19 research outputs found

    Partisipasi Publik Via Teknologi Aplikasi: Solusi Qlue Menyambungkan Aspirasi Warga Jakarta

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    Visi Jakarta Baru yang diretas oleh Jokowi dan dilanjutkan oleh Gubernur Ahok membawa angin segar bagi perubahan tata kelola dan pelayanan publik di Kota Jakarta. Salah satu perubahan yang dilakukan ialah dengan memperbaiki komunikasi dan pola interaksi pemerintah daerah dan masyarakat dalam penyelenggaran pelayanan publik. Aplikasi Smart City “Qlue” yang digunakan Pemprov DKI Jakarta ini adalah upaya memperkuat partisipasi masyarakat untuk lebih peduli dengan lingkungan sekitarnya. Melalui aplikasi berbasis web dan mobile phone ini, masyarakat dapat melaporkan keluhan terhadap permasalahan pelayanan publik yang ada di lingkungan sekitarnya. Setiap keluhan warga dipantau progressnya oleh pengelola aplikasi Qlue untuk memastikan semua yang disampaikan, direspon dan ditindaklanjuti oleh unit kerja terkait. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui metode wawancara mendalam dan analisis isi, penelitian ingin memotret bagaimana Qlue berperan memperbaiki kualitas pelayanan publik dan sekaligus menjadi media dalam menyambungkan aspirasi warga Jakarta. Sejak diluncurkan Desember 2014, Qlue telah diunduh melalui https://play.google.com sebanyak 120.000 orang dan 60%nya digunakan secara aktif oleh masyarakat. Meski baru 0.1% warga Jakarta yang sudah mengaksesnya, penggunaan aplikasi ini begitu cepat berkembang selama dua tahun ini dan telah menjadi saluran aspirasi baru bagi warga Jakarta. Selama kurun waktu Januari hingga Mei 2016,setidaknya terdapat lima masalah publik yang paling banyak dilaporkan yaitu mengenai pelanggaran aturan daerah, sampah, parkir liar, fasilitas umum dan kemacetan. Atas capaian ini, Qlue telah menjadi jalan baru dalam upaya memperkuat partisipasi publik sekaligus meningkatkan kepedulian warga terhadap permasalahan yang ada dilingkungan sekitar dengan memanfaatkan inovasi teknologi informasi


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    Organizations are increasingly employing social media in business and this phenomenon has also attracted attention from researchers. Social media is used in value co-creation to allow consumers to take an active role and co-create value for companies. However, the way in which social media can enhance an enterprise’s value co-creation capability has not been studied to the same extent. Based on the technology affordance theory and value co-creation theory, this study examines how social media can help to leverage value co-creation. We present an exploratory case study based on the qualitative date collected in an online travel service company. We find that the case company applies social media due to its dialogue, accessibility, monitorability, and transparency affordances, which aid cooperation and co-create value with customers. The findings of the investigation provide empirical evidence illustrating the social media affordances of value co-creation


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    Governments have slowly started to exploit the potentials that social media offer for their external communications. The related work reveals a quite diverse picture both in governments´ quality of social media maintenance as well as in the interaction with citizens. Our aim in this study is to understand the factors that drive governments´ decisions to use social media for their external communications as well as to comprehend their underlying strategy. Therefore, we conducted a qualitative study among 20 German municipalities. Our results reveal that hardly any government agency follows a distinct strategy when implementing social media. Furthermore, we come up with ten propositions that explain the influncing factors of governments´ social media decision. Whereas mainly ambiguous privacy regulations and financial shortcomings negatively influnce the decision to use social media, initiatives by single employees, perceived external expectations and the wish to become more attractive for citizens drive the use of social media. In addition, observed social media behaviours of other governments and experiences in the governments´ environment influnce the decision. Our results both give in-depth insights in governments´ decision and implementation processes of social media and serve as a basis for further (quantitative) studies


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    Perkembangan teknologi dan informasi membuat penggunaan media sosial tidak dapat dipisahkan dalam kehidupan masyarakat sehari-hari. Di Indonesia, instansi pemerintahan di tingkat pusat dan tingkat daerah sudah secara perlahan mulai memanfaatkan media sosial Instagram sebagai sarana komunikasi publik. Pemanfaatan Instagram dinilai dapat menjangkau masyarakat secara lebih dekat dan dapat mengoptimalkan keterlibatan publik yang akhirnya meningkatkan ekuitas merek institusi pemerintah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh penggunaan media sosial Instagram terhadap ekuitas merek yang terdiri dari dimensi-dimensi brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, dan brand loyalty Badan Pusat Statistik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksplanatori, dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan metode survei. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini dilakukan secara non-probability sampling dengan teknik convenience pada followers media sosial Instagram @bps_statistics. Kuesioner menjadi alat instrumen utama dalam pengumpulan data dengan skala Likert 1-5 dalam bentuk google form. Teknik analisis menggunakan analisis regresi linear sederhana dengan menggunakan SmartPLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media sosial Instagram @bps_statistics berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap dimensi-dimensi ekuitas merek, yaitu brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, dan brand loyalty

