24 research outputs found

    Competitive Intelligence Pada Pemeringkatan Perguruan Tinggi Di Indonesia

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    Dalam lingkungan Perguruan Tinggi yang kompetitif dalam menduduki posisi terdepan pada pemeringkatan baik nasional maupun dunia. Perguruan Tinggi harus mendapatkan data yang kredibel tentang indikator pemeringkatan untuk menghadapi tantangan persaingan pencapaian yang efektif. Oleh karena itu, sistem intelijen kompetitif yang efektif merupakan persyaratan penting untuk mencapai tujuan keunggulan kompetitif sebagaimana dijabarkan dalam misi dan visi Universitas. Namun, terlepas dari pentingnya Intelijen kompetitif sebagai pendorong keunggulan kompetitif Perguruan tinggi, ada sedikit penelitian yang menyelidiki berbagai aspek Intelijen bersaing yang diturunkan dari indicator pemeringkatan kemendikbud (misalnya, intelijen SDM, Intelijen kelembagaan, intelijen kemahasiswaan, intelijen Penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat, dan intelijen inovasi) yang, dalam praktiknya, berdampak pada keunggulan kompetitif Perguruan Tinggi Studi saat ini mencoba untuk mengisi kesenjangan dengan mengembangkan kerangka kerja konseptual yang dapat digunakan untuk mengeksplorasi interaksi antara Intelijen kompetitif perguruan tinggi dan keunggulan kompetitif dalam pencapaian peringkat yang terba


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    Purpose: Competitive intelligence is a crucial skill increasingly required of entrepreneurs across firms, since guidance to enterprises on this crucial skill has proven to be problematic over the years, owing primarily to a lack of unified understanding of its meaning as well as the erroneous use of the term interchangeably with other close but dissimilar concepts. This paper aims to establish a protocol for a scoping review of relevant literature, to map, compare and synthesize the disparate conceptualizations available and relative theoretical underpinnings, in a bid to systematically derive a more robust and comprehensive definition and terminology that accurately captures all facets of the competitive intelligence concept.Methods and Analysis: This scoping review will follow the methodological recommendations first developed by Arksey and O’Malley, and subsequently refined by Levac and colleagues. A management practitioner as well as a local librarian will be involved in the development of the search strategy, and the search will be conducted in electronic databases (Web of Science, SCOPUS and EBSCO Business Complete).Ethics and dissemination: this scoping review will aid the design of upcoming studies on competitive intelligence using accurate, comprehensive and scientifically conceptualized and operationalized terminology. Results of the review will be widely distributed via journal publications and conference presentations

    Entrepreneurial Orientation and Product Innovation Performance of MSMEs in West Java: Foresight Capabilities as a Mediating Variable

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    MSMEs have become the foundation for growth in various countries, including Indonesia. Especially in West Java, MSMEs play an essential role in absorbing labour. However, MSMEs in West Java face an uncertain business environment and difficulties in creating products that suit market needs. This research will use the Resource Based View (RBV) and Dynamic Capability View (DCV) theories. This research examines the influence of entrepreneurial orientation on the innovation performance of MSMEs by using foresight capabilities as a mediating variable. 245 MSMEs were collected as respondents to fill out the survey questionnaire. The MSMEs used in this research are from West Java, with the main characteristics of operating for more than one year and developing new products for at least two years. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test the research framework. It was found that entrepreneurial orientation can influence the innovation performance of MSMEs positively and significantly. The influence of foresight capabilities on MSME product innovation performance has a positive effect. The mediating effect of foresight capabilities on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and product innovation performance was partially mediated. MSMEs that behave more entrepreneurially benefit from being more proactive, innovative, and risk-taking in an uncertain market environment. Product innovation can be achieved through a good understanding of entrepreneurial orientation mediated by an understanding of Foresight to process information for future decisions. Finally, managerial and theoretical implications and future research are presented

    Organizational Performance Measurement Based on Competitive Intelligence and Strategic Flexibility in the Food Industry

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    Competitive intelligence requires the appropriate conditions to achieve sustainable competitive advantage and improve organizational performance. Strategic flexibility is one of the effective factors. Since organizational performance can be a factor in recognizing the ascension or decline of organizations in the competition, organizations need to new strategies to have a good performance alongside challenges with the optimal use of opportunities. The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of competitive intelligence on organizational performance with the attention to the role of strategic flexibility mediator

