17 research outputs found

    Smart Metering System for Microgrids

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    Este artículo muestra un estudio de la actualidad técnica y tecnológica de la infraestructura de comunicaciones utilizadas en  microrredes eléctricas, en este sentido ha surgido la necesidad de investigar, analizar, mejorar y desarrollar métodos de comunicación tanto alámbricos como inalámbricos que permitan crear una infraestructura de comunicaciones que soporte las características de control, supervisión y trasmisión de información entre dispositivos de control en una microrred de forma eficiente, segura y confiable.Dadas estas características en el artículo se analizan  las diferentes arquitecturas y topologías propuestas entorno a comunicaciones en el ambiente Smart Grid que se puedan adaptar a la forma en que opera una microrred. Se muestran las propuestas  y desarrollos realizados en el  área de telecomunicaciones concerniente a protocolos de comunicaciones utilizados en microrredes eléctricas, con el fin de conocer las tecnologías, protocolos y algoritmos utilizados en la transmisión de datos

    Design of Real-Time Simulation Testbed for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (Ami) Network

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    Conventional power grids are being superseded by smart grids, which have smart meters as one of the key components. Currently, for the smart metering communication, wireless technologies have predominantly replaced the traditional Power Line Communication (PLC). Different vendors manufacture smart meters using different wireless communication technologies. For example, some vendors use WiMAX, others prefer Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (Lo-WPAN) for the Media Access Control (MAC) and physical layer of the smart meter network, also known as Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) network. Different communication techniques are used in various components of an AMI network. Thus, it is essential to create a testbed to evaluate the performance of a new wireless technology or a novel protocol to the network. It is risky to study cyber-security threats in an operational network. Hence, a real-time simulation testbed is considered as a substitute to capture communication among cyber-physical subsystems. To design the communication part of our testbed, we explored a Cellular Internet of Things (CIoT) : Co-operative Ultra NarrowBand (C-UNB) technology for the physical and the MAC layer of the Neighborhood Area Network (NAN) of the AMI. After successful evaluation of its performance in a Simpy python simulator, we integrated a module into Network Simulator-3 (NS-3). As NS-3 provides a platform to incorporate real-time traffic to the AMI network, we can inject traffic from power simulators like Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS). Our testbed was used to make a comparative study of different wireless technologies such as IEEE 802.11ah, WiMAX, and Long Term Evolution (LTE). For the traffic, we used HTTP and Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), a widely used protocol in IoT. Additionally, we integrated the NS-3 module of Device Language Message Specification - Companion Specification for Energy Metering (DLMS-COSEM), that follows the IEC 62056 standards for electricity metering data exchange. This module which comprises of application and transport layers works in addition with the physical and MAC layer of the ii C-UNB module. Since wireless communication is prone to eavesdropping and information leakages, it is crucial to conduct security studies on these networks. Hence, we performed some cyber-attacks such as Denial of Service (DoS), Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) spoofing and Man-in-the-Middle (MiTM) attacks in the testbed, to analyze their impact on normal operation of AMI network. Encryption techniques can alleviate the issue of data hijacking, but makes the network traffic invisible, which prevents conventional Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) from undertaking packet-level inspection. Thus, we developed a Bayesian-based IDS for ARP spoof detection to prevent rogue smart meters from modifying genuine data or injecting false data. The proposed real time simulation testbed is successfully utilized to perform delay and throughput analysis for the existing wireless technologies alongwith the evaluation of the novel features of C-UNB module in NS-3. This module can be used to evaluate a broad range of traffic. Using the testbed we also validated our IDS for ARP spoofing attack. This work can be further utilized by security researchers to study different cyber attacks in the AMI network and propose new attack prevention and detection solution. Moreover, it can also allow wireless communication researchers to improve our C-UNB module for NS-3

    Smart Grid Communications: Overview of Research Challenges, Solutions, and Standardization Activities

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    Optimization of energy consumption in future intelligent energy networks (or Smart Grids) will be based on grid-integrated near-real-time communications between various grid elements in generation, transmission, distribution and loads. This paper discusses some of the challenges and opportunities of communications research in the areas of smart grid and smart metering. In particular, we focus on some of the key communications challenges for realizing interoperable and future-proof smart grid/metering networks, smart grid security and privacy, and how some of the existing networking technologies can be applied to energy management. Finally, we also discuss the coordinated standardization efforts in Europe to harmonize communications standards and protocols.Comment: To be published in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    A Smart Meter Infrastructure for Smart Grid IoT Applications

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    Electric infrastructures have been pushed forward to handle tasks they were not originally designed to perform. To improve reliability and efficiency, state-of-the-art power grids include improved security, reduced peak loads, increased integration of renewable sources, and lower operational costs. In this framework, “smart grids” are built around bidirectional communication technologies, where “smart meters” communicate with all other entities and collect data from the power grid, offering specific features to each actor playing in the energy marketplace. In this paper, to overcome some of the challenges raised by smart grids and smart meters, we propose a distributed metering infrastructure which provides bidirectional communication, self-configuration, and auto-update capabilities. Our 3-phase smart meters follow the basics Internet-of-Things principles and have the ability to run, either on-board or distributed on the network, multiple algorithms for smart grid management. These algorithms can be freely added, updated, or removed on-the-fly thanks to the auto-update feature of the system. Moreover, to reduce costs and improve scalability, we prove that it is possible to implement our smart meters using only off-the-shelf and inexpensive hardware devices. A digital real-time simulator (i.e., Opal-RT) has been used to assess the capabilities of both the infrastructure and the meter. Our experimental analysis shows that the latency introduced by the data transmission over the Internet is compliant with the limits imposed by the IEC 61850 standard. As a consequence, our architecture does not affect the operational status of the smart grid, making it a viable solution to support the deployment of novel services

