87 research outputs found

    Dynamic Facial Prosthetics for Sufferers of Facial Paralysis

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    BackgroundThis paper discusses the various methods and the materialsfor the fabrication of active artificial facial muscles. Theprimary use for these will be the reanimation of paralysedor atrophied muscles in sufferers of non-recoverableunilateral facial paralysis.MethodThe prosthetic solution described in this paper is based onsensing muscle motion of the contralateral healthy musclesand replicating that motion across a patient’s paralysed sideof the face, via solid state and thin film actuators. Thedevelopment of this facial prosthetic device focused onrecreating a varying intensity smile, with emphasis ontiming, displacement and the appearance of the wrinklesand folds that commonly appear around the nose and eyesduring the expression.An animatronic face was constructed with actuations beingmade to a silicone representation musculature, usingmultiple shape-memory alloy cascades. Alongside theartificial muscle physical prototype, a facial expressionrecognition software system was constructed. This formsthe basis of an automated calibration and reconfigurationsystem for the artificial muscles following implantation, soas to suit the implantee’s unique physiognomy.ResultsAn animatronic model face with silicone musculature wasdesigned and built to evaluate the performance of ShapeMemory Alloy artificial muscles, their power controlcircuitry and software control systems. A dual facial motionsensing system was designed to allow real time control overmodel – a piezoresistive flex sensor to measure physicalmotion, and a computer vision system to evaluate real toartificial muscle performance.Analysis of various facial expressions in real subjects wasmade, which give useful data upon which to base thesystems parameter limits.ConclusionThe system performed well, and the various strengths andshortcomings of the materials and methods are reviewedand considered for the next research phase, when newpolymer based artificial muscles are constructed andevaluated.Key WordsArtificial Muscles, facial prosthetics, stroke rehabilitation,facial paralysis, computer vision, automated facialrecognition

    Development of a Novel Handheld Device for Active Compensation of Physiological Tremor

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    In microsurgery, the human hand imposes certain limitations in accurately positioning the tip of a device such as scalpel. Any errors in the motion of the hand make microsurgical procedures difficult and involuntary motions such as hand tremors can make some procedures significantly difficult to perform. This is particularly true in the case of vitreoretinal microsurgery. The most familiar source of involuntary motion is physiological tremor. Real-time compensation of tremor is, therefore, necessary to assist surgeons to precisely position and manipulate the tool-tip to accurately perform a microsurgery. In this thesis, a novel handheld device (AID) is described for compensation of physiological tremor in the hand. MEMS-based accelerometers and gyroscopes have been used for sensing the motion of the hand in six degrees of freedom (DOF). An augmented state complementary Kalman filter is used to calculate 2 DOF orientation. An adaptive filtering algorithm, band-limited Multiple Fourier linear combiner (BMFLC), is used to calculate the tremor component in the hand in real-time. Ionic Polymer Metallic Composites (IPMCs) have been used as actuators for deflecting the tool-tip to compensate for the tremor

    Ioonsete elektroaktiivsete tÀiturite elektromehaaniline modelleerimine ja juhtimine

