11,111 research outputs found

    Big Data on Decision Making in Energetic Management of Copper Mining

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    Indexado en: Web of Science; Scopus.It is proposed an analysis of the related variables with the energetic consumption in the process of concentrate of copper; specifically ball mills and SAG. The methodology considers the analysis of great volumes of data, which allows to identify the variables of interest (tonnage, temperature and power) to reach to an improvement plan in the energetic efficiency. The correct processing of the great volumen of data, previous imputation to the null data, not informed and out of range, coming from the milling process of copper, a decision support systems integrated, it allows to obtain clear and on line information for the decision making. As results it is establish that exist correlation between the energetic consumption of the Ball and SAG Mills, regarding the East, West temperature and winding. Nevertheless, it is not observed correlation between the energetic consumption of the Ball Mills and the SAG Mills, regarding to the tonnages of feed of SAG Mill. In consequence, From the experimental design, a similarity of behavior between two groups of different mills was determined in lines process. In addition, it was determined that there is a difference in energy consumption between the mills of the same group. This approach modifies the method presented in [1].(a)http://www.univagora.ro/jour/index.php/ijccc/article/view/2784/106

    Data mining in manufacturing: a review based on the kind of knowledge

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    In modern manufacturing environments, vast amounts of data are collected in database management systems and data warehouses from all involved areas, including product and process design, assembly, materials planning, quality control, scheduling, maintenance, fault detection etc. Data mining has emerged as an important tool for knowledge acquisition from the manufacturing databases. This paper reviews the literature dealing with knowledge discovery and data mining applications in the broad domain of manufacturing with a special emphasis on the type of functions to be performed on the data. The major data mining functions to be performed include characterization and description, association, classification, prediction, clustering and evolution analysis. The papers reviewed have therefore been categorized in these five categories. It has been shown that there is a rapid growth in the application of data mining in the context of manufacturing processes and enterprises in the last 3 years. This review reveals the progressive applications and existing gaps identified in the context of data mining in manufacturing. A novel text mining approach has also been used on the abstracts and keywords of 150 papers to identify the research gaps and find the linkages between knowledge area, knowledge type and the applied data mining tools and techniques

    CBR and MBR techniques: review for an application in the emergencies domain

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    The purpose of this document is to provide an in-depth analysis of current reasoning engine practice and the integration strategies of Case Based Reasoning and Model Based Reasoning that will be used in the design and development of the RIMSAT system. RIMSAT (Remote Intelligent Management Support and Training) is a European Commission funded project designed to: a.. Provide an innovative, 'intelligent', knowledge based solution aimed at improving the quality of critical decisions b.. Enhance the competencies and responsiveness of individuals and organisations involved in highly complex, safety critical incidents - irrespective of their location. In other words, RIMSAT aims to design and implement a decision support system that using Case Base Reasoning as well as Model Base Reasoning technology is applied in the management of emergency situations. This document is part of a deliverable for RIMSAT project, and although it has been done in close contact with the requirements of the project, it provides an overview wide enough for providing a state of the art in integration strategies between CBR and MBR technologies.Postprint (published version

    Process Monitoring and Data Mining with Chemical Process Historical Databases

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    Modern chemical plants have distributed control systems (DCS) that handle normal operations and quality control. However, the DCS cannot compensate for fault events such as fouling or equipment failures. When faults occur, human operators must rapidly assess the situation, determine causes, and take corrective action, a challenging task further complicated by the sheer number of sensors. This information overload as well as measurement noise can hide information critical to diagnosing and fixing faults. Process monitoring algorithms can highlight key trends in data and detect faults faster, reducing or even preventing the damage that faults can cause. This research improves tools for process monitoring on different chemical processes. Previously successful monitoring methods based on statistics can fail on non-linear processes and processes with multiple operating states. To address these challenges, we develop a process monitoring technique based on multiple self-organizing maps (MSOM) and apply it in industrial case studies including a simulated plant and a batch reactor. We also use standard SOM to detect a novel event in a separation tower and produce contribution plots which help isolate the causes of the event. Another key challenge to any engineer designing a process monitoring system is that implementing most algorithms requires data organized into “normal” and “faulty”; however, data from faulty operations can be difficult to locate in databases storing months or years of operations. To assist in identifying faulty data, we apply data mining algorithms from computer science and compare how they cluster chemical process data from normal and faulty conditions. We identify several techniques which successfully duplicated normal and faulty labels from expert knowledge and introduce a process data mining software tool to make analysis simpler for practitioners. The research in this dissertation enhances chemical process monitoring tasks. MSOM-based process monitoring improves upon standard process monitoring algorithms in fault identification and diagnosis tasks. The data mining research reduces a crucial barrier to the implementation of monitoring algorithms. The enhanced monitoring introduced can help engineers develop effective and scalable process monitoring systems to improve plant safety and reduce losses from fault events