    Study the effect of topology on the performance of an advanced metering infrastructure network.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.A smart grid operates based on the integration of various renewable energy sources, distributed generators and storage units in order to deliver an uninterrupted energy supply to consumers. Such a complex grid requires a network of intelligent sensors and an effective communication infrastructure to provide bi-directional flows of information between different grid entities for monitoring and control purposes. A crucial part of the smart grid communication network is the advanced metering infrastructure connecting a utility company to end-users to support telemetry and remote-control applications. Although different technologies and standards for smart metering systems exist, the G3-PLC standard, which uses the power-line communication (PLC) technology, is the accepted standard in South Africa for connecting smart meters to data concentrators. Studying the topology of an AMI network can help improve the network’s Quality-of-Service to support more advanced applications. The analytical analysis is usually considered a viable method for studying the topological effect on the performance of PLC-based AMI networks, as physically altering such networks can become very costly. Therefore, in this research, such methods have been used to investigate the effect of topology on the performance of the G3-PLC AMI network. To better understand the system, an overview of the G3-PLC standard for smart metering application has been covered. This includes covering the DLMS/COSEM protocol at the application layer and its relation to the G3-PLC. This follows by providing the mathematical model for the G3-PLC AMI network to study the effect of topology on its performance. Based on the provided method, first, the distances between data concentrators and smart meters are identified. Then the graph theory has been used to calculate the transfer function between every node in the system for obtaining the system’s total capacity. It was shown that the performance of the system decreases as longer branches are added to the network

    Towards a Security Enabled and SOA-based QoS (for the Smart Grid) Architecture

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    QoS and Security features are playing an important role in modern network architecures. Dynamic selection of services and by extension of service providers are vital in today’s liberalized market of energy. On the other hand it is equally important for Service Providers to spot the one QoS Module that offers the best QoS level in a given cost. Type of service, response time, availability and cost, consist a basic set of attributes that should be taken into consideration when building a concrete Grid network. In the proposed QoS architecture Prosumers request services based on the aforementioned set of attributes. The Prosumer requests the service through the QoS Module. It is then the QoS Module that seeks the Service Provider that best fits the needs of the client. The aforementioned approach is well supplemented with an in depth analysis on existing authentication and authorization protocols. The authors believe that QoS and security can work in parallel without adding extra burden in the Smart Grid infrastructure. This is feasible by building an in advance system for placing, scheduling, and assigning of the requests for energy consumption or production, thus decongesting the traffic in the whole network

    Evaluating XMPP Communication in IEC 61499-based Distributed Energy Applications

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    The IEC 61499 reference model provides an international standard developed specifically for supporting the creation of distributed event-based automation systems. Functionality is abstracted into function blocks which can be coded graphically as well as via a text-based method. As one of the design goals was the ability to support distributed control applications, communication plays a central role in the IEC 61499 specification. In order to enable the deployment of functionality to distributed platforms, these platforms need to exchange data in a variety of protocols. IEC 61499 realizes the support of these protocols via "Service Interface Function Blocks" (SIFBs). In the context of smart grids and energy applications, IEC 61499 could play an important role, as these applications require coordinating several distributed control logics. Yet, the support of grid-related protocols is a pre-condition for a wide-spread utilization of IEC 61499. The eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) on the other hand is a well-established protocol for messaging, which has recently been adopted for smart grid communication. Thus, SIFBs for XMPP facilitate distributed control applications, which use XMPP for exchanging all control relevant data, being realized with the help of IEC 61499. This paper introduces the idea of integrating XMPP into SIFBs, demonstrates the prototypical implementation in an open source IEC 61499 platform and provides an evaluation of the feasibility of the result.Comment: 2016 IEEE 21st International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA

    Information Security in Energetics

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou zranitelností protokolu DLMS/COSEM, realizací útoku DoS (odepření služby) a zátěžových testů za využití testovacích prvků chytré energetické sítě, konkrétně elektroměrů. Práce realizuje implementaci zátěžového testeru, který je na základě vstupních parametrů schopen vytěžovat daný prvek předem daným zátěžovým profilem složeným z jednotlivých fází, průběžně ověřovat zdali nedošlo k přerušení komunikace ze strany elektroměru a tím ověřovat jeho odolnost.This bachelors thesis focuses on analysis of vulnerabilities of DLMS/COSEM protocol, DoS (Denial of Service) attack and load test execution on smart grid components -- smart meters. Thesis implements load tester application that can test given components load resistance based on input parameters, that affect predefined load profile consisting of phases and periodically checks whether the component is responding after each phase.