41 research outputs found

    Analisis Bahaya Banjir Sungai Bone-Bone dengan Metode Geographical Information Sistem (GIS) Pada Daerah Bantimurung Kecamatan Bone-Bone Kabupaten Luwu Utara Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan: Flood Hazards Analysis of the Bone-Bone River with Geographical Information System Method (GIS) in Bantimurung Area, Bone-Bone District, North Luwu Regency South Sulawesi Province

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    ABSTRACT The research area is included in the Malili Sheet, located in the Bone-Bone River Sub-watershed, Bantimurung District, Bone–Bone District, Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi Province with coordinates 120o29'00” east longitude – 120°34'00” east longitude and 2°30'00 “LS – 2°37'00” South. In general, this study aims to determine the causes of flood hazards by using the field survey method and data management with geographic information systems (GIS), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) weighting, and potential flooding in the research area. The parameters used in making the map are slope maps, elevation maps, land use maps, distance maps to rivers, and rainfall maps. The results of the flood hazard map showed the highest hazard level of 7.32% of the research area or 5.56 km2. But the map is dominated by a low hazard level of 73.01% of the total area of 55.49 km2. Based on field observations, several factors that can cause flooding at the research location are the results of landslides in the river body, which can cause river silting.   ABSTRAK Daerah penelitian termasuk dalam Lembar Malili yang terletak di Sub-DAS Sungai Bone-Bone, Kecamatan Bantimurung, Kabupaten Bone-Bone, Kabupaten Luwu, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan dengan koordinat 120o29'00” BT – 120°34'00” Bujur Timur dan 2°30'00 “LS – 2°37'00” Selatan. Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab bahaya banjir dengan menggunakan metode survei lapangan dan pengelolaan data dengan geographic information systems (GIS), pembobotan AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) dan potensi banjir di daerah penelitian. Parameter yang digunakan dalam pembuatan peta adalah peta kemiringan lereng, peta elevasi, peta tata guna lahan, peta jarak ke sungai, dan peta curah hujan. Hasil peta kerawanan banjir menunjukkan tingkat kerawanan tertinggi sebesar 7,32% dari luas daerah penelitian atau 5,56 km2. Tetapi peta tersebut didominasi oleh tingkat bahaya rendah sebesar 73,01% dari luas total 55,49 km2. Berdasarkan observasi lapangan, beberapa faktor yang dapat menyebabkan banjir di lokasi penelitian adalah akibat longsoran di badan sungai yang dapat menyebabkan pendangkalan sungai

    Land Use Compatibility Assessment Using a Mdified Topsis Model: a Case Study of Elementary Schools in Tehran

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    Being one of the most controversial issues in urban planning, land use planning has always been in the focus of researches. Land use planning is a subdivision of urban planning which tends to arrange land uses in order to avoid conflicts among them. In order to achieve a transparent and effective urban planning, land uses should be located and allocated in an ideal situation so that avoid negative impacts from neighbouring parcels and land uses. Neighbouring land uses can produce externalities and negative impacts on other land uses because of inter-land use interaction. These externalities may be undesirable effects such as noise, air and visual pollution or may be caused by hazardous facilities. The main objective of this research is to propose a new multi-criteria evaluation model for land use compatibility assessment. Considering the fact that a considerable number of factors affect the compatibility degree of neighbouring land uses, a multi-criteria evaluation approach is employed to address the aforementioned problem. This research employs the integration of Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) methods to facilitate land use compatibility evaluation with respect to optimism degree. The applicability of the proposed model is illustrated by the problem of land use compatibility assessment for elementary schools in Tehran. The results indicate that most of the current schools are situated in a location which is incompatible for the land use type of elementary school especially in the southern and central parts of the city

    A review on fuzzy multi-criteria decision making land clearing for oil palm plantation

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    Our review paper research categorize the methods in the method of Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM) to find the method is widely used in the case of land clearing for plantation. Model FMCDM is used to assess the parameter in multi-criteria-based decision making. The dominant percentage of the result was obtained using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method. While the application of other methods for the same problem are Fuzzy Ordered Weighted Averaging (FOWA), Fuzzy Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realite or Elimination and Choice Translating Reality (FELECTRE), Fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (FTOPSIS), Fuzzy, Artificial Neural Networks (FANNs) has less. Some the research result also implemented hybrid in FMCDM Method to give some weight in the assessment of decision making. There was also a paper which integrates FMCDM to the GIS method on the land clearing. Therefore, it is concluded that the issue on the land clearing can be done through collaboration of several models of FMCDM, so that it can be developed by involving the decision model using multi-stakeholder mode

    A GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysis approach for public school site selection in Surabaya, Indonesia

