the DES (Data Encryption Standard) and an asynchronous interconnect of a NoC (Network on Chip)

    CĂ´te de Resyste -- Automated Model Based Testing

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    Tailored Protocol Development Using ESTEREL

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    The rapid evolution of networking and the multiplication of new applications re-emphasizes the importance of the efficient communication supports. Implementations must be able to take maximal advantage of the details of application-specific semantics and of specific networking environments. In other words, the application needs to have more control over data transmission. Such control can be obtained by tailoring the communication facilities (or protocols) to the application characteritics, and by integrating the communication control to the application. Because such a task is too complex to be realized manually, we propose to automate the protocol development process using a formal approach. This report presents our approach to the automated design and implementation of application- specific communication protocols based on information provided by the application. Starting from the formal description of an application, our approach is based on a tool called "Protocol Compiler" that will automatically produce the implementation of a communication protocol tailored to the application. The formalism we use is ESTEREL, a synchronous reactive language dedicated to the description of real-time systems. Protocol description and verification using ESTEREL are described, as well as protocol optimization and implementation principles

    GRL: A Specification Language for Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous Systems

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    International audienceA GALS (Globally Asynchronous, Locally Synchronous) system consists of several synchronous subsystems that evolve concurrently and interact with each other asynchronously. Most formalisms and design tools support either the synchronous paradigm or the asynchronous paradigm but rarely combine both, which requires an intricate modeling of GALS systems. In this paper, we present a new language, called GRL (GALS Representation Language) designed to model GALS systems in an abstract and versatile manner for the purpose of formal verification. GRL has formal semantics combining the synchronous reactive model underlying dataflow languages and the asynchronous concurrent model underlying process algebras. We present the basic concepts and the main constructs of the language, together with an illustrative example
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