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneIoonsed elektroaktiivsed polĂŒmeerid e. tehislihased on polĂŒmeermaterjalid, mille oluline iseĂ€rasus on vĂ”ime muuta elektrienergiat mehhaaniliseks energiaks. Elektroaktiivsetest polĂŒmeeridest valmistatud pehmetel tĂ€ituritel on mitmed huvipakkuvad omadused, nĂ€iteks suur deformatsioon madala rakendatud pinge korral, mĂ€rkimisvÀÀrne tekitatud jĂ”u ja massi suhe ning vĂ”ime töötada nii vesikeskkonnas kui Ă”hus. Niisuguste tĂ€iturite kasutamine on paljutĂ”otav eriti just miniatuursetes elusloodusest inspireeritud robootikarakendustes. NĂ€iteks vĂ”ib tuua aktiivsed mikro-manipulatsioonisĂŒsteemid vĂ”i isepainduvad pehmed kateetrid, mis on iseĂ€ranis nĂ”utud meditsiini-tehnoloogias. KĂ€esoleva vĂ€itekirja uurimissfÀÀriks on sellistest materjalidest valmistatud tĂ€iturmehhanismide modelleerimine, valmistamine ja juhtimine, pÀÀdides sisuliselt ĂŒhes tĂŒkis valmistatud mitme vabadusastmega paralleelmanipulaatorite vĂ€ljatöötamisega. Kasutades kompleksset fĂŒĂŒsikalistel, elektrokeemilistel ning mehaanilistel alusteadmistel pĂ”hinevat mudelit kirjeldatakse ja ennustatakse sellist tĂŒĂŒpi tĂ€iturmehhanismide elektrilise sisendi ja mehhaanilise vĂ€ljundi vahelisi seoseid. Mudel kirjeldab ioonide transpordi dĂŒnaamikat elektrivĂ€ljas, kombineerides Nernst-Plancki ja Poissoni vĂ”rrandeid. Mitmekihilise polĂŒmeermaterjali mehhaaniline kĂ€itumine on seotud laengu- ja massitasakaalu poolt pĂ”hjustatud eri kihtide erineva ruumilise paisumisega ja kahanemisega. KĂ”ike seda kokku vĂ”ttes ning rakendades numbrilist modelleerimist lĂ”plike elementide meetodil saadakse kvantitatiivsed tulemused, mis suudavad prognoosida tĂ€iturmehhanismi kĂ€itumist ja vĂ”imaldavad projekteerida, simuleerida ja optimeerida ka neil tĂ€ituritel pĂ”hinevaid keerulisemaid mehhanisme. Koostatud mudeli valideerimiseks modelleeriti ja valmistati kaks tööpĂ”himĂ”tteliselt sarnast, kuid erinevatel elektroaktiivsetel polĂŒmeermaterjalidel pĂ”hinevat ning eri metoodikatel valmistatud mitmest tĂ€iturist koosnevat mitme vabadusastmega mikromanipulaatorit. VĂ€itekirjas demonstreeritakse, et koostatud mudel on suure tĂ€psusega vĂ”imeline ennustama nii iga individuaalse tĂ€ituri kui ka mĂ”lema manipulaatori kĂ€itumist. Demonstreerimaks piisksadestusprintimismeetodil valmistatud manipulaatori efektiivsust, kirjeldatakse kahte erinevat kontrollrakendust. Esmalt nĂ€idatakse tagasisidestamata kontrollitavat seadet, kus pööratakse nelja tĂ€ituri abil peeglit, suunates laserikiirt X-Y tasapinnas ettemÀÀratud punktidele. Teiseks nĂ€idisrakenduseks on tagasisidestatud kontrollmetoodikaga juhitav mikroskoobi preparaadiliigutaja, mille abil saab preparaati nii tĂ”sta-langetada kui ka pöörata. Manipulaatorite valmistamise kĂ€igus leiti, et piisksadestusprintimise meetodi tĂ€psus, jĂ”udlus ja skaleeritavus vĂ”imaldavad suure tootlikkusega valmistada identseid keerulisi mitmeosalisi manipulaatoreid. See tulemus nĂ€itab ilmekalt uue tehnoloogia eeliseid traditsiooniliste valmistamisviiside ees.Ionic electroactive polymers (IEAPs) actuators are kind of smart composite materials that have the ability to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. The actuators fabricated using IEAP materials will benefit from attractive features such as high compliance, lightweight, large strain, low voltage, biocompatibility, high force to weight ratio, and ability to operate in an aqueous environment as well as in open air. The future of soft robotic actuation system with IEAP actuators is very promising especially in the microdomain for cutting edge applications such as micromanipulation systems, medical devices with higher dexterity, soft catheters with built-in actuation, bio-inspired robotics with better-mimicking properties and active compliant micromechanisms. This dissertation has introduced an effective modelling framework representing the complex electro-chemo-mechanical dynamics that can predict the electromechanical transduction in this kind of actuators. The model describes the ion transport dynamics under electric field by combining the Nernst-Planck and Poisson’s equation and the mechanical response is associated with the volumetric swelling caused by resulting charge and mass balance. The framework of this modelling method to predict the behavior of the actuator enabled to design, simulate and optimize compliant mechanism using IEAP actuators. As a result, a novel parallel manipulator with three degrees of freedom was modelled and fabricated with two different types of electrode materials and is characterized and compared with the simulation model. It is shown that the developed model was able to predict the behavior of the manipulator with a good agreement ensuring the high fidelity of the modelling framework. In the process of the fabrication, it is found that the manipulator fabricated through additive manufacturing method allows to fabricate multipart and intricate patterns with high throughput production capability and also opens the opportunity to print a matrix array of identical actuators over a wide size scale along with improved performance. Finally, to showcase the competence of the printed manipulator two different control application was demonstrated. At first, an open loop four-way optical switch showing the capability of optically triggering four switches in the X-Y plane in an automated sequence is shown followed by closed-loop micromanipulation of an active microscope stage using model predictive control system architecture is shown. The application of the manipulator can be extended to other potential applications such as a zoom lens, a microscope stage, laser steering, autofocusing systems, and micromirror. Overall this dissertation results in modelling, fabrication, and control of ionic electroactive polymer actuators leading to the development of a low cost, monolithic, flat, multi DOF parallel manipulator for micromanipulation application.https://www.ester.ee/record=b524351

