19 research outputs found

    Machine Learning Approaches for Natural Resource Data

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    Abstract Real life applications involving efficient management of natural resources are dependent on accurate geographical information. This information is usually obtained by manual on-site data collection, via automatic remote sensing methods, or by the mixture of the two. Natural resource management, besides accurate data collection, also requires detailed analysis of this data, which in the era of data flood can be a cumbersome process. With the rising trend in both computational power and storage capacity, together with lowering hardware prices, data-driven decision analysis has an ever greater role. In this thesis, we examine the predictability of terrain trafficability conditions and forest attributes by using a machine learning approach with geographic information system data. Quantitative measures on the prediction performance of terrain conditions using natural resource data sets are given through five distinct research areas located around Finland. Furthermore, the estimation capability of key forest attributes is inspected with a multitude of modeling and feature selection techniques. The research results provide empirical evidence on whether the used natural resource data is sufficiently accurate enough for practical applications, or if further refinement on the data is needed. The results are important especially to forest industry since even slight improvements to the natural resource data sets utilized in practice can result in high saves in terms of operation time and costs. Model evaluation is also addressed in this thesis by proposing a novel method for estimating the prediction performance of spatial models. Classical model goodness of fit measures usually rely on the assumption of independently and identically distributed data samples, a characteristic which normally is not true in the case of spatial data sets. Spatio-temporal data sets contain an intrinsic property called spatial autocorrelation, which is partly responsible for breaking these assumptions. The proposed cross validation based evaluation method provides model performance estimation where optimistic bias due to spatial autocorrelation is decreased by partitioning the data sets in a suitable way. Keywords: Open natural resource data, machine learning, model evaluationTiivistelmä Käytännön sovellukset, joihin sisältyy luonnonvarojen hallintaa ovat riippuvaisia tarkasta paikkatietoaineistosta. Tämä paikkatietoaineisto kerätään usein manuaalisesti paikan päällä, automaattisilla kaukokartoitusmenetelmillä tai kahden edellisen yhdistelmällä. Luonnonvarojen hallinta vaatii tarkan aineiston keräämisen lisäksi myös sen yksityiskohtaisen analysoinnin, joka tietotulvan aikakautena voi olla vaativa prosessi. Nousevan laskentatehon, tallennustilan sekä alenevien laitteistohintojen myötä datapohjainen päätöksenteko on yhä suuremmassa roolissa. Tämä väitöskirja tutkii maaston kuljettavuuden ja metsäpiirteiden ennustettavuutta käyttäen koneoppimismenetelmiä paikkatietoaineistojen kanssa. Maaston kuljettavuuden ennustamista mitataan kvantitatiivisesti käyttäen kaukokartoitusaineistoa viideltä eri tutkimusalueelta ympäri Suomea. Tarkastelemme lisäksi tärkeimpien metsäpiirteiden ennustettavuutta monilla eri mallintamistekniikoilla ja piirteiden valinnalla. Väitöstyön tulokset tarjoavat empiiristä todistusaineistoa siitä, onko käytetty luonnonvaraaineisto riittävän laadukas käytettäväksi käytännön sovelluksissa vai ei. Tutkimustulokset ovat tärkeitä erityisesti metsäteollisuudelle, koska pienetkin parannukset luonnonvara-aineistoihin käytännön sovelluksissa voivat johtaa suuriin säästöihin niin operaatioiden ajankäyttöön kuin kuluihin. Tässä työssä otetaan kantaa myös mallin evaluointiin esittämällä uuden menetelmän spatiaalisten mallien ennustuskyvyn estimointiin. Klassiset mallinvalintakriteerit nojaavat yleensä riippumattomien ja identtisesti jakautuneiden datanäytteiden oletukseen, joka ei useimmiten pidä paikkaansa spatiaalisilla datajoukoilla. Spatio-temporaaliset datajoukot sisältävät luontaisen ominaisuuden, jota kutsutaan spatiaaliseksi autokorrelaatioksi. Tämä ominaisuus on osittain vastuussa näiden oletusten rikkomisesta. Esitetty ristiinvalidointiin perustuva evaluointimenetelmä tarjoaa mallin ennustuskyvyn mitan, missä spatiaalisen autokorrelaation vaikutusta vähennetään jakamalla datajoukot sopivalla tavalla. Avainsanat: Avoin luonnonvara-aineisto, koneoppiminen, mallin evaluoint