    AI Solutions for MDS: Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Misuse Detection and Localisation in Telecommunication Environments

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    This report considers the application of Articial Intelligence (AI) techniques to the problem of misuse detection and misuse localisation within telecommunications environments. A broad survey of techniques is provided, that covers inter alia rule based systems, model-based systems, case based reasoning, pattern matching, clustering and feature extraction, articial neural networks, genetic algorithms, arti cial immune systems, agent based systems, data mining and a variety of hybrid approaches. The report then considers the central issue of event correlation, that is at the heart of many misuse detection and localisation systems. The notion of being able to infer misuse by the correlation of individual temporally distributed events within a multiple data stream environment is explored, and a range of techniques, covering model based approaches, `programmed' AI and machine learning paradigms. It is found that, in general, correlation is best achieved via rule based approaches, but that these suffer from a number of drawbacks, such as the difculty of developing and maintaining an appropriate knowledge base, and the lack of ability to generalise from known misuses to new unseen misuses. Two distinct approaches are evident. One attempts to encode knowledge of known misuses, typically within rules, and use this to screen events. This approach cannot generally detect misuses for which it has not been programmed, i.e. it is prone to issuing false negatives. The other attempts to `learn' the features of event patterns that constitute normal behaviour, and, by observing patterns that do not match expected behaviour, detect when a misuse has occurred. This approach is prone to issuing false positives, i.e. inferring misuse from innocent patterns of behaviour that the system was not trained to recognise. Contemporary approaches are seen to favour hybridisation, often combining detection or localisation mechanisms for both abnormal and normal behaviour, the former to capture known cases of misuse, the latter to capture unknown cases. In some systems, these mechanisms even work together to update each other to increase detection rates and lower false positive rates. It is concluded that hybridisation offers the most promising future direction, but that a rule or state based component is likely to remain, being the most natural approach to the correlation of complex events. The challenge, then, is to mitigate the weaknesses of canonical programmed systems such that learning, generalisation and adaptation are more readily facilitated

    Monitoring, diagnostics and improvement of process performance

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    The data generated in a chemical industry is a reflection of the process. With the modern computer control systems and data logging facilities, there is an increasing ability to collect large amounts of data. As there are many underlying aspects of the process in that data, with its proper utilization, it is possible to obtain useful information for process monitoring and fault diagnosis in addition to many other decision making activities. The purpose of this research is to utilize the data driven multivariate techniques of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA) for the estimation of process parameters. This research also includes analysis and comparison of these techniques for fault detection and diagnosis along with introduction, explanation and results from a new methodology developed in this research work namely Hybrid Independent Component Analysis (HICA).The first part of this research is the utilization of models of PCA and ICA for estimation of process parameters. The individual techniques of PCA and ICA are applied separately to the original data set of a waste water treatment plant (WWTP) and the process parameters for the unknown conditions of the process are calculated. For each of the techniques (PCA and ICA), the validation of the calculated parameters is carried out by construction of Decision Trees on WWTP dataset using inductive data mining and See 5.0. Both individual techniques were able to estimate all parameters successfully. The minor limitation in the validation of all results may be due to the strict application of these techniques to Gaussian and non-Gaussian data sets respectively. Using statistical analysis it was shown that the data set used in this work exhibits Gaussian and non-Gaussian behaviour.In the second part of this work multivariate techniques of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA) have been used for fault detection and diagnosis of a process along with introduction of the new technique, Hybrid Independent Component Analysis (HICA). The techniques are applied to two case studies, the waste water treatment plant (WWTP) and an Air pollution data set. As reported in literature, PCA and ICA proved to be useful tools for process monitoring on both data set, but a comparison of PCA and ICA along with the newly developed technique (HICA) illustrated the superiority of HICA over PCA and ICA. It is evident from the fact that PCA detected 74% and 67% of the faults in the WWTP data and Air pollution data set respectively. ICA successfully detected 61.3% and 62% of the faults from these datasets. Finally HICA showed improved results by the detection of 90% and 81% of the faults in both case studies. This showed that the new developed algorithm is more effective than the individual techniques of PCA and ICA. For fault diagnosis using PCA, ICA and HICA, contribution plots are constructed leading to the identification of responsible variable/s for a particular fault. This part also includes the work done for the estimation of process parameters using HICA technique as was done with PCA and ICA in the first part of the research. As expected HICA technique was more successful in estimation of parameters than PCA and ICA in line with its working for process monitoring