164 research outputs found

    Evaluation and Analysis of NULL Convention Logic Circuits

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    Integrated circuit (IC) designers face many challenges in utilizing state-of-the-art technology nodes, such as the increased effects of process variation on timing analysis and heterogeneous multi-die architectures that span across multiple technologies while simultaneously increasing performance and decreasing power consumption. These challenges provide opportunity for utilization of asynchronous design paradigms due to their inherent flexibility and robustness. While NULL Convention Logic (NCL) has been implemented in a variety of applications, current literature does not fully encompass the intricacies of NCL power performance across a variety of applications, technology nodes, circuit scale, and voltage scaling, thereby preventing further adoption and utilization of this design paradigm. This dissertation evaluates the nominal dynamic energy, voltage-scaled dynamic energy, and static power consumption of NCL across variations in circuit type, circuit scale, and technology node, including 130 nm, 90 nm, and 45 nm processes. These results are compared with synchronous counterparts and analyzed for a range of trends in order to identify and quantify advantages and disadvantages of NCL across a variety of applications. By providing an evaluation of a broad range of circuits and characteristics, an IC designer may effectively predict the advantages or disadvantages of an NCL implementation for their application

    High-Performance Silicon Nanowire Electronics

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    This thesis explores 10-nm wide Si nanowire (SiNW) field-effect transistors (FETs) for logic applications via the fabrication and testing of SiNW-based ring oscillators. Both SiNW surface treatments and dielectric annealing are reported for producing SiNW FETs that exhibit high performance in terms of large on/off-state current ratio (~108), low drain-induced barrier lowering (~30 mV), high carrier mobilities (~269 cm2/V•s), and low subthreshold swing (~80 mV/dec). The performance of inverter and ring-oscillator circuits fabricated from these nanowire FETs is explored as well. The inverter demonstrates the highest voltage gain (~148) reported for a SiNW-based NOT gate, and the ring oscillator exhibits near rail-to-rail oscillation centered at 13.4 MHz. The static and dynamic characteristics of these NW devices indicate that these SiNW-based FET circuits are excellent candidates for various high-performance nanoelectronic applications. A set of novel charge-trap non-volatile memory devices based on high-performance SiNW FETs are well investigated. These memory devices integrate Fe2O3 quantum dots (FeO QDs) as charge storage elements. A template-assisted assembly technique is used to align FeO QDs into a close-packed, ordered matrix within the trenches that separate highly aligned SiNWs, and thus store injected charges. A Fowler-Nordheim tunneling mechanism describes both the program and erase operations. The memory prototype demonstrates promising characteristics in terms of large threshold voltage shift (~1.3 V) and long data retention time (~3 × 106 s), and also allows for key components to be systematically varied. For example, varying the size of the QDs indicates that larger diameter QDs exhibit a larger memory window, suggesting the QD charging energy plays an important role in the carrier transport. The device temperature characteristics reveal an optimal window for device performance between 275K and 350K. The flexibility of integrating the charge-trap memory devices with the SiNW logic devices offers a low-cost embedded non-volatile memory solution. A building block for a SiNW-based field-programmable gate array (FPGA) is proposed in the future work.</p

    Embedding Logic and Non-volatile Devices in CMOS Digital Circuits for Improving Energy Efficiency

