672 research outputs found

    Analysing the potential of a simulation-based method for the assessment of CO2 savings from eco-innovative technologies in light-duty vehicles

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    [EN] Mandatory targets are set in Europe for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions of light-duty vehicles. EU law recognises the potential of certain innovative technologies to contribute to reducing CO2 emissions. Vehicle systems and innovations are becoming increasingly complex, and the accurate quantification of their benefits increasingly difficult. The study investigates the potential of the CO2MPAS simulator to serve this purpose. Two innovative technologies were studied, Light-emitting diode (LED) lighting systems, efficient alternators (EA), and their combination. The model was validated on detailed test results from eight vehicles. A total of 452 passenger cars, for which test data were available, were subsequently simulated using CO2MPAS simulator. The mean simulated CO2 savings was 0.91gCO2/km (LED lights), 0.98 gCO2/km (EA), and 1.78 gCO2/km (combined). Results show that simulated CO2 savings were comparable to those calculated using the existing standardised method. For gasoline and diesel vehicles respectively, the difference in CO2 savings between simulated and existing method was 2.8% and 0.14% in the LED lights case, and 0.6% and 0.67% in the alternator case. In the combined case, the difference was calculated to be 1.7% and 0.34%. Similar approaches could be used in the future for accurately capturing the benefits of more complex technologies.Authors would like to thank Mr Filip Francois, Ms Susanna Lindvall, and Mr Sotirios Kakarantzas of DG Climate Action for their valuable comments. A special thanks goes to Dr Vincenzo Arcidiacono who guided in the targeted sample CO2MPAS simulations which gave the starting point for this work, and to Dr Giuseppe Di Pierro who provided insight and expertise that greatly improved this work.Gil-Sayas, S.; Komnos, D.; Lodi, C.; Currò, D.; Serra, S.; Broatch, A.; Fontaras, G. (2022). Analysing the potential of a simulation-based method for the assessment of CO2 savings from eco-innovative technologies in light-duty vehicles. Energy. 245:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2022.12323811424

    Modeling Of Charging System And Control Of An Alternator Of A Vehicle

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013Bu tezde, araçlardaki elektrik şarj sistemi ve sistemin temel bileşeni olan alternatör incelenmiştir. Alternatör türleri, Lundell tipi alternatör ve şarj sistemi, araçtaki elektriksel yükler detaylarıyla birlikte anlatılmış ve açıklanmıştır. Literatürde bulunan ve konunun gelecekteki önemini anlatan birçok makale ve bilimsel çalışma araştırılmıştır. Araçlarda elektrik enerjisi üretiminde kullanılan elektrik makineleri karşılaştırmıştır. Lundell tipi alternatör; stator, pençe kutup rotor ve uyartım akımının kontrolörü ile oluşan bir üç fazlı senkron makinedir. Makinenin temel yapısı, bu bileşenler üzerinden incelenmiş ve makine parametreleri çıkartılmıştır. Alternatörün matematiksel modeli çıkarılmış ve bu model şarj sistemi simulasyonunun oluşturulmasında kullanılmıştır. Stator ve rotor eşdeğer devreleri elde edilmiş ve makine parametreleri çıkarılmıştır. Sistemin kayıp bileşenleri açıklanmış ve model oluşturulurken bu bileşenlere de yer verilmiştir. Makine parametrelerini hesaplayabilmek için bir test düzeneği hazırlanmıştır. Buna ek olarak; endüktans, fırça-bilezik temas dirençleri, sargı direncleri gibi makinenin yapısal özellikleri ölçülmüştür. Son olarak, derlenen bütün veriler ışığında MATLAB® Simulink modeli oluşturulmuştur ve tüm kontrol sistemi bu model üzerinden koşturulmuştur. Modelin sonuçlar ve sistemin yanıtları, tezin sonunda gösterilerek anlatılmıştır.This thesis investigates the alternator component and the vehicle electrical charging system. Alternator types, Lundell type of alternators and the charging system are investigated together with the electrical loads. The literature was reviewed to proof the rising importance of this topic in the future. The comparisons of electrical machines which are used as electrical power generation are presented. The Lundell type of alternator is a three phase synchronous machine that consists of a stator, claw pole rotor and the excitation current controller. The construction was overviewed and machine parameters are derived and explained. Mathematical model of the alternator was established to create a vehicle electrical charging simulation and control. Equivalent circuits of the stator and the rotor are derived and explained in terms of machine parameters. The system losses are also obtained and considered. A test set up was prepared to calculate machine parameters. In addition, inductances, slip ring-brush resistances were measured in different speeds and excitation current states. Finally, a MATLAB® Simulink model is established to run the whole control system model which is out lined in the thesis. The results and the system responses are criticized at the end of the thesis.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    New advances in vehicular technology and automotive engineering