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    Surabaya is one of the old cities of Indonesia and has been inhabited since the Colonial era. It has been continuously growing until today leading to expansion of its area to the south, east, and west. Unfortunately, it has not been supported by the addition of new public schools, particularly at the secondary and high school levels. This research aimed to help the government by determining the suitability level of the whole area of the city for locating a new school and for evaluating current school locations. This research proposed six spatial factors: administration, population, transportation, land-use, student flow, and public preferences. Each factor was represented as raster file built from primary and secondary tabular and spatial data. Each factor then was weighted from the multi-criteria decision analysis step using the analytical hierarchy process method. The results show recommended and non-recommended areas in Surabaya for locating a new school building. This research integrated GIS analysis, web-GIS application, public participation, and MCDA to identify the best solution for this case

    Integrated Framework for Inclusive Town Planning Using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Method for a Semi Urban Town

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    Planning is a continuous process and must incorporate a regular evaluation of implementation and further revision for effective and efficient utility for the betterment of society through modification of the planning standards. Development plans for cities / towns are criticized for being rigid and static, having little regard for investment planning efforts, and taking a very long time in the process of formulation and approval. In depth analysis and review of the existing situation, covering the demographic, economic, financial, infrastructure, physical, environmental, and institutional aspects, is important so as to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the city overall development. In the present study, an attempt has been made to thoroughly review the existing planning standards adopted for the preparation and implementation of development plans in India, especially in Maharashtra. Since the development plan's objectives are not measurable, this study will use the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to assess their level of performance. For the purpose of identifying the various viewpoints of various stakeholders, field surveys and questionnaire surveys were conducted. This application can be used as an objective evaluation tool for planners and policy makers to improve planning practices and provide necessary knowledge for revising plans. The results indicated the importance of criteria from the pre-planning, preparation, and implementation stages of DP. These results were used for two semi-urban towns in Maharashtra regions and could also be used by planning engineers for further development of planning standards. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-12-07 Full Text: PD

    Site Selection for Hazardous Waste Using FuzzyLogic Combined With Analytic Hierarchy Process: ACase study in Nahavand, Iran

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    Hazardous wastes include various types of chemicals and other wastes generated from industrialand other sources. Because of the complexity of waste management systems, the selection of theappropriate solid waste landfill site requires consideration of multiple alternative solutions andevaluation criteria. This paper investigated the utilization of the fuzzy logic in combination withAnalytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique by applying GIS and IDRISI programming for choosinghazardous waste landfill site in Nahavand, Iran. Based on the real conditions of the study area, weconsidered economic, biological and topographical factors (12 criteria). The candidate sites weredetermined based on the criteria weights. The best location was determined via the fuzzy logic andthe AHP methods. This study found that the combination of fuzzy logic and the AHP method was thebest option for selecting a site for hazardous waste landfill. In the end, 6 suitable areas were selectedfor a hazardous waste landfill in the city. This study verified that the combination of the AHP methodwith fuzzy logic using GIS in our project is a powerful tool for solid waste landfill site selection

    Assessment of the Compatibility of Abattoir and Residential Land Uses in Jos Metropolis, Nigeria

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    This paper assesses the compatibility of abattoir and residential land uses in Jos metropolis, Nigeria by examining the spatial locations of abattoirs, and determining and examining the level of compliance of the abattoirs with the requirements for their establishment. The targeted households considered reside between 1 and 200 meters away from the abattoirs. A systematic sampling technique was employed to select 220 respondents from an estimated 2200 household heads to form the sampled population. The instruments of data collection were questionnaires, satellite images, ArcGIS, physical observation, GPS device and camera. The Data collected were both qualitative and quantitative. Data were analysed using multiple analytical methods and presented in figure and plates. The study revealed that, major abattoirs (Giring and Bukuru) existed on site before residential buildings swamped the areas. Gyel and Yanshanu abattoirs sprang up immediately after the Jos civil unrest in residential areas despite their incompatibility. The results revealed that all the all the Abattoirs did not follow the standard for siting as they were located within residential areas. Twenty-seven (27%) of the houses are (200m) away with 44% of the residents having spent more than 16 years in the neighborhoods; 85% experienced disturbing smell in their environment as the predominant pollution is air pollution, this was attested by 46%. The fact that the abattoirs are located within residential neighborhoods shows clearly their incompatibility. Based on the results obtained, recommendations were made and a framework developed for a specific spatial location and operation of abattoirs within permissible radius to provide information for policy makers, practitioners and the academia.

