8 research outputs found

    Experiencia creativa en ingeniería en diseño: el ejercicio de la isla

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    This work addresses the challenge of stimulating creative thought in higher education. With this aim in mind, the article describes the development of a collaborative creativity exercise designed to improve students' creative skills through self-perception of their strong and weak points. In this work the exercise is set out as a five-step methodology, which includes the determination of personality profiles using the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument and the design of an island, to be carried out by groups of students in the classroom. In this study, the exercise, which has been applied to first-year Technical Engineering in Industrial Design students for the last five years, is undertaken by different groups of students in five different sessions. Observations performed in the classroom and the results of the exercises, that is, both the islands that were designed and the choices made by the students, are used to draw the conclusions about the validity of the study. Moreover, the paper also compares the perceptions of the students who took part in the experiment this year and those who had done the exercise in previous years. The conclusions concern the style of working of each group of dominances, and highlight the effectiveness of the tool for enhancing students' creativity through self-reflection. The students' positive perceptions, even several years after doing the exercise, are good proof of this.El presente trabajo aborda el reto de la estimulación del pensamiento creativo en la educación superior. Para ello se muestra el desarrollo de un ejercicio de creatividad colaborativo diseñado para mejorar las aptitudes creativas de los alumnos a través de la auto-percepción de sus puntos fuertes y débiles. En el presente trabajo el ejercicio se plantea como una metodología de cinco pasos, que incluye la determinación de los perfiles de personalidad mediante Test de Dominancias Cerebrales de Herrmann y el diseño grupal de una isla, para ser realizado en una clase docente. El ejercicio, que lleva aplicándose durante cinco años sobre alumnos de primer curso de Ingeniería Técnica en Diseño Industrial, se plantea para el presente trabajo a grupos diferentes de alumnos en cinco sesiones diferentes. Results Las observaciones en el aula y los resultados de los ejercicios, tanto las islas diseñadas como las elecciones de los alumnos, sirven para extraer las conclusiones necesarias sobre la validez del estudio. Además, se muestra la comparativa de las percepciones de los alumnos que han realizado la experiencia en el presente curso con aquellos que realizaron el ejercicio en años posteriores. Las conclusiones comprenden el estilo de trabajo de cada grupo de dominancias y resalta la efectividad de la herramienta para potenciar la creatividad de los alumnos a través de la autorreflexión. Las percepciones positivas de los alumnos incluso después de varios años de haber realizado el ejercicio son una buena prueba de ello

    Inovação auxiliada por computador (CAI): uma análise bibliométrica de artigos publicados entre 2004 e 2013

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    In recent decades, innovation has come to be seen as a crucial factor for the competitiveness of organizations. From a process little orderly, innovation has come to be systematized, with the establishment of tools, methodologies and theories. A variety of computer programs have been created to support innovation, giving rise to a new category of tools, which is being called Computer Aided Innovation (CAI). This exploratory research seeks to understand more precisely the concept of CAI, as well as identify key publications, authors, institutions and regions in which it has been developed, besides seeking to identify gaps and trends of the topics covered in the area. Given the purpose of the research, it was decided to use bibliometrics, which allows obtaining the information indicated from the analysis of the main databases related to CAI. The research consists of 217 articles, published between 2004-2013. The methodological procedures to develop the research involved the following steps: a) raise the state of the art regarding the Computed Aided Innovation; b) Survey and data collection of scientific papers on CAI; c) categorization and bibliometric analysis and d) classify and analyze the topics covered. The results obtained through the bibliometric analysis revealed that there were 378 different authors, and authors have increased an average of 34.7% from 2004 to 2013. When checking the adhesion of the Lotka´s law to the field of CAI, It was observed that 72.8% of the authors had only one publication, 15% more than proposed by Lotka, than the area of CAI does not adjust to this law. The most productive authors were Runhua Tan (complete count) and Noel Leon (direct counting). The most cited author was Gaetano Cascini. The most productive country in the world is China, with 41% of publications, as well as having the largest number of researchers (42% of total) and the largest number of institutions. However, the country with the greatest relevance is France, because the French articles had 30.4% of the citations. The more productive institution is Hebei Universi ty of Technology, China, with 16% of the articles. The institution most frequently cited is INSA Strasbourg, France. By analyzing the topics covered, it was realized that the "Idea Management" category is more developed and the category "Management Patent" is the one with the least amount of work. It is considered that this research has contributed to give visibility to researchers, institutions and countries that have contributed to the development of CAI, besides recognizing the theoretical core that serves as the foundation of knowledge of the area. The theme CAI is extremely important for the improvement of the innovation process, enabling to innovate more efficiently and effectively.Nas últimas décadas, a inovação passou a ser vista como um fator crucial para a competitividade das organizações. De um processo pouco ordenado, a inovação tem passado a ser sistematizada, com o estabelecimento de ferramentas, metodologias e teorias. Uma variedade de programas computacionais têm sido criadas para apoiar a inovação, dando origem a uma nova categoria de ferramentas, que vem sendo denominada Computer Aided Innovation (CAI), ou Inovação Auxiliada por Computador. Esta pesquisa, de característica exploratória, busca compreender com maior exatidão o conceito de CAI, bem como identificar as principais publicações, autores, instituições e regiões nas quais o assunto tem sido desenvolvido, além de buscar identificar as lacunas e tendências dos temas abordados na área. Dada a finalidade da pesquisa, decidiu-se pelo uso da bibliometria e da análise de conteúdo para alcançar os objetivos estabelecidos. O universo da pesquisa constitui -se de 217 artigos, publicados no período de 2004 a 2013. Os procedimentos metodológicos para desenvolver a pesquisa envolveram os seguintes passos: a) levantar o estado da arte no que se refere a Inovação Auxiliada por Computador; b) levantar e coletar os dados dos artigos científicos em CAI; c) categorizar e fazer análise bibliométrica e d) classificar e analisar os temas abordados. Os resultados obtidos, por meio da análise bibliométrica, revelaram que houve 378 autores diferentes, e que a média de autores aumentou em 30,4% de 2004 a 2013. Ao verificar a aderência da lei de Lotka à área de CAI, observou-se que 72,8% dos autores tiveram apenas uma publicação, sendo 15% a mais do que o proposto por Lotka, ou seja, a área de CAI não se ajusta a esta lei. Os autores mais produtivos foram Runhua Tan (contagem completa) e Noel León (contagem direta). O autor mais citado foi Gaetano Cascini. O país mais produtivo do mundo é a China, com 41% das publicações, além de possuir o maior número de pesquisadores (42% do total) e o maior número de instituições. No entanto, o país com a maior relevância é a França, pois os artigos franceses tiveram 30,4% das citações. A instituição mais produtiva é Hebei University of Technology da China, com 16% dos artigos. A instituição mais citada é INSA Strasbourg, França. Ao analisar os temas abordados, percebeu-se que a categoria “Gestão de Ideias” é mais desenvolvida e a categoria “Gestão de Patentes” é a que possui a menor quantidade de trabalhos. Considera-se que esta pesquisa contribuiu para dar visibilidade aos pesquisadores, instituições e países que tem contribuído para o desenvolvimento do CAI, além de reconhecer o núcleo teórico que serve de alicerce do conhecimento da área. O tema CAI é de suma importância para a melhoria do processo de inovação, possibilitando inovar com mais eficiência e eficácia

    Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction towards E-shopping in Malaysia

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    Online shopping or e-shopping has changed the world of business and quite a few people have decided to work with these features. What their primary concerns precisely and the responses from the globalisation are the competency of incorporation while doing their businesses. E-shopping has also increased substantially in Malaysia in recent years. The rapid increase in the e-commerce industry in Malaysia has created the demand to emphasize on how to increase customer satisfaction while operating in the e-retailing environment. It is very important that customers are satisfied with the website, or else, they would not return. Therefore, a crucial fact to look into is that companies must ensure that their customers are satisfied with their purchases that are really essential from the ecommerce’s point of view. With is in mind, this study aimed at investigating customer satisfaction towards e-shopping in Malaysia. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed among students randomly selected from various public and private universities located within Klang valley area. Total 369 questionnaires were returned, out of which 341 questionnaires were found usable for further analysis. Finally, SEM was employed to test the hypotheses. This study found that customer satisfaction towards e-shopping in Malaysia is to a great extent influenced by ease of use, trust, design of the website, online security and e-service quality. Finally, recommendations and future study direction is provided. Keywords: E-shopping, Customer satisfaction, Trust, Online security, E-service quality, Malaysia

    ECOS 2012

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    The 8-volume set contains the Proceedings of the 25th ECOS 2012 International Conference, Perugia, Italy, June 26th to June 29th, 2012. ECOS is an acronym for Efficiency, Cost, Optimization and Simulation (of energy conversion systems and processes), summarizing the topics covered in ECOS: Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Exergy and Second Law Analysis, Process Integration and Heat Exchanger Networks, Fluid Dynamics and Power Plant Components, Fuel Cells, Simulation of Energy Conversion Systems, Renewable Energies, Thermo-Economic Analysis and Optimisation, Combustion, Chemical Reactors, Carbon Capture and Sequestration, Building/Urban/Complex Energy Systems, Water Desalination and Use of Water Resources, Energy Systems- Environmental and Sustainability Issues, System Operation/ Control/Diagnosis and Prognosis, Industrial Ecology

    Управление проектами распределенных проектов и программ

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    Управление проектами распределенных проектов и программ : монография / В. Н. Бурков, С. Д. Бушуев, А. М. Возный, А. Ю. Гайда, Т. Г. Григорян, А. А. Иванова, Н. Р. Кнырик, М. Э. Колесник, И. В. Кононенко, К. В. Кошкин, А. А. Павлов, С. С. Рыжков, А. С. Рыжков, С. О. Слободян, Х. Танака, С. К. Чернов. – Николаев : Изд. Торубара В. В., 2015. – 388 с.В книге рассматриваются теоретические основы управления распределенными проектами и программами, для чего предлагаются соответствующие понятийный аппарат и базовая методология, эффективные модели и методы управления, а также механизмы создания организационных систем. Исследованы и усовершенствованы модели оптимизации, учитывающие степень несопоставимости сравнительных альтернатив для нахождения весов объектов (альтернатив и критериев), представлен формальный аппарат и результаты его использования. Предлагаются критерии оценки компетентности менеджеров управления распределенными проектами и программами. Монография предназначена для научных работников, инженеров и аспирантов, занимающихся изучением, разработкой и развитием распределенных проектов и программ