    Distributed force model for arbitrarily shaped IMPC actuators

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    A model that describes the relationship of an arbitrarily shaped artificial muscle to the force it produces does not currently exist for actuators made of ionic polymer-metal composites (IPMC), a type of electroactive smart material. The model in this thesis couples a finite element force simulation for IPMC with a novel method of performing force measurements for IPMC actuators. The model is capable of predicting the blocked force output for IPMC actuators of arbitrary dimension. The ultimate goal of this work is to create a method of analysis that allows for the design of custom IPMC fingers that have specific force production and actuation properties

    Development, Analysis, and Comparison of Electromechanical Properties and Electrode Morphology of Ionic Polymer Metal Composites

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    With smart materials and adaptive structures being nudged into mainstream technology progressively, the smart composites are donning a predominant role as indispensable structures. Among these, the Ionic Polymer Metal Composites (IPMC), with their large bending deformation and relaxation characteristics at very low voltages are attractive as transducers in many areas of application. The actuation and sensing properties of IPMC have been sought after for various engineering functions. The paper focuses on manufacturing various types of IPMC. Combining the ionic polymer with platinum electrodes, gold sputter coated electrodes and multi-walled carbon nanotube Bucky paper electrodes to create enhanced IPMCs, comparative analysis of different manufacturing methodologies discussing the electrode morphology using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy techniques is studied. A comparison of the uniformity of the electrode plating obtained from the different processes is studied while the research also concentrates on making use of different ionic solutions to change the anions within the polymer membrane for comparison such as to determine the most suited ion content within the solid electrolyte for effective IPMC actuation. A COMSOL multiphysics model is attempted in this thesis, which effectively describes a multiphysics modeling approach for the IPMC. This new functionally graded material is tested for its bending deformation, blocking force and the current consumption to prove the electro-mechanical efficiency of the platinum, gold and Bucky paper IPMC. By studying the electromechanical properties of this smart composite actuator based on its actuation under different electric excitations, we can draw conclusions subsequently from the results of the comparison

    Design and Fabrication of Soft 3D Printed Actuators: Expanding Soft Robotics Applications

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    Soft pneumatic actuators are ideal for soft robotic applications due to their innate compliance and high power-weight ratios. Presently, the majority of soft pneumatic actuators are used to create bending motions, with very few able to produce significant linear movements. Fewer can actively produce strains in multiple directions. The further development of these actuators is limited by their fabrication methods, specifically the lack of suitable stretchable materials for 3D printing. In this thesis, a new highly elastic resin for digital light projection 3D printers, designated ElastAMBER, is developed and evaluated, which shows improvements over previously synthesised elastic resins. It is prepared from a di-functional polyether urethane acrylate oligomer and a blend of two different diluent monomers. ElastAMBER exhibits a viscosity of 1000 mPa.s at 40 °C, allowing easy printing at near room temperatures. The 3D-printed components present an elastomeric behaviour with a maximum extension ratio of 4.02 ± 0.06, an ultimate tensile strength of (1.23 ± 0.09) MPa, low hysteresis, and negligible viscoelastic relaxation

    A Novel Propeller Design for Micro-Swimming robot

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    The applications of a micro-swimming robot such as minimally invasive surgery, liquid pipeline robot etc. are widespread in recent years. The potential application fields are so inspiring, and it is becoming more and more achievable with the development of microbiology and Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS). The aim of this study is to improve the performance of micro-swimming robot through redesign the structure. To achieve the aim, this study reviewed all of the modelling methods of low Reynolds number flow including Resistive-force Theory (RFT), Slender Body Theory (SBT), and Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) etc. The swimming model with these methods has been analysed. Various aspects e.g. hydrodynamic interaction, design, development, optimisation and numerical methods from the previous researches have been studied. Based on the previous design of helix propeller for micro-swimmer, this study has proposed a novel propeller design for a micro-swimming robot which can improve the velocity with simplified propulsion structure. This design has adapted the coaxial symmetric double helix to improve the performance of propulsion and to increase stability. The central lines of two helical tails overlap completely to form a double helix structure, and its tail radial force is balanced with the same direction and can produce a stable axial motion. The verification of this design is conducted using two case studies. The first one is a pipe inspection robot which is in mm scale and swims in high viscosity flow that satisfies the low Reynolds number flow condition. Both simulation and experiment analysis are conducted for this case study. A cross-development method is adopted for the simulation analysis and prototype development. The experiment conditions are set up based on the simulation conditions. The conclusion from the analysis of simulation results gives suggestions to improve design and fabrication for the prototype. Some five revisions of simulation and four revisions of the prototype have been completed. The second case study is the human blood vessel robot. For the limitations of fabrication technology, only simulation is conducted, and the result is compared with previous researches. The results show that the proposed propeller design can improve velocity performance significantly. The main outcomes of this study are the design of a micro-swimming robot with higher velocity performance and the validation from both simulation and experiment