    Metaverse for advancing government: Prospects, challenges and a research agenda

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    A number of government agencies have started deploying the Metaverse to connect better with their constituents. The Metaverse provides a rich interaction environment and has the potential to engage with, especially, the younger generation. However, the Metaverse's potential impact on the government sector has been given limited attention. This discussion paper aims to fill this void by reviewing the state of the art, analyzing possible roles of the Metaverse for governments and providing research directions. We found six facilitators and nine barriers and risks. The Metaverse offers much more than a virtual presence or copy of the physical world; significant transformations are needed in government to reap the benefits. Given the evolution of the Metaverse, government presence also needs to evolve, and different governments make different decisions about their Metaverse presence. We recommend more research into the nature, use, applications, transformations, and implications of the Metaverse on government functioning

    Municipalities’ communication on social networks: citizen participation, public service information or permanent campaign

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    Este artículo explora el uso que hace la Administración pública local de las tres principales redes sociales (Twitter, Facebook e Instagram) con el objetivo de comprobar si los ayuntamientos aprovechan todas sus potencialidades, incentivan la participación ciudadana a partir de la comunicación de la actividad municipal, aumentan la calidad del servicio público, y ensalzan o no los logros de gobierno de sus líderes políticos. Todo ello, teniendo en cuenta los criterios básicos de la comunicación de las instituciones públicas y de la comunicación política, así como el concepto de campaña permanente. Para ello, se ha realizado un seguimiento de las redes sociales de los Ayuntamientos de Barcelona, Sabadell y Manresa, llevando a cabo un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo en el que se han categorizado aspectos como las llamadas a la participación que hace la Administración, la temática de sus publicaciones, el apoyo o rechazo que consiguen a través de los likes y los comentarios, el contenido de la información (de servicio público, de actividad municipal y de contenido político), y la presencia o ausencia de los gobiernos y sus líderes en los mensajes emitidos. Los resultados evidencian que la Administración pública local no aprovecha las potencialidades que ofrecen las redes sociales para impulsar la participación ciudadana en los asuntos públicos. Aunque su implantación se encuentra aún en una fase inicial, este organismo público local ejerce una comunicación unidireccional, con información de servicio público, pero también con contenido político e ideológico.This article explores how local public administration uses three main social networks (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) with the aim of verifying if the municipalities take advantage of all their potentialities, encourage citizen participation from the communication of municipal activity, increase the quality of public service, and praise or not the government achievements of their political leaders. All this, taking into account the basic criteria of the communication of public institutions and political communication, as well as the concept of permanent campaign. To this end, the social networks of the City Councils of Barcelona, Sabadell and Manresa have been monitored, carrying out a quantitative and qualitative analysis in which aspects such as the calls for participation made by the Administration, the subject r of the posts, the support or rejection obtained through likes and comments, the content of the information (public service, municipal activity and political content), and the presence or absence of the governments and their leaders in the messages issued have been categorized. The results show that the local public administration does not take advantage of the potential offered by social networks to promote citizen participation in public affairs. Although its implementation is still in an initial phase, this local public body exercises a unidirectional communication, with public service information, but also with political and ideological content

    Social Media as Public Sphere: A Stakeholder Perspective

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    Purpose Despite the potential of social media, it has proven difficult to get people actively involved in the decision-making processes. There is a need for more research on how stakeholders manage and use social media to communicate. Thus, we examine major stakeholders’ communication preferences in eParticipation initiatives and discuss how this affects the public sphere. Design/methodology/approach The study was conducted as a qualitative case study. Data sources include interviews, social media content, document analysis and field notes. Findings Communication preferences of stakeholders vary according to their salience level. Stakeholders with higher salience are less likely to participate in social media, while those who are less salient will use every available medium to gain influence. This challenges the opportunity to create a traditional public sphere in social media. Research limitations/implications We contribute to a better understanding of who participates in social media and why. Stakeholder salience analysis shows that in the case of citizen-initiated eParticipation, social media cannot be seen as a Habermasian public sphere. Practical implications We suggest two approaches for government officials’ handling of social media: 1) to treat social media as a channel for input and knowledge about the concerns of citizen groups and 2) to integrate social media in the formal processes of decision making in order to develop consultative statements on specific policy issues. Originality/value Our findings extend current knowledge of the public sphere by adding the stakeholder perspective in addition to existing evaluative models of the public sphere.acceptedVersionnivå