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    An automobile was seen as a simple accessory of luxury in the early years of the past century. Therefore, it was an expensive asset which none of the common citizen could afford. It was necessary to pass a long period and waiting for Henry Ford to establish the first plants with the series fabrication. This new industrial paradigm makes easy to the common American to acquire an automobile, either for running away or for working purposes. Since that date, the automotive research grown exponentially to the levels observed in the actuality. Now, the automobiles are indispensable goods; saying with other words, the automobile is a first necessity article in a wide number of aspects of living: for workers to allow them to move from their homes into their workplaces, for transportation of students, for allowing the domestic women in their home tasks, for ambulances to carry people with decease to the hospitals, for transportation of materials, and so on, the list don’t ends. The new goal pursued by the automotive industry is to provide electric vehicles at low cost and with high reliability. This commitment is justified by the oil’s peak extraction on 50s of this century and also by the necessity to reduce the emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere, as well as to reduce the needs of this even more valuable natural resource. In order to achieve this task and to improve the regular cars based on oil, the automotive industry is even more concerned on doing applied research on technology and on fundamental research of new materials. The most important idea to retain from the previous introduction is to clarify the minds of the potential readers for the direct and indirect penetration of the vehicles and the vehicular industry in the today’s life. In this sequence of ideas, this book tries not only to fill a gap by presenting fresh subjects related to the vehicular technology and to the automotive engineering but to provide guidelines for future research. This book account with valuable contributions from worldwide experts of automotive’s field. The amount and type of contributions were judiciously selected to cover a broad range of research. The reader can found the most recent and cutting-edge sources of information divided in four major groups: electronics (power, communications, optics, batteries, alternators and sensors), mechanics (suspension control, torque converters, deformation analysis, structural monitoring), materials (nanotechnology, nanocomposites, lubrificants, biodegradable, composites, structural monitoring) and manufacturing (supply chains). We are sure that you will enjoy this book and will profit with the technical and scientific contents. To finish, we are thankful to all of those who contributed to this book and who made it possible.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adjustable frequency control of an alternating current machine

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    Measured and Modeled Performance of a Spring Dominant Free Piston Engine Generator

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    Free Piston Engine Generators (FPEG) directly convert the reciprocating piston motion into electricity by using a linear alternator. Unlike conventional engines with piston motion restricted by a crankshaft mechanism, the FPEG piston motion is constrained by the energy available in the system. When stiff springs are considered in the design, the FPEG system attains high frequency with high power and efficiency. The main objective of this research was to model stiff spring-assisted FPEG system dynamics and performance accurately, and to apply the modeling results to the development of a 1kW, spark ignited, natural gas fueled, FPEG experimental prototype. The experimental data was further utilized to refine and improve the existing model. First, a MATLAB®/Simulink based multi-cycle numerical model was developed for single and dual cylinder FPEG systems to study the effects of major design parameters on FPEG dynamics and performance. When stiff springs were added, the dynamics became more sinusoidal and symmetric with respect to the initial starting position. For a total displacement of 34 cc, trapped compression ratio of 8.25, and assumed combustion efficiency of 95%, the modeled frequency and electric power varied from 72.3 Hz to 80.8 Hz and 0.81 kW to 0.88 kW for a single cylinder FPEG as the spring stiffness changed from 372 kN/m to 744 kN/m. For a dual cylinder FPEG with the same conditions, these modeled values changed from 76.8 Hz to 84.1 Hz and 1.7 kW to 1.8 kW with increasing spring stiffness. The numerical model was then expanded for sensitivity studies of major design parameters. When FPEG operating conditions were considered, the effective stroke length was found to have a dominant effect on efficiency followed by compression ratio, cylinder bore, and spring stiffness respectively. The experimental FPEG prototype generating 550 W of electricity with indicated efficiencies exceeding 13.8% was used for model validation. Finally, the stable FPEG system requires a control strategy to match the power generated by the engine to the power demanded by the alternator. A model-based control strategy was developed in Stateflow® for alternator mode switching, calibration maps, energy management, ignition and fuel injection timings. With the proposed control strategy and stiff spring dominance, the modeled and experimental FPEG system maintained stable operation with cycle-to-cycle variations less than 5%

    Exhaust system energy management of internal combustion engines

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    Today, the investigation of fuel economy improvements in internal combustion engines (ICEs) has become the most significant research interest among the automobile manufacturers and researchers. The scarcity of natural resources, progressively increasing oil prices, carbon dioxide taxation and stringent emission regulations all make fuel economy research relevant and compelling. The enhancement of engine performance solely using incylinder techniques is proving increasingly difficult and as a consequence the concept of exhaust energy recovery has emerged as an area of considerable interest. Three main energy recovery systems have been identified that are at various stages of investigation. Vapour power bottoming cycles and turbo-compounding devices have already been applied in commercially available marine engines and automobiles. Although the fuel economy benefits are substantial, system design implications have limited their adaptation due to the additional components and the complexity of the resulting system. In this context, thermo-electric (TE) generation systems, though still in their infancy for vehicle applications have been identified as attractive, promising and solid state candidates of low complexity. The performance of these devices is limited to the relative infancy of materials investigations and module architectures. There is great potential to be explored. The initial modelling work reported in this study shows that with current materials and construction technology, thermo-electric devices could be produced to displace the alternator of the light duty vehicles, providing the fuel economy benefits of 3.9%-4.7% for passenger cars and 7.4% for passenger buses. More efficient thermo-electric materials could increase the fuel economy significantly resulting in a substantially improved business case. The dynamic behaviour of the thermo-electric generator (TEG) applied in both, main exhaust gas stream and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) path of light duty and heavy duty engines were studied through a series of experimental and modelling programs. The analyses of the thermo-electric generation systems have highlighted the need for advanced heat exchanger design as well as the improved materials to enhance the performance of these systems. These research requirements led to the need for a systems evaluation technique typified by hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing method to evaluate heat exchange and materials options. HIL methods have been used during this study to estimate both the output power and the exhaust back pressure created by the device. The work has established the feasibility of a new approach to heat exchange devices for thermo-electric systems. Based on design projections and the predicted performance of new materials, the potential to match the performance of established heat recovery methods has been demonstrated