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    abstract: Static CMOS logic has remained the dominant design style of digital systems for more than four decades due to its robustness and near zero standby current. Static CMOS logic circuits consist of a network of combinational logic cells and clocked sequential elements, such as latches and flip-flops that are used for sequencing computations over time. The majority of the digital design techniques to reduce power, area, and leakage over the past four decades have focused almost entirely on optimizing the combinational logic. This work explores alternate architectures for the flip-flops for improving the overall circuit performance, power and area. It consists of three main sections. First, is the design of a multi-input configurable flip-flop structure with embedded logic. A conventional D-type flip-flop may be viewed as realizing an identity function, in which the output is simply the value of the input sampled at the clock edge. In contrast, the proposed multi-input flip-flop, named PNAND, can be configured to realize one of a family of Boolean functions called threshold functions. In essence, the PNAND is a circuit implementation of the well-known binary perceptron. Unlike other reconfigurable circuits, a PNAND can be configured by simply changing the assignment of signals to its inputs. Using a standard cell library of such gates, a technology mapping algorithm can be applied to transform a given netlist into one with an optimal mixture of conventional logic gates and threshold gates. This approach was used to fabricate a 32-bit Wallace Tree multiplier and a 32-bit booth multiplier in 65nm LP technology. Simulation and chip measurements show more than 30% improvement in dynamic power and more than 20% reduction in core area. The functional yield of the PNAND reduces with geometry and voltage scaling. The second part of this research investigates the use of two mechanisms to improve the robustness of the PNAND circuit architecture. One is the use of forward and reverse body biases to change the device threshold and the other is the use of RRAM devices for low voltage operation. The third part of this research focused on the design of flip-flops with non-volatile storage. Spin-transfer torque magnetic tunnel junctions (STT-MTJ) are integrated with both conventional D-flipflop and the PNAND circuits to implement non-volatile logic (NVL). These non-volatile storage enhanced flip-flops are able to save the state of system locally when a power interruption occurs. However, manufacturing variations in the STT-MTJs and in the CMOS transistors significantly reduce the yield, leading to an overly pessimistic design and consequently, higher energy consumption. A detailed analysis of the design trade-offs in the driver circuitry for performing backup and restore, and a novel method to design the energy optimal driver for a given yield is presented. Efficient designs of two nonvolatile flip-flop (NVFF) circuits are presented, in which the backup time is determined on a per-chip basis, resulting in minimizing the energy wastage and satisfying the yield constraint. To achieve a yield of 98%, the conventional approach would have to expend nearly 5X more energy than the minimum required, whereas the proposed tunable approach expends only 26% more energy than the minimum. A non-volatile threshold gate architecture NV-TLFF are designed with the same backup and restore circuitry in 65nm technology. The embedded logic in NV-TLFF compensates performance overhead of NVL. This leads to the possibility of zero-overhead non-volatile datapath circuits. An 8-bit multiply-and- accumulate (MAC) unit is designed to demonstrate the performance benefits of the proposed architecture. Based on the results of HSPICE simulations, the MAC circuit with the proposed NV-TLFF cells is shown to consume at least 20% less power and area as compared to the circuit designed with conventional DFFs, without sacrificing any performance.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Custom versus Cell-Based ASIC Design for Many-Channel Correlators

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    While ASICs are efficient in terms of area utilization, performance, and power dissipation, ASIC design requires significant development resources. We compare two approaches to implementing ASIC correlators for interferometric imagers and spectrometers: The first approach, custom design, gives very high performance and area utilization, but is complex and time consuming. The second approach, cell-based design, reduces design time, but leads to lower performance and area utilization. In our evaluation, we consider two different correlator architectures: Autocorrelators for spectrometry, and cross-correlators for synthetic aperture imaging. Based on both 65-nm CMOS and 28-nm FD-SOI process technologies, our results show that for implementations for a limited number of channels, the cell-based approach may prove useful since it offers relatively short development time while still providing acceptable area utilization and performance. For larger designs, however, the area overhead of cell-based design becomes a major concern, especially for autocorrelator architectures

    CMOS Data Converters for Closed-Loop mmWave Transmitters

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    With the increased amount of data consumed in mobile communication systems, new solutions for the infrastructure are needed. Massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) is seen as a key enabler for providing this increased capacity. With the use of a large number of transmitters, the cost of each transmitter must be low. Closed-loop transmitters, featuring high-speed data converters is a promising option for achieving this reduced unit cost.In this thesis, both digital-to-analog (D/A) and analog-to-digital (A/D) converters suitable for wideband operation in millimeter wave (mmWave) massive MIMO transmitters are demonstrated. A 2 76 bit radio frequency digital-to-analog converter (RF-DAC)-based in-phase quadrature (IQ) modulator is demonstrated as a compact building block, that to a large extent realizes the transmit path in a closed-loop mmWave transmitter. The evaluation of an successive-approximation register (SAR) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is also presented in this thesis. Methods for connecting simulated and measured performance has been studied in order to achieve a better understanding about the alternating comparator topology.These contributions show great potential for enabling closed-loop mmWave transmitters for massive MIMO transmitter realizations

    Design and implementation of Asynchronous SRAM

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