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    Družbena omrežja so odličen kanal za zagotavljanje informacij in določenih storitev, zato je pomembno, da so organizacije javne uprave prisotne na tovrstnih omrežjih in da jih aktivno uporabljajo. Družbena omrežja omogočajo dvosmerno komunikacijo med organizacijami javne uprave in državljani. Po družbenih omrežjih lahko organizacije javne uprave informirajo državljane o svojem delu in o drugih pomembnih informacijah ter dobijo povratne informacije od državljanov. V diplomskem delu so predstavljena družbena omrežja (predvsem Facebook, Twitter, Instagram in YouTube, saj so po številu uporabnikov v Sloveniji uvrščeni v sam vrh), dosedanja raziskovalna prizadevanja na področju družbenih omrežij v javni upravi, smernice za uporabo družbenih omrežij tujih držav in vodnik za učinkovito vladno komuniciranje v Sloveniji. V okviru diplomskega dela je bila pripravljena metodologija za merjenje uporabe družbenih omrežij. Na osnovi metodologije je bila opravljena analiza uporabe družbenih omrežij na slovenskih ministrstvih in v vladi. Ugotovljeno je bilo, v kolikšni meri državne institucije uporabljajo družbena omrežja in na kakšen način. Preverjeno je bilo, ali slovenska ministrstva in vlada v celoti izkoriščajo potenciale, ki jih ponuja družbeno omrežje Facebook. Iz rezultatov analize je razvidno, da državne institucije v premajhni meri uporabljajo družbena omrežja in da so na omrežjih premalo aktivne. Državne institucije družbena omrežja uporabljajo predvsem za enosmerno komunikacijo z drugimi uporabniki. Državne institucije državljane premalo pozivajo k sodelovanju, državljani pa so premalo aktivni pri soustvarjanju vsebine na družbenih omrežjih. Diplomsko delo predstavlja stroki dodano vrednost, saj s pomočjo literature in virov podaja pregled stanja uporabe družbenih omrežij v Sloveniji in tujini. Prav tako so predstavljene smernice za uporabo družbenih omrežij tujih držav in vodnik za učinkovito vladno komuniciranje v Sloveniji. Smernice in vodnik lahko organizacijam javne uprave koristijo pri načrtovanju uporabe družbenih omrežij.Social networking sites are an excellent channel for providing information and certain services, so it is important for public administration organizations to be present on such sites and use them actively. Social networking sites enable two-way communication between public administration organizations and citizens. Through social networking sites, public administration organizations can inform citizens about their work and other important information and get feedback from citizens. The diploma thesis presents social networking sites (especially Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube as they are ranked among the top used in Slovenia), research efforts to date in the field of social networking sites in public administration, guidelines for use of social networking sites in foreign countries, and a guide for effective government communication in Slovenia. Within the diploma thesis, a methodology for measuring the use of social networking sites was developed. Based on the methodology, an analysis of the use of social networking sites by the Slovenian ministries and the government was conducted. It was established to what extent state institutions use social networking sites and how. It was examined whether the Slovenian ministries and the government were fully utilizing the potentials offered by the social networking site Facebook. The results of the analysis show that state institutions do not use social networking sites enough and that they are not enough active on these sites. State institutions use social networking sites primarily for one-way communication with other users. Government institutions do not invite citizens to participate too much, and citizens are too uninvolved in co-creating content on social networking sites. The diploma thesis represents an added value for the profession, as it provides an overview of the use of social networking sites in Slovenia and abroad through literature and sources. Guidelines for use of social networking sites of foreign countries and a guide to effective government communication in Slovenia are also presented. Guidelines and guide can be useful for public administration organizations in planning the use of social networking sites

    Overheidsparticipatie in sociale media

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    Het gebruik van sociale media is in korte tijd sterk gegroeid onder brede lagen van de bevolking. In de afgelopen jaren heeft de overheid al de nodige ervaring opgedaan met sociale media. De vraag die nu voorligt heeft betrekking op een actieve rol van de overheid op sociale media: Wat zijn de mogelijkheden en beperkingen van overheidsparticipatie in sociale media? Om antwoord te geven op deze vraag is het van belang inzicht te krijgen in de technologie achter sociale media, de toepassingen, strategieën en tactieken. Deze inzichten zijn verkregen uit een literatuuronderzoek en een achttal cases waarin sociale media op de een of andere manier in relatie staan tot de overheid

    Social Media Technologies in Policy Communication: A Case Study of Ghana’s Information Services Department

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    There is an informational gap in demand and supply of real-time policy information confronting Ghana’s Information Services Department. This problem of a gap in demand and supply impacts the productivity of individuals, groups, as well as public and private institutions. The aim of this qualitative case study was to explore how the government could integrate social media technologies in its policy communications to bridge the informational gap. The narrative policy framework provided the theoretical framework for the study. Research questions focused on how the government uses social media technologies in engaging citizens to generate input for policy decision making as well as how they complement the traditional forms of communication in meeting the information needs of citizens. A purposive sampling technique, semi-structured interviews involving 10 participants, reflective field notes, and media monitoring reports provide information regarding government use of social media technologies in policy communication. Data from the interviews were coded and categorized for thematic analysis and constant comparison. Results indicated that the lack of access to policy information informed the choice of channel for communication. Participants also expressed the importance of the role information officers play in policy communication as well as the need to be cognizant of barriers to using social media channels in communicating public policies. The findings from this study may provide data to policymakers on the benefits of integrating social media tools in their engagement with the citizenry, which will bring governance closer to the constituents and make the government more accountable and transparent