    Development of an Instrumented and Powered Exoskeleton for the Rehabilitation of the Hand

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    With improvements in actuation technology and sensory systems, it is becoming increasingly feasible to create powered exoskeletal garments that can assist with the movement of human limbs. This class of robotics referred to as human-machine interfaces will one day be used for the rehabilitation of paralysed, damaged or weak upper and lower extremities. The focus of this project was the development of an exoskeletal interface for the rehabilitation of the hands. A novel sensor was designed for use in such a device. The sensor uses simple optical mechanisms centred on a spring to measure force and position simultaneously. In addition, the sensor introduces an elastic element between the actuator and its corresponding hand joint. This will allow series elastic actuation (SEA) to improve control and safely of the system. The Hand Rehabilitation Device requires multiple actuators. To stay within volume and weight constraints, it is therefore imperative to reduce the size, mass and efficiency of each actuator without losing power. A method was devised that allows small efficient actuating subunits to work together and produce a combined collective output. This work summation method was successfully implemented with Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) based actuators. The actuation, sensory, control system and human-machine interface concepts proposed were evaluated together using a single-joint electromechanical harness. This experimental setup was used with volunteer subjects to assess the potentials of a full-hand device to be used for therapy, assessment and function of the hand. The Rehabilitation Glove aims to bring significant new benefits for improving hand function, an important aspect of human independence. Furthermore, the developments in this project may one day be used for other parts of the body helping bring human-machine interface technology into the fields of rehabilitation and therapy

    Management and Applications of Energy Storage Devices

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    This book reviews recent trends, developments, and technologies of energy storage devices and their applications. It describes the electrical equivalent circuit model of batteries, the technology of battery energy storage systems in rooftop solar-photovoltaic (PV) systems, and the implementation of second-life batteries in hybrid electric vehicles. It also considers a novel energy management control strategy for PV batteries operating in DC microgrids, along with the present state and opportunities of solid-state batteries. In addition, the book examines the technology of thin-film energy storage devices based on physical vapor deposition as well as the challenges of ionic polymer-metal composite membranes. Furthermore, due to the novel battery technology in energy storage devices, this book covers the structural, optical, and related electrical studies of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) bearing in mind the applications of gel polymer electrolytes in solid-state batteries. Since energy storage plays a vital role in renewable energy systems, another salient part of this book is the research on phase change materials for maximum solar energy utilization and improvement. This volume is a useful reference for readers who wish to familiarize themselves with the newest advancements in energy storage systems

    Wearable exoskeleton systems based-on pneumatic soft actuators and controlled by parallel processing

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    Human assistance innovation is essential in an increasingly aging society and one technology that may be applicable is exoskeletons. However, traditional rigid exoskeletons have many drawbacks. This research includes the design and implementation of upper-limb power assist and rehabilitation exoskeletons based on pneumatic soft actuators. A novel extensor-contractor pneumatic muscle has been designed and constructed. This new actuator has bidirectional action, allowing it to both extend and contract, as well as create force in both directions. A mathematical model has been developed for the new novel actuator which depicts the output force of the actuator. Another new design has been used to create a novel bending pneumatic muscle, based on an extending McKibben muscle and modelled mathematically according to its geometric parameters. This novel bending muscle design has been used to create two versions of power augmentation gloves. These exoskeletons are controlled by adaptive controllers using human intention. For finger rehabilitation a glove has been developed to bend the fingers (full bending) by using our novel bending muscles. Inspired by the zero position (straight fingers) problem for post-stroke patients, a new controllable stiffness bending actuator has been developed with a novel prototype. To control this new rehabilitation exoskeleton, online and offline controller systems have been designed for the hand exoskeleton and the results have been assessed experimentally. Another new design of variable stiffness actuator, which controls the bending segment, has been developed to create a new version of hand exoskeletons in order to achieve more rehabilitation movements in the same single glove. For Forearm rehabilitation, a rehabilitation exoskeleton has been developed for pronation and supination movements by using the novel extensor-contractor pneumatic muscle. For the Elbow rehabilitation an elbow rehabilitation exoskeleton was designed which relies on novel two-directional bending actuators with online and offline feedback controllers. Lastly for upper-limb joint is the wrist, we designed a novel all-directional bending actuator by using the moulding bladder to develop the wrist rehabilitation exoskeleton by a single all-directional bending muscle. Finally, a totally portable, power assistive and rehabilitative prototype has been developed using a parallel processing intelligent control chip