    Business Analytics and its Impact on Business Competitive Advantage: A Comprehensive Systematic Review

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    With the rapid growth of the importance of business analytics in recent years, academics and experts have been thinking about ways in which they can incorporate the changes these technologies bring to their competitive strategy. The framework builds on previous empirical work on Business Analytics for competitive advantage in companies from 2017 to 2021. The information-gathering strategy identified 177,678 articles from digital libraries such as IEEE Xplore, ARDI, Taylor & Francis Online, ScienceDirect, Microsoft Academic, IOPscience, Google Scholar, ACM Digital Library, Scopus and ProQuest, of which 71 articles based on exclusion criteria were considered. Therefore, this article aims to provide a systematic review of the literature that can determine the state of the art about experimental research carried out on Business Analytics (BA) and its effectiveness in the Competitive Advantage of Organizations. To this end, 71 articles of great relevance were identified and reviewed; This allowed us to answer each of the questions planned in the investigation

    Competitive intelligence practice in liquor retailing: evidence from a longitudinal case analysis

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    Competitive intelligence (CI) is a vital tool for any company to survive and remain competitive in today’s hypercompetitive and uncertain business environment. The purpose of the current study is to investigate the use of competitive intelligence (CI) in liquor retailing in the USA. An exploratory single longitudinal case study was performed through observation and semi-structured interviews plus examining documents from secondary sources in two phases. Content analysis was used for the data analysis. Regardless of the small size of the company, the owner has an active attitude towards monitoring competition by using various sources of information and converting it into intelligence for making sound decisions for both short-term and long-term competitiveness. Also, the central role of the owner in the CI process has been verified. This study responds to calls for more case studies in the field and is the first one to explore CI in the liquor retailing ecosystem by using a longitudinal case study. In general studies of CI in retailing are limited. It has clear value to CI practices for retailers in the US and in general

    The Role of Competitive Intelligence Practices for Achieving Competitive Advantage in the Higher Education Sector in the MENA Region

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    The article aims to conduct a systematic review to gather insights and evidence in the developing countries, mainly in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, to examine the role of competitive intelligence practises to achieve competitiveness, focusing more on the higher education sector. A Systematic Literature Review research approach was used to conduct this study, and thematic extraction was used to collect and analyse the respective secondary data, which is widely used and suggested in many studies. The researcher relied on key theories: research-based view, stakeholder theory, and competitive theory. The findings showed that the most common issues in Higher Education in the MENA region associated with competitive intelligence practice are technological challenges, lack of motivation and effective training, poor infrastructure, and low capacity with inadequate formal support. The findings reveal a lack of focus on higher education institutions. This study recommends that universities to develop professional training plans, shift from traditional structures, identify key barriers, incorporate cost control, conduct new research, and form partnerships with successful private universities to develop competitive intelligence systems

    Succession Management: A Proficient Resource in Organisational Sustainability?

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    The competitive business environment has made it imperative for organisations who desire to remain relevant put forward survival strategies. This study explores the effect of succession management on three dimensions of organizational sustainability among insurance industry employees in Nigeria. Data was collected from a sample of employees from selected companies. The study utilised structural equation modelling (SEM) to test the hypothesized model of succession management and organisational sustainability as separate but related processes. Looking at the three dimensions of sustainability (environmental integrity, economic prosperity and social sustainability) and how they impact succession management, the findings indicate that succession management has a significant relationship with organisational sustainability across all three dimensions. The study concludes that insurance companies comprehend the inherent potential of a robust and active succession management programme in the drive for organisational sustainability. The study further discusses the theoretical implications of the relationship

    Intelligence Economique : Une revue de la littérature

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    Dans un environnement instable, où l'analyse des menaces et opportunités n'est plusune option, les entreprises réalisent qu'il devrait y avoir des changements majeurs dans la manièredont ils prennent leurs décisions. La concurrence croissante a incité les praticiens à mettre enœuvre des fonctions d'intelligence économique au sein de leur organisation afin de prendre demeilleures décisions. Le but de cet article est d'analyser la littérature anglo-saxonne surl'intelligence économique, son évolution et les concepts associés, en mettant l'accent sur leprocessus de l'intelligence économique et la prise de décision