6 research outputs found

    Testes End to End em Microserviços

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    The microservices architecture is a recent trend in the software engineering community, with the number of research articles in the field increasing, and more companies adopting the architectural style every year. However, the testing aspect of this architecture can sometimes be overlooked, with a lack of guidelines for its execution. Also, microservices testing introduce a lot of different challenges that are not faced when following a monolithic architecture. This work aims to fill some gaps in current microservices testing research by providing a study of five existing service virtualization tools, implementing them in a company system and extracting the results of the tool properties identified through a survey delivered to a convenience sample of software development experts. Finally, the mentioned experts in the microservices field validated the results of the research and the tool identified as the best and provided insights regarding the value of this work.A arquitetura de micros serviços é uma tendência recente na comunidade de engenharia de software, com o número de artigos na área a aumentar e mais empresas a adotar o estilo arquitetónico a cada ano. No entanto, a área dos testes end-to-end desta arquitetura pode às vezes ser esquecido. Além disso, os testes de micros serviços apresentam muitos desafios diferentes que não são enfrentados ao seguir uma arquitetura monolítica. Este trabalho visa preencher algumas lacunas na pesquisa de teste de micros serviços atuais, fornecendo um estudo de cinco ferramentas de virtualização de serviço existentes, implementando-as num sistema empresarial e extraindo os resultados das propriedades da ferramenta identificadas por meio de um questionário entregue a uma amostra de conveniência de especialistas em desenvolvimento de software. Por fim, os citados especialistas na área de micros serviços validaram os resultados da pesquisa e a ferramenta identificada como a melhor e forneceram a sua visão geral sobre o valor deste trabalho

    Comparative analysis of methods for testing web applications

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    The aim of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of testing approaches for web applications in the two most popular architectures: monolithic and microservices. For the purpose of the study, the server-side of the application (backend) was implemented twice with identical functionalities for each of these architectures, allowing for a precise comparison of testing differences for the same program capabilities. The results revealed that the monolithic application was easier and faster to test. However, the microservices architecture requires more energy spent on testing, but allows better scalability and elasticity for independent teams to develop applications. Each of the examined architectures certainly has its own advantages and drawbacks. Furthermore, the conducted research indicates that unit tests require significantly less time to execute. However, when it comes to comprehensive code analysis, integration tests outperform unit tests by covering a substantial portion of the application's code with a single test. Nonetheless, the best comprehensive code analysis and protection against unwanted functional changes can be achieved by employing all known types of tests

    Applying Integrating Testing of Microservices in Airline Ticketing System

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    Microservices have been applied on several major systems including airlines. The characteristics of microservices which are independent and also interconnected need to be tested. The testing is done to preserve the system’s sequential stage processes, especially the online ticket reservation. Four features which are the search, booking, payment, and booking info feature are tested. This research performed three stages of testing on the microservices, those are unit testing, integrity testing, and end-to-end testing. Unit testing was conducted to test every function on every nodule, integrity testing was done to test interconnection between microservices, and end-to-end testing was to test the final results obtained after the unit test and integrity test were carried out. The three stages of testing must be done sequentially. The system on the airline provides the valid or correct response. Three stages of testing can be applied on other airlines by obtaining a legal API and can be accessed publicly

    Järjestelmätason testaus mikropalveluarkkitehtuurin kanssa

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    Microservice architecture is a software architecture style that has gained popularity in the last decade. Microservice architecture applications consist of multiple smaller microservices, which can be developed, tested and deployed independently. Testing the whole microservice application at system-level has been difficult for various reasons, such as that the services might use different technologies or the amount of services makes the system complex. The goal of this thesis is to study typical challenges in microservice testing and address them by developing a prototype of a tool for system-level testing of microservice applications. This thesis presents a prototype of a tool for microservice testing that focuses on making the test code and configuration reusable. Reusability allows creating new tests easily, because it is common for tests to share many parts. The tool uses Docker for running the microservices, which makes it agnostic to the technologies used by the services as long as they can be containerized. The tool is then used to test a real microservice application to validate that it is usable in practice. It is shown that the tool mostly fulfills its requirements and that it provides a good base for further development and studies

    Hard-Real-Time Computing Performance in a Cloud Environment

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    The United States Department of Defense (DoD) is rapidly working with DoD Services to move from multi-year (e.g., 7-10) traditional acquisition programs to a commercial industrybased approach for software development. While commercial technologies and approaches provide an opportunity for rapid fielding of mission capabilities to pace threats, the suitability of commercial technologies to meet hard-real-time requirements within a surface combat system is unclear. This research establishes technical data to validate the effectiveness and suitability of current commercial technologies to meet the hard-real-time demands of a DoD combat management system. (Moreland Jr., 2013) conducted similar research; however, microservices, containers, and container orchestration technologies were not on the DoD radar at the time. Updated knowledge in this area will inform future DoD roadmaps and investments. A mission-based approach using Mission Engineering will be used to set the context for applied research. A hypothetical yet operationally relevant Strait Transit scenario has been established to provide context for definition of experimental parameters to be set while assessing the hypothesis. System models federated to form a system-of-systems architecture and data from a cloud computing environment are used to collect data for quantitative analysis

    Metodología de conversión de aplicaciones monolíticas a microservicios desplegable en la nube para pequeñas empresas

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    Tradicionalmente el desarrollo de software estuvo enfocado en la arquitectura monolítica, dicha arquitectura acopla todo su proceso agrupando funcionalidades, ocasionando dependencias entre sí, obstáculos en escalabilidad, integración continua y sobrecargando todo el sistema en una sola base de código. Sin embargo, la arquitectura orientada a microservicios se desarrolló como propuesta para solventar los problemas ocasionados por la arquitectura monolítica, proporcionando granularidad, independencia y versatilidad en cuanto a la adopción de nuevas tecnologías, aportando a la integración, despliegue continuo, mantenimiento, productividad y desarrollo ágil. Empresas como Netflix, Amazon, Spotify empezaron con una aplicación monolítica, pero su crecimiento impidió la escalabilidad y las mejoras constantes, por ello migraron a la arquitectura de microservicios aprovechando los beneficios para el negocio. Sin embargo, realizar dicha migración presenta un problema de complejidad afectando el proceso de migración y desarrollo del software. En los últimos años las pequeñas empresas han empezado a migrar a la nube aprovechando los beneficios como la agilidad, elasticidad, disponibilidad, a ello se le suma la arquitectura de microservicios. Para realizar dicha migración se debe seguir una metodología de conversión que disminuya la complejidad y facilite el entendimiento. Por lo tanto, este proyecto de investigación permite el desarrollo de una metodología para la conversión de una aplicación monolítica a una basada en la arquitectura a microservicios a través de cinco actividades tale como el “Análisis de factibilidad de migración de arquitectura de software”, “Planeamiento de Software”, “Diseño de Software”, “Desarrollo de Software”, “Despliegue de Software”, esto permite ofrecer aportes sobre la arquitectura de microservicios que sirva como base en los diferentes modelos o proyectos que se vayan a realizar. La metodología se aplicó a un caso de estudio de una aplicación monolítica “GMO”, obteniendo un bajo grado de acoplamiento y alta cohesión entre los microservicios. De la misma manera se obtuvo una alta satisfacción, una baja complejidad y un aumento del 20,2% de la productividad de los integrantes involucrados en la aplicación del caso de estudio.TesisInfraestructura, Tecnología y Medio Ambient