    A Comprehensive Survey on Rare Event Prediction

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    Rare event prediction involves identifying and forecasting events with a low probability using machine learning and data analysis. Due to the imbalanced data distributions, where the frequency of common events vastly outweighs that of rare events, it requires using specialized methods within each step of the machine learning pipeline, i.e., from data processing to algorithms to evaluation protocols. Predicting the occurrences of rare events is important for real-world applications, such as Industry 4.0, and is an active research area in statistical and machine learning. This paper comprehensively reviews the current approaches for rare event prediction along four dimensions: rare event data, data processing, algorithmic approaches, and evaluation approaches. Specifically, we consider 73 datasets from different modalities (i.e., numerical, image, text, and audio), four major categories of data processing, five major algorithmic groupings, and two broader evaluation approaches. This paper aims to identify gaps in the current literature and highlight the challenges of predicting rare events. It also suggests potential research directions, which can help guide practitioners and researchers.Comment: 44 page

    A Comparative Study of Convolutional Neural Networks and Conventional Machine Learning Models for Lithological Mapping Using Remote Sensing Data

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    Lithological mapping is a critical aspect of geological mapping that can be useful in studying the mineralization potential of a region and has implications for mineral prospectivity mapping. This is a challenging task if performed manually, particularly in highly remote areas that require a large number of participants and resources. The combination of machine learning (ML) methods and remote sensing data can provide a quick, low-cost, and accurate approach for mapping lithological units. This study used deep learning via convolutional neural networks and conventional ML methods involving support vector machines and multilayer perceptron to map lithological units of a mineral-rich area in the southeast of Iran. Moreover, we used and compared the efficiency of three different types of multispectral remote-sensing data, including Landsat 8 operational land imager (OLI), advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER), and Sentinel-2. The results show that CNNs and conventional ML methods effectively use the respective remote-sensing data in generating an accurate lithological map of the study area. However, the combination of CNNs and ASTER data provides the best performance and the highest accuracy and adaptability with field observations and laboratory analysis results so that almost all the test data are predicted correctly. The framework proposed in this study can be helpful for exploration geologists to create accurate lithological maps in other regions by using various remote-sensing data at a low cost.</jats:p

    Development of Mining Sector Applications for Emerging Remote Sensing and Deep Learning Technologies

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    This thesis uses neural networks and deep learning to address practical, real-world problems in the mining sector. The main focus is on developing novel applications in the area of object detection from remotely sensed data. This area has many potential mining applications and is an important part of moving towards data driven strategic decision making across the mining sector. The scientific contributions of this research are twofold; firstly, each of the three case studies demonstrate new applications which couple remote sensing and neural network based technologies for improved data driven decision making. Secondly, the thesis presents a framework to guide implementation of these technologies in the mining sector, providing a guide for researchers and professionals undertaking further studies of this type. The first case study builds a fully connected neural network method to locate supporting rock bolts from 3D laser scan data. This method combines input features from the remote sensing and mobile robotics research communities, generating accuracy scores up to 22% higher than those found using either feature set in isolation. The neural network approach also is compared to the widely used random forest classifier and is shown to outperform this classifier on the test datasets. Additionally, the algorithms’ performance is enhanced by adding a confusion class to the training data and by grouping the output predictions using density based spatial clustering. The method is tested on two datasets, gathered using different laser scanners, in different types of underground mines which have different rock bolting patterns. In both cases the method is found to be highly capable of detecting the rock bolts with recall scores of 0.87-0.96. The second case study investigates modern deep learning for LiDAR data. Here, multiple transfer learning strategies and LiDAR data representations are examined for the task of identifying historic mining remains. A transfer learning approach based on a Lunar crater detection model is used, due to the task similarities between both the underlying data structures and the geometries of the objects to be detected. The relationship between dataset resolution and detection accuracy is also examined, with the results showing that the approach is capable of detecting pits and shafts to a high degree of accuracy with precision and recall scores between 0.80-0.92, provided the input data is of sufficient quality and resolution. Alongside resolution, different LiDAR data representations are explored, showing that the precision-recall balance varies depending on the input LiDAR data representation. The third case study creates a deep convolutional neural network model to detect artisanal scale mining from multispectral satellite data. This model is trained from initialisation without transfer learning and demonstrates that accurate multispectral models can be built from a smaller training dataset when appropriate design and data augmentation strategies are adopted. Alongside the deep learning model, novel mosaicing algorithms are developed both to improve cloud cover penetration and to decrease noise in the final prediction maps. When applied to the study area, the results from this model provide valuable information about the expansion, migration and forest encroachment of artisanal scale mining in southwestern Ghana over the last four years. Finally, this thesis presents an implementation framework for these neural network based object detection models, to generalise the findings from this research to new mining sector deep learning tasks. This framework can be used to identify applications which would benefit from neural network approaches; to build the models; and to apply these algorithms in a real world environment. The case study chapters confirm that the neural network models are capable of interpreting remotely sensed data to a high degree of accuracy on real world mining problems, while the framework guides the development of new models to solve a wide range of related challenges

    Advances in Computational Intelligence Applications in the Mining Industry

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    This book captures advancements in the applications of computational intelligence (artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc.) to problems in the mineral and mining industries. The papers present the state of the art in four broad categories: mine operations, mine planning, mine safety, and advances in the sciences, primarily in image processing applications. Authors in the book include both researchers and industry practitioners

    Future Transportation

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    Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with transportation activities account for approximately 20 percent of all carbon dioxide (co2) emissions globally, making the transportation sector a major contributor to the current global warming. This book focuses on the latest advances in technologies aiming at the sustainable future transportation of people and goods. A reduction in burning fossil fuel and technological transitions are the main approaches toward sustainable future transportation. Particular attention is given to automobile technological transitions, bike sharing systems, supply chain digitalization, and transport performance monitoring and optimization, among others

    Machine Learning Techniques for Modelling Short Term Land-Use Change

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    The representation of land use change (LUC) is often achieved by using data-driven methods that include machine learning (ML) techniques. The main objectives of this research study are to implement three ML techniques, Decision Trees (DT), Neural Networks (NN), and Support Vector Machines (SVM) for LUC modeling, in order to compare these three ML techniques and to find the appropriate data representation. The ML techniques are applied on the case study of LUC in three municipalities of the City of Belgrade, the Republic of Serbia, using historical geospatial data sets and considering nine land use classes. The ML models were built and assessed using two different time intervals. The information gain ranking technique and the recursive attribute elimination procedure were implemented to find the most informative attributes that were related to LUC in the study area. The results indicate that all three ML techniques can be used effectively for short-term forecasting of LUC, but the SVM achieved the highest agreement of predicted changes

    Integrated Geomechanical Characterization of Anisotropic Gas Shales: Field Appraisal, Laboratory Testing, Viscoelastic Modelling,and Hydraulic Fracture Simulation

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    This research provides a multiscale geomechanical characterization workflow for ultra-tight and anisotropic Goldwyer gas shales by integrating field appraisal, laboratory deformation and ultrasonic testing, viscoelastic modelling, and hydraulic fracture simulation. The outcome of this work addresses few of the practical challenges in unconventional reservoirs including but not limited to (i) microstructure & compositional control on rock mechanical properties, (ii) robust estimation of elastic anisotropy, (iii) viscous stress relaxation to predict the least principal stress Shmin at depth from creep, (iv) influence of specific surface area on creep, and (v) impact of stress layering on hydraulic fracturing design

    Controlling realism and uncertainty in reservoir models using intelligent sedimentological prior information

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    Forecasting reservoir production has a large associated uncertainty, since this is the final part of a very complex process, this process is based on sparse and indirect data measurements. One the methodologies used in the oil industry to predict reservoir production is based on the Baye’s theorem. Baye’s theorem applied to reservoir forecasting, samples parameters from a prior understanding of the uncertainty to generate reservoir models and updates this prior information by comparing reservoir production data with model production response. In automatic history matching it is challenging to generate reservoir models that preserve geological realism (obtain reservoir models with geological features that have been seen in nature). One way to control the geological realism in reservoir models is by controlling the realism of the geological prior information. The aim of this thesis is to encapsulate sedimentological information in order to build prior information that can control the geological realism of the history-matched models. This “intelligent” prior information is introduced into the automatic history-matching framework rejecting geologically unrealistic reservoir models. Machine Learning Techniques (MLT) were used to build realistic sedimentological prior information models. Another goal of this thesis was to include geological parameters into the automatic history-match framework that have an impact on reservoir model performance: vertical variation of facies proportions, connectivity of geobodies, and the use of multiple training images as a source of realistic sedimentological prior information. The main outcome of this thesis is that the use of “intelligent” sedimentological prior information guarantees the realism of reservoir models and reduces computing time and uncertainty in reservoir production prediction