    Path Selection using Fuzzy Weight Aggregated Sum Product Assessment

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    The search for safe evacuation routes is an important issue to save flood victims so they can reach the evacuation centre. This research is a simulation of searching for safe and fast travel evacuation route that have 24 alternative routes. Every road that will be transverse has a limit with certain criteria. Calculate of the weight of the constraints using the Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) method, namely the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) andWeight Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) based on Fuzzy logic. The criteria of obstacle that qualitative for obscurity so that it makes sense fuzzy will provide supportive input for the MCDM problem. The Fuzzy AHP method is applied to calculate the weight of an application while the Fuzzy WASPAS (WASPAS-F)method is used to determine the safest alternative route. By using the Fuzzy AHP and WASPAS-F methods, a safe and fast pathway weights 0.66

    Land evaluation of recreation and ecotourism services using multi-criteria evaluation process : a case study of Aswan City, Egypt

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    Land suitability of Recreation and Ecotourism (RE) is the process of predicting the potential use of land on the basis of its attributes. Decisions on land use have always been part of the evolution of human society. The integration of this GIS using the multicriteria decision analysis approach provides an environment to the decision-makers in citing areas using land suitability analysis procedures. The present study aims at evaluating the land use suitability for Recreation and Ecotourism development in the rural–urban in Aswan city-Egypt. This is achieved by using the GIS-based Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (GIS-MCDA) on twelve various economic, environmental and urban criteria This study was carried out within the framework of an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) as a multi-criteria evaluation approach by integrating it with the Geographic Information System (GIS). Hence, based on the analysis and findings made in this research, finding suitable locations using the land suitability model for future recreation and ecotourism development is highly helpful. Results can be useful in the planning of public facilities and future land use planning in Aswan city

    ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS (AHP) PARA AUXÍLIO A TOMADA DE DECISÕES EM LOGÍSTICA: UM PANORAMA BIBLIOMÉTRICO: Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to aid decision making in logistics: a bibliometric overview

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    The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) has been studied extensively in the literature for the past 50 years. This can be explained by the flexibility and extensive applicability of this method, something that allows for different reflections, paths and points of view. At the time this paper was written, there was no bibliometric analysis on the state of the art of how criteria are being defined and measured in the use of AHP to aid decision making in logistics. Therefore, we carried out a review in the Web of Science (WoS) database, using applied research articles, published between 1970 and 2020. Aspects such as citation, co-citation and publication structure were used to organize the realization of the estimation of literary evolution with use of the Zotero software. Later, we used the VOSviewer software to map cocitation and co-occurrence. The results suggest a gradual increase in citation and publication structure, in addition to hybrid uses and applications, highlighting AHP as an important element for academia and for the advancement of knowledge. Consequently, this work cooperates with science by identifying practices in the use of AHP in logistics, supporting different stakeholders in the subject to understand different paths and approaches present in the literature.El Proceso de Jerarquía Analítica (AHP) se ha estudiado extensamente en la literatura durante los últimos 50 años. Esto se puede explicar por la flexibilidad y amplia aplicabilidad de este método, algo que permite diferentes reflexiones, trayectorias y puntos de vista. En el momento en que se redactó este artículo, no existía un análisis bibliométrico sobre el estado del arte de cómo se definen y miden los criterios en el uso de AHP para ayudar a la toma de decisiones en logística. Por ello, realizamos una revisión en la base de datos de Web of Science (WoS), utilizando artículos de investigación aplicada, publicados entre 1970 y 2020. Se utilizaron aspectos como citación, co-citación y estructura de publicación para organizar la realización de la estimación de los valores literarios. evolución con el uso del software Zotero. Más tarde, usamos el software VOSviewer para mapear la co-ocurrencia y la co-ocurrencia. Los resultados sugieren un incremento gradual en la estructura de citas y publicaciones, además de usos y aplicaciones híbridas, destacando el AHP como un elemento importante para la academia y para el avance del conocimiento. En consecuencia, este trabajo colabora con la ciencia identificando prácticas en el uso de AHP en logística, apoyando a diferentes actores del tema para comprender diferentes caminos y enfoques presentes en la literatura.O Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) têm sido estudado amplamente na literatura nos últimos 50 anos. Isto pode ser explicado devido a flexibilidade e extensa aplicabilidade desse método, algo que permite diferentes reflexões, caminhos e pontos de vista. No momento em que este trabalho foi escrito, não havia uma análise bibliométrica sobre o estado da arte de como critérios estão sendo definidos e mensurados no uso do AHP para auxílio a tomada de decisões em logística. Por isso, realizamos uma revisão na base de dados Web of Science (WoS), utilizando artigos de pesquisa aplicada, publicados entre 1970 e 2020. Aspectos como citação, cocitação e estrutura de publicação foram usados para organizar a realização da estima da evolução literária com uso do software Zotero. Posteriormente, utilizamos o software VOSviewer para mapear cocitação e coocorrência. Os resultados sugerem um aumento gradual na estrutura de citação e publicação, além de usos e aplicações híbridas, destacando o AHP como um importante elemento para a academia e, para o avanço do conhecimento. Consequentemente, este trabalho coopera com a ciência ao identificar práticas de uso do AHP em logística, amparando diferentes interessados no tema a compreender diversos caminhos e enfoques presentes na literatura