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    In recent decades, the number of theoretical studies and applications on electric power production from renewable sources such as wind, solar, sea and tidal flows, has been increasing rapidly. Marine Current Turbines (MCTs), among the power turbines, produce power from alternating flows and are a means of power production even at lower flow rates in oceans and seas. In this study, while maintaining functional requirements, an initial and detailed design (mechanic and hydrodynamic), of an MCT fixed on a sailing boat and at sail which extracts power from the flow around the boat, is undertaken. In the design stages, for analysis and optimization of the marine turbine blade design, the Momentum Blade Element Method is utilized. The Horizontal Axis Marine Turbine (HAMT), determined by the initial and mechanical design, is illustrated with its components included. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses, covering turbine pod geometry at required flow rates and turbine speeds are performed. These analyses are performed very close to real conditions, considering sailing with and without the turbine running (on and off states). The alternator is determined from the results, and the final design which meets the design requirements, is obtained. As a result, a user friendly and innovative turbine design for sail boats, offering more power and efficiency, which is longer lasting compared to solar and wind technologies, that also makes use of renewable sources, such as wind and/or solar, and in addition stores and uses accumulated energy when needed, is proposed

    Evaluating the efficiency of a linear based alternator in a free piston engine configuration

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    Published ThesisElectrical power generation with minimal negative impact, such as low noise ratio, reduced air pollution and reduced carbon footprint on the environment yet producing high efficiency, has become a goal for numerous research institutes and industries. Therefore, more desirable concept to solve aforementioned problems should be identified and implemented. However, several authors in the field of power generation have identified Free-Piston-Engine-Linear-Generator (FPELG) as a possible solution, due to its advantages, such as high efficiency, minimized volume, fewer frictional losses and reduced carbon footprint, as well as its economic feasibility, as compared to rotatory generators with crankshaft mechanism. Despite the advantages of FPELG over rotatory generators, shortcomings of its own were found, such as piston balancing, system combination (linear generator and free piston engine), and stator design, to trap maximum electromagnetism energy, as well allowing smooth piston motion during energy generation. This study investigates this optimal operational efficiency of a FPELG design and development as an alternative electrical energy generation. The study objective was to evaluate the efficiency of a linear based alternator in a free piston engine linear configuration, with an added necessity to develop a test bench for obtaining the results. Secondly, with this test setup, data was generated scientifically and evaluated to concur that this setup is economical. Two types of generators (combustion and linear) were designed and built in two platforms. Firstly, the FPELG was physically built and with the same component specifications a Matlab®/Simulink program was developed to test the efficiency, voltage, speed and current during the system operation. Secondly, a combustion engine was developed in Matlab®/Simulink for evaluation of the system efficiency as compared to Free Piston Engine Linear Generators. Both engines were examined based on frictional losses to determine which generator is the utmost efficient, compared to the other. Evaluating the assumptions that a linear based alternator in a free piston engine is more efficient were conducted and it was observed that the linear generator is travels at ~2m/s for a cycle of ~ 0.03s. The speed of the generator depended on the air pressure as well as the load carried by the translator. It was observed that the load mass was exceeding the translator mass and as a result the translator speed was reduced. This caused a bend in the translator and resulted in the translator colliding with the stator. The magnetic flux depended on the translator speed. However, the Matlab®/Simulink showed that the desired output power was feasible with that speed of 2m/s. The physical model also showed that the voltage obtained for all scenarios tested was feasible to meet the expected output power of 7W. The system efficiency evaluation was based on the frictional losses. The combustion engines results were based only on Matlab®/Simulink program. However, it is assumed that the results obtained from Matlab®/Simulink program will match the results of the built combustion engines, as is the case for the linear generator. The combustion engine is seen to experience additional losses, as compared to the linear generator. The losses experienced on the linear generator are lower, due to the fact that FPELG`s have less mechanical wear as compared to the combustion engines. This research provides a design approach for the alternator, which comprises of the specific measurements for stator design. However, the translator is used as the prime mover between the engine and the alternator. The physical model is then combined into a single unit. Next, the results are simulated and compared to the simulation results from Matlab®/ Simulink between the linear generator and combustion engines. The program parameters used for the engine design are relative to the physical model, to compare the results of